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Author Topic: Any Sin to Pay for It (Valor Santomyre)  (Read 242 times)


Any Sin to Pay for It (Valor Santomyre)
« on: April 20, 2010, 11:27:49 pm »
[SIZE=13]Name: Valor Santomyre[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13][SIZE=13]Age: 37[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]Gender: Male[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]Race: Human[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]Class: Fighter[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]Alignment: Neutral Evil (I have already been approved for evil)[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]Deity: Corath[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]The Bladerunners were an Alindor-based mercenary group, specializing in protecting the various towns and cities that were not big enough to have a respectable militia of their own. Broddick Santomyre had been a Bladerunner for a few years, and the mercenary group had been rapidly expanding. By the time the Dark Ages had hit, he was already in his twenties. The Dark Ages were tough times for many Layonarans, and the decrease in overall population brought about by the loss of food and the diseases that had arisen meant good business for the Bladerunners. In fact, the group had just recently received a contract; The Lord of Haven was stepping up security in his precious mine, and he wanted his city's farms protected, as surely some other neighbor may try to steal the profitable land from him. Broddick was sent with a few other from the group to protect the farms from any exterior threats and to keep the workers in line, in an effort to keep productivity at a maximum. Broddick and his gang would be paid handsomely in return.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]And so it was that Broddick moved into Haven. While guarding the farms, he met and fell in love with a nice girl, and Broddick and Brenda lived happily in their rented house in the city. The years passed and they were eventually blessed with a son, whom they named Valor because Broddick thought it was an important trait to have in his line of work. Valor grew up in Haven living with his parents in their small but comfortable home. His father trained him to use his longsword, and it wasn't long before Valor's natural discipline and skill with a sword showed through. When he was of age (about sixteen), Valor joined his father at his job, looking after the farms with him.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]More years passed, Valor was in his early twenties. He, like his father, had met a nice young Haven woman, and they were engaged to be married soon. The Santomyres together were making more than enough money to pay their rent, and life was generally good. [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]Then things took a turn for the worse. Broddick fell ill, and could no longer work at the mine. Brenda stayed home to take care of him while Gloria (Valor's wife) did the family shopping. However, whatever disease Broddick had proved to be contagious, and it wasn't long before both of Valor's parents were sick. They died within the year, and Valor was heartbroken, but life had to go on. He needed to stay at the farms to afford his rent, so he continued to work.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]The Dark Ages had long since ended, and prosperity was once more beginning to spring up amongst the citizens of Haven. Job availability was decreasing, which is perhaps why Valor couldn't find one when he lost his job at the farms. After many years of uneventful guard duty, the gnolls of the nearby Silkwood decided to seize the farmlands. Valor and his company of Bladerunners were competent fighters, but the gnolls were vicious and most of Valor's company was destroyed. Valor himself barely escaped with his life. The farmlands had been lost to the gnolls, and the farm owner was not happy. Word spread quickly of the Bladerunners' failure at the Haven farmlands, and within the year they were forced to disband due to their shattered reputation. Valor had lost his job, and with no source of income his future was beginning to look bleak. It wasn't long before Valor and Gloria could no longer afford the rent at their Haven place. They needed to move somewhere more affordable, where jobs might be more abundant, and so the Santomyre's moved to Fort Vehl, commonly recognized as a cheap place to live.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]Maybe she couldn't stand being married to a jobless man anymore, or maybe she had just been in Haven too long to possibly adjust to anywhere else, but Valor and Gloria's marriage had hit rock bottom. The fights they had had on only a few occasions in the past became a daily ritual, and only a year into living in Vehl Gloria had left Valor. [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]What followed for Valor was crushing depression. He began using the rest of his savings on alcohol and exotic pipeweeds; he had become one of the street scum of Vehl. On one of his deals, he bought some pipeweed that he had never had before from some shady looking folks, and after consuming it he had almost instantly passed out. He woke up in the basement of one of the houses in Vehl, surrounded by figures cloaked in a deep black. They had seen the potential warrior in him, they could see that he had at one time been a capable fighter, and this for some reason enthralled Valor. They told him that all of his life experiences, all of his losses, had made him stronger. They encouraged him to use the hatred of everything, of life itself, to his advantage. They revealed themselves as Corathites, and convinced him to rise out of his depression a stronger and more formidable foe than the world had ever previously seen. [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]Maybe it was the traces of pipeweed thinking for him at that moment, but all the power he was being presented with seemed like a great idea. He would take his revenge on the world, the Layonara that had so wronged him in the past, and he would accept the help offered to him by the Dark Lord himself. He would embrace the teachings of Corath, use them to fuel his vengeance, and rise up to the potential he had been promised those many years ago. He would rise above the mess he had become and bring Layonara to its knees, with assistance from Corath.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]The next day Valor got up and went to the store with the pittance the Corathites had given him for supplies; it was time he bought a new sword.[/SIZE]
 Personality: Valor was taught how to follow orders without question when he first started with the Bladerunners, and he grew into a well-disciplined man with a lot of self control. However, his personal codes may have dropped off a bit in more recent years, and he is not that same soldier at heart. He now fights for Corath, not for money. He doesn't have many friends, and he is very careful with the ones he does have, but if they are his superiors (followers of Corath) he will follow their orders without question. Valor sees his potential, and he knows he has to keep himself disciplined and follow orders if he is going to achieve anything. He wants to have his vengeance on Layonara, and he is willing to accept the help of others to do it, but he recognizes that he himslef is the most important person in his future, save for Corath[/SIZE]


Re: Any Sin to Pay for It (Valor Santomyre)
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2010, 11:28:45 pm »
Lord Corath, your gifts have been most generous.
 In the short time since I have left Vehl, I already have found myself growing stronger. My swordarm grows stronger each day as my understanding of the ways of the longsword grows. Having a sword in my hand is beginning to feel as natural as having nothing at all, and I have none but Lord Corath to thank for that. My moronic father couldn't even imagine the level of strength I have attained, let alone try to pass it on to me. No, this is certainly the work of Corath.
 In addition to my fighting skills, my smithing has been going well, and the bronze longsword I crafted myself cuts through flesh like a hot knife through butter. It is only a short matter of time before I will be able to craft glorious weapons and armor, and then may the world tremble before me.
 I have met with the one the Vehl Corathites sent me to find, the one they call 'The Doctor.' His power appears immense, and surely I will soon achieve this same level of power through you, my lord. Layonara will have never seen a villain such as I; I will make this Bloodstone they talk of in the tales seem innocent. I will bring Layonara to its knees.
 Thank you, my Lord.