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Author Topic: Letters Home - Robin Macaw  (Read 414 times)


Letters Home - Robin Macaw
« on: March 11, 2012, 02:14:58 pm »
*the entire journal entry is written in Elvish in a loopy cursive*


Leaving Voltrex was hard.  Every day I miss it.  I don't think I could have done it, even for the elders had Jumbala and Leo not come with me.  The three of us are coming along in our training.  We have found several places where undead are known to be, but not the source for those undead let alone the source for all undead.  

Leo has learned to use nature to shift his body into a myriad of shapes.  Jumbala and I remain on similar paths for our ability to channel the energy into helpful spells.  I even found myself explaining a bit on how to channel it to an elf I met.  She was new to it.  Her connection was strong, but her channeling abilities needed work.  Can you actually believe that I was advising someone to meditate?  I almost laughed at myself after all those times the elders told me I had to and I complained about it.

Our skills in our various crafts are improving, though to be honest Jumbala is slacking a bit in his efforts.  I am able to make healing potions now, if I can buy holy waters from someone.  I'm improving slowly.  Leo seems to be a natural at making stones pretty.  I definitely won't be a girl without jewelry if Leo remains on his current path.

Jumbala routinely tells me that I am rude to those we come in contact with, but I think it is more that I have a difficult time adjusting to the various races that are constantly surrounding me here.  The stench of some, the horrid accents of others, and simply being forced to speak in common so much of the time are major adjustments to me.  Even the other elves aren't all worth the time it takes to speak to them.  I'm told some even befriend dark ones.  This is a place I hope you never have need to come to.

I have met only one other Wood Elf since we left Voltrex.  To be honest, he is not a very good Wood Elf either.  I mean, he is good, but he is not very good at all the things that are common amongst our kind.  He can't climb a tree, he has blond hair, and he didn't follow the path of either balance or Folian.  He believes in the Al'Noth.  He actually thinks his magic is pulled from a mystical Al'Noth and that deities exist.  I explain to him my view that nature provides all the magic.  People pull it from nature and call it by different names, learn to wield it in different ways, but that all the magic is actually energy from nature.  Even the clerics pull from the same source, they just believe the diety exists.  He said that he thought my views were interesting and would think on them.  I do believe he will think on it, but not change his opinion.  He happens to be one of those who believe in a diety and those people tend to be a bit fanatical in their beliefs.  

With that said, I think I might be dating that Wood Elf dad.  His name is Eghaas Treebringer.  His family doesn't come from Voltrex, he instead hails from Dregar.  I can hear you now father, don't start panicking.  We are just exploring the world together and enjoying each others' company.   Jumbala and Leo approve, so that should calm your reactions some.  Don't forget that I so have my brothers with me.  He tends to have no problems telling the truth when asked a direct question, whether it would be a comfortable question to answer or not.  I like that about him.  We shall see father.  

I will send you word when there is more to say.




Re: Letters Home - Robin Macaw
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2012, 12:46:40 am »

Hopefully dad relayed to you when I wrote to him last that I am doing well enough.  I miss you tons.  I have yet to find a single female here that I can talk to.  It figures that my life gets interesting on the man front when I am so alone.  It isn't like I'm going to talk about men with Jumbala or Leo.  Can you just picture that?  *smiley face drawn in*

Eghaas is a Wood Elf, so you would approve, but he is different.  He can't climb trees, he's blond, he doesn't follow Folian (he actually follows Aeriden), and he actually thinks he is calling from the Al'Noth for his magic instead of nature.  Despite all that though, he is a good elf if not a typical Wood Elf.  I actually am just grateful to have found him so that I have a friend outside Voltrex that isn't Jum or Leo.

I feel silly writing to you about a guy.  I'm barely old enough to even be worrying about men and yet I find myself going to exotic, beautiful places with him.  He tells me how great I am, which is a little hard to believe coming from him.  

He seems to care about me, but doesn't want me.  It's a strange place to be.  When we are alone, he's constantly kissing my forehead and holding my hand.  I guess part of me is wondering if ... well if he likes me but I'm not good enough in his eyes for public for some reason.  

He's honest.  He said he doesn't want a relationship.  So this pain I'm trying to hold at bay is my own fault for wanting more from someone who made it clear what they do and don't want.

Maybe I'm just misreading things because I am young and haven't done the relationship thing before.  Maybe there is something obvious there that I should see and don't because I don't know what to look for.

I wish you were hear to slap me upside the back of the head for letting a guy make me second guess myself.  I think I was doing a bit better, but there is an Ilsarian elf who traveled with Eghaas and I recently and he asked me what was wrong, so I gave him the brief answer.  He actually said that I had to figure out where I stood in liking/loving Eghaas before I did anything else.  He said Eghaas might just not think me good enough.  That was tough to swallow (the not good enough part, not the liking loving part).  I know I'm still very young.  Who knows at my age and this soon into.. well, not a relationship.. into a friendship what they heck the future might hold?  I think the Ilsarian just made me feel worse and confused me more.  

I can hear you in my head now telling me to ignore the Ilsarian and do whatever feels right.  Nothing feels right out here though.  I do miss home so much.  I miss you very much.

Thank you for letting me babble to you about an elf or two you've never met and talk through my troubles.  I feel better actually.  I hope everything is good for you back home.  Has your beau made any steps?

Write me Emma.

Love you,



Re: Letters Home - Robin Macaw
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2012, 05:19:58 pm »

More news of the best girl friend kind.  I have to say that I haven't gotten a whole lot done on the search for the source of undead since my last letter to you, but I have done a little more training and made new connections with people that I might be able to obtain help from when the time comes to destroy the undead.  The people here are strange, but for the most part at least they agree that undead should be destroyed.

I seem to have a problem where people don't see me.  It is a rather odd problem, as you know me... I rarely keep my opinion to myself.  I actually had one conversation with some Captain of his faith where I spoke to him and he would reply to Eghaas (who was standing next to me).  It was some sort of strange three way conversation.  A few weeks later, another man didn't see me sitting in plain sight next to Eghaas.  I can't decide if I'm just getting really good at hiding or if I am just so plain next to Eghaas that others can't see past him.  In any case, we'll see if this is a situation that repeats itself.

As for Eghaas, I can at least update you enough to say that the Ilsarian was very wrong.  I'm not sure what to call us, but I know the Ilsarian was wrong.  You'd think an Ilsarian could spot things like that, right?  Guess not.  

There is a famine going on here, but I am unsure as to the source at this time.  Nature is still providing for Jum, Leo and I.  

Tell my dad and brother that I love them.



Re: Letters Home - Robin Macaw
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2012, 10:57:21 am »

All is well here, or as well as it can be outside of Voltrex.  I fight undead every time I can find it.  My boyfriend is an Aerdinite, so he is helpful in his ability to destroy undead.  Jumbala is getting better at making arrows for us.  Leo is doing well.  

Sorry this is so short, but there isn't a lot to report on.



Eghaas admitted he loved me and that I am his girlfriend.  I am still unsure of where this is all going.  We've been dating for years now and I haven't gotten him to let his guard down enough to truly kiss me.  Like truly mean it kind of kiss.  He does think I'm smart and beautiful and blah blah blah.  Guess we will see how that goes.

I actually tried flirting today.  It didn't work well.  Guess that is what I get for trying to be something I'm not.  

I did make one other friend.. I think.  A Wild Elf.  He's.. odd, but he at least acts like a real elf.  That is in short supply out here, outside Voltrex.  

More letters later Emma.
