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Author Topic: Strogar of Bear-Claws  (Read 69 times)

Black Cat

Strogar of Bear-Claws
« on: September 18, 2006, 12:54:09 am »
//this is not a written journal as such, Strogar can't write, it's more a memory kind of thing (hard to explain really), hence it will be written in fluent common(english). (It is so in order for me to not forget my english. Don't want to begin to write RL english like I have Strogar speak. *grins*). No dates will be given, and things might not follow a chronological order, afterall the mind isn't always well ordered and chronological//

I followed Ragar to a place called Hlint, but I lost him for a while. He said he has to look for his brother and sister, so I waited for him in Hlint for several days. But the first Bear-claw I saw again was not him, but my other cousin, Sorus the sleepy. We went on adventuring while waiting for Ragar and Tora.

Ragar is back now, but Tora is still missing and we are beginning to worry. My cousins say they fear she has return to her old ways.

We did several jobs for the people in Hlint and around and put some undead to rest though they keep coming back.

The people around her don't know much. They kept asking me about my Kilt, does I ask them about their trousers, No!!

I met others Nature's children, one is a daughter called Falon, the other is Caius, a son like me, though he likes water and ocean better than Forests. I went with him and others into a dark and damp places called a mine, near a place called Haven. But at to fought lots of ogres there.

I traveled with Sorus a bit lately. But I miss my long walks in the wild with Ragar. I learnt to better focus nature's energies and is now able to call the power of the sky to help me as well as change into numerous animal forms. We are working well together Sorus and I, but I wish for the whole family to get together.

We found a treasure too, 500 shinies, after Ragar picked up a piece of parchment on the ground which was actually a map.

Black Cat

Re: Strogar of Bear-Claws
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2006, 11:44:56 am »
Tora's back. She has been missing for a bit but we are finally all together. We had a few adventures together yet. We tried to go back to the mine in Haven but were beaten back by the ogres.

We also went to Rilara to deliver a bunch of letters to Borden the farmer. He has lost his cow but we weren't able to find it yet. We've been in the moors a lot.

Sorus has me worried. He uses a magic I feel is not good, I feel it's the same magic that makes deads walk again and I really don't like that. I feel it's not evil really, just bad. I don't like it and I'll need to watch him a bit more closely. Also Tora seems to like killing a bit too much. I had to scowl her after she went after a pack of wolves.

//notes to self, don't forget to write about the Underground Wars serie (won't right now due to time bubble thingy)

