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Author Topic: Kylie's Silent Confessions  (Read 508 times)


Kylie's Silent Confessions
« on: July 15, 2010, 10:37:53 pm »
On a particularly hot summer night Kylie awoke drenched in sweat and tears. She had that dream again; the one where her imagination constantly plays in her head when her faceless mother would leave her in front of the gated church. She shook off the dream, wiped away her tears, and slid out of the bed.  She tugged on her boots and tidied the bed. As she gathered her things, her mother's letter fell out the front pocket of her bags. She stared at the letter. Somehow, her sadness of being torn from her mother was replaced with anger and frustration. Tears dwelled in Kylie's eyes as she resentfully picked up the letter. She didn't want to go back to the church without answers. She was determined to find her sister, as well as questions her mother's abandonment. Kylie understood well enough that times were difficult when her mother had given her up. Yet, she cannot grasp why her mother has not looked for her, nor had come to see her. Was she a child to be ashamed off? Was she a mistake that her mother wanted to forget and pass the responsibility onto the priestess?

It was probably getting close to dawn, she thought, but it was still pitch black outside. As she walked out the inn, the dream crept into her thoughts again.. She looked up with tears in her eyes, still seeing the misty stars mocking her and she shivered.  She wandered for what seemed like hours and ended up in front of a lake. She looked at herself in the reflection, her pale creamy skin that lights up the night, her mesmerizing round blue eyes that is filled with imperceptible sorrows, and her cracked rosy pursed lips. She looked ill. The dream has haunted her and played with her slumber. Kylie tossed a rock into the lake creating ripples of herself. She hated the way she looks. The priestess had told her, she resembled her mother.

As the viscosity of the water finally brings to rest and her reflection is back to haunt her, she caught a glimpse of the holy symbol around her neck. Quickly her fury disappeared as she realized her faith in Beryl. She knows Beryl watches over her children and this offered some solace for Kylie.


Kylie's Silent Confessions
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2010, 10:13:16 am »
As Kylie was getting ready to head out and forage the ground for loose gems, a messenger passed a memo from Hayley asking if she would want to join her and Daniel, The Protector, on an expedition to the Swamp of Sorrows. Kylie accepted the invitation. She took a boat ride to Alindor and met with Hayley, Feawen, Sehky, and The Protector. He was explaining how the trolls have gotten near the town and they needed to push them back into the swamp. With The Protector's blessings and Beryl's healings, the group set out to fight the trolls. The group trudged through the muddy swamp and searched for the trolls. It was not long before they encountered the first group of trolls that were out scouting. With Hayley's fireballs leading the way to burn the trolls, the group charged and finished the job. Feawan ran ahead to knock the shaman to his feet while SehKy sharp shooting arrows immobilized some of the trolls. The Protector and Kylie finished off the rest of the trolls. The group worked effectively to eliminate the threat with minimal injury to any of the members. This continued for many encounters until the trolls nearing the city were purged.

After a short rest, the group took a few boat rides and journeyed to Tilmar, and then Creedo. In the outskirts, this was where Kylie encountered dark elves for the first time. The dark elves were vicious and strong with their blades; each strike was hit with precisions. If it wasn't for The Protector's blessings They defeated each patrol group with careful tactics. Everything went smoothly until they got overly zealous and decided to take down the gloom. At first, The Protector declared, "This foe is mine!" After a few blows from the gloom, The Protector proclaimed, "Maybe a little help." At which point, he was covered in blood and his helm was crooked. That was when the whole group helped out to distract the gloom so The Protector could heal himself; even so, everyone was throwing their heal potions freely at him. The Protector's and everyone's lives were near death on several occasions. Miraculously, the group managed to put the final blow on the gloom and survived another day. Everyone fell to the ground when they saw the gloom perished; the swamp resonated with loud sighs of reliefs from the group as they made their way back to Huanjin. Back in Huanjin, everyone bit farewell and parted ways.


Re: Kylie's Silent Confessions
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2010, 07:38:09 am »
Originally posted 08-25-10 ~ Thank you RollinsCat for finding the journal entries.

