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Author Topic: The efforts of the Terath'an....  (Read 64 times)


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    The efforts of the Terath'an....
    « on: November 08, 2006, 06:34:43 pm »
    Hail brother,
    a plague has struck these lands.  I fear it is the beginning of what we discussed prior to my departure for Mistone.  Some spoke of the Black Wing, I am sure it is him.  I do not know how much longer these lands will remain safe, but I will continue my reports regularly as the signs are coming all to quickly now.  I have donated all my bank funds, and made several rings and amulets that will aid those infected with the Plague.  I have given all that I can to those aiding the relief effort.  

         As for my skills in combat, I progress slowly.  I do not know what I do wrong, as I have found a mentor who is a very skilled monk of the fist.  She actually helped me obtain my first monkly armor.  But I do not see her often, and she is very busy with the troubles of this land.  I will let you know when I am ready to fulfill my purpose here.  Perhaps by then there will be more work for me here...

    By your honor, and in the name of the people
    Sindor Muhattim