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Author Topic: Stephen's Assorted Character Notes  (Read 626 times)


Stephen's Assorted Character Notes
« on: October 09, 2007, 03:37:25 am »
[SIZE=18]In this thread will be the occasional snippets of thought I come up with, be it a character concept, the tale of a character I've had deleted, conversations between two of my characters, that sort of thing.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18] [SIZE=32]PLEASE[/SIZE] post in here with your thoughts on my thoughts. I'd love to hear it, and this way I have a record right there with it.

Like, really. Post. Pretty please?


Re: Stephen's Assorted Character Notes
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2007, 01:57:57 am »
Stephen's LORE Page

Well, that's got links to all my characters here, ever.

Man, this is gonna take a lot of tabs...

[lore]Pyyran[/lore] [Original App] (Dev Thread) Still in-play.

[lore]Cynn Reyer[/lore] [Original App] (No Dev Thread) Retired from adventuring when she started starving; briefly tried her hand as a trainer and nanny for Cole Norseman's child, but after Addison's death, there was none to vouch for her, and she went into business as a merchants' guard in Port Hempstead.

[lore]Tyeaan[/lore]  [Original App] (Dev Thread) Returned upon invitation to the Great Library when his mentor, Nester Faln, died. His ambitions for apprenticeship to a necromancer of particular note died out when the latter disappeared without trace, and so he set himself to a life of study in the Library.

[lore]Lora Fearshield[/lore] [Original App] (No Dev Thread) An interesting note: Though it has since been the official stance that it's impossible for dwarves (and Duergar are dwarves) to mate with humans, Leanthar himself approved the character, albeit many months before the mentioned statement. On an IC note, though, Lora returned home to the Barbarian Isles after disillusionment with Mistone. She is currently a relatively skilled blacksmith for her tribe, specializing in weapons.

[lore]Barret Glib[/lore] [Original App] (No Dev Thread) This little fellow joined up with a thieves' ring in Hempstead, and is currently doing a thirty year sentence for assault after he beat in the face of a mage who dropped his spider familiar on the halfling's head by accident.

[lore]Joshua Byrne[/lore] (Link Broken) [Original App] (No Dev Thread) The LORE link is broken. Sorry. However... Joshua struck a lucky break with a fishing company based out of Port Hempstead, and has since had nine children with the wife he found shortly after. Not a one of them can catch a fish to save their lives, but all seem to have an aptitude for other, more tangibly productive arts... Carpentry, tanning, and calligraphy, to name but a third of the talents produced by the young monk and his wife.

[lore]Merry Lark[/lore] [Original  App] (No Dev Thread) Apparently, her original app was nerfed in the board changeover, but that gives the idea. Now, as seen here, she's a barmaid at the Wild Surge to make ends meet, who sings whenever Ragrian doesn't feel like it. While she didn't gain glory and lucrative fame as a minstrel, she certainly does well on tips...

[lore]Bjosef Bourne[/lore] [Orignal App] (No Dev Thread) Again, the original app was somehow lost. Bah. However, Bjosef fought well and bravely, and died just as well.

[lore]Grok[/lore] [Original App] (No Dev Thread) Still in play, if you could call it that; I don't play him too much anymore, as the Crimson Shields were something of a last-ditch to have him active again. I can't bear to delete him, though.

[lore]Ceviren Lightstaff[/lore] [Original App] (Dev Thread) Still in-play, currently working along in a plot-related quest, curing a fairly interesting malady with the Aeridinite church. Go, healer-boy, go!

[lore]Lin Xu[/lore] [Original App] (No Dev Thread) After several years on the mainland (ironically, just long enough to learn Common fluently), the skies miraculously cleared... And, though she spent a year afterwards seeking answers, none were to be had. So, she made her way back to Gionda, to the praise of all, who thought that, despite her protests, she must've had a hand in the return of the blue skies. She is now training under the Ha'gue, and might, one day, take his place. Maybe.

[lore]Cutter Stonehelm[/lore] [Original App] (Dev Thread) Still in-play. Love this dwarf. He's headed for Dwarven Defender all the way.

[lore]Fortun Ghaele[/lore] [Original App] (Dev Thread) Sorcerer! Fun times for this one, but rough times in low-levels. I dread not being able to rest regularly; looks like I'll be buying a better crossbow.

[lore]LAZ[/lore] [Original App] (Dev Thread) Weapon Master at approval, the last character I made before my longest hiatus. Now starkly mad, and a blast to play.


Pyyran's Dice
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2007, 02:59:02 pm »
Original Post

Right. So, Pyyran just carved himself a set of dice out of the bone from his shattered knee. He later went on to carve a hilt for his rapier, with a platinum setting in the bottom for any enchanted gems to be placed, and beads to go on the string upon which his shell is strung. The shavings and dust, he burned to ash, and then, with the help from a little kaolin and china stone, made a few (six) porcelain bells - with clappers made of platinum - which have small loops in the top for weaving into hair.

In the post, I don't mention which faces of the Stars dice go with which. EDIT: Aw, rats, I did Crowns instead of Stars. And the Crowns text was great, too! *Grumbles, and shuffles off to fix the problem before finishing this post.*

Crowns... The crowns which once graced the heads of Kayana Waylend, queen of Dregar, of Allurial, greatest queen Mistone has known, of Rory Rockfist, king of Bloody Gate, Briant Drayton, king of Erylin, the home of the Wolfswood, and Sinthar Bloodstone, warlord who once would have ruled the world.
Also, the Coins text for the last coin, with the heart and clover? It was originally just a clover, as the coin is the mithril coin Pyyran gave to Rhynn, who ended up giving the coin to Karn.

Right, so, the faces which go together.

