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Author Topic: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirmsec)  (Read 3221 times)



Glitch'nich Amthrmil lived in the mountains with his uncle. He never got along with his uncle well but his uncle was a good teacher, and the only teacher that Glitch'nich really cared to listen to. Him and his uncle had left the grey elf camps, being entirely tired of the rest of their race, and moved to their own secluded mountain, because indeed they were the greatest Grey Elves of them all. Knowing this, they grew tired of the rest of their race quickly, completely engrossed by their arrogance and superiority over the rest of their race.

Durring the evening hours and all through the night Glitch'nich and his uncle took turns keeping an eye out for the giants that continually invaded their territory trying to get a foot hold on the mountain, and durring the night hours these attacks were usually increased.
They took turns meditating for 4 hours at a time and watching for enemies. Glitch'nich was tired of living this way but he needed to stay and finish his training in the art of magic.

One day as Glitch'nich was getting near the end of his training he decided enough was enough; he hated these giants and was tired of the constant battles he had to endure to live on the mountains. His uncle was getting to be too old to hold these mountain tops anymore and enough was enough it was time to move.

He didn't really give his uncle a choice in the matter, he just packed up all their belongings and told him they were leaving.
His uncle stood there for a while in awe of the arrogance that stood before him telling him what he was going to do. Realizing that his nephew was right, he went along.

Glitch'nich didn't have any idea where they would go, but he was determined to go somewhere a bit more peaceful so his uncle could enjoy the rest of his life in a bit of peace.

They traveled for a long time on horse back looking for a suitable place to live and couldn't find one... Glitch'nich decided they would put up aloof a small town and put up a magical barrier to disguise a large tree as nothing more than a tree, and put up a house there for a while.

They lived there for the next century watching the town grow and thrive, playing Vigilante Knight of the Realm with the towns folk whenever trouble arose, yet remaining unseen. until his uncle died.

With his uncle dead and no one else left to trust but himself he decided it was time to wage war against any evils he could find on Layonara, big, or small, he would crush them, all by himself if he had to because he was the best elf for the job if there was any.

// this is the diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirmsec) as he writes the most important happenings of his adventures


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2008, 10:50:58 am »
I have made my way to a continent the locals call Mistone, it is nay a bad continent as it has mountains though I fear giants aren't the inhabitants of this mountain range but the cursed drow.

I have spent some time learning alchemy from an elf named Eghaas Treebringer, and he has taught me well, as I am now able to make potions that heal my wounds and I do not need to purchase them from the local temples.

I have met many that serve my Lady, Lucinda, and have been able to keep the company I travel with full of Lucindites.
Talia, and Storold have to be my favorite company for traveling as they are very knowledgeable of the area, the tactics of combat, and keeping their parties alive.
They have proven to me they are great warriors, and thinkers despite the fact they are not Gray Elves.

I have not found another of my Kin on Mistone, I long for the beauty of a Gray Elf to look upon, although I have met a Sea Elf whom I find attractive.

I have aided a man named Remus, a man of the forest, he has shown me how he can talk to the animals Similar to how my people talk with the birds, and how they can aid him and befriend him if he treats them right.
I wish to learn this skill of the woodsman, or Ranger as he has called it.

I have taken many on tours of the area to show and reinforce mine own knowledge of Mistone, and to feel more like a man of the woods. Some have even told me I act like a Ranger, though a lowly wizard I am still.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2008, 10:59:19 am »
I have started training in a few more skills, tailoring, and gem crafting, and I feel i can excel in these areas.

I have watched one named Jaachri in combat and his skills were uncanny... I wish to be more like this mage. He seems to have the abilities of a Ranger as well, and I shall pursue this path.

I have started teaching one named Hoodman the elven language, a few times a week he comes to me for lessons and for this teaching he has taught me new spells.

He is catching on quickly for a human, we'll see if he can endure the elven language.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2008, 01:14:48 pm »
I wish to remember the language of the birds... common to my people yet forgotten by me at a young age feeling no use for it, I shall find one to teach it to me again.