It has been many months now and Kylie has been traveling the land between Hlint and Port Hempstead. Fortunately for her, she has met a few adventurers that have been kind enough to warn her of the danger of the land. She met members of the Angel Guild and they had shown her many different places with deadly creatures, such as walking skeletons with glowing eyes and walking rotting bodies. Not only that, she has seen giants as tall as the inn where she sleeps in and bugs that are even bigger than the giants themselves. After such extensive travels, Kylie would always spend a few days at the inn in Port Hempstead to reflect on what she has seen and learned. Furthermore, she would pray to Beryl to keep her safe and thank Beryl for all her blessings during her travels.

Despite coming in and out of the inn many times, Kylie never really paid attention to the city itself. On one calm afternoon, Kylie ventured slowly into Port Hempstead's harbour. It was her first time to really observe and notice the wharf. She could hear the sound of hammers and adzes as the ship grew in the cradle where the keel had been laid, and merchants had come from everywhere to sell their goods. Kylie noticed smoked barrels of meats, baskets of fruits, jars of jams, oils, and wines were brought onto the ship. She watched the ship builders working diligently and wished passionately that she could set sail on a voyage. Additionally, she was eager to gain the necessary skills to survive in the wilderness by herself if she had to and live to tell the tale of her journey to others. In her heart, she knew Beryl's blessings were what kept her safe; her mace and shield were mere illusions of protections. And although her fighting skills were pretense, she enjoyed it immensely, and on many occasions depended on Beryl's blessings to get out of unpleasant situations.

Even though Kylie's eagerness to see the world, she has not forgotten about trying to find information about her lost sister's and mother's whereabouts. During her travel, she would ask inn keepers any information they would know from the past. She would go to temples and market places and ask if they could remember seeing a woman with two babies passing by a long time ago. It appeared hopeless... until one day she was talking to another woman that she had met when she first came to Port Hempstead.

While they were resting by the lake outside of Port Hempstead, Kylie was making small talks with Hayley. As it turned out, Hayley was telling her of her childhood, and how she was saved from a pack of wolves. Upon hearing this, Kylie could not believe what she was hearing. All of these times she had spent to find her sister, and the person sitting in front of her could be that person. Kylie's heart was beating faster and faster with every details that Hayley was telling her on that day when the gnomes had saved Hayley. She was also around the same age as Kylie. And according to what Hayley's adopted father had told her, the attack of the wolves were not far from the temple where Kylie was dropped off. Kylie bursted into tears and started telling Hayley her life at the temple and her quest to find her biological sister and mother. The two embraced each other and cried uncontrollably. It was a joyous and sad moment because Kylie has finally found her sister but now know the truth to what had happened of her mother.


Re: Kylie's Silent Confessions
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2010, 07:39:10 am »
Originally posted 08-30-10

For the past few months, Kylie had been traveling long and grueling days. During all those days away from Hlint and Port Hemsptead, she had discovered and met many friends along the way. Two of her favorites happened to be dwarves. They both stand under shy of five feet, yet their strength and courage are beyond comparison. She admires their bravery and valor during battles.

As for the other travelers, the majority of them have been pleasant, except for one particular person. He claimed to have been raised in a monastery and had discipline in all aspects of life. However, Kylie is conflicted by his intention; if someone has true resolution to be training and perfecting monkhood, he shouldn't be demanding attention from the opposite sex. Instead, he should be content with sharing simple humors with everyone during his journey, and not just a specific person. Often times, she would catch him staring at her while she rests. It seems as if he was fantasizing about something because she can see him with a smirk on his face. When he sees that others have taken notice, he quickly turns his attention elsewhere to avoid questions from them. When there is no one around, he would invite Kylie on picnics by the lake so that they may have private time together. Kylie has refused every invitation.

