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Author Topic: Sion Galemne's Adventures  (Read 70 times)


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Sion Galemne's Adventures
« on: October 29, 2006, 12:19:29 pm »
As of today, Sunra, Oclar 1, 1407, I have decided to start a journal. Since I arrived in Hlint, I have had numerous adventures and made numerous discoveries.  First, I asked around town about any errands I could run,the most important of which washelping miss Florah getting her tax record book back from the Ratman of the sewers. After numerous times, in which I died and was brought back by the magic of the Bindstones, I was helped by a sorcerer, a wood elf by the look of him, who cast a spell to harden my skin. It didn't go too well, though, since the spell wore off just before the confrontation with the ratman, and as such he bested me again. Later, a human named Storold, with the look of a paladin of Lucinda, cast that spell and a lot of others on me, and that time I defeated the ratman.  I offered Storold half the reward, but he said he would prefer if instead I spent the money on scrolls and tomes to study magic. I went to the magic shop and bought some scrolls of Ray of Frost, which I have used up and bought again and again to use against skeletons and goblins. They are extremely useful and inexpensive, so I have been using them instead of my shortbow.  I was also asked by a dwarf named Noss to gather skeleton knuckles, and in return for a full box he gave me a new sword. It wasn't actually so hard once I found a scroll of Ghostly Visage in the remains of one of the skeletons and later a scroll of lesser summoning. My scrolls of Ray of Frost were of much use, and my panther was the deciding factor, since even with a mace instead of a sword those skeletons are very hard and their axes bite deep.  I have started casting my first real spells, and I have been practising them in armor. I believe this is important training if I ever want tojoin the ranks of theSpellswords.