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Author Topic: Arandwen's Book of Days  (Read 111 times)


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    Arandwen's Book of Days
    « on: January 08, 2006, 05:46:00 am »
    Night's Eye, Summer End 10, 1394

    The last thing I remember before the dream, is a resting place in the woods. It was only days ago that I left my clan, and set out into the world. I have been traveling north, through places I had never been to. At nightfall I set myself to rest. It was then that I had my dream.

    In the dream, I found myself at some ruins, possibly of an old temple. Before me stood a dragon that seemed to be expecting me. When it spoke out to me, it called me by my given name, telling me I had been given the honor of helping to save the world. Bloodstone has returned to Layonara and is destroying all dragons and mankind. I have been summoned here to help protect the world and it's inhabitants. Without telling me more, it then sent me to another place called Memory Lane.

    It still was trying to wake up from the dream when I met Nebrindur, of an ancient Elven bloodline. He seemed to know I had been summoned by the dragon to stop Blood’s forces. He told me I would need help to defeat Blood. That sounds more than reasonable.

    Walking on, I wondered why I had been summoned. Nothing special I had done in my life yet…. maybe Kithairien has some plans for me. Yes… that must be it.

    Further down the forest road I met Nela, who called herself a guide. She gave me valuable information about Hlint, the town I would be sent to next. About Blood she told me that he has found a way through the corrals south of Fort Velensk, and he may now begin to arrive on Mistone. The Queen of Mistone has begun to outfit the army so that the citizens may be defended.

    I was told to proceed to a statue of the Fallen Hero of Hlint. When I addressed the statue, it asked me if I was ready. Only in dreams would statues talk, right? But somehow this did not feel like a dream, and I was certain that when I had talked to the statue, I would find myself in Hlint, as Nela had told me.

    Feeling as ready as I ever would be, I told the statue to let it begin.

    When I opened my eyes again, I saw the unfamiliar surroundings of a small town. Without asking anyone, I knew this had to be Hlint.


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      RE: Arandwen's Book of Days
      « Reply #1 on: January 12, 2006, 02:13:00 am »
      Bright Eye, Autumn Twilight 2, 1394

      It is Hlint, the place where I was sent to. And a strange place it is. One of the first buildings I saw was an Inn. The sign outside indicated it is called The Wild Surge Inn, but later I heard that people refer to it as the Surge.

      Inside the Surge, I almost walked into an orc! I hesitated a few moments before calling for some help, but that proved to be unnecessary. The orc, who later introduced himself as Eru, saw I was surprised and maybe a bit frightened. He said he wasn’t going to do anything funny, that he was not one of them bloody orcs. I had never heard of bloody orcs, and when I asked him what they might be, he opted to show me instead of trying to explain it. He took me to the north of Hlint. There, in a wooded area, would be the bloody orcs. He could see I wouldn’t be a match to any group of orcs, so he warned me to stay behind him. How nice of him. There I was, thinking he was some kind of horrible evil monster, and instead I was being watched over by him! He ventured forth and found – and killed – some of what he called bloody orcs. He did not seem to be intimidated by them. Back in Hlint, I asked him how one should be able to distinguish between his kind of orc and that kind of orc. Easy, Eru said, those were blue orcs, he is a green orc. But when I asked if all green orcs were the ‘good’ kind, he said that he had fled his tribe after the leader had killed his father, so not all green orcs were good. Very confusing. I decided not to pursue the matter any further. Eru took the moment to give me my part of the loot he had found on those blue orcs. My part, as if I had done more than just watching! Still, he had been so nice to me, I didn’t want to offend him by refusing the gold. And it wasn’t as if I wouldn’t be able to find a purpose for that money. Eru and I then said our farewells.

      I walked over to the east side of Hlint, to look for the merchants I was told about. I found them easy enough, and bought a new long bow and a rapier. At least I would be able to attempt to defend myself when attacked.

      There were a lot of people on the streets. I spoke to some of them, and a few were able to help me by giving me jobs to do. I now have an assortment of tasks I can keep myself busy with, like finding some records for Florah the tax accountant of Hlint, delivering a letter and such. Some of these tasks were so easy I did them immediately.

