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Author Topic: Elrend's Hopes and Dreams  (Read 64 times)

Jonzer Hexblade

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    Elrend's Hopes and Dreams
    « on: June 01, 2005, 03:44:00 pm »
    *sits down after a long day, pulls out a quill and begins to right*

          I have been very busy and have a lot on my mind as of late. Recently a band of adventurers and I went to speak with the shadow dragon. He is indeed a great....... and terrible sight to behold. I could sense in him a vast power I could not even begin to understand, a power beyond imagination much less the grasp of any I have seen ever before or probably ever will see.

          When I was in his presence I felt a great longing for such a power as his, but I would scarcely trust myself with such power as is his. Save for one purpose and that is to protect those who are weaker than I that can not defend themselves. But how would I gain such a power? I must think on this. I wil right more when I can find the time.

    Jonzer Hexblade

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      RE: Elrend's Hopes and Dreams
      « Reply #1 on: June 05, 2005, 11:57:00 pm »
      *sits down silently in a solitary place in the sielwood forest*

                    A while ago I met a man named J-ser, an odd name I must say, he is a rouge of some talent. We have become friends, though I do not get to see him much anymore. He is what some might call a shady character, but I think he has an interesting personality. He too seems to have an interest in gainig such power though I do not know his purpose as of yet. Maybe we together could search for such a power. For me too defend the defensless and for him..... I do not know, but I do know this, if he was to gain such a power and use it for evil I would oppose him in with any resources within my grasp; whether it be my magic or some other way. I have nothing against him personally but more what I guess I am trying to say is I would like to be able to make a difference in what is happening in this world we call Layonara....

               *puts down the book and falls asleep next to a fire that he has built*

      Jonzer Hexblade

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        RE: Elrend's Hopes and Dreams
        « Reply #2 on: June 07, 2005, 05:50:00 pm »
        *casts invisibility and sits down against a tree*

                    I have been thinking on what I said before about gaining power and how I would find such a power. I think I have come up with an idea of one way I could do this. I have noticed many powerful types of magic but the one that interests me the most is necromancy. I have been hoping not to come to such a solution, bacause of the fact that most of the necromancers I have seen are indeed powerful... but most are evil and twisted with such power. I would seek a way to use such a power for good. I realize this is much more easily said than done. I am sure that many have endeverd to do such a thing. I must do some research on this. Maybe I will find something in the Great Library, or speak with a powerful cleric that may know of a way to acomplish such a task.

        *sets up beding and lies down to sleep*

        Jonzer Hexblade

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          Re: Elrend's Hopes and Dreams
          « Reply #3 on: May 17, 2006, 10:26:10 am »
          *sits by the campfire and takes out a leather backed book*

                  I have not written for quite some time now. *sighs* I have made my decision about necromancy after recently gaining new power. I have gained an undead helper and he is quite powerful and I have been able to keep him under my control. I long to go deeper but wish also to go at a slow pace so that I may learn what I am dealing with more thoroughly ... so I can control it. I have already been acosted and harrased by those I wish to help.I realize I may loose many friends becuase of this but if this is to be the fate my fate I embrace it. If I can find a way to make even the smallest change in this world for good it will have all been worth it. I have been told by a friend of a necromancer they met, known as the necromancer of bone hill who has a goal very similar to mine. I will endevor to meet with him maybe he can help me.

          *closes the book and drifts to sleep as a tear falls from his eye but at the same time a smile forms on his face*

          Jonzer Hexblade

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            Re: Elrend's Hopes and Dreams
            « Reply #4 on: August 07, 2006, 02:18:03 pm »
            *sits by the campfire relaxing after a long day*

