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Author Topic: Conversations in the Barley Fields  (Read 67 times)


Conversations in the Barley Fields
« on: September 18, 2006, 05:26:38 pm »
Maple sits comfortably amidst the barley fields in Hlint, her dirty apron placed before her, as her toes dig under the comfortable earth she so lovingly tends to. Frowning upwards towards the darkened skies, she renews the lights around poles stuck on the edges of the field, necessity creating whatever new means to feed those around her.  
  Are you planning to keep up the gloomy mood for long? We seriously need for some bright rays here!
  She addresses no one in particular, shaking her fists to the skies, the Priestess seemingly addresses her goddess, the farmers around her used to her constant bantering simply smile as they too work the fields. The recent addition of this Lucky Clover to their daily struggle against the changing weather, a welcomed one in many aspects.
  I suppose you're doing the whole stout and survival thing. We're not dwarves here! So don't get too crazy with the gray! At least there is a greater need for us now. Not that there wasn't before of course. Right Joe! She addresses one of the regular farmers who simply grins and tips his tweed hat towards Maple. See! Joe agrees!
  The small Priestess of the Hearth opens a small wrapped up bundle in cloths, an intoxicating aroma spreading around the fields as in a resonating melody many farmer bellies grumble and complain for being too far away from the source of whatever godsend thing is creating it. Maple giggles as she hears all the hungry stomachs and begins cutting and slicing the breads and roasts she prepared for them all today.
  You know what I noticed Pruni. There doesn't seem to be that many healers around anymore. Well you know! The ones that do the whole wandering thing and end up in places where things don't grow properly and all that. You think we can get a few more around here? I can't really take care of so many!
  Silence is only interrupted by the sounds of clinking sickles and scythes as they are placed to the side. The hungry farmers heading to the Lucky Clover for their mid-day break.
  Fine fine... I'll take care of them. You think maybe we can work a deal on the ones that tend to munch on too much soil? Those bindstones are really icky, I mean nothing natural must have made them! Rather just get them back through earth and grass. Not being pushy or anything! Just saying...!
  The line formed before her quickly fills as she happily serves the meals to those around her. Her races' natural grace able to toss plates and wraps with ease and always offering a smile to the many faces around the fields, addressing them all by name and asking sporadic questions about their families.
  Thanks for everything though...  She squints to the skies and smiles, her green eyes lighting up with the small rays of sun that manage to sneak through the dark clouds.
  The day carries on, farmers saying their goodbyes for the day when the sun begins to fall, tools are set aside as all the farm animals are led to their stables. A small figure finding a cosy spot of earth and settling comfortably for the night.