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Author Topic: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirmsec)  (Read 3219 times)


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #20 on: February 04, 2008, 01:36:11 am »
So, with a little training under my belt it is time I tried my new found knowledge on a hostile target... and find myself a combat dummy as well.

My Alchemy is going well, I think I'll head out and get me some Aloe, and kill some dirty kobold slime as well.



Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #21 on: February 04, 2008, 01:38:07 am »
I gave them a wooping they never saw coming from a mage with a rapier. they were hardly ready for it.
I have learned much from my fighter friends, though i've a long way to go.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #22 on: February 04, 2008, 01:39:23 am »

Getting better with this rapier every day.
I think I'm getting the hang of this.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #23 on: February 04, 2008, 01:40:38 am »

And on to my aloe gathering.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #24 on: February 04, 2008, 01:46:00 am »

Hmm couldn't find myself a combat dummy... so I made one.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #25 on: February 04, 2008, 01:46:50 am »

Worked nicely in my opinion *grins*


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #26 on: February 12, 2008, 11:37:59 pm »
Today, I found Fianon sitting in Hempstead looking a bit down.
I found out that he had been beaten badly by some lizard folk in the black dog moors.

I decided to help him get back to where it happened, and we departed right away.

After we passed through Haven, we ran into Chakar, one of my buddies and fellow Lucindite, who decided to join us.

He asked how my training was going, and offered to continue it.

We took to the moors swords drawn and spells at the ready.

We fought the lizard men bravely and took a few of the will o wisps with them.

Chakar was impressed with my fighting skills even as a wizard.
After getting Fianon to his grave we left, and Fianon went on his way.

Chakar and I went to the Arena in Vehl to continue my training as a fighter.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #27 on: February 14, 2008, 01:03:52 pm »
Chakar needed some sage, so we took the desert route and fought some scorpions along the way, and gathered some corn.
The gnolls there didn't want us taking their corn, so we had to take it from them.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #28 on: February 14, 2008, 01:10:25 pm »

fighting in the arena

fighting gnolls gathering corn.

a mission to restore health


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #29 on: January 06, 2013, 12:31:05 am »
Many moons have passed since I last saw you journal, but once again I have returned to this silent place to listen to the pen scratch it's ink upon your parchment.

Last time I was here I told you about a fighter, his name was Chakar.  Chakar taught me well the ways of the fighter, and now after 5 seasons
I feel more comfortable at the front or the back of any party of adventurers.  While this was an interesting time for a wizard like myself, I feel I
have grown tremendously from the experiences.  I have even saved a few lives journal.

This visit will be much like the last visit and I will tell you large unbelievable tales.

I spend most of my time venturing with a lovely lady named Talia, she, like me, worships the godess Lucinda.
We travel the lands lighting the way with the blessings she has given us.
My recent travels have taken me to the lands of Dregar.
Giant men walk the lands there, filling the deserts, the forests and the caves.  They take what they want and leave little for
anyone else in the area.
A small group of us took a journey there just recently to mine for topaz and silver. Rasa, Talia, Grog, Ausir and a few others ventured into the cave.
We found large groups of giants singing and dancing around their fires, unaware of our presence. We stormed their merry folly under the names and
flags of many different gods, claiming some topaz for ourselves.  We did not know that one of our party had fallen behind and gotten himself lost in the cave.
Down deeper into the cave