As a Berylite priestess, Kylie has no intention on developing relationships with anyone except Her Perfectionist and her sister. It had taken long enough to reconnect with her sister; she has no time to idle in love affairs. Currently, she hides using Beryl's blessings to collect spotted mushrooms to sell to the Angel's Guild. In return, she hopes to raise enough credits to purchase better equipments for her travels. She has heard rumors of this "Great Rift" where the diamonds are hidden. She hopes to make her travel there so that she may harvest a few and work on the precious gems. Her completion of the first diamond will be her offering to Beryl. She hopes Her Perfectionist will know the hardship she is going through and will keep her away from harm.


Re: Kylie's Silent Confessions
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2010, 07:41:34 am »
It was a quiet night in Crossroads, Kylie awaken to find Milo curled up next to her in his cat form snoring softly in their hammock. He must be exhausted from their Thunder Peaks trip with Lance, El, and Marcus. She smiled and tenderly pet him; his coat was smooth and pleasant to the touch. She chuckled to herself, to her amazement, she never thought the two would ever be this close. She recalled detesting him the first moment they met. It was not long ago either.

They met in a midst of battle inside the Misted Village. Kylie didn't even notice Milo at first until Xian and him got into an altercation. Xian made some crude jokes that Milo didn't find assuming. They fought for a bit until the others broke them apart. Kylie was under the assumption that Milo was being rude towards Xian. She jokingly devised a plan with Xian to roast Milo while he was in his boar form. Milo overheard her and threatened to take her life if she does attempt any vile act towards him. She hated him, but mainly she hated the fact that he was insolent enough to think she was that type of person. She remained neutral on Xian and Milo's quarrel. The Misted Village was no place to be fighting amongst each other. She ignored Milo throughout the entire trip, kept the conversation light and short.

Days became months since Kylie saw that obnoxious little halfling. Her days and nights were spent with Hayley, Zig, and Griff. Their bonds have gotten stronger. She enjoyed her time together with them. They've traveled and explored the vast distance of the deserts, through the Sinister Forest, and many hidden crypts. They shared meals and beds together as a family would. She loved them both equally as Hayley.

As Kylie's journey took her and Hayley deep into  West Fog Forest, they were waiting for Zig and Griff to arrive; they did not arrive alone. She saw a barefooted halfling with his staff over his shoulder running alongside them. She curled her lips with discontent because now there's a fifth wheel in their group. She hardly spoke to Milo during their trip together. However, she noticed that he showed subtle kindness towards her. He would run to her aide without being asked, he watched over her closely to make sure she wasn't hurt, even a small wound, he would bandage her up. She hates to admit it, but she enjoyed their conversation.

Now as Kylie lays awake in Crossroads, she realizes her feelings for Milo has changed. She adores him more and more each day.  

// their current theme song ~ YouTube - Neon Trees - Animal (Viral Version)


Re: Kylie's Silent Confessions
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2010, 05:37:20 am »
As the sun slowly begins to set over Corax Lake, Kylie glances at her reflection in the water. Her physical appearance hasn't changed, however, she feels a drastic change inside within the past few months together with Milo.  She would never envision herself being smitten to someone half her size; he stands shy of three feet and weighs about the size of her thigh.  His features were well defined - the sideburns that wrapped down his chiselled face, the tribal tattoos that engulfed his tiny arms and wrist, his soft brown eyes that captured her soul in the first wink she caught from him, and his brown hair that saturated the air in sweet scent of juniper berries whenever she's near him. He isn't flamboyant as many males that she has encountered. In fact, he is quite ordinary with his earthy green tunics and pants. Yet she yearns for him when they are not together. Kylie loves their afternoons together, lying on the soft green grass in the middle of nowhere with Milo and Lola... the world seems to pause for a moment.  Or when Milo would climb into her lap and lean his back against her chest, close enough to hear her heartbeat racing. He seems very pleased with himself when she reacts that way since people rarely sees her shy side. Kylie is frequently misunderstood because of her jokes or playfulness.  Milo can see beyond her tease and entrusted his love to her. They both decide to be exclusive with each other. Kylie doesn't have eyes for anyone but Milo and vice versa. He gives her great comfort that she sought to recover in her life. Milo may be small but he's more of a man than any man she has met.