      I was walking back to the Surge and met yet another nice person. This time it was an half-elven lady named Ferrit. When I indicated that I was new to Hlint, she immediately offered her help in guiding me around. I was flattered by all this attention, and accepted the offer, of course. She showed me a field of barley that I could pick and sell to a pawn shop that was nearby. It helped me to some more welcome money. Ferrit then took me to the merchant to buy fishing arrows. She knew a good place to fish, just behind the Surge. I went there with her, and it was indeed a good spot. I caught a few carps which I cooked over a fire I started there. The carp tasted very good. I must remember this spot. It’s a good place to gather some cheap, decent food. Apparently the food in the inn is quite expensive, so Ferrit told me. And I like fresh food better than any inn food anyway.

      The surge is a good place to spend the night, though. I did not think it would be wise for me to sleep on the streets, or even to go outside the town for that matter. Maybe later I will find a better place to call home for a while, but the Surge does the trick quite well for now. I went there after thanking Ferrit for her valuable help and went straight to bed. It had been quite a busy day for me.

      The next morning I went back to the pond to catch some more fish. There I was spoke to by a human. He looked … ghostly is the best description I guess. He told me he had fallen in the deeper of the Haven Mines while trying to save another one. I caught some more fish and we continued talking. He introduced himself as Vestlyn, a cleric of Ilsare. When I told him my name he smiled and said that the natives of this town would probably shrivel to that of Aran or Ara. It would not surprise me, after hearing about the ‘Surge’ and I also don’t think Eru’s full name is just that. It does not matter, if I am given a new name in this new town, it is no more than fitting, I guess.

      I asked Vestlyn if he could show me around a bit. He did not mind, as he needed some time to recover, and he showed me the bank and told me how to deposit and withdraw gold or valuables. When I told him about the job Florah had asked me to do, he volunteered to guide me to the sewers to retrieve the records, and find some rat skins for Johan at the same time. Even though he was burdened by his condition and probably by what he was carrying as well, he guided me safely through the sewers. He was very kind to me, and we talked some about where I was from, and how I had come to Hlint. He told me he had become a priest of Ilsare, because his mother also was, and he had known of no other thing to become. It sounded to me as a pragmatic thing, but I don’t know if that would be the best reason to become a priest. He did seem sincere in what he was doing though.

      In the deepest parts of the sewers we found some kind of rat man that turned out to have the stolen tax records. Vestlyn killed him and the rats that were defending him. I was able to help him out a bit from a distance, shooting arrows at the rats with my new bow. I think I even managed to get a few as well.

      Outside the sewers, I brought the records back to Florah, who seemed genuinely glad that I had returned them. She gave me a good reward for it. Vestlyn and I said our farewells then. I like him. I think I will see him again, and maybe I can be more of a help in fights then. I felt a bit foolish trotting behind him in the sewers and letting do him all the hard work. I will see what the future brings, I guess.

      I could now buy another rapier, and a shield, with the money earned on the jobs I had done.

      I decided to try out the new weapons and armor, and headed west, where there were some goblins that quartermaster Talon asked me to get rid of. Goblins! There would be no tear shed for those monsters by me. How I hate these creatures…

      I managed to kill a few of the goblins, by then I was severely wounded by one of their shamans. I only managed to escape alive by pretending to be dead and sneak away when they lost interest in me. Still, I wanted to show Talon I could handle the task. I recovered at a nearby camp fire. There I met a man named Vire Fos. I talked some with him, he seemed a nice person. Eru was there also, and he told me my name in his language. If I remember correctly, it was something like Hahhaktrok. So sweet of that orc to tell me that. He and Vire had to go somewhere, so I set myself to do my task once again. This time I was more successful, and could show Talon the goblin ears that he had asked me to bring. It felt so good helping him out, when it was goblins on the short end of luck.

      Back in Hlint, I saw Ferrit again. She aske me if I wanted to go with her on a trip to Rilara. At first I thought that I only would be a burden to her, but she convinced me that if I was careful enough, and use my bow when there were enemies, I would be fine. I trusted her judgement, and said that I would love to go with her. There were a lot of others that were going as well, Dweten, Lepus, Sturdy, Storold, Sen and Vire and Eru. We went to Port Hampshire to catch a boat. On the road there we were attacked by some foul undead creatures in a forest. With the fighters in front, the archers in the back and Eru in front of the front as he put it, we managed to bring them down. In Port Hampshire we went to find a ship that could take us to Rilara. That proved to be a problem, as Eru turned out to be afraid of water. With a lot of talk from all of us we managed to convince him to come anyway.

