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Author Topic: Stranded  (Read 263 times)


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« on: October 06, 2004, 07:04:00 am »
It all started innocent enough, a simple hunting party. It consisted of Corum, Elixir, Hargranar, Aleister,Suannusala,and myself Raven. We had heard of a renegade tribe of minotaurs on Dragon Isles and went to investigate. We traveled to Valensk where we could secure passage to the Isles. The trip to the Isles was quick, but still did not quiet the constant banter that comes with boats and dwarves.  After searching the forests we found thier cave nestled over a rise on a small plateau. We rested on the other side where we could watch the entrance and waited. At sunset we saw the brutes. Three large groups moved off in different directions, we thought it best to await thier return and surprise them when they rest.
  At dawn they returned, a few members short and a little beaten. We waited for 2 hours before entering the cave. The first few chambers were quick battles and no one was hurt. Upon further exploration a tunnel leading down was discovered and we descended into darkness. Our first real test came at a bridge crossing, where we fought a pitched battle. After we fought them off and gained some ground more came streaming from a tunnel on our right. This group proved to be a challenge for with them traveled a shaman. The battle was fierce, our side suffered some injury but with our combined uses of magic, ranged and close combat we were victorious. We ventured deeper and found a large band with 2 shamans. This we figured was the leaders chamber.
We set up an ambush point and lured them out. What a slaughter, they weren't expectin that I suppose. The shamans fell to the combined use of magic and bows, while the rest were taken on by sword and axe. After the a thorough search of the caves we descided it was time to go.
  On our way back to the surface we encountered a timid looking, dark haired lass. She said her name was Matilda and if she could accompany us out. She spoke as if frightened to say anything, stumbling over her words. We made it out with no encounters and rested. We discussed our plans outside the cave and descided to explore the forest a little more.
  When we crested the hill near the cave our eyes fell upon a small fairie dragon, and we tried to get closer. As we approached it it took flight and sped into the trees. We thought we were the cause of this, but then a terrible ripping sound pierced the stillness. The very trees themselves were uprooting and advanceing on us. The battle was hard fought and we soon realized we needed to retreat. A small boat was tied near where we were and we piled in and shoved off.
  We soon reached another shore, this one mountainous with patches of woodland. We made camp and agreed to explore this area once we were rested. Treking through the mountains we encountered a group of giants. The stones were so many it was like rain from the sky. I was crushed beneath the weight of one of these stones and was seriously injured. If it wasn't for the healing from Matilda I would surely have died.
  After further exploration we found a glade that had a crystal protruding from the ground. It emited a great aurua of power and magic. Beyond the crystal we could go no further. Small islands of land seemed to float in the air, while rope bridges could be seen in the distance. Strange symbols were etched into plaques on the ground and we could not descipher them.
  Alas it was time to head back. We had been out for a few days and our supplies were running low. Our return trip was uneventful until we reached a forest clearing and disturbed what seemed to be a slaad ritual of some kind. This battle proved our undoing. Corum, Elixir, and Hargranar were to fall here. After a pitched battle, mostly fought by spell, we were triumphant. Matilda was able to call upon her God and grant life to Elixir and Corum. But poor Hargranar was to far gone, we could only hope his God was watching and sped his soul away.
  We took our time after that watching and creeping not wanting another battle. We almost made it, if it would not have been for the keen sence of smell the owlbears had. We fought one in the forest while Corum was chased to the shore. The dock clerk and the ship captain tried to aid him and were killed by the abomination.
  So we sit and wait. The ship was still tied to port but with no skilled boatmen among us we could only hope another would come. We rested and bandaged our wounds and thought of our fallen friend. Alas it was three days before another ship came to the Isles, good thing to as our supplies were almost depleted.
  Heed this my friends--Leading things away, although ment for good reason, can have disaterous results.