For the past few months, they've been discussing plans on co-habiting. They came upon the idea when Milo asked Kylie to hibernate with him. She giggled and teased him at first; however, the idea is alluring. Each night as Milo strings up their hammock, they would entail their ideas for the house. They both agreed that Kylie will do the decoration. The main room will turn into Milo's sanctuary: part of the roof will be removed to allocate sunlight into his botanical garden, they'll walk barefoot on the luscious green grass  filled with pastel spring flowers, dwarf-size cherry blossom trees, and a white honeysuckle arbor embedded with pink sweet pea merging the garden together, creating a gentle and romantic atmosphere for both of them to enjoy with Lola and Hayley.


Re: Kylie's Silent Confessions
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2010, 07:40:59 am »
Kylie and Milo have been doing odd-ends jobs to save up for their house. Milo accepted contracts from Cailomel Goods and Wares and provided them with different sorts of minerals; Kylie took on several contracts to gather raw resources and baking pecan pies. It's been tough on both of them not spending their trues and only purchasing the necessities. Kylie has not been practicing her enchanting to cut down their expenses. What motivated her to work harder is Milo's and her dream grove. She has her heart set on the house located in Corax Lake. The first time she laid her eyes on it she knew it was her dream house. She has actually visited the house several times. She even tried knocking on the door to see if anyone is home but it seems the owner of the house is traveling afar.  Each time she has visited the house she sits around and enjoy the scenery. The wild animals seem to be friendly as they graze peacefully. Kylie told Milo about the house and how it's thickly covered with vegetation and away from others. He agreed that it was a good choice for them as well, not a single neighbor nearby which is perfect because Lola mostly avoid areas within human sight. Each time they visited the house, Lola always enjoy running around the open space; she already went around marking territories by scratching the grounds and leaving her scent.

After many unsuccessful tries to contact the home owner, Kylie asked around to see if anyone knows of the owner in 222 Prantz, Corax Lake. An abundance travellers told her that the home is owned by a powerful Great Oak. They weren't able to give her any other details. Kylie decided that after her hibernation with Milo, she will seek out the owner and perhaps ask if it's possible to rent out a few rooms for her and Milo. Kylie has no intentions of invading anyone's home; however, if the owner is rarely home, she and Milo can be the caretaker and tend to his home and animals while he is traveling.

As Kylie and Milo prepared for hibernation, she made smoked jerky and gathered the necessary food supplies to last them at least one month. She doubt that she will be able to sleep that much, however, she does enjoy cuddling up next to Milo; conceivably that will be the main reason why she'll stay in one spot.  Milo arranged a half-closed hollow that has been formed by a fallen redwood tree as their hibernation spot.  The trail to their destination ascended gently, crossing over a grassy knoll, and dropped through the woods where trilliums, redwood violets, western heart's ease, and purple fairy lanterns bloom. Near the huge fallen redwood, low bushy evergreen shrubs, mixed through occasional knobcone pines stands a waterfall. It was a spectacular view that Milo had picked for them; the sound of water rushing and how the waterfall is bounded by gorgeous ferns and moss covering the rocks around the water flow, made it an ideal place for them to hibernate.

// Kylie and Milo won't be IG for two days while they are hibernating; we'll be back IG Saturday morning at midnight PST.

Lord Dark

Re: Kylie's Silent Confessions
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2010, 07:39:02 pm »
Milo has spent the last few days curled up with Kylie in the hollow that is their den. It's normal for him to hibernate for a week or two every winter in order to participate with the other animal's inactivity. But this winter is different, Milo has Kylie to share it with. He was pleasantly surprised to hear that she wished to participate, and Milo realized his want to have her with him was overpowering.

This was his time to spend with her without having to share her attention with others. He figured it is selfish but he didn't care at the moment, his attention was focused on being wrapped in her arms, feeling the warmth of her breath and touch of her lips on his. He discovered this was one of the few ways to keep her occupied until she was ready to sleep again, and he didn't mind being smothered by her kisses and cuddling. Milo looks forward to their time awake every time he closes his eyes to return to his slumber.