Die 1:

Star - Beryl
Moon - Two New
Sword - Coldfire
Coin - Queen's Coin
Key - Skeleton Key
Cup - Dicecup

Die 2:

Star - Deliar
Moon - Orn
Sword - Wicked
Coin - True
Key - Eon's Key
Cup - Teacup

Die 3:

Star - Ilsare
Moon - Ausir
Sword - Bloodfall
Coin - Heart and Clover
Key - Locket Key
Cup - Wineglass

Die 4:

Star - Aeridin
Moon - Two Full
Sword - Shadow Blade
Coin - Tower
Key - Storan's Key
Cup - Tankard

Die 5:

Star - Shadon
Moon - Crescents
Sword - Kukri
Coin - Innpiece
Key - Housekey
Cup - Gemmed Goblet

Tried to go with themes for them, but in the end each face is a piece of art all its own.


Re: Stephen's Assorted Character Notes
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2007, 04:00:18 pm »
I officially need to start crosslinking posts; thanks to Tobias for pointing this out.

From here on, everything'll be crosslinked. Each active character will have a CDT (Gosh darnit!), though they'll probably go largely unposted, and anything that has notes on it, will have a link here (and back).

I may also start LOREing things. If there's no LORE page for something, I may have to submit.

But we all know how those plans tend to go for me, eh?


I just had an idea for a Corathite Half-Orc Rogue/Assassin born just before the end of 1420, opposed entirely to the ideals of Aeridin, who he believes caused his brother to be stillborn.

In my tradition of building the build alongside the story, here are some sketchy stats.

Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 12.

Though by the time this guy would be of age, I'm sure we'll have different stats with a different way of working them.

The idea is that he would go through as a Rogue to become an Assassin, NE the whole way. An armored, thug-type assassin.

I also had an idea to bring back Barret Glib, turned hard and evil by his time in lockup, but smart enough to work with the guards and get out on a "good behavior" rap. Rogue/Fighter, or mayhap just rogue, dual-wielding daggers a-la (now that I think about it) Belkar. If he went Fighter, he'd probably go for WM, but if straight Rogue, Assassin.  Depends on the development associated with the classes... Either way, though, it would take a full resubmit, starting from level 1. He'd be my first truly evil character... And that just sounds fun.

Twenty-five years. Almost out of his tweens, and one rash action - however justified - had landed him in this stinking hole. For twenty-five long, filthy, underfed years.

Daylight filtered in through the barred window, the dusty sunbeams striking the gaunt figure laid out beneath them. Pathetic, he was. Just another Tenderfoot, wasting away in prison for a petty crime... Not even tough enough to stay hard in this hard life. Barret knew what that was like. He, too, had succumbed to despair after the first year in the then-pitch black darkness. It had consumed him, and everything he was... Even the Tricks, the thieves that had reared him, grew faint in his mind.

But there was always pain.

From the first day of the halfling's arrival, the other prisoners chose him as their whipping boy. Smaller than most of them, they thought him an easy target... For just one or two of them, that idea proved wrong indeed; six of his tormentors spent weeks in Solitary, healing broken limbs and battered organs. But they quickly learned to overcome him in groups, beating him to the ground until they were broken up by the guards. Barret's sharp features were quickly distorted, and his first year was spent healing... Until he simply stopped fighting back.

Apathy and despair became his world. The better part of two decades in the dark Pit to look forward to, he let go of hope, of pride, and suffered without contest the jabs and jeers of his fellow convicts. "Shortling" became his name, and while he still endured the occasional beating, he was, for the most part, spared much continuing physical harm.

But the pain went deeper than flesh and bone, searing what was left of his mind with a quiet hate.

And so fifteen years passed, Barret now just another quiet prisoner who ate his gruel and sat in a corner, waiting to die or be released.

But then, fifteen years into Barret's stay, a man named Erelos was put Inside. The flamboyant thief and murderer found the mass prison perfectly to his liking, and, with the thorough beatings of three of the tougher convicts, secured a position as one of the better-respected among the prisoners. And Erelos did not like halflings, oh no.

For a time, Erelos' cruelties, both physical and verbal, went uncontested by the former Trick. The horrible things the human did, and forced Barret to do... For a time, the halfling stayed quiet between screams of pain, and took the punishment without argument.

But down within the halfling's heart, the hatred grew.

It grew and grew, quietly overwhelming the quiet apathy that had consumed him. It grew, until the despair could hold it no longer, and was far too great to be directed inwards. When that dam inside his soul broke, and the hate spilled free, Barret opened his eyes for what seemed like the first time in many years.

And when he looked out, and saw those accursed black human eyes staring back, he decided he would take them. Later that day, he found his chance.

Erelos never saw the halfling approach. Tiny, strong fingers were plunged into his eyes, clawing away their last hope of vision. Moments later, his knees were broken... And then, first, one of his flailing arms. And then the other.

Barret revisited upon the human every cruelty that had been done to him over the year of Erelos' stay, and found himself laughing as he did it. The guards did not move from their posts outside the bars until the halfling was done with his revenge, and Erelos was never seen in the common cell again.

Only one man dared torment the halfling again, and, with what may have been no more than a lucky punch to the kidney, put the man out of commission for several days. Barret did not go out of his way to find conflict, and no more conflict came to him, so his days passed in quiet hatred. "Good behavior," this was labeled by the guards. Nine years of this "good behavior" passed, and the halfling was brought before tribunal twice, to determine if he was ready to be released into society again.

The second time, they gave him one week to remain in prison. If he withstood that week, and kept up his good record, he would be released.

So now, he waited, staring at the worthless, wasting half-corpse of the barely breathing human under the window, and counted the places he could hit the man and kill him.

The worthless Tenderfoots in here, all either mad or rotting. What other Shortlings were here were no better...

But his name was called.

It was time to go outside.
That's the working version of the sub for new Barret, who would, at this point, be submitted as a straight Rogue. If I can figure a way to work in martial training, I would, but... *Shrugs.*


Re: Stephen's Assorted Character Notes
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2007, 10:23:53 am »
Original Post

Hah! And, now the framework is laid. He'll actually have her as a familiar when he hits level 5; she'll be USING that Improved Invis that the pixies get. And quite probably Colour Spray, as well; I remember that from the OC. Technically, she's already a higher level than Fortun is... But his independant experiences will take care of that. ;)

As much as I hate the pixie familiars, it's mainly because people use them to make rogues obsolete, as they LITERALLY have a tricks & traps style rogue of their level along for the ride in that pixie. So, my pixie won't have open lock or disable trap. Aside from that, it'll be as normal, but... Well.