I miss the griffins of my homeland, I miss the mountains, but I shall not return there for adventure is far to appealing.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2008, 09:48:13 pm »
I finally met another of my kin, Eruanna Glorandir, a very beautiful elf indeed. I had the pleasure of meeting her by chance right after playing a game of cards. We talked for a while about our travels on Mistone and abroad, and the people we've met of various races.
To make the meeting even more pleasant I discovered she is also a follower of Lucinda, Lady of Spells, and a protector of the weave. Similar Deities and a similar purpose, could fate play any more games today?

She showed me around a bit, and took me to the Leringuard Arms for a tour and possible place to live. We then set off to see the second temple of Lucinda i've been to.
I had a lovely time with Eruanna, and I hope our paths cross again.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2008, 10:37:20 pm »
Today a friend of mine Chakar, asked me to accompany him in his quest for sapphires. I agreed to help Chakar, and his friend Rolan. I had quite an interesting surprise when they brought a wemic to join in the journey. I was almost scared enough to run when the huge lion man approached, had Chakar not explained to me before hand that this was a member of our party, I would have run for my life. He was very large and had strange ways about him, for instance in his greeting. He walked up to Rolan and Rolan offered him his hand in greeting. Im'tiau (the wemic) sniffed his hand and then licked it. Gasping Rolan was indeed surprised. Then came my turn, I knew what to expect and that it would be a strange greeting for sure..... one of the strangest in all my travels.
I approached Im'tiau, and held out my hand, and sure enough he did the same. If nothing else I got a taste of another culture, barbaric as it may be.

We set off for Krashin. I had been there before so I knew what to expect for weather, and I knew my way around a bit.
We arrived on the shores of this freezing winter wonderland and immediately started a fire to stay warm as long as we could while we discussed tactics and maneuvers that would aid us in this task.

Shortly after arriving, we were joined by Oskar, who was apparently looking for his party, but they had already gone.
We invited him to join us.
We started out mining alexandrite, and accomplished our task. No one really got too hurt and the trip was actually pleasurable despite the cold.
We headed back to the fort to warm ourselves and Oskar and Im'tiau departed our company.
We decided to go for the sapphires with just the three remaining party members, Chakar, Rolan, and myself.
We started out and it was one bloody battle after another, we didn't know how far we would make it but we were getting closer each minute and decided to keep going.
About the second regression into the cave we nearly lost Rolan, and our supply of potions was wearing thin. Stubborn as we all were we continued on our way.
Three levels deep now and almost to our goal we hit the bloodiest battle of them all...
I had all of my protective magics at work as well as Chakar's, but they just kept coming at us.... without mercy. I called apon the weave and Lucinda to aid me with a summon spell I had learned. My archon was indeed too late with his flail, for Chakar had fallen. I dumped a healing potion into his mouth but it was too late. Now I was taking hits, and my Archon friend had taken off towards enemies farther off than I had told him to fight... keeping them at bay, I stood behind Rolan and dumped every last potion into his helmet hoping he would drink every sip till my potions were gone but alas he fell.
I ran like a coward back 15 paces and cast invisibility on myself... but i was seen by them and they followed my foot prints in the snow as i left them shooting their arrows where they knew i was. Again i cast invisibility hoping to shake them but they were not going to be fooled.... I ran up to the second regression in the cave and headed for a door i had seen, taking arrows in my stoned skin every step of the way.... I knew if i stopped i was dead... I ran through the door and closed it behind me.... I hasted my feet and ran as fast as i could...
I heard the door i had closed open again, I knew i needed to make tracks fast... I quickly ran a few circles to hide my direction of travel and quickly headed out of the cave...
I had made it, but just barely, and both of my friends had fallen.

// not sure how to describe someone walking around ghostly after death but here goes nothing.

I made my way back to camp, where I met Chakar, he looked like he had walked through the nine hells.
He asked for my assistance in praying where he last died.
I shamefully told him I was sorry for not being able to aid him more.
He said it was no big deal and we traveled with haste invisibly back to where he fell... We came across a man named Trenton. Lucky for us.
Trenton helped us back out of the cave safely.
We thanked him for his help and went back to the Scamps mug for a few drinks.
Rolan was there, and we split what coin and treasure we had found, before Rolan retired for the night.

Chakar and I sat there for a couple of hours discussing our various abilities, and I decided to ask him about his training.
// conversation follows:

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: that cream ale any good?

