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Author Topic: Taran D'Arboran's Journal  (Read 119 times)


Taran D'Arboran's Journal
« on: July 07, 2011, 09:00:48 pm »
This is the personal Journal of Taran D'Arboran, if found please return this book to its rightful owner, who can usually be found currently in either the Bulls Eye Tavern in Center, or around town.

Alternatively, please return to the D'Arboran estate in Port Hempstead.

Mar. 1484

I arrived in Center late last night after a fairly lengthy journey by caravan. My parents told me that there was not much to the town, but i fear that even labeling it as a town may have been misleading, as it seems more a...temporary camp.

No matter.

After using some of my limited funds to rent a room in the local inn (the food and drink are acceptable) for a month, i have decided to begin a new journal, as it seems fitting to chronicle what i suppose must be considered the start of my life, being away from home and own my own for the first time.

In this book i shall make a note of any interesting matters, people or events that come to my attention.

My first task it would seem, would be to find some way of increasing my resources. After having taken a look at some of the local prices i fear the starting capital received from my father to increase our family holdings in the north are woefully less than i shall require.

I suppose i could send a letter by post back to Port Hempstead requesting more funds, but knowing father, that would be awaste of my time and ink.

No matter, i shall have to think on this.


Re: Taran D'Arboran's Journal
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2011, 09:19:56 pm »
Mar. 1484

On first impression, Center certainly does not seem to be the busy trading post my father made it out to be. It seems almost deserted, apart from the few wandering merchants that seem to come through on their way north or south.

The locals seem to be a fairly quiet, surly lot, and seem to be most unreceptive to the thought of a newcomer breaking into the local trade, though as Center is still a very small, rather backwater trading post i suppose this is to be expected.

Perhaps it is just my being out from under my parents wing for the first time, and having only been so for such a short time, but i fear i may not be up to the task set by my father.

I am finding it difficult to break into the local mercantile enterprises, and the mission set by my father, to corner the trade of this settlement, become the largest merchant specialising in import/export and begin sending the proceeds to my fathers bank seem a remote dream, perhaps even an impossibility.

My studies are suffering also, i have been neglecting my spellbook for the past week, even before my arrival in Center. I shall have to make sure that i put aside a day to study either tommorrow or the next day. I also have been finding it hard to locate some of the simple components nesecary for my craft. There is a merchant int own who specialises in magical goods, though his selection of components is sadly lacking, and it would be most embarresing to have to send all the way back to Port Hempstead for something as simple as sand!

I suppose i shall have to locate some in the nearby environs myself, though it is most irritating when considering the local merchant who specialises in the arcane does not possess the component for a simple spell of sleep!

There is some light at the end of the tunnel however, as i have made friends with the local healer, an elven women called Elora, and have been helping her gather some components for her cures.

Perhaps after i have assisted her for a few more days she might be able to assist me with my search for components of my own? I fear she would not be the one to speak to regarding trade however.

No matter, i must end todays entry and visit the crafthall now, as my cloak was ripped to shreds in the bushes while searching for Elora's garlic, and while you would think the local tailor would possess something as simple as a good would seem not, so i shall have to put in an order for one...more money i can not spare wasted!


Re: Taran D'Arboran's Journal
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2011, 11:06:13 pm »
Mar. 1484

Perhaps this camp is not quite as quiet and boring as i had originally believed. I had an interesting encounter with some Toranites a day or so ago.

After hearing no conversation other than that of the seemingly eternally intoxicated mercenaries that seem to make their home in the common room of the Bull's Eye, it was quite a pleasant interlude to to listen to their conversation while enjoying my breakfast.

The group consisted of one 'Mac', a young lad of maybe thirteen, fourteen summers, a young ladie called 'Rae', short for Raelyn if i heard correctly, another young lady whose name escapes me at the moment, Mae, or May perhaps? And the leader of the group, a older woman called Lady Daniella.

It seems that the younger ones are initiates in the order under the guidance of this Lady Daniella, and i must confess i feel a little sorrow at the thought of those children being inducted into such a rigid, regimented order as the Toranites.

Daniella seemed a good sort from what i could see, though she bore the holier than thou attitude common to so many knights of holy orders that rankles me somewhat.

I shall have to be wary not to cause her offence however, for even i with my limited understanding of the Al'Noth could sense her might and high standing in the eyes of her god.

While i do not believe she would resort to violence if the two of us ever did become on disagreeable terms, i fear she could cause a world of trouble for me. Though, as already noted, she did seem a good sort.

I wonder how much of my dislike for her, and other, knightly orders stems from my own choice, and how much stems from my fathers influence over the years. After all, he always made clear how much little regard he had for such...

This is something to ponder at a later date.

With regards to my earlier entry regarding my fear that i may not be up to the task before me, i now understand that was simply my lack of familiarity with being on my own, and being my own man, talking.

I write this entry in Fort Wayfare, having been paid a fairly respectable sum by Elora, over my protestations, and after having delivered a letter to a rather disagreeable woman in the inn here.

Perhaps the hawker back in Center will need more letters delivered? Considering the amount i was paid to deliver this one, i certainly hope so!