                  It has been a long time since I last wrote... there is so much to say. Where should I begin? *looks at where he left off and his eyes widen* It can't have been that long could it? Well best start where I left off.
                  For a while I sought a way to contact this necromancer, but to no avail. It seemed whoever this man was he did not want to be disturbed lightly. I never gave up looking for a way but almost gave up hope of ever finding one... till one day a bat flew down from the obsidian night sky and gently dropped a bit of parchment in my hand and promptly dissapeared into the same dark sky. I opened it slowly and was overjoyed at what was written on the parchment! It was an invitation to have a formal audience with this mysterious man. I happened to be with some good friends at the time and we were trying to think of something to do. I quickly asked them to accompany me and off we went.
                  The journey to Bone Hill was for the most part uneventful execpt for the fact that we felt we were being watched and later discovered that we were being watched, but for the time erred on the side of caution and decided to be wary of the watcher but not reveal them yet.
                  When we arrived at what could only be the man's house (who else would live anywhere close to Bone Hill?) I was beconed inside and the others waited outside watching for our uninvited guest. I finally stood face to face with the man I had wanted to meet more than anything else in the world. He didn't exactly give me a warm welcome but I did not excpect such. We spoke for a while of how I came to know of him. I told him I had heard froma friend who helped him retrieve a teddy bear pf all things from some bugbears. My friend had said he used it to remember his childhood and keep him from being taken over by his art. The room we spoke in was filled with teddy bears but he showed me the one they had collected for him and said it was his favorite. We then moved on to the more serious subject of why he should help me. I told him if there was anything I could do for him to prove myself worthy I would do it.
                  He gave me the task of going into his "workshop" *a look of rage that he has been trying to hold back for a while creeps onto his face* and retrieve his favorite pair of gloves. Needless to say the workshop was not a normal workshop. It turned out to be some kind of sick crypt. I had to go around the crypt killing undead to get to sarcouphaguses with tombstones by them that had morbid messages hinting at how each had been torchured to death. At first I convinced myself that he could not have done this but as I went along I became more and more convinced he was not like he claimed to be. I had to take hands from the sarcouphaguses and put them in other ones in certain orders then pull some chains to cancel out a shield that was blocking our way to where his gloves were.
                 Surounding the gloves, which were on an alter at the end of the room, were many more undead but they were not much of a problem. I took the gloves and examined them closely only to find out they were made of human skin! Of all the sick bastards! I returned to him and threw the gloves at his feet having completed the task. He congradulated me and said he would train me.... but there was one more thing he needed... one of my friends that were now standing with me (they had been aloud to help me retrieve the gloves, among them were Glenn Thendor; who is now passed away, Daeron Stormcloud a long time friend of mine, Jser Archanbow my first friend I met in Layonara, and Sh'anda Discore a wonderful friend (not bad looking either *laughs to himself*) ). I immediatly said I was sorry to have met him and he would have none of my friends. We left. It was then that our misterious watcher showed herself and gave me a letter from the church of Lucinda. It was a summons to the Archane Tower, Office of the Pale. They wanted me to meet them there in a week to talk about training me.

                  A week later I went there as I was told and met the one who was to interview me. She asked me some tough questions, but apparently my answers were sufficient because she told me to go to a town where a tradgedy had recently happened and 3 people died. She told me to speak to the familys of the dead and ask them about there loved ones and find an item that belonged to one of them and choose it as a tailsmin to focus my powers with. I did just that and returned to her with a chared spellbook from the magician in training that supposedly caused the fire that killed the three people. I explained to her that I chose it because like everyone assumed that the magician caused the fire even though there was no proof, I would likely have few friends and maybe lose some of the ones I had.
                 Since then I have progressed quite a bit in my studies, but there is much more yet to learn, and thus my journey continues...

                  *he closes the book with a sigh and drifts to sleep with the warmth of the fire to comfort him*

            Jonzer Hexblade

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              Re: Elrend's Hopes and Dreams
              « Reply #5 on: August 09, 2006, 03:14:03 pm »
              *sits down in a nice soft chair in the lucindite library and takes out a quill and his journal*

                   Life is good since I started training with the Lucindites. I have learned much and my abilatys as a spellcaster have greatly increased. I focus on trying to call stronger undead at the moment. *a shiver runs down his spine as he writes this* It is indeed an interesting and dangerous buisiness. I have seen Lucindites of great power amd have been learning more about Lucinda herself. Suffice it to say I like what I see. The most attractive thing about Lucinda is her veiw of magic corresponds with mine. I was also told by the woman who interveiwed me in the entry above told me that it would be much easier to rise within the Lucindite ranks if I became "affirmed" I believe they call it. I am finding myself more and more inclined to do so. I think I will try to find a Lucindite who knows much of her and can tell me more about her than I can read in books before I make my final decision...

              *stands up and climbs a tall latter and takes a book from one of the upper shelves then sits back down to read it*