Rolan Tennesen: not bad *wipes mouth*

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: *grins*

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: brewed it myself

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: so it shouldn't taste horrible *chuckles*

Rolan Tennesen: did you? *looks at the empty bottle*

Rolan Tennesen: where are the hops from?

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: yes

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: from Alindor, the place is a dwarven fortress of sorts. called Bloody Gate

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: it grows just behind the inn

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: I also have found some growing at Vale on Dregar

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: I think there's one other place as well on Dregar.. but I can't remember it just now

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: so you cook and brew as well... what don't you do?

Rolan Tennesen: *pushes self up* i'd best get some rest

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: heh, I don't dabble with gems all that good

Rolan Tennesen: need to rest up for more work

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: and I have just started tailoring

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: yes, take care Rolan!

Rolan Tennesen: *staggers out, waving*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: aye i've just started both of those as well

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *waves*

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: these robes I made myself

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: just plain cotton..

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: I made a sling

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *laughs*

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: *grins* oh, I've also made gloves from bat skin, they should protect a little against some high pitched sounds

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: ah, so a bit of leather working as well, haven't attempted that myself, been working on the healing potions mostly

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: yes, that is what I do myself at times, but the bloody things run out quite quickly on a warrior's career *smirks*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: aye, I've been thinking of taking some classes in fighting myself

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: if i could find a teacher

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: thank you by the way for those light healing potions you have been throwing to me

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: oh, no problem.... it's hard for me to watch you bleed and me to stand there unharmed while you suffer

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: **nods*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: I wish i could fight, i have a sword but i don't hit hard enough nor enough to matter most of the time

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: Rolan gave me this gem, all covered in muck. would you like to have it?

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: **shows his long sword*

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: ah, a nice blade that. iron?

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: Aye, i wouldn't mind it, yes, Iron with electrical enchantment

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: *hands him the rock*

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: may it be a diamond *chuckles*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *takes the rock* if it is i will be very surprised.. had many of these turn up greenstone

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: oh, I did enchant a gem, too. a greenstone *grins*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: ever found a diamond in one of these?

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: no, not really. but greenstone ain't all that worthless either, the dust is quite handy

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: and I think the cantripical wands take an enchanted greenstone

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: aye, can't make bandages or potions without em

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: I think clerics of varying faith make healing potions from plain water

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: but.. I suppose that's one of their personal tricks

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: blessings from their gods probably
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: I think so too

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: hmm, have you any pepper on you?

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: no, i've never seen any pepper

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: I need some to make this polar
bear chunks into a delicacy *grins*

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: hmm

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: *rubs his beard*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: where did you study your fighting?

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: oh, my people's warriors taught me how to handle weapons and how to move in armor

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: I was actually a low-ranked guardsman for some time

I though for a moment about the fighters i'd heard about listening to talk around Hempstead, called duelists.
I knew that if i was going to become a duelist I would need to be able to handle a sword, like a fighter does at least... my magery training wasn't going to give me these skills... so I asked my friend for some help...

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: I've heard of people called dualists, i'm thinking of becomming one

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: and a hunter, and a gatherer *chuckles* good times

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: I think I've heard of that battling style

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: very finessed

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: Something i'm good at, I'd like to try it

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: seems graceful and relaxing, meditative almost

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: that and a warrior's career as well?

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: I get tired of being unable to assist much on the front line

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: **nods with a smile*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: and watching people fall... like today, then running like a coward

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: nothing to be ashamed in that

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: only a fool charges to an impossible foe

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: I enjoy protecting people, but i wouldn't mind stepping in to let someone run and heal

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: even if only to parry the enemies blows long enough to save a life

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: **nods*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: aye, i've seen such fools

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: hmm... **puts his hands behind his head and leans back in his chair, thinking of something*

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: I could teach you how to handle a blade of your choice, if you would pay me for my time

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: You would?

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: yes, I think so

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: How much would you charge?

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: well, I don't want to rob you *grins*

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: what could you afford, would be a good question

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: I could pay you around 3000 a month // RL week

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: that sounds very good to me

I was delighted and we set off in search of our greenstone, our third stop of the day.
With one successful trip and one failure, we continued on our journey.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2008, 10:42:54 pm »
On our way to the red light caves, Chakar decided to introduce me to fighting, or perhaps I decided to give it another go, as I have swung a sword in the past... I decided no time like the present to start learning.