The trouble is in how my character will meet this beast; it wasn't outlined in the sub, so there's no reason for a pixie to just pop out of the air.

I'm thinking he'll enter into a hate/love relationship where she nicks anything he leaves unattended, and then finally he ends up having to rescue her with a well-placed Colour Spray when she moves on to a shorter, hairier, dwarven-er target. But we'll see.

And it seems we've seen. :)

Loli see man with Mercury eyes, Loli follows and Loli spies. Loli think Mercury live sad time, so Loli cheer Mercury up.

Tricks and fun, all for one.


Re: Stephen's Assorted Character Notes
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2008, 06:52:14 am »
The Four Stars Tavern

Well, Pyyran's finally gone and opened the Four Stars, the place Rhynn had planned to open before the server hub was moved from Hlint to Hemp/Vehl.

I'll probably be trying to write up a character development post on this, as well, but... *Shrugs.* Things've been pretty rough, lately, and it may well be another little while before I make much progress on my quest to 20th level (and the real goal: WLDQ).


Re: Stephen's Assorted Character Notes
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2008, 08:11:38 am »
Though I don't have the time to write a CDT at the moment (heh, how rarely I do), Pyyran's recently A) offered 10k of financial backing to the Crossed Blades, a dueling organization, and B) been hunting for a link between music and magic, not to mention his training of just about anyone he's come across in the arena who uses a light weapon.

For everyone else (in terms of my characters)... well... Not much, unfortunately. @.@

*Runs off to work.*


Re: Stephen's Assorted Character Notes
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2008, 12:32:44 pm »
Quote from: Stephen_Zuckerman
B) been hunting for a link between music and magic

And he hasn't mentioned this to Karn?! :o ;) I'm sure I remember Karn doing some asking around about Ilsare and the 'Harmony of Life' of Freldo a looooong time ago...

Oh look someone posted here!


Re: Stephen's Assorted Character Notes
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2008, 12:26:11 pm »
<3 Dan! Good to have someone's thoughts! To be honest, without you around much, I've not been sure what to say about Karn... And, to boot, all the old Harmony stuff is as useless as Broegar at this point - good writing, but not Layonara IP. I actually did make mention of him in RP with Kali and Hardy - as they asked about Karn, of course - but it was the first thing I could think of that didn't have Karn giving him the answers: "Karn describes it like flying... Just flap your wings. Only he can't tell me how to find my wings, much less flap them." Breathing would've been another good analogy... But that whole thing can be retconned without much trouble, if you've got something else for me. :)


Re: Pyyran's Dice
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2008, 12:43:18 pm »
Quote from: Stephen_Zuckerman
Original Post
 Die 5:
 Star - Shadon
 Moon - Crescents
 Sword - Kukri
 Coin - Innpiece
 Key - Housekey
 Cup - Gemmed Goblet
 Tried to go with themes for them, but in the end each face is a piece of art all its own.
 Hey!  Where is Die 6!
 Star - Toran
 Moon - Two Half Moons
 Sword - Vicious
 Coin - Pirate Medallion
 Key - A sword  (We know Shiff doesn't use keys ;))
 Cup - Tankard


Re: Stephen's Assorted Character Notes
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2008, 01:48:22 pm »
Oh, har har. Stars is only played with five dice! :) Besides, Shiff isn't that close to Pyyran. And really, those don't work. XD

Thoughts on the Barret sub?

Anyhow... While it's a bit premature to request this at the moment (going to hope that it'd make more sense to wait AFTER a WLDQ - hope beyond hope!), I'm noting this for the future.

Need Pyyran's hair changed to grey (need to find the right grey for him in the game), the voiceset changed to "Human, Male, Veteran Rogue" ;), and the description changed, as well. I'll throw together something for that tonight at some point, but it'll definitely include the ageless look, deep blue eyes, and a few quirks about his equipment as I've been playing it recently.

I'm also thinking about totally rearranging this thread, putting more of each character's stuff together, or just listing the posts in this thread that relate to what.


Re: Stephen's Assorted Character Notes
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2008, 02:13:54 am »
Pyyran's Better Brewing Cards

Games of Layonara (incl. Pips and Stars)

I'll need to throw together a list of the quests I've been on. Oi. Maybe the DMs have a list of that? | Turns out they do, sortof, but it would take someone combing the writeups for hours. Something I can't do, or I gladly would.

Anyhow, due to some intellectual property issues, and the fact that I was too lazy to write things up in my initial submission (ironically becoming a wonderful example of pseudo-imaginative cheesing, for all that I was very well aware and familiar with his origins), I'm retconning his past to fit in Layonara.


Pyyran Rahth lived in a small, unnamed village on the northern shores of Lake Lodan in what would, much later, become the southern Brelin Kingdom. His mother and father were a part of the tiny community, both part of lines that had lived in the village for many generations, and his father, like his grandfather before him, was slated to become a Town Elder, if the other Elders were amenable. But Pyyran's mother died in giving birth to the infant adventurer, and his father became more and more reclusive. A farmer, the man withdrew from the community, and Pyyran was left mostly to his own devices throughout much of his childhood.

It was in his youthful wanderings that he met Derald Stonespirit, a dwarven child of twenty from the relatively nearby quarry in the foothills of the Ire Mountains. The two quickly became fast friends. Pyyran learned much of the dwarven culture, a not insignificant fascination growing in him with the legends of old; the tales of great works and divine quests. The two managed to get into a fair bit of trouble throughout their shared youth, be it rousing badgers, climbing in the quarry, or even once nearly setting Elder Fennyl's barn aflame, but always they remained close.

Their spirits of adventure, moreover, were fanned to new heights when a bard of some skill passed through, spinning tales of Bloodstone's menace against the world, and the heroes who were called by a great Dragon from ages past to fight him. Like most inhabitants of the smaller communities across the countryside, however, they paid little mind to the tale, thinking it, like all the rest, was another grand yarn, sheared, spun, and carded for the minstrel's use.

