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Author Topic: Williem Punter's True Greatsword Style  (Read 60 times)


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    Williem Punter's True Greatsword Style
    « on: February 13, 2007, 03:37:43 pm »
    Williem Punters True Greataword Style


    In the first years of my life I became driven by my natural aptitude with the sword to seek out and perform warlike acts. This has allowed me over time to grow in strength and knowledge in the science of sword combat.

    Thanks to studying with many masters of arms from different countries, from practical experience and taught techniques, I have come to write these teachings. Not to lessen but instead augment the doctrines so as to provide men versed in this knowledge a very useful aid.

    Let he who acquires this knowledge with a true heart and sees the treasure in it keep it in his possesssion so that this science and doctrine does not fall into the hands of unrefined and base born men.

    Do not think this Book is False or teaches untried knowledge because by taking away wasted knowledge I have come to only write of those things I have seen and experienced personally.

    Nature has given creatures natural weapons so they lack the science of the True Style. Man has no natural weapons so nature has given men hands, intelligence and cunning to make up for that lack of natural weaponry and with these he surpasses all beings.

    Cleaver and learned men surpasse others bigger and stronger for it is said: Intelligence surpasses strength. From talent and technique is born the Science of Winning. As it not only will allow him to conquer individuals but also multipal opponents.

    Having practiced this Art from the years of my youth, having searched and traveled many different countries and lands, castles and cities to learn from many masters perfect in the Science, and having acquired a good part of learning, decided to compose this booklet.

    In this book will be discribed the rules and techniques of the science of the greatsword, so that those not experienced in this science may be able to understand and know the way of attacking and by which tricks he might defend himself from his enemies tricks and strikes. And putting into this book only those doctrines good and TRUE.

    REMEMBER not to undertake the study of this science with frivalty for unless you are full of valor and sincerity it will come to naught.

    NOTE if this book of mine should fall into the hands of someone learned in the science and if it should appear to him that it is lacking; that he might cut, lessen or augment what he deems necessary, because as of now i put myself under his correction and censure.


    //OCC these books will be introduced into the world setting once i learn how.
    //OCC these writings are derived from Liber de Arte Gladitoria Dimicandi
    "Book on the Art of Fighting with Swords" - c. 1482 - 1487 and are used solely for the purpose of roleplay