The nights are cold and frigid, not to the point of snow, but frost coat the trillium and redwood violets every morning. He prefers to sleep in his bear form because he generates enough heat to keep Kylie and himself warm. The last thing he normally remembers before falling completely asleep is Kylie pulling his furry bear arm around her to ward off the cold and the slowing of her breath into a steady rhythm. Milo will sometime lay awake for a period of time when Kylie is still settling down and he murmurs his thoughts and ideas to her about their house and his garden until she falls asleep with him following suit minutes later.

Only a few days left and they will bring their hibernation to an end. She's taken a firm hold of his heart and he's doesn't fight it. Milo's tribe warned against foreign men and women and that has kept him from being attached to anyone, even to other Halflings. He's shared to Kylie that he feels guided by his ancestors and that his Elders would probably not be happy to find out that he has found a lover, not only a foreign woman, but a human! He chuckles lowly and draws Kylie in closer as he loses his consciousness.


Re: Kylie's Silent Confessions
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2010, 10:01:08 pm »
It has been weeks since Kylie embraced Milo in her arms. She had become accustomed to their sleeping habits together that she hated being away from him. The moonligh illuminated the sky yet it doesn't reach her heart; her nights remained cold and lonesome. There was the riffle of wind from home, and the juniper berries scented blanket drifted through her senses, making her nostalgia of their time together. She curled up in the blanket that is his, drifting slowly into slumber, and wondered if her lover yearns for her too.

Kylie stretched wairly, slitting her eyes against the sunlight, she cowarded and pulled the blanket over her head. She didn't want to wake up early to another aimless day of gathering and crafting. But the thoughts of their house motivated her; she opened her eyes and started her day.


Re: Kylie's Silent Confessions
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2010, 12:14:00 am »
Kylie looked up at Milo, a bit puzzled and taken back by what he's handed to her: a  long stem red rose. The small velvety, deep red bud bursted with sticky sweet scent to the nose that caused her heartbeat to pulsate faster than usual. The picturesque flower delighted her. She placed the rose gently against his lips, asked what inspired him to give her the rose after nearly a year and half together. He responded that she reminded him of a red rose; enigmatic beauty, intoxicating fragrance, delicate to the touch, yet perilous if taken lightly.  Beneath her regal poise,  she was a rose in disguise.  She chuckled and whispered in his ears:

I was a rose in a garden of many thorns,
Until the day that our love was born.
You've  touched my heart, giving me hope,
You picked me up, untying the thorn rope.

I am your rose whether you know it or not,
I am your  rose because you protect me,
I am your rose because you're the right man.

A bit flustered with her cliched lovely dovey act, she pulled her hood forward. They've discussed about being sentimentally mushy towards one another, and how it didn't suit both of their personalities. Thankfully he sat in her lap, had his back on her chest, and did not noticed her red complexion. She waited until the color faded and removed her hood. She playfully teased him a bit until a strange man walked by them. Milo recognized him, Tim, he introduced himself. From Kylie's angle, he stood close to six feet, rugged but well groomed. Kylie couldn't see anything else, moreover, she was fixated on Milo to clearly study Tim. Their conversation was a bit unorthodox; from furniture attacks, to gnomes and potatoes. Not your usual discussion in town, yet it felt nice.

The commotion in town died down as night descended; Tim left and went about his business. Kylie and Milo parted ways as well. They both had errands to finish up. Kylie needed to use up the blueberries she picked from Fort Miritrix. From her experience, blueberries were highly perishable even though she had carefully wrapped the freshly picked berries in her bags.   She checked for stain or leakage in her bags; if there was any it was an indication the berries have passed their prime and won't be used in her pies. She vigilantly sorted out each berries, making sure to use only the berries that were completely blue, with no tinge of red, or bruising. After she has finished work in the kitchen, she met up Milo and slept under the starry sky.


