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Author Topic: Tacked up on posts and workshop doors:  (Read 145 times)


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Tacked up on posts and workshop doors:
« on: March 18, 2005, 03:18:00 am »


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    RE: Tacked up on posts and workshop doors:
    « Reply #1 on: March 19, 2005, 01:28:00 pm »
    To His Greatness the High Hammer of Dorand:


    It was with great excitement that I found your message posted in the smithy in Hlint.  Ever since being taken in by my foster-da, the dwarven smith Forgan Firegard, I have been a student in the Way of the Hammer.  Forgan instilled in me a devotion to the forgefire and a love of Dorand.  

    Since leaving Forgan's forge I have been making way as best I can in Mistone with two goals in mind. First and most important to craft for the glory of Dorand, may his fires keep you safe and warm, and second to someday undertake a pilgrimage to Lar to see the Citadel of the Hammer.

    The crafting has been a difficult undertaking, as I have had to hone my skills in combat a bit first to be able to go where the metals can be mined; but Dorand's fire tempers my spirit and forge arm daily.

    As for the pilgrimage; 3 times now have I ventured into the Greypeaks from the south in search of a passage to the Citadel, 2 times I was turned back by increasingly stronger bands of ogres, and the last time I fell whilst trying to push on past the brutes. I know in my heart I shall find my way there someday... just as I know that the best veins of ore run true and deep.

    All I ask from you, Most Exalted Spark of the Hammer, is that when Dorand does grant me the wisdom, strength, and endurance to find the Citadel, I be allowed the merest of moments to meet you in person and thank you for all you have crafted in honor of the Master Forger.

    Anything beyond that would be more than this novice has a right to hope for.  Until that day come, I have the honor to remain...

    Your Brother of the Forge,

    Jacho Jarna,
    Acolyte of the Hammer