Pyyran's relationship with the village varied from week to week - he and Derald were as often cursed as welcomed with wide smiles - but his relationship with the Elder Merrick Fynnel, a fencer of some skill, was at times closer than with his own father. The old man had been an adventurer himself, in his youth, and, perhaps not realizing how encouraging he was being to the young boy, taught him much of what he knew.

But when a small band of goblins broke into the village's small temple to Prunilla, and stole the silver braziers in which the harvest's offerings were burned, Pyyran and Derald set out after them, unbeknownst to all. While the village was still organizing a group of men to track the goblins, the headstrong pair of youngsters was sneaking through the woods, thinking to simply stumble across their quarry.

They never found the goblins.

It was bugbears they stumbled across, and Pyyran, in his fear, loosed an arrow at one of the bunch. The goblinoids, much larger than those they had sought, charged through the underbrush to find, and squash, this nuisance from the shadows of the forest, but Derald met them with dwarven steel, bringing down three with the swiftness of Voraxian training, and another soon after. Meanwhile, Pyyran was doing his best to fend off one, who sprawled him out on the ground with brutal ease. As the bugbear drew back to strike the final blow, Derald again charged in, axe swinging wildly. The dwarf's strike fell home, but the bugbear's found flesh, as well. Derald's neck was gashed open, and Pyyran's childhood friend bled out upon the ground.

The young lad ran for all his sixteen years were worth, shoving from his mind as best he could over the next lonely, hungry week, the memories of what had happened. Over and over, he told himself, he would find glory - become a great adventurer! None would question his origins, none would force him back to face his shame.

For many months, he roamed from town to town, desperately trying at once to keep himself fed, and to save enough for a worthwhile rapier, as often stealing as working for coin and sustenance. In Orlbar, a small gang of local thieves caught him filching bread in the market, and decided to take the nimble lad in... Albeit with much in the way of persuasion. They taught him their signs, the little motions a man could make to convey hidden meaning on the sly, and managed to continue their healthy business.  For the most part unwilling, the young man still did his part as a pair of eyes and hands, seeing the work as nothing more nor less than another way to get by. However, this thief's life was not to last, for Pyyran; when the guild's leader was caught, and hanged, each member went his own seperate way... And, having spent only a few months in Orlbar, the young man's boots were set back to walking.

It was luck he owed, like many of the happenings in his life, for stumbling across the roaming clan of gnomes who called themselves Derakin. They welcomed the sharp-witted, if decidedly ragged boy, as not even the Guild of Orlbar had, and allowed him to travel with them on their way from Port Hempstead towards Luxia, in what would later become northeastern Trelania. Recognizing their goodwill, the travel-weary Pyyran made no efforts to continue his brief time as a professional larcenist.

Over the first four months of the journey, he learned much about the arts of alchemy and engineering - so apt was he, for a human, that some among the clan considered quite strongly to keep the lighthearted tallfolk boy along, even after reaching their destination. However, the discussion would soon become moot, when a budding romance between the human and a young gnomish girl named Robin was discovered. Furious, the clan elders literally chased Pyyran off, pursuing him until they were certain the fleetfooted human would never seek them out again.

The young man's luck took a turn for the worse, after that - with no real money, and no real aim, he did his best to pick up his life where it had left off in Orlbar, wandering down the roads and stopping at every farm, home, and tavern to beg for work. Slowly starving, he thought his journey might end in the rickety barn in which he took shelter, and wrote what he thought very well could be his final words.

But, that night, like so many before and after, he dreamed of a Dragon.


Re: Stephen's Assorted Character Notes
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2008, 12:45:39 am »
A discussion. This is NOT public knowledge in any way, shape, or form. The only four people, at this point, that know about this idea, are Tim, Kell, Pyyran, and the Lord of Haven. Nor will it become public knowledge until they've got the lumber built into a bonfire at the front of the cave.

