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Author Topic: T'orroc's book  (Read 533 times)


T'orroc's book
« on: June 14, 2009, 10:07:10 pm »
After my freedom i had to work, the trues i had left barely covered my new armour and weapon and any food and healing supplies i needed. Working the sewer problem was at first slow, them blasted rats are bigger than what i expected, snf there was even a fishman..all green and scaly. After a few tries i finally carved him into fillets. I have grown with the Al'noth of my decendants, and my voice, still broken has gave me focus, and thus hardens my resolve to prevail in combat. I still not dare using it for my advantage, as im scared my focus isnt up to scratch and i dont wish my friends, when i do get some to be harmed by me. Hopefully soon i can master it to bring fear and pain to my foes, only time and practise will tell...


Re: T'orroc's book
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2009, 12:18:06 pm »
While travelling today, i met a group of people at Dalanthar. Asking around i found out that they are delving deep in the ground in search of rare minerals and possibly ore. Being of a curious sort, i thought id lend a hand, as some of these people i was with sure seemed to know what they were on about. Well gettin past the nasty spiders, giant giants, and a water thingyabob..we finally came to one of our destinations, would you believe it, diamonds! But alas the joy was sorely overlooked, for a faint rustle in the caves indicated we were not alone. True enough, we were desended by dark elves! bloody hell, my first dark elf ive seen and we have to hack it.. Well....
          I could not that bastards, no matter how i tried, i failed miserly, some sort of magics i rekon, so i aided my fellows with a chorus of valor and glory, tho i dont know if my pitch was right, as the dark elves were more annoyed at my singing, some even covered their this a power i can weild, to burst ones hearing? I wish i had more time down there to see how more of my song worked against them, but a really nasty spell took that away from me. Some lone darf elf mage, hiding behind a wall suprised us..before i saw darkness, i saw the good dwarf buddy tenker fall, i dont know what happened to the others, it all went blank, and next thing i know im back in  Hlint....The gods work in mysterious ways. I was thnk by a doctor who was with us, he said my voice aided them all, i dont know if it inspired them, or just really irritated the dark elves so they loose focus?..will the mystery ever be unsolved???


Re: T'orroc's book
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2009, 12:27:09 pm »
I met a man with spiky head today, the name was cardin, nice chap. He took me to prantz to meet up with some friends of his. Dan the dwarf was there, he was another who was in the rift with i, happy he made it out..well as we were heading towards the ore hills, bright shining light decended from the heavens, and as they entered the atmosphere they ended up being a big fireball thingy, i dont know what more to say on it. As we were discussing if we should examine it or not were were besieged by firey elementals from the burning sinking hole where thei fireball hit. the first wave were quite easy, but the next and the next and the next were not, glad dan was their. he cut through them, of course i was giving him a ballard for morale. As we thought it was over two masive winged firery beast emerged...they spoke briefly about this place will do or something like that..then one left. We caught the eyes of the other one, and to prove his point on how powerful he was, he pointed a finger at dan, and he DIED! just like that..Luckily after this creature left, dan's brother came and brought him back from the depths of wherever, hes ok now....but boy oh boy, if there creatures are coming, we really better get into shape!!!!


Re: T'orroc's book
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2009, 10:54:37 am »
todays travels was full of adventure, first i met a man who calls himself only as candleman, i can see why, his skin looks melted just like a candle, he carrys his lifescars with a little remorse i believe. i took him around the outskirts of hlint for awhile untill we bumped into Dan. With dan we ventured into the haven mines, all was well until a few good blows brought me to the soul mothers domain, but luckily forme she didnt want any part of me today and i awoke in hlint. After a few hours to recooperate from that mess i met cardin again, and with him and candleman, and two others i cannotreall at this time we travelled to the dragon isles. My voice was strong this eve as i bolstered my own endeavours and made more than a few minotaurs and even gargoyles recoil in dread. I can feel my voice gettin stronger too...not a powerful singing voice that many bards and entertainers have but a more bloodcurling cry, sheesh sometimes it scares me that i can bring such agony with a simple scream....hopefully i could meet someone to teach me the fundelmentals of such a skill, now that would be grand..


Re: T'orroc's book
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2009, 01:23:17 am »
After spending a couple hundred trues in various inn and tavern around mistone i found information about some barbaric tribes to the north. Here some are called skalds, they use there rage as a focal point for the abilities, something ive been longing to control. So i head of to Fort vehl to gather some travelling gear in preperation to my new journey when i heard a most beautiful melody coming from the streambank of the crossroads. As i investigated the owner of this voice i found her, stark naked wading in the shallow water.
       I rustled the few bushes around me to let her know someone was coming, but she only looked towards my hiding place and continued to do whatever she was doing, so i stepped forwards so she could see me.
       Her name that she gave me was Sil. We talked awhile and finally she got dressed. I told her of my plans to head to the northen islands of Krashin in hopes of finding these skalds, she inquired on why, so i told her about my parents and the horrid carnival. After awhile we went for a walk when we bumped into a small bugbear campsite. As i waded in with my sword to bring death to them she wailed and they fled! Alas i realised she is one of the ones i was trying to find. Luckily for me it didnt involve travelling by sea or gettin cold.
      Sil has now taken me in for training to become one with my emotions, a skald...our first training session took us toe to toe with some giants, my bellows were strong and fierce and they wavered. Hopefully with her tutorlage i can finally use my rage and anger i carry with me for a better purpose.


Re: T'orroc's book
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2009, 12:43:51 am »
It has been four long years since i saw my teacher Sil, but today i finally saw her. After a few training sessions with her i had to urge to find these tribes in Krashin, so i packed what i needed and took a ship to the northern islands.
    Apon arriving, i found information on a group of nomadic barbarians who boasted they had these skald traits and hired a guide to lead me there, a month after that we reached the cold mountainous region where they were camped. For almost four years i travelled with them, earning my keep by hunting and gathering with them, and in return i was taught how to let my emotions flow through me, through my body mind and soul. They taught me how to focus my rage and bring it out through the power of my songs. Building such rage and anger inside of you untill you can almost feel it ready to explode, like a volcanic eruption of fire and stomache acid..and at the pinnacle of the eruption you let it flow through you..the feeling is, quite overwhelming at first, i shook with fear at that power, but once harnessed, it can be quite rewarding..
     I envy these barbarian people tho, while i sit here near the fire pyre and watch them eat drink dance and sing, i know i cannot bring  ballard as they do, as my laryngs are disfigured within, but alas i can use it to great acomplishment in the field which i train for....Mother, Father...i will become one, and make you proud of me, and i know you watch over me from whatever star you reside on.


Re: T'orroc's book
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2009, 12:49:11 am »
Seeing sil again brightened my day, especially all i was gathering was resources i could barter with with a guild for items, taking a break from that was great. Of course i got a lecture for being gone for four years. how silly of me, i forgot to tell her i was going, oh well.
     We continued training, and i think i even suprised her with what ive learnt on the cold island of Krashin, as we went through giants and bugbears my voice brought most pain in the ears of thoes humanoids...and i was in the moment using my anger and rage of the moment to bring them down..i have learnt much now....and soon i will master it....soon


Re: T'orroc's book
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2009, 07:01:45 am »
Took a trip today with cardin and tori today to get some at the giants in the forest of fog. After exiting the cave and returning to vale a toranite entered town in a fury, attacking everyone..we eventually killed him but we believe he passed something on to tori, dont know what but i guess we will find out soon enough..oh, i had to behead the toranite, after death and he still moved, i dont want a ghoul pandemic on my hands, but i dont want to be running from a toranite led lynch mob either..

