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Author Topic: Ryn'ilda Dakrad  (Read 144 times)


Ryn'ilda Dakrad
« on: August 15, 2012, 12:44:39 pm »
A thin book, the pages are well formed and organized, and the script inside is tight and well formed, in blood-red ink. Every row starts and ends in the exact same vertical spot, leaving an almost perfect one-inch margin on either side. Every word inside of the book is in dark elven.


Re: Ryn'ilda Dakrad
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2012, 01:13:05 am »
    I am loved by no one. Not my kin, not the surfacers... No one. I was tortured by two of my kin, over the petty question of why I was on the surface. They had obviously been fighting for a long time, and there reflexes were keen. I was unable to do anything as I was tortured, but I had to break, or die a long, painful death. I have no fear of death, but dying from loss off blood or infection of the multiple wounds that were inflicted upon me is not in my best interests. I also payed a visit to my kin... at home. I and a party of surfacers found the entrance to my home, on the continent of Dregar. I got to diamonds from it, and only the beginning of the revenge I will extract on them for banning me from my homeland. My skills with my saber is growing, and I am gaining much skill. I have met one gnome, by the name of Melodious. She was accepting of my kin, and I feel that I can trust her. But I have met numerous people who got close to slaying me on sight. Yet I survive... Despite so many people's doubt, I am still alive.


Re: Ryn'ilda Dakrad
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2012, 10:58:45 pm »
There is nothing I can do to stay hidden. Every time I think I have found a way, something pops up I was unaware of that gives me away. First it was my skill to lie. Then it was that I let someone wrap my wounds. There is no way I can stay hidden. I need to find a way to earn the surfacer's respect, so I might be accepted and not shunned.