      After an uneventful trip we arrived on Rilara. We had to find a place called Fort Himlad. Storold had a letter to deliver to someone there. On the way we saw a lot of strange creatures. Whenever we were attacked, we used the same tactics to fight them, and we were victorious every time. This way we fought griffons, huge beetles and more. Storold took upon himself the task of leader, trying to keep us together and avoiding unnecessary battles. He proved to be quite capable of the task. Only a few times there was chaos when everyone was walking in other directions. Other than that, I can say he did very well.

      At some point we managed to find Fort Himlad, and Storold delivered his letter. There was a farmer there that needed help with some scarecrows. I guessed that could not be difficult, but they turned out to be animated scarecrows that were quite fierce. We did manage to slay them all, fortunately, and the farmer was glad we did.

      We all were getting a bit tired, I guess, and we went back and sailed to Fort Hampshire. There, we said goodbye to most. I indicated that I wanted to return to Hlint. Sen offered to walk with me, after he had done some shopping at the Hampshire merchants. I was glad that he would accompany me, I didn’t want to make that long journey alone just yet. And his shopping offered me to look around the town a bit. I don’t think I have seen such a beautiful place yet.

      The trip back was quiet, and we arrived safely at Hlint. I thanked Sen for his company, and went back to the Inn to get some well deserved rest. I have learned a lot from these wanderings, and my fighting has improved a lot. It won’t be long before I can venture out alone I think, although I find, quite to my own surprise, that doing that in a group is good as well. If nothing else, it has given me the opportunity to meet a lot of interesting and nice people. I wonder if all of those that are summoned by the dragon are this nice?


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        RE: Arandwen's Book of Days
        « Reply #2 on: January 22, 2006, 05:37:00 am »
        Dead Eye, Winter Snow 4, 1394

        When I woke up and walked out the Surge, I saw Vestlyn sitting on the field near the temple of Ilsare. I walked over and saw he was talking with two women, who were introduced to me as Ireth and Addison. I joined them and listened to their conversations. I was still a bit lost in my thoughts, I think, because suddenly I saw that Addison had left and Vestlyn was talking to Ireth about problems he was having with what sounded like a mutual friend. I didn’t want to intrude on their conversation which was turning rather personal, but I also couldn’t just leave, that would have rude as well. So I stayed there, probably looking as uncomfortable as I was feeling. Then Ireth left, and I talked some to Vestlyn. He told me he had had a relationship with Addison, but that that was over now. He had not felt enough for her to continue the relationship. He also said he had been flirting with other women while they had this relationship, but that he had changed his behavior now, wanting to correct his faults.

        Vestlyn said he needed some rest, and we walked to the Surge. I thought he would just get a room and rest some, while I was waiting, but then he suddenly asked if he should get a room for the two of us. I blushed and was so surprised by this suggestion that I couldn’t give him a straight answer. He smiled and said it just saves a bit of coin to buy a room for two over two rooms. He did not seem to have anything other in mind, so I decided to join him. I waited until he went to sleep in his clothes, and then took a little nap myself. I hadn’t had much sleep the night before as I couldn’t stop thinking of all the adventures I had had in so short a time. I woke up some time later. Vestlyn was already awake and greeted me with a smile.

        Vestlyn then told me about the cave of the red light goblins, and why the cave was called that. I talked again to master Ronus. He could see that my skills had improved a lot since I last talked to him, and this time he did want to talk to me. He asked me to find the head of the leader of these goblins and bring it to him. I thought I would be able to do that if I went with Vestlyn, so I accepted the quest, and told him I would bring that head to him.

        Together we went to the cave, and went in deep, I believe we saw all of it. A lot of goblins fell before Vestlyn. I helped him as well as I could by firing my arrows to them, and sometimes I even felt brave enough to take out my rapiers and stab these blasted creatures with them. We found the goblin leader, and I took the head back to Ronus, who was glad we had done the job. He reward was good.