During my journey to Wayfare, it occured to me that i was going about this entirely the wrong way.

Rather than try to jump in with both feet at the top, it makes far more sense to start at the bottom and work my way up. That way i would gain a suitable understanding of the local markets, as well as make various contacts, and hopefully create no vendettas.

One of my ideas so far has been to locate a merchant in need of a supply of some sort of material, skins, clay, metal ores or something of that sort, and then rather than collecting the resource myself, see about hiring someone, a local adventurer perhaps to go and collect the resource for me, pay him a suitable fee, then sell the resource to the merchant in question.

While this would undoubtedly mean i shall receive a smaller share of the coin, it would save my having to risk life and limb in the wilderness, and as i am also unused to manual labour of any sort, this method appeals to me more than going out and grubbing in the soil myself, or hunting the local wildlife.

Now all i have to do is find a local merchant who requires resources...i hope and pray that this shall not be as difficult an undertaking as everything else since leaving home has been...

...i am still waiting for my new cloak afterall.


Re: Taran D'Arboran's Journal
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2011, 09:22:38 pm »
Mai. 1484

Today i met a rather interesting woman by name of Tyra. I met her in Center, while attempting to fashion a cloak for myself after having given up on the local seamstress (and i use the title only with the greatest duress).

At first glance i took her for just another commoner, perhaps passing through town on her way north or south, but after conversing with her (or to be more precise, after being mocked by her) she admitted to being a tailor of sorts.

After conversing further she offered for begin teaching me how to tailor garments properly, and as i am in need of a profession of some sort, i agreed and went with her.

Our first stop was some caves close to Center, where after a fairly lengthy discussion on the afterlife, binding stones and philospophy, i followed her into the cave.

To cut a long story short i can say without a shadow of a doubt in my mind that my initial assessment of Tyra (i did not catch her surname, and due to her character i felt...wary of asking too many questions) was very, very wrong.

She is one of the finest warriors i have ever come across, or even heard of. After watching her cut through a veritable legion of Sahuagin that had made their nests (that may not be the correct term for their society but it shall fit for now), with very limited assistance from me in the form of one or two simple spells of sleep, she cleared out the cave, which allowed me to gather the sizable salt deposits which had accumulated in the cave system, most likely over several hundred, or even thousand years.

But i digress.

The reason for gathering the salt i successfuly deduced was for the curing of hides, a vital part of leatherworking, or so she told me.

It makes sense.

Upon returning to town with my bag of salt (as well as some components i picked up along the way) i assume she took pity on my pathetic excuse for a cloak and fashioned one for me herself, explaining what she was doing with each step as she wove.

I expect i shall see her again, and as i still have much to learn regarding the fasioning of garments, i must admit that i hope i do...despite her rather severe attitude.


Re: Taran D'Arboran's Journal
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2011, 12:25:38 pm »
Mai. 1484

My luck has been beginning to change it seems over the past month. My business has been established, and i need only more coin in order for it to  to grow further. For the moment i am specialising in simple furs and skins, buying from local trappers and hunters for a fair price the pelts they find around Center, and then selling them on to one of the many merchant caravans that come through the camp.

In order to be able to trade effectively, i have had to lower my price for said merchants considerably to keep them from going elsewhere, and when taking into account the coin i am paying out per pelt, i am just above breaking even.

'Just above' being the key word there however, as profit is profit, and what i am making is enough to pay for my bed and board in the camp, so long as i live frugally.

I am however, self suficient now and that is the main thing. I am of course open to other opportunities and avenues, such as getting started in the tailoring profession, a profession which would complement my current business activities very well i believe.

My studies have also been continuing apace, and i have worked out the formula for several new spells and entered them into my grimoire (perhaps a pretentious term for a simple snakeskin bound book, but it shall serve for now).

The spells in question are mainly of the protective sort, one to protect against those of evil temperament, which should i ever begin to dabble in the art of Summoning would no doubt come in very useful, and which could also, with some simple tweaking (changes of phrasing and such) be altered to protect against those of a more noble, dare i say it? 'Good alignment', should the need ever arise of course.

The other two spells are rather more complicated however, and are of what my old tutor called 'The Second Circle'. One serves to increase the strength of either the caster or whoever the caster designates, and the other their speed.

I also made the aquaintance of a druidess last night while i was searching for components. Her name is Ygraine Ursus, and despite being in desperate need of a bath, seems nice enough. She helped me find some of the components i was searching for (Aloe in this case) In a kobold camp near Port Hempstead.

After awhile, i found myself growing used to her...i suppose the politest term would be 'feminine aroma', and should she take care of herself, bathe frequently, dress appropriately and so forth, she could actually be quite attractive.

No matter, things are as things are.

For now, as i have enough coin to feed and clothe myself on a daily basis, as well as keep a roof over my head, i shall devote more time to my studies.

Now that the mad scramble of my earlier arrival in Center has calmed down and i have managed to gain my feet, i shall have to inquire into finding a suitable individual to sponser my enrollment in the Academy back home.

While i can for now continue to increase my knowledge and power using what resources i have myself, in time i shall need a library, and the teachings of other masters.

I have no intention of being a minor mageling for the rest of my life.