Code: [Select]
(8:14:10 PM) Stephen: *The old man knocks at the door, humming softly to himself as he waits for an answer.*
(8:14:54 PM) darkstorme: *a hooded figure opens the door, then lowers his hood to reveal the disheveled hair and sharp-toothed smile Pyrran's familiar with*
(8:15:09 PM) darkstorme: Pyrran!  Good to see you, come in, come in.
(8:16:09 PM) darkstorme: *he ushers the older man into a sitting room down the hall and to the left, richly appointed with rugs, chairs, and a marble fireplace, as well as a chess set off to one side*
(8:16:32 PM) darkstorme: Can I offer you something to drink, or eat?  Arynne, as you may or may not know, is now the head cook at the Arms, and her food is critically acclaimed.
(8:17:07 PM) Stephen: **He smiles, gliding in with his usual inexplicable grace, cobbled-together equipment jingling.* Ah, I see you've done fairly well by yourself in the past years, old friend. You should stop by the Stars some time... **He chuckles quietly, shaking his head.* No, no... I'm familiar with her status and her food, but I'm not terribly hungry.
(8:17:44 PM) darkstorme: *snaps his fingers thoughtfully*  The Stars... oh yes, that place you and Karn opened down Haven way, yes?
(8:18:24 PM) Stephen: Aye, that's the one. We're doing relatively well, though it's getting harder and harder to keep the kegs of the house cider filled.
(8:19:10 PM) Stephen: It's a blend Rhynnala and I worked out; primarily Rilaran apples, but with a dash of dried Molten Isle Reds.
(8:19:34 PM) darkstorme: *quirks an eyebrow*  "Rilaran" apples?
(8:19:56 PM) Stephen: **He smiles wryly.* As long as that darkear's breathing, it won't be Alindor to me.
(8:20:17 PM) darkstorme: Ah, but Apples from Alindor is wonderfully alliterative.
(8:21:00 PM) darkstorme: Regardless, you were asking after Feldspar in your note.
(8:21:08 PM) Stephen: True... *He taps the side of his chin thoughfully.* Mayhap Alindoran Apples... Ah, aye. Feldspar.
(8:21:10 PM) darkstorme: I'm afraid I don't have too much to offer beyond what you likely already know.
(8:21:22 PM) darkstorme: The depths of the Haven mines, for one...
(8:21:37 PM) darkstorme: But with the gnoll infestation, it's often more trouble than it's worth even to fetch amethyst from the higher levels.
(8:22:08 PM) Stephen: *The minstrel nods, again giving that wry smile.* I've been trying to roust the bloody dogmen for years, with little success.
(8:23:01 PM) darkstorme: The other viable option, in my experience, has been Bear Island.
(8:23:26 PM) darkstorme: Though again, a fairly significant group of sword-arms is required to penetrate the temple if moving by force..
(8:23:30 PM) Stephen: Hm... *He gives a slow nod, staring into the fireplace with a solemn expression.*
(8:23:40 PM) darkstorme: And a significant force must still be brought to bear if moving by stealth.
(8:23:58 PM) darkstorme: *grins wryly* No pun intended, of course.
(8:24:29 PM) Stephen: **He smiles absently, eyes still serious and calculating.* A single mage, myself, and... Mayhaps a helping hand.
(8:25:00 PM) darkstorme: Expendable support, such as that garnered by a mage or cleric, seems the best approach.  Someone to absorb the damage the brutes can deal out.
(8:25:08 PM) Stephen: I wouldn't ask Tim to do it, not since his visit from the Harvester, but...
(8:25:27 PM) darkstorme: Tim has had fair success with a new toy of his, in fact, deep on Bear Island.
(8:25:42 PM) Stephen: I'm a fairly competent swordsman, Kell. For all my old age, I've learned a few tricks. **He smiles, arching an eyebrow.* New toy?
(8:26:07 PM) darkstorme: Well, whether or not you were aware of it, Tim specializes in the field that mages call Evocation.
(8:26:21 PM) darkstorme: Very flashy stuff.  Fire from air, lightning hurled from hand to hand, that sort of thing.
(8:26:44 PM) Stephen: Aye, I've discussed the Weave at length with the fellow, and my understanding of the varying disciplines is competent enough.
(8:27:20 PM) Stephen: Though I've still to understand the classification of a good many spells revolving around raw force.
(8:27:33 PM) darkstorme: Tim has, however, over the years, found himself envious of those spellcasters who, lacking a companion, can call one up from some mysterious elsewhere to do their bidding.
(8:27:51 PM) darkstorme: Because of his work in Evocation, such spells are barred to him.
(8:28:45 PM) Stephen: Indeed. The price of specializing in an aspect of an art is weakness in another area, as always; my bladework lacks in strength what it displays in precision.
(8:29:11 PM) darkstorme: *nods*  However, in his latest breakthrough in his magical studies, he came across a spell created by old Moraken.
(8:29:51 PM) darkstorme: The spell seizes upon a tiny model sword, no longer than a pin, enlarges it, imbues it with life of its own, and sends it forth against the caster's foes.
(8:29:56 PM) darkstorme: Moraken's Sword, they call it.
(8:30:06 PM) Stephen: Oh? I'd think that, Moraken being the master of magical movement... Ah. I've seen the like; made permanent in Eon's Well.
(8:30:35 PM) darkstorme: Well, it allows Tim to create help, since he's not summoning it from air.
(8:30:50 PM) Stephen: Nasty work, with the proper additions to the product. **He nods.* Aye. How long can he hold it?
(8:31:23 PM) darkstorme: As he is merely altering something that is preexisting, I believe it falls under the school known as... *thinks for a moment* Transmutation.  As such, it is not barred to him.
(8:32:19 PM) Stephen: **He nods again, a glint of curiosity shining in his eyes.* Has he given a go at simply creating a dancing weapon of that sort?
(8:33:03 PM) darkstorme: *shakes his head*  He's been working at his table in his room upstairs for weeks on one magical experiment after another.  It's gotten to the point where I've been afeared to open his chests at all, seeing all that energy pent-up.
(8:33:22 PM) darkstorme: I'm sure he's working on something... but I think he's more than passing interested in an old goal of his again.
(8:33:30 PM) Stephen: The cloak?
(8:34:05 PM) darkstorme: *furrows his brow*  Oh, that.  That's why I've been hauling sand back and forth - he'll eventually need someone to make components for him, and he's given me a fair few things, so I owe the man.
(8:34:07 PM) darkstorme: No, no.
(8:34:24 PM) darkstorme: His research into the creation of great magical items is one goal, to be sure.
(8:34:37 PM) darkstorme: His other is to remove a castle from the face of Layonara.
(8:34:46 PM) darkstorme: Ideally, converting it to glass, but he's not, apparently, picky.
(8:36:40 PM) Stephen: *The old Dragoncalled goes very still for a moment, then raises his eyes from the fire to look over at Kell, sapphire gaze carrying a dark weight to it.* Adamantium doesn't melt to glass, as sand and stone may. It's fairly heat-resistant, and even a great force released in an adamantine-laced corridor stands little chance of damaging the black walls.
(8:37:15 PM) Stephen: Getting past the dirtguar is a chore, as well. None of their staff is human any longer.
(8:37:54 PM) darkstorme: *smiles grimly*  I think he'd be willing to settle for a lesser foe... though I can't be sure.  He has asked me about my alchemical research - whether I might be able to make the volatile mixture found in a fire bomb into larger drums, keyed with gems infused with the fireball spell.
(8:38:03 PM) darkstorme: We shall see.
(8:38:49 PM) darkstorme: I think, in a very large part, it is an unadulterated desire to see the conflagration required to perform such a permanent removal.