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          RE: Arandwen's Book of Days
          « Reply #3 on: March 04, 2006, 03:41:27 am »
          World Tree, Winter Night 21, 1397

          It's been more than two years since I last wrote in this book. I stopped writing because I could not find the time anymore to keep this journal updated, later I had just  forgotten about it. I guess my life just went on. Until now.

          It is hard to describe it, the feeling that races through my body, touching every part of it. For lack of better words, I would say I feel more alive... no, stronger, I feel as I had just started living. As if my life until now had been some kind of slumber.

          I have been taken up by Moonlight and Eàmanë into their family. They have even given me a room in their house in Krandor that I can call my own. I have never had that – and I thought I would never long for having a place of my own, but now that I do, I feel very proud of it. I feel even stronger about the trust that  Moonlight and Eàmanë have placed in me. I will not fail them. I will live up to their expectations, or exceed them. I will make them proud of me in return.


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            RE: Arandwen's Book of Days
            « Reply #4 on: March 04, 2006, 03:41:47 am »
            Gateway, Winter Night 22, 1397

            After Moonlight went to sleep, Eàmanë helped me with the furniture for my new room. I have placed all that we bought in the room, and think it looks good. It has already started to feel like home.

            When I was done, Eàmanë had also gone, and I found myself in a quiet house. Not a single sound could be heard. That was so different from the noisy Inn rooms I stayed until now.

            I walked outside to take a bit of fresh air and look at the water before turning in. My body had never before screamed at me to be laid down to rest. But then again, much had happened.

            Outside, I was addressed by Sywyn, whom I had met briefly before in Hlint. He was wearing the same robe that had caused me that other time to start teasing him about wearing dresses. He seemed nervous and it didn't take me long to figure out why. He was trying to make a pass at me. It did take him a long time and much resolve to say I was beautiful. I started teasing him, pretending not to know what he was getting at. I think I succeeded in confusing him well enough to keep him thinking of me. I might have plans for him.


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              RE: Arandwen's Book of Days
              « Reply #5 on: March 06, 2006, 01:45:02 am »
              Bright Eye, Winter Deep 23, 1397

              When I woke up I found that Moonlight had sent me a letter ordering my presence on Dregar. I ran to Hlint and took the portal there to North Point. From there, I sneaked past all and everything and met up with Moonlight and Eàmanë near Waysend. They had met up with a nice lady called Cassandra. Later, Pendar also joined us.

              We explored a cave in the desert near Saudiria and cleaned it of the giants seeking refuge there. They fell like leaves from a tree before Moonlight. The rest of us supported her from a distance. It felt like a rush killing these monsters with her near me.

              We retreated to Saudiria to get some rest and went back to the cave later. This time, I went just with Moonlight and Eàmanë. Because of this, I went to fight the giants right next to Moonlight. I managed to strike the final blow on some of the big guys when they were too busy trying to but not  succeed in hitting Moonlight. That got me up so good that I made Moonlight proud, she told me I showed promise. I admitted I took a liking to killing these things, and I did. I even felt confident enough to play with the giants before striking them from behind. I have developed a certain lust for death, and that hasn't escaped Moonlight.

              When we were done there, we travelled to Pranzis. Moonlight took me to the craft hall to help me change my appearance. With her guidance, I gave my armor a new and stunning look. It now looks the same way I feel, ready to strike. I'm much pleased with it, and I saw that Moonlight was impressed as well.

              About the time I was done with my armor, Moonlight introduced me to Kavil, the former lover of Annun. I sat at Moonlights feet and listened to their conversation. He told her that Annun had left him for Ravenne. So that had turned out well for Ravenne. Even though I felt a slight pain, I was still glad for her that their relationship had turned out well. Then Moonlight asked Kavil if he wanted her to take out Ravenne, apparently as punishment for making Annun chose her and not Kavil. My heart skipped a beat. I looked up at Moonlight to see if she meant what she said. Her eyes told me she did, although I am not sure of her reasons for making that offer to Kavil. Something in her eyes told me she might have done it to test me, to hurt me. She succeeded in hurting me, but I held back and managed to refrain from showing the hurt too much.