Chakar needed oats, and the only way to get them was to take them from the ogres that were hoarding them.
So we prepared for battle again.

I let Chakar start the fights, as he is a well trained fighter.
Once the battle began I thought what a perfect opportunity to get in a few swings while he holds their attention and parries their blows.

I managed a few hits, it was very exciting to watch them fall from up close as opposed to far away as i usually do, and my blood was rushing through my veins as never before... I actually enjoyed the excitement... though i'd have been dead without Chakar there to keep their blows from me.

We finished gathering oats and headed for the camp near Hlint for some well deserved rest and reflection.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2008, 04:10:47 pm »
I met with Elohanna of the angels guild today, and she gave me the scrolls I had ordered.

Meeting with her is always pleasurable, she is such a sweetheart.

I went out to the lake and studied them as soon as I received them.
The list of spells I have written in my book and can recall is growing to a respectable size anyone would admire.

Between Brother Fenris (Lucius), Storold and Elohanna, I shall be able to complete my book.

It is a great day indeed, the only thing that remains to be done this day is to seek out my teacher and train with the new rapier i've purchased.

// puts his quill away, sticks his diary back into his pack and walks off to find Chakar.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2008, 09:30:35 pm »
Today has been one prosperous day.

With nothing to do but sit around and be idle, it looked like time to use the mind. I headed off to Leringuard, a city I am beginning to like, to test my strategy and compete with Wyatt.
He sent his minions strong and hard at me for the first five games. His strategy seemed unbeatable, taking much of my gold I deemed it necessary to find another opponent to warm up my idle mind.
Alton, leader of the undead.
I challenged him, and his evil army to a duel.
I gained enough gold from his sinister team to take on Wyatt once more... Victory.
I raised enough money to pay for my training as a fighter.

Now all I needed was to find one. *grins to himself*


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2008, 09:34:10 pm »
I headed back to Hempstead by boat, though I am always uneasy on them.

I sat on the benches for quite some time, looking around and watching the guard patrol.
Soon a man I surely have met before came walking past... I found out his name was Sebastian, and indeed we had met before.
I asked him his profession after noticing his garb was that of a warrior of some kind.
After finding out he did fight with a sword I asked him to train me and offered him an un-resistible sum of gold for the training.
Alas he agreed and off to the arena in Vehl we went.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2008, 10:19:11 pm »

Sebastian shows me around the arena, noting the healer along the side wall... knew i was in for trouble about then.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2008, 10:21:07 pm »

We stood head to head in the arena as Sebastian told me a thing or two about what was going to happen, explained a few things to me about holding a blade, types of blades and what they were good for.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2008, 10:24:51 pm »

We fought on, rapiers ripping the air around us, the sound of grunting heard through out the arena as we both threw our swords at each other.

Almost every swing I threw at him was a miss, swords smashed together, sparks flew but I couldn't hit the lad.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #13 on: February 02, 2008, 10:28:13 pm »

Thrashing about as much as I could, I was no match for him.
A few quick well placed blows and he had me on the ground.

Yet I begged for more.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2008, 10:31:33 pm »

"Another go, Another weapon!" I told him, I must beat you.

I pulled out my scimitar, and swung with all my might... this time I landed a few.

"Ha! I'm learning" I told him.

He grinned.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2008, 10:33:39 pm »

Learning perhaps, but not enough...

"Try to parry my blows." he said, "push my sword out of the way as i try and hit you."


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2008, 10:35:47 pm »



Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #17 on: February 02, 2008, 10:38:11 pm »
Back to the longsword I went, trying again to best this man...
To no avail.
Mess with the master and get beat...
This time he tripped me up good...



Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #18 on: February 02, 2008, 10:41:46 pm »
After the long training session, we headed for the Scamps Mug for a drink, some dwarves head ale would do these bruises some good...
Having enough bruises to last me a month it was time for rest.

We sat at the Scamps Mug talking with Salles, and drinking ale for couple of hours.

Fighting without magic is proving difficult indeed, but i shall continue in my quest to become a fighter.

With Sebastian, and Chakar training me, I think I will be successful.

A duelist I shall strive to become... and a duelist I shall be.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #19 on: February 04, 2008, 01:33:46 am »

Just another lesson to learn I guess.