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Author Topic: Gnome tale - Drugo  (Read 80 times)


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    Gnome tale - Drugo
    « on: December 12, 2005, 02:50:00 pm »
    A lone gnome scurries along the trail leading to Port Hampshire.
    Carrying a box filled with silk, he seems unaware or unconcerned of the war that is knocking on the door to Mistone.
    Finally reaching his destination, Abi takes the box and thanks him for his service.
    -Show me the trap now Miss Abi.  He asks her.

    The traps she set proves to challenging for him to muster. Despite his pondering of possible disarm alternatives; she has made it to difficult for him again.

    -Clearly this is a matter of skill of the hands, as well as the mind. He says to himself.
    She disarms the trap with ease as he watches..  Despite her mind wandering.

    -I must practice more, Miss Adi.   He says holding the trap kit she returned to him.
    -You do that Drugo, and stop calling me Miss! She says smiling when she rushes off.

    Walking off examining the trap once more, he mutters some words and suddenly vanishes, only leaving the fog that has rolled into Port Hampshire that evening.
    - I’ll set this for some unsuspecting kobolds I think I will..  A voice says from nowhere.


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      RE: Gnome tale - Drugo
      « Reply #1 on: January 29, 2006, 10:14:07 am »
      The ogre mage turns, but it is to late.  The phantasmal horror that appears from nowhere rips his soul, and with a thud, he falls to the ground.
      The other ogres turn in surprise as the roar of fire screeches through the night and impacts right by their feet.  The berserker howls into the night as he grabs his sword and chases after the gnome standing behind the shrubbery.  

      His attempts to conceal himself had failed yet again, and the swing of the ogre blade knocks Drugo off his feet.  But from prone position, he manages to launch a burst of magic missiles, that ends the onslaught.

      After dusting off his robes and examining his wound, he heads off to Krandor for some much needed rest, before he continues his hunt for more ogre mages..


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        RE: Gnome tale - Drugo
        « Reply #2 on: March 21, 2006, 05:14:51 am »
        With a concerned look, the gnome follows a group out from Hurm.
        -Asylum? I sense trouble.  There is something wrong with that place. Why are they not opening their eyes? He thinks to himself.
        Realizing the leaders are far more seasoned, and that he has never been here before he tries to remain unnoticed as the group continues to escort the salesman and his crates to Lord Falwards asylum.

        That evening his concerns for trouble are substantiated.  A “patient” of the asylum escapes while they are having dinner with the Lord.  They find that she has sealed the only apparent exit, and is rambling about demon voices.  Then, when the Lord hangs himself, they realize that the only way out is through a test of sanity. - A gauntlet of the mind.
        Realizing his magical power are to weak to help him, he turns to his wits for hope.