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Author Topic: Notes of Belken Blackbow  (Read 284 times)


Notes of Belken Blackbow
« on: May 19, 2010, 03:16:13 am »
I have travelled to the lands of these so called, adventures. I have travelled with some of them.... some of them are alright, they like all the animals in the forest, even the trees aswell. But I see some others killing animals for fun and sport, and cutting down trees to make their fires... They make me so angry. I want them to pay, pay for what they have done and will do. This is why I train, so I can find them once more, and when I do... they will suffer.

I have found a person to help me train, he shows me how to fight, his name is Dog. Heis not a very good teacher, but I watch him fight so I know where to strike hard. But I think I will have to find a new teacher soon. This one likes to to kill animals for fun and sport, when I become stronger... I will have him at my knees.


Re: Notes of Belken Blackbow
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2010, 03:45:11 am »
I feel myself getting a little bit stronger every passing week. But I know i still have a long way to go. I have killed gaints and goblins. It makes me happy to see them suffer and die. I once shot an arrow into a goblins eye... it ran around in a circle before collapsing to the ground with it's feet twitching. I have not been killing these alone however.

I have found others to go with, A dwarf named Gladyus, he told me that he could help, and would talk to me about some certain things. But for him to tell me more I need to find who his, associate is. I am looking around for him or she, this corrupted world is very large. But I think I am almost there.

I also continue to see others wonder into the forests then come out again covered in animal blood. There are so many people of all different races going in there. It makes me very very angry. I followed a group onve and they killed a fat boar for fun, and just left it there. Where I came from, that boar could feed a family for around 2 weeks!
I keep these thoughts in my mind to make me train harder. The harder I train, the closer i get to my goal. To stop people hurting the forests and make them pay!

