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Author Topic: Winds of Change - the tale of Snagnor Hornblower  (Read 264 times)


Winds of Change - the tale of Snagnor Hornblower
« on: March 18, 2008, 11:05:51 am »
Landbound!  Blazes and be damned but I am landbound!  Aye, I could easily find a place aboard another vessel, but to me this is the sign that I waited for.  The time has come to bring answers into my life and to do that, I must travel these lands in which I find myself.  

Thankfully when I washed up upon the shores, so did one of the strongboxes with a small amount of food and coin.  I used the coin to gather some basic supplies and equipment to start about my journey.

Most of my first days landbound were spent watching the coming and goings of the people.  It seems very much as if thier actions are like a school of herring, always darting this way and that, never seeming to have direction.  They do not take the time to truly see what is around them, as if opening thier eyes to reality would only cause them to faulter in whatever task they were doing.

Of mention I did attempt to travel nearby out of the city only to find it heavily infested by goblin type creatures called Kobolds by others.  They are fierce fighters which I know I must overcome if I am to prevail in any way upon my quest for answers.  There is also the sewers of the city which are infested by rats.  Although the odor there is strong, I slowly learn the ways of using this longbow I bought, it is good in the way of training.

Some of the things early on that did stand out was the meeting of one named Katie.  She seemed to have some power over birds which constantly flocked about her.  First a messenger bird of some type, then a giant eagle and lastly a griffen.  This power over the avians is quite interesting and I think if given time I will learn more of how it is being done.

Soon I do hope to see more and do more, but as for now there have not been many who have approached me or whom I have found to have the inner strength I am compelled to find within my companions.  Surely there must be some within this land who have the fortitude and inner strength to encompany me upon the journey upon which my feet now tread.  

The seas continue to call though and the storm constantly blows within me.  May my feet find the path towards enlightment upon which I shall find the answers.  Until then I will strengthen my body, mind and soul with all means at my disposal.

Satari, Apreal 28, 1430


Re: Winds of Change - the tale of Snagnor Hornblower
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2008, 06:53:20 pm »
I have spent my first few months getting acquanted with these lands that I now find as my home.  My abilities have developed substantially and I learn quickly from my numerous errors in judgement.  But I continue to perservere.

The people of these lands are very diverse and much of a difference then those of the seaports I have frequented over the years.  Almost all seem to have a heavy weight on thier shoulders that they seem to not be able to shake.  Jumpy almost to the point of obnoxiousness, they tend to take everything heard or said as a threat to thier being.  Hopefully soon I can find those with more stable mindsets to help me learn from those who seem to be tender and frail in thier abilities.


Re: Winds of Change - the tale of Snagnor Hornblower
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2008, 01:53:16 pm »
Finally I am starting to get familiar with how to get about and what it takes to survive while I am landbound.  I have yet to make many friends but that is also because I am taking the time to study those who I meet and have kept sort of distant.  There have been many kind people, but I need to find that one who truly shows the ability, one who could help me continue my mission and find that which I truly need to learn.  In time, I am sure it will happen.


Re: Winds of Change - the tale of Snagnor Hornblower
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2008, 09:52:09 am »
The storm is neverending...  I have walked into the belly of the storm and have walked out changed.  My true path, the search of my being still lies unfufilled.  I have heard bits here and others elsewhere, but have only come up with the word Aasimar as for what I am.  That is too abstract for me though, my wish is to know HOW I became one.  What is my families past that made me such.  This is what I truly wish to know.

My travels have recently twice taken me deep beneath the earth.  The first time brought me in a meeting with drow.  These drow though were on the path of trying to better themselves, although they were having a hard time of it.  We came upon them when searching for a pair of dwarves who were scouting out a new find of ore deep beneath the depths.  In the end to all our surprise, we let the drow flee the area instead of destroying them altogether.  Hopefully someday they will learn peace and be able to change in some good way.

My second travel below the earth brought me into a meeting with one named John.  He was a demon of immense power who was using a portal to bring more demonspawn into the land.  Luckily through trickery we were able to stop the portal and take the power source away.

Lately I have been spending some time with Flynn.  It is amazing what he can do with his voice.  He can bend it in so many ways it is quite amazing.  He can cause his voice to bring fear or even to blast through his enemies eardrums causing pain so badly it can cause death!  I tried studying what he was doing but could not quite duplicate it.  I will continue to speak to him about this ability and perhaps one day in the future will learn to use it myself.

That is about it for now... there is more but it is information that for now must remain secret.  Soon I will write it on paper though when it is safer to do.


Re: Winds of Change - the tale of Snagnor Hornblower
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2008, 11:59:36 am »
It seems I am now intrenched into the land.  The sea although it constantly calls to me has been overtaken by my new family... The Angel's.  I have learned to craft horns of great power and also many other things which I create with a passion.  Being able to work with my hands away from others, just me and the items I create.. Many many things have been going on and I will try to over time tell these tales, but I needed to update my journal to at least hit the biggest point... Hopefully I will take the time to do this more often now.


Re: Winds of Change - the tale of Snagnor Hornblower
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2009, 02:49:33 pm »
Things could not be going better for me now.  Time with the Angel's has been both fulfilling and quite the learning experience.  I spend much of my time either gathering or creating new horns as they are in high demand.  We had a record setting month in sales and made a fair bit of gold.

I have also asked Phyress out on a date.  I dont know what came over me when I did it but I am very glad that I did.  I have already made a new outfit for the date and she is going to be getting a new dress.  We have been spending some amount of time together and I am really looking forward to our date.

Lately I have been contemplating learning the methods of a skald.  I know I have alot to learn but the new spell I have learned, War Cry, has been very valuable to me in being able to scare away big groups that attack me.  This would be good if I could do the same by turning it into song.   Only time will tell but first I will need to find a teacher who would be willing to teach me.  I wonder what Flynn has been up to lately, I am sure he would be willing to teach me when I am ready.

Besides all that I have gotten a new shield from Chakar.  It is really nice but I can not use it yet.... Called a dwarven mirth... wonder where he got it from.  