(8:39:37 PM) Stephen: I've managed to reduce the oil down to grains, though it's far trickier than even dissolved silver. A handful of flintstones in the mix can cause quite the stir when struck against something.
(8:40:46 PM) darkstorme: *nods*  I think for the kick-off, impact will not be necessary.
(8:40:59 PM) Stephen: I've witnessed, mayhap, a spell which could do the trick... But then, still, there'd be adamantium raining down upon the populace.
(8:42:06 PM) darkstorme: Tim has been working on a way to key gems like these - *here he extracts a glowing gem from a pouch at his belt* to trigger in a chain, given an initial spell.  I expect the firestorm unleashed therefrom would raise temperatures in the immediate vicinity, even to the melting point of forged adamantium.  Dwarven silver might withstand it, but nothing else.
(8:42:36 PM) darkstorme: *nods* The fallout is something he has been pondering.  The culmination of his plan is still some years away, I suspect, so it may work itself out.
(8:42:46 PM) Stephen: Mithril, you mean. *He smiles faintly.* Aye; difficult to destroy it once it's tempered... Still.
(8:43:40 PM) Stephen: Perhaps to charge wands such that they explode, releasing the stored magic... I've done something similar with a lightningrod.
(8:44:01 PM) darkstorme: Well, we'll say that he received quite a scolding from Miss Thistletongue for his initial tests out in the sands beyond Spellgard.
(8:44:41 PM) Stephen: I'm sure. That's near enough to her home, didn't you know?
(8:45:04 PM) darkstorme: *tosses the gem lightly from hand to hand*  This gem, and three of its kin, form the basis of a wand that hurls fireballs.  Its principal advantage is that more of these can be readily stacked into a crate, which could then be placed by or in the target castle.
(8:45:10 PM) darkstorme: Otherwise, the principle is much the same.
(8:45:29 PM) darkstorme: *nods* I understand the shock wave from the initial test prompted some fervour in and around her home.
(8:46:35 PM) Stephen: It's more the shock from the implosion, actually... One rarely notices when dodging them, per se, but the spell called Fireball is only heat. I've not even seen something catch fire from it.
(8:47:19 PM) darkstorme: Have you not?  I've seen woods set aflame that, were it not for a fortuitous storm (or perhaps some Druids were watching, eh?) would have burned for days from an errant fireball.
(8:48:35 PM) Stephen: Hm. In my experience, the flames burn too hot, for too short a time. Mayhap the lasting heat from a singed object started the fire, or mayhap the spell was altered.
(8:48:52 PM) darkstorme: *shrugs*  The woods were very dry.
(8:49:01 PM) darkstorme: I've no doubt that a lightning strike would've set them ablaze.
(8:49:10 PM) darkstorme: As you say, the blast from a fireball does not last long.
(8:49:33 PM) darkstorme: It is the *chained* reaction that Tim seeks to perpetuate.  Blast after blast after blast, raising the heat in the affected area.
(8:50:07 PM) Stephen: **He nods.* A few seconds, maybe as many as ten, could melt granite with relative ease, I suppose.
(8:50:25 PM) darkstorme: The fire engendered by fireballs, as best I can tell, has no need of air as do convention fires (though it will exhaust air supplies in closed quarters, I'm afraid.)  So subsequent explosions should not be drained of their fuel by preceding ones.
(8:50:58 PM) Stephen: Aye... Though you do give me a fair idea.
(8:51:10 PM) darkstorme: *cocks an eyebrow*
(8:51:31 PM) Stephen: *A somewhat wicked grin spreads across the old man's face as he nods.* A way to clear out the gnolls.
(8:52:05 PM) darkstorme: *cautiously* We WOULD wish the mines intact after the fact, surely.
(8:52:56 PM) Stephen: Intact enough, structurally, aye. The trick would be sealing off the vents that were cut to ward against the very fate I intend for the dogmen.
(8:53:28 PM) darkstorme: Ah.  I thought that might be your plan.  Tricky work, though.  Vents were drilled all through the mines to prevent such a catastrophe back when the mines were functional.
(8:53:56 PM) darkstorme: Coal dust is vicious stuff if set ablaze, and it wouldn't have done to have the miners escape the conflagration only to suffocate.
(8:54:17 PM) darkstorme: We are, I'm afraid, hoist by fine foresight.
(8:55:28 PM) Stephen: *He nods again.* Aye. I don't think, however, that the gnolls - as bright as they are - would have made any more, if the air was sufficient. Nor do I think that they would be able to do so once their air began to run out.
(8:56:43 PM) darkstorme: So it's a matter of finding the vents, blocking them up, setting a blaze near the entrance that draws from the deeps as easily as it does from the open air, and then waiting a few days to see if it all fell out as planned.
(8:58:00 PM) Stephen: Narrowing the entry tunnel and building the flame within would accomplish that; the trick would be keeping the dogmen from dousing it. There are a number of natural springs in the mines, though none fit to swim.
(8:58:05 PM) Stephen: Swim out, leastwise.
(8:59:17 PM) darkstorme: Of course, the vents would have to be reopened before any venture into the mines could tell if it were a success..
(8:59:43 PM) darkstorme: And though the gnolls are hardly brilliant, I imagine they would grow wary of a team of workmen moving in to narrow the hallway for the firepit.
(8:59:45 PM) Stephen: *He tugs absently on a lock of grey hair, expression deeply thoughtful.* Or mayhap simply a large enough blaze at the head of the tunnel, with a small army standing by...
(9:00:25 PM) Stephen: Aye. Even if they send warriors to try putting the blaze out, so long as we kept them in the tunnels, we could continue building the flame.
(9:00:38 PM) Stephen: And killing off any of the furred buggarts who approached, for that.
(9:01:17 PM) darkstorme: *nods*  Careful planning and organization well in advance would be necessary.. as would making certain that every available source of ventilation was well-sealed.
(9:01:48 PM) Stephen: The lord should have full charts of such, on record.
(9:02:51 PM) Stephen: I think mud or cement, rather than using explosives to seal them, would be the wisest course.
(9:03:04 PM) darkstorme: *nods* Well, if you've need of an extra hand in this, and you think you have it planned out, do send a messenger my way... I expect it would be good sport, even if it proves unsuccessful.  Remember, to draw out such air as is within the tunnels would require a fire of surpassing ferocity.
(9:04:01 PM) Stephen: The nearby forests supply firewood for the city; they'll do for a great bonfire, as well.
(9:04:46 PM) darkstorme: A thought occurs.  A barrel of lamp oil, with a firebomb in the middle.  A wick leading to the latter, drilled through the former.  Light the wick, and roll the barrel down into the tunnels.  It smashes on a wall, the firebomb detonates, and ignites the lamp oil.  A room could be made an inferno in seconds.
(9:06:06 PM) Stephen: Aye to that. For a slightly more potent flame, the mixture being one part alchemical fire, and one part oil, with mayhap a few measures of choking powder for particularly nasty measure...
(9:06:40 PM) darkstorme: I don't know of the choking powder.  The goal is to starve the gnolls of oxygen, not simply irritate their lungs, is this not the case?
(9:07:21 PM) Stephen: Making them less-equipped to make use of the air they have can only be counted as increased effectiveness, aye?
(9:07:56 PM) darkstorme: *shrugs*  I doubt the efficacy of a powder in a flammable liquid, but then, I'm not as well-versed in the alchaemical arts as you, my friend.
