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Author Topic: The Degeneration of a Mage Part 2  (Read 181 times)

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The Degeneration of a Mage Part 2
« on: November 05, 2004, 06:29:00 am »
I sit upon the ground, my head spinning from an obvious attack. This room is dark, completely lightless...almost like I'm in a cave or a room with no windows.

Questions I hear from the dark, strange questions about my soul, and my magic. That I'm a traitor, and that I will pay for the deaths of their friends.

I have no idea what these "people" are talking about. I dont even know why I'm here, or who these beings are. So, I answer not...staying so silent that even my breaths are unaudible.

This works for only a a few minutes. A statement I hear, about the pain I caused, and the death...that I could have at least spared the women, and children, and how horrible of a monster I am, a cowardly murderer. Then, I feel the familiar sensation of lightning, but I see nothing.  However, this time, I am the target, not the creator. It surges through my body. The hairs on me stand straight and rigid, as the pulsing energy makes my legs twitch uncontrollably. My teeth begin to grind together and  feel the strain as my eyes roll back into my head.

Then, it was all over, I find myself North of Hlint, lying in a circle of stones. My clothes are unscorched, my body is undamaged, and my eyes do not sting, even though I must have spent days in that shadowy place, and now the midday sun shines in them.

My head shakes as a memory of my torment comes back to me. As the lightning struck me, I heard a female say that my future has been written, then it hits me, I was being punished for something I WILL do, sometime in the near future......

Sargon Blackdagger
Wizard of Air