              I was then sent to go to the hotel in town and arrange a room for Moonlight. Eàmanë followed me and gave me a gift for my weapon. I cannot use it yet, but that only increases the resolve to get better using my rapiers fast. I also have the bow I bought from Koss in the vault at the bank that I need to train for before I can use it. And with gaining Moonlights approval of my skills, I have enough drives to go out and take out as many beasties as I can find, all to improve my skills.


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                RE: Arandwen's Book of Days
                « Reply #6 on: March 18, 2006, 10:29:25 am »
                World Tree, Autumn Harvest 7, 1397

                I have been living with Moonlight and Eàmanë for some time now, and I am enjoying it more each day. Moonlight is taking care of me in ways I had not expected possible. Yesterday, she asked me in her room to talk. She asked me if it were possible to love three people at once, and I replied to her as well as I could. Eàmanë is and will be her true love, but lately she had found love with Akki as well. While we talked on the matter, I realized that I only knew of two of the ones she loved. I started realizing what she might be getting at, but I denied the thought to myself. I am her Tyaan, I told myself. But then, suddenly, she said she loved me. Love me! It was as if the world around us ceased to be, only Moonlight and I existed. I felt as if fire was rushing through my body. This is the best thing that has happened to me, even if she can only offer me, as she put it, small love. But what she may not realize is, that her small love would mean huge love for me. She has so much to give me!

                And this is not the only good thing that has happened. Some time ago, Moonlight introduced me to Aeri. Something in her intrigued me so much that I liked her from the start, despite her being a bit gloomy. Maybe it is that which attracts me to her. She has agreed to move in with us, and when Moonlight offered her the choice of the spare lounge or share the room with me, she told me she would like to share a room with me. I was delighted! We immediately went to buy some new furniture. The first thing being a huge bed of course, big enough for two. We have changed our room to accommodate the both of us, and the first days together have been very good. I could tell Moonlight has taught her well already.

                Yesterday, Moonlight also told me that Akki would be moving in with us, she will be staying in the spare lounge. She's a very likable person. We talked about my past, and she really seemed to be interested. She's also very easy to tease, which I cannot stop doing with her around.

                With Aeri and Akki in our house, we have become quite an interesting coven! When we go out hunting, there is little that can stop us. And fortunately, we get enough chances to prove that!

                Puppies! Something made me think of puppies when we were out fighting the cow-men near north point. It must be that they come running happily at Moonlight wagging their tails, and then they are ordered to play dead by her. Which they all do well. Now, I cannot help to think of puppies when we're fighting cow-men, ogres or trolls. Moonlight is always ready to receive them, and I will be fighting at her side, trying to find the weak spots in their backs. Oh, I love her, and love fighting at her side! There is little that gives me more pleasure. Only being at the house with her, with Eàmanë and Aeri, I would consider. The puppies are nothing more than targets for me now. I do not care for their lives. They exist only to please us.

                I haven't talked much to others since I have become Moonlight's Tyaan. And at times when I do, it is just to get information from them, or to try to assess what they think of my Lialala. I have started to loose interest in other people's affairs. I would probably still help them when they'd ask me to, but I may not offer my help to all anymore. Only a few others, like Alleina, I still consider as friends. Remiel has been away for weeks now. I don't expect to see him again. And when I do, he will find that my feelings for him have cooled.

                I also realize now that I haven't used my own language lately. With Moonlight and Eàmanë I use the common tongue. Amongst themselves, they use Eàmanë's language, the language of the Drow. Moonlight has offered to teach me the language of the Drow. I would very much like to learn; it seems to be an interesting language, and since Moonlight and Eàmanë use it often enough, I owe it to them to learn it.

                I have been given a book by my Lialala describing the teachings of Corath. She wanted me to read it, to start to understand the path that she and  Eàmanë have started on. It is still a bit confusing to me to read, but I think I can sense what they are attracted to. At the very least it has made me think about what I believe in. I fear I cannot fully follow Kithairiens path as I used to do anymore. Too much has changed in my life for that. It is too soon for anything drastic, but the seed of doubt has been planted. I will need to contemplate this carefully, and will talk to Moonlight and Eàmanë to hear their point of view.

                And now, I wait for my Lialala to give me the mark she has promised me. She told me it will be her sign, the crescent moon. I fear her giving me that mark, but at the same time I want it. I want to belong to her, be her Tyaan.