(9:09:18 PM) Stephen: I've not studied too closely the powder that's easily made from stink beetles, but if it's simply a toxin, it should have effect when burned as well, aye? If not, might not certain acids serve the same end?
(9:10:03 PM) Stephen: Or a more potent substance, from more potent creatures... *He trails off, looking somewhat troubled.*
(9:10:40 PM) darkstorme: *grimaces*  Poisons of whatever sort tend to lose their nature when raised to too high a heat.  I've spoiled more than a batch of.. such substances... in that manner.
(9:11:55 PM) Stephen: Hm. I've not tried, being rather wary of the fumes, myself.
(9:12:39 PM) darkstorme: *smiles thinly and brushes at his hair to let the subtle horns be seen*  Part of my misbegotten birthright, I'm afraid.
(9:14:03 PM) Stephen: *He smiles to his old friend, seeming to relax somewhat at the openness he so rarely sees.* I've always thought the horns, at least, looked rather noble, on you. Were it not for your eyes, I'd take you for part satyr.
(9:14:41 PM) darkstorme: *chuckles a touch mischeviously* For that one, you'd have to ask Arynne, I'm afraid.  *resettles his hair in its usual tangle*
(9:15:10 PM) Stephen: *A thought flashes through his eyes, and his gaze wanders a moment, the old man sitting up a bit straighter.* Say... How familiar are you with the satyr clan near Vale?
(9:16:41 PM) darkstorme: Hm... *scratches at a shoulder in reminiscence* One put an arrow near THROUGH me the other day... if 'tweren't for Tim, he'd likely have had me.,
(9:17:23 PM) Stephen: Well, have you ever watched them after a fight they've lived through?
(9:19:21 PM) darkstorme: No, in fact.  Before my most recent purchases, I wasn't certain I could observe them unobserved, myself.
(9:20:26 PM) Stephen: They've a custom, to ensure their wounds scar neatly... They rub the paste of a fairly hot pepper into the wound. Apart from how one pain can make another feel a bit less poignant, the peppers are a fairly strong irritant.
(9:20:48 PM) darkstorme: And this serves to benefit how?
(9:21:33 PM) Stephen: The irritant... How often do you cook Rilaran cuisine? Alindoran, if you prefer.
(9:22:14 PM) darkstorme: Oh, in food, I can quite understand the desire.  I do enjoy my food with a trifle of heat.
(9:22:46 PM) Stephen: Aye to that. *The minstrel grins, leaning forward a bit.* And how often do you fry with such peppers?
(9:23:25 PM) darkstorme: *shrugs*  I tend not to.  Most of my dishes that serve them are baked, rather than fried.
(9:25:07 PM) Stephen: Ahh. *He winks.* Well, for myself, I'd heard of a recipe, during my days at the Surge, involving fried peppers of a variety found near Mariner's Hold. I procured a stock, and gave a go at cooking them... But Erag managed to drag me over to buy him another drink. When I returned...
(9:25:23 PM) darkstorme: Fried to a crisp, I've no doubt.
(9:26:24 PM) Stephen: The peppers were burning rather fiercely, actually; a bit of coal had popped, and made its way into the pan. In any event, I nearly let the bloody kitchen burn down for not being able to breathe as I put out the flames.
(9:27:19 PM) Stephen: Whatever reagent actually causes the flavor of heat in those peppers, was dispersed by the fire, into the air.
(9:28:00 PM) darkstorme: Useful too, but not as conducive to death as irritation.  Though it might, i'faith, keep the gnolls away from the fire.
(9:29:12 PM) Stephen: If we could distill that reagent, and burn it in your inferno-bombs... The smoke from the flames would spread even farther than the single, then-airless room.
(9:30:04 PM) darkstorme: Well, I anticipate that air would be drawn into the room, rather than simply extinguishing when the air in the room is consumed.
(9:30:09 PM) Stephen: Or, mayhaps in a larger space, be even more effective. They would cough and choke, unable to breathe even fresh air too well. And fresh air, they would lack.
(9:30:38 PM) Stephen: A greater dispersal of the irritant, if you follow.
(9:30:49 PM) darkstorme: *nods*
(9:31:32 PM) Stephen: All that remains for that, then, is isolating the irritant, and producing a fair quantity of it. I'm curious as to how potent it would be in pure form.
(9:34:58 PM) Stephen: *He falls silent, musing as he stares into the flames for a few moments, then gives a little nod.* From how far could those spell gems be ativated?
(9:35:35 PM) darkstorme: *shrugs* For that, you'd have to ask Tim... my concern is merely activating them, not any sort of fancy in so doing.
(9:36:41 PM) Stephen: Well, one would think that one wouldn't wish to stand next to a crate of them when it was invoked.
(9:37:23 PM) darkstorme: OH, naturally.  I think he's working on a method to activate them at range.  AT the moment, he merely makes them volatile enough to trigger when another fireball is cast in their direction.  And then he throws himself flat.
(9:37:45 PM) Stephen: *The old man bursts into surprised laughter, shaking his head at the idea.*
(9:39:13 PM) Stephen: If we could manage to detonate these devices from a considerable distance... Say, the entrance of the mines...
(9:39:55 PM) darkstorme: *shrugs again*  Again, you'd have to ask Tim.  My level of expertise in these matters is "oh, it explodes!"
(9:40:06 PM) darkstorme: That's what mages are FOR, after all.
(9:40:38 PM) Stephen: *He laughs again.* Aye, aye... Though I'm certain you and I could manage an alchemical means, if need be.
(9:40:58 PM) darkstorme: *nods*  Some sort of wick, perhaps.
(9:41:21 PM) Stephen: Something less obvious and easily defeated might be preferable.
(9:42:06 PM) darkstorme: *shrugs*  Set a smaller, escapable fire well ahead of the main pile.  By the time they put that out, the second wick reaches the main pile, and...
(9:42:32 PM) Stephen: Mayhap a waxen ball, filled with alchemical fire, and doused with acid? The acid would free the alchemical fire to ignite on the air... Though your idea has merit, as well.
(9:43:04 PM) darkstorme: I wonder whether it would free it, or whether the one would denature the other.  Experimentation, I suppose.  And scorched fingertips.
(9:43:55 PM) Stephen: I've tried combining the two, before. It doesn't work terribly well; the acid doesn't precisely burn, and only serves to dilute the alchemical fire.
(9:44:26 PM) Stephen: A small enough splash, however, could wear away enough of the wax to free the fire to the air.
(9:44:37 PM) darkstorme: Ah, so a waxen ball CONTAINING the volatile mixture.
(9:44:43 PM) Stephen: *He nods.* Aye.
(9:47:11 PM) darkstorme: *nods* Might work.
(9:47:32 PM) darkstorme: Of course, glass with a wax stopper might work just as well.
(9:48:12 PM) Stephen: Aye, but the glass wouldn't burn; I've an idea in mind for this device. Then again...
(9:48:57 PM) Stephen: *Smiling, the old man pulls a small, cloth-bound book from a pouch at his belt, along with a charcoal woodmarker.*
(9:49:27 PM) Stephen: *For a few moments, he starts to sketch out a rough plan.*
(9:49:31 PM) darkstorme: *sighs, shaking his head*  Always, the plans, the ideas... *chuckles*
(9:49:59 PM) Stephen:  //One moment, if you would.
(9:57:17 PM) Stephen:  // [URL][/URL]
(9:58:43 PM) Stephen: The keg itself would be likely of wood, but an acid-worn hole in the top is likely not too terribly troublesome for the design... The wax would be worn away in top, the fire would burn down into the bomb, which would explode, igniting the mixture about it as it flung it everywhere.
(9:59:00 PM) darkstorme: Sounds rather fun.
(9:59:37 PM) Stephen: This could get the trick done... And give perhaps fifteen seconds for the lads who placed it to run.


