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Author Topic: 'Scien-Trickery' by Cid  (Read 152 times)


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    'Scien-Trickery' by Cid
    « on: April 21, 2010, 07:29:27 pm »
    *Sid begins to monologue while writing in his journal*

    I decided to keep a journal of my deeds in hopes of one day compiling a rich text of tricks and pranks.  This is just a small tribute to the Rascal for whom none of this would be possible.  Who knows, it might even sell!

    Entry 1 -  Threas, Jular 19, 1464.

    Well, things have definitely changed since living with the folks.  Been wandering further and further from port just following the winds... okay so there wasn't any wind, not even a gentle breeze, but the roads helped a lot.  If it weren't for the temple I'd have no reason to return home to The Scamp.  That place is just too entertaining to leave cold-turkey!  What with all the drunks being easy targets for many of mischievous deeds and such.  None the less, I've broadened my repertoire by leaps and bounds and out of the comfort of my usual confines.

    Shadon was smiling upon me these last few days, perhaps even grimacing!  I happened to stumble upon some brute of a man who could barely speak common.  Rather, he stumbled upon me reeking of booze.  It was all too amusing to leave the poor guy alone, especially with all those wonderful toys he had!  Despite his state, he was quite the able fighter.  It wasn't hard to convince him to dispatch goblin after goblin as I sat back and pretended to help with my crossbow.  How fortunate, the ears would just happen to buy me some true with some silly little dwarf in Hlint.  I hope he makes a necklace or something, some fetishes should be criminal if you ask me.  The drunk and I never exchanged names, not that he would've remembered anything from our meeting.  Hope we meet again, I know just the thing to leverage his 'usefulness'.

    Note to self: Keep a few bottles of ale on hand.  

    I found a bug floating in my canteen!  I couldn't believe the conditions by which these people live.  I even had a local tell me I was lucky it was only the bug I found.  

    Note to self: Don't drink the water in Hlint!  

    Cute girl she was.  Dark hair.  Dark eyes.  Just as dark as her demeanor.  Not much for chit chat either.  Was able to keep her talking even though she had to be coaxed quite a bit.  She told me enough after a while, just enough for the gears to start turning.  One of those 'take life as it happens' type of girls, never questioning beyond what she sees.  Perfect, just perfect!  And if this wasn't enough we were joined by another, a lady who's heart was as cold as her... well lets just say she needed a few more layers.  This poor girl proceeded to dump bucket after bucket in to her empty canteens.  It was all I could do to keep from rolling on the ground.  She was a bit different from 'little miss enigma'.  She was outright blunt and to the point.  I liked her!  Though the feeling was far from mutual.  It only took a few moments before the insults were on... look at the time, time to go!  That's what they thought anyways.  I only rounded the corner out of sight.  Their conversation was dull, but boy did it pay off!  

    Note to self:  Sneaking is useful!

    What women say to each other is simply amazing.  I could have stayed for much longer, but I already got what I came for.  The angle by which to trick them into aiding me.  Oh, how the truth shines it's light on the ugliness hidden deep inside ourselves.  Thank you Trickster, your name shall grace my lips with gratitude until my last breath.

    Enough for today, I hunger and I do believe I spotted a couple gnomes.  They always have food on them!

    Rascal be with me, guide me to the beautiful bounty of berries and bourbon being carried by these bite-sized backstabbers!


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      Re: 'Scien-Trickery' by Sid
      « Reply #1 on: April 24, 2010, 11:49:03 pm »
      *Sid licks the tip of his quill and gazes off for a moment before he writes*

      Entry 2 - Threas, Augra 5, 1464.

      I finally figured it out!  The perfect prank that'll get the attention of those dirty-water Hlint people!  It dawned on me just earlier as I was spelunking the smelly goblin cave.  I didn't notice before, but there are piles and piles of salt all over the cave.  So naturally, I grabbed as much as I could carry, tip toed my way passed the guard captain, and made my way toward the middle of town.

      With what I witnessed the other day, these people will drink anything from that well.  Not anymore they won't!  Perhaps now they'll do a bit more about the quality of the water since it's been tampered with.  I can't wait to see the reactions on these people!  

      Shadon, be there to see these silly people spit their salty stagnant sip!

      *He rushes the last few words in his journal and slams it closed before the ink has dried*