Re: Kylie's Silent Confessions
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2010, 04:42:54 pm »
Kylie awoke one morning from a loud gust of winds whipping against her tent. She peeked outside her tent; with overcast sky, she could hear raindrops pounding down and it made her quite melancholy. She groaned and laid back down; she wanted to sleep a bit longer, forgetting all her pride nonsense and perhaps stay with Hayley at Vladimir's house so she wouldn't have to sleep outside. Unfortunately, it couldn't be done because she was accustomed to sleeping next to Milo. She rolled on her right side to feel for him, yet he was nowhere to be found. The falcon must've not gotten to him in time to guide him to their new sleeping location. She tossed and turned several times and tried shutting her eyes hundreds  of times to keep from seeing images of Milo sleeping in the cold alone. She began to feel a slight faint dull ache that she had never experienced before.  

Kylie kicked the blankets off but the cold quickly drew a shiver down her spine. She quickly retreated back into her cocoon of blankets. She curled up, drowned herself with warm thoughts of Milo and how they have saved enough for a house, if not a cottage, until wet footsteps can be heard from outside. "Kylie! Kylie! Kylie!" Hayley called for her. "Kylie? Do you need anything in that wet tent?" Kylie sighed and answered, "I'm fine. Waking up. I'll be out shortly," and did her best to make her voice sound as normal as possible by enunciating the words very clearly and leaving long pauses between them. Kylie was grateful for having found a compassionate sister. However, Hayley's over-protectiveness had caused friction with Milo. They both want Kylie's best interest at heart, yet they can't convey with each other. If Kylie had to make the difficult decision between Hayley or Milo, she would pick Hayley. Milo may be an exquisite pleasure that had invaded her senses; however, that will not infinitely transcend to the bond she has for her sister.  

Kylie packed up her gears and mounted her horse as Hayley watched on while mounting her stallion. The rain had cleared up, mists covered the ground, and the sky was still dark.  They rode along the road. The back of their horses shined in the moonlight; their movements were striking as they tossed their heads and their eyes gleamed. With her new steel helm and equestrianism skills, Kylie resembled white knights of a forgotten time ; it was strangely beautiful and arresting.  Hayley chuckled lowly and rode on.


Re: Kylie's Silent Confessions
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2010, 10:53:38 pm »
Upon arriving to their destination, Kylie overheard rumors regarding Cult attacks on Moraken's tower; she hastily pulled Hayley on Snowpea and retraced their path back to Hlint. As they arrived in Hlint, Kylie was flabbergasted with the destruction of Hlint. Dismantled houses tottering to the earth, propped up by fragments of others that had fallen down, unroofed, desolated, but yet inhabited. However, Hlint's residents were gradually evacuated by the Queen of Trenalia's regiment towards the Southern fields.

Adventures poured into Hlint lending their supports against the Cult. They divided into two teams, Sir Lance led a large numbers of volunteers into Moraken's tower while Kylie and Hayley stayed with Lady Daniella's team: Andrew, Azk'a, Admorin, and Raz tending to the wounded and disposing of the Myrdrachs's corpses. Raz disappeared somewhere in the middle of chaos, and Kylie found herself faced down next to the holy pool. She awoke from the hoarse cries of men, women, and children in horror of the attacks inside Hlint. She struggled to her feet and went about nursing the injured. She paused in the midst of her work and analysed all the minutiae of causation; the residents wan in their looks and tattered attire seem mentally distorted. Those that still have the strength armed themselves with swords and pitchfork urged for retribution with frightful cries and threats. Andrew soothed them with his hymn while Lady Daniella gave orders to other Toranites to prepare a safe barricade to move the wounded inside.

By sunset, they finished moving the wounded inside, Kylie went to check on Hayley and Azk'a. As Kylie headed outside, she could see into the heavy distance, plague of black smokes rose from the Myrdrach's carcasses obscured the light and fouled the melancholy air. She grabbed her chest with a pained look and prayed to Beryl for some miracles. Alas! Ice drakes! Her attention was fixed upon them - 'Are they coming towards Hlint?!' The creatures hovered around Hlint and headed North towards the tower. Beyond the defense, she could not see but felt the earth trembled.


Re: Kylie's Silent Confessions
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2011, 11:50:55 pm »
I had just finished organizing the pack on my ox in Center. I was low on my healing potions and decided to head to Storan's crypt to search for those Bodak creatures. Although they are vile, their teeth are quite precious for making heal potions. After several days of travel, I made it to Fort Llast without any incidence. I saw Lieutenant Jurgen making his daily patrol; I stopped to chit chat before I carried on to the crypt.