Re: Stephen's Assorted Character Notes
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2008, 11:14:05 am »
// Is Pyyran striving to become the protector of Haven then now? Not content with a little tavern, always off and about onto bigger and better things tut tut :D

*Wipes OOC from IC mind* ;)


Re: Stephen's Assorted Character Notes
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2008, 12:35:32 pm »
He is that. :) And PLAYERS may know it just fine. Characters don't, though. ;) He's not even telling Karn. Thoughts on his backstory?


Re: Stephen's Assorted Character Notes
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2008, 11:36:51 am »
totally OOC, just for backup purposes, will be deleted

The Art Institute of Atlanta is a promising school. Its programs are widely regarded as some of the best in the region, its facilities are beyond adequate, and its student body is as eclectic and interesting a group as one will find. The chances for a student to expand his or her "network," through personal and professional channels, are innumerable at AI, even during a single term... For these reasons, and many others, I would like to attend this school.

Initially, my ambitions were fairly focused, when considering a college education; with some minor experience, and friends and family urging me on, I sought a degree that would facilitate a career in radio broadcasting. The Bachelor of Arts program in Audio Production offered by the Art Institute seemed most appropriate, and a friend who was already enrolled spoke expansively of the merits of the school, so, when I was contacted by an admissions counselor, I decided to pursue the degree.

My ambitions, however, were focused on a career I feel I could be successful in... They were not focused on the things I have a passion for. My preconceptions regarding the Audio Production program, though, would soon be reassessed.

As I learned more about the school, and about the programs offered therein, I began to understand my friend's enthusiasm - the Art Institute's reputation seemed quite well-earned. Despite my initial expectations, though, the Audio Production program covers far more than I had thought; from studio recording, to animation, to the full scope of Foley editing... The creative element is omnipresent in the work, be it music, animation, or video recordings, incorporating and developing a much broader range of talents than simply "push button - make noise come out."

I am very excited about enrolling in the Art Institute, despite the numerous scheduling setbacks I have run into, and am eager to complete the application process. I look forward very much to the start of term.


Re: Stephen's Assorted Character Notes
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2011, 03:36:08 pm »
Presently doing some groundwork for Wemic ear (started RPing in the game about a week ago) and figuring out a goal for a CDQ for LAZ.

After playing him up a few levels, I really started out with a terrible build. Dual-wielding is a mechanically terrible idea until level 15 or so. Oh, well. WHEN he survives to that point, he'll start to shine and a half.


Re: Stephen's Assorted Character Notes
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2011, 03:24:51 pm »
So, the Shelter's going, now. Laurence Ascendant is as Good as they come - and Nimrod would seem to agree, granting him an extra point of Good at the close of Part 1 of the CDQ.

Something I need to try keeping in mind, though, is that he's also Chaotic. So as much as he's trying to be fair, and give structure to those around him, he's not Lawful, or even Neutral.

Groundwork for the eventual Bard class is puzzling me. Not sure if I even want to go that way, but the soonest it'd happen is level 16 - my last 5 levels before 20. The soonest I have to start mechanically working on it, though, is next level - 200k away, but close enough that if I'm doing it, I need to hit the concepts hard.

The story frame is helping with that, and Laz does tend to see the threads of plot amongst the whims of chance. I think I'll be building on that.