En route to the crypt, I saw two figures traveling far from the main road, amongst the shrubs and trees. Initially, I thought they were adventurers that had the misfortune of being mugged by road bandits. I decided to approach them to see if they needed any assistance. As I approached, one of the figures ran off; the other figure, covered in full head gear and armor, turned in my direction and yelled, "Halt!"

"I mean you no harm stranger, I just thought you might need some assistance," I offered. "I am a priestess."

"Oh," the figure slyly replied. "In that case you may be of use to me."

"Of use?" I hesitantly questioned.

*The figure nodded and formulated her scheme* "Indeed, I was minding my own business near that fort people call Fort Llast when this ragged lady approached me seeking help. She rambled on and on with her teary eyes about how she had lost her precious oil vukas whatever and asked if I could help her. I told her I was busy and tried to dismiss her but she incessantly begged me to help her. I got fed up and told her I would do it if she paid me handsomely with trues. She agreed and here I am heading up the mountain."

I thought to myself, it must be Juanita again. She always carelessly ride her horse in the mountain. If I come along and help her, perhaps I can convince her to be kind to Juanita and not take her trues.

"The mountain is quite dangerous, ogres and giants roam the terrain" I offered the female stranger some advice. "If you allow me to come along, I may offer some blessings and protections." Right as I said that, I felt an eerie feeling coming from her and intoxicating me. I felt this feeling many times before; I usually prayed and sought Beryl for guidance. Then, I noticed that we were near Storan's crypt and thought the cause of that eerie feeling emanated from the evil spirits within. I foolishly disregarded and continued up the mountain with the female stranger.

Coincidentally, the stranger felt the same but took advantage of my good nature and convincingly persuaded me, "Since you seem like you know the way and a priestess, you should keep both of us safe and lead the way. I only rely on my blade and shield. I shall be right behind you to watch your back and not to get in the way....... *the voice silently trails off... and enslave you when the opportunity presents itself*"

As we made our way up the mountain, I tried to make small talks with the stranger, like her name. She never looked at me and told me to address her by "Jabbress," an Elven word. I didn't know any better and just assumed it was a name. We kept the conversation to a minimum for fear of being heard by the ogres; we tried to be hasty. Unfortunately, there were a few instances where they completely blocked the passage. We had to engage the battle; amidst the chaos, I faced the giants while "Jabbress" attacked from the sides. She never unleashed any spells and her actions influenced me to believe she was yet another brute. The unnatural feeling kept coming back but she kept pushing us to move forth; I hastily agreed partially because I wanted Juanita to get her lost item back as soon as possible.

Eventually, we came upon a group of ogres by a camp site. One of the ogres had Juanita's oil vukas in his hand. We prepared and charged in. It took some time but eventually we were victorious in recovering the oil vukas. "Jabbress" ran forth to pick up the varkas and tuck it in her bag. Afterwards, we took refuge in the outskirt of a nearby town Lyn. She rested in her own tent and didn't speak much as we took refuge.

Once rested, I concealed the both of us for our journey down the mountain. In that instance, I felt a surge and pain all over. I winced and looked at "Jabbress." I finally noticed the red glow in her eyes. She cackled and ran off while I struggled to maintain balance. Then I realize the mistake I have committed. I should have listened to my intuition; I have failed my priestess by aiding her enemies. That deceitful stranger fed on my kindness and used me. And now I am feeling the repercussion.

To atone for my mistake, I have decided to travel to Her Perfection temple near Stone to seek forgiveness. I am Her Perfection priestess, and her alone. I shall only serve her and be wiser in the future in whom to help. And if I run into that cursed "Jabbress," I shall make sure she pay for her dark heart.


Re: Kylie's Silent Confessions
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2011, 12:38:58 pm »
Many years have passed. Kylie has been busy with Hayley; they have been traveling and gathering resources and donating as much as they could. They try to help out the people as much as they can by making the road most traveled safe from giant raids and ambushes. Their actions and gestures are small but Kylie hopes they are helping the people in need. And with the countless battles, Kylie has gotten wiser. All those battles come with a cost though; she has lost a part of her a few times. Furthermore, it seems like Kylie has not gotten a good decent rest as of late. The battles with the cults and drakes have exhausted her greatly. On the bright side, they eventually did win the war against that evil Molvaren. Too bad he escaped and they had to retreat before the collapse of that mountain. Now, the rebuilding process begins.

As the ashes of the war slowly dies down, Kylie found herself venturing around Hilm Castle. Along her side were Hayley, Tralek, and Vrebel. While the four of them rested in Hilm, Kylie was approached by a messenger gnome; it appears Beryl has called upon her. The messenger guided Kylie and her companions to a hidden refugee camp that is part of Beryl's temple. The person that had sought her out was known as Emerald Broken Chisel. What he lacked in height; he made up through wisdom.  He advised Kylie to be more dutiful towards the temple. Beryl had blessed her greatly and it was time she showed her devotion to Her Perfectionist. The Broken Chisel asked if she can venture into the dark elves' campsite to retrieve a fire agate that rightfully belonged to Berylites. With the aid of her sister, Tralek, and Vrebel, they quickly made their way towards the campsite. During the journey, the group encountered winged beasts, trollocs, and mithril golems. They've also rescued a Berylite party that was being chased by trolls. Amongst the Berylites, one of the female spoke of a union wedding to take place in Hilm Castle. They are relocating to a hidden temple inside Hilm. It will not be visible to anyone or known by others besides Berylites. Kylie and her companions cleared the path for the Berylites to rendezvous with the others as well as preparing for her wedding. After a short moment, they reached the dark elves' campsite. A huge wooden door had blocked their paths. As the group attempted to persuade the elf to open the door, Hayley can sense powerful Al'Noth and is far beyond her and Tralek's ability. Negotiations proceed but the elf wouldn't budge unless five heads were brought to them. Kylie pressed her ears closer to the wooden door and could hear laughter. She knew these wicked elves had something up their sleeves. The group retreated and she prayed to Beryl for guidance. Her Perfectionist came to her in light of the situation; she counseled that it would be an unwise decision if the group chose to break down the wooden door. She also envisioned three heads inside a bag and those were not the ones they are aiming to salvage for the dark elves.

While Kylie was deep in mediation, Hayley and Tralek sought for other passages that would lead them inside the campsite safely. After searching the vicinity, the campsite cannot be penetrated; there was only one path in and out through the wooden door. The group decided to try and persuade the elves again; perhaps barters with them for the fire agate.  Ultimately, Kylie gave them two fine emeralds in exchange for the fire agate. The group headed back to the Beryl's refugee camp and found it desolated, sheer evidences showed that the Berylites have relocated. The group trekked back to Hilm Castle in search for the Broken Chisel with the fire agate in their possession. Whilst Hayley, Tralek, and Vrebel searched Hilm Castle for the Broken Chisel, Kylie was approached by a Berylite within the wedding caravan that they've rescued. She told Kylie that the fire agate belonged to her dead husband. She would like to have it back as a memento. Hesitant with the truth in her story, Kylie gave her the fire agate. There was no reason why another Berylite would deceive her. The wedding caravan cheered and asked her to run their congregation. Due to her hierarchy status, Kylie kindly declined their suggestion. She is merely a Wanderer and has not obtained enough credentials to lead a congregation. Abruptly, the Broken Chisel appeared and told her he never had a need for the fire agate since he's found something more valuable for Beryl... Kylie Copperstone, Aventurine of Hilm.  As she accepted the title that was bestowed upon her, Kylie agreed to aid her congregation; bringing forth all the beauty in the world and sharing them as Her Perfection had taught them.

To slowly bring forth the beauty, Kylie is fixated on the idea of harvesting more precious gems to decorate her congregation. Additionally, she will raise revenue to renovate Beryl's hidden shrine within Hilm and make it public. It will be a temple that will dazzle and bring peace to those in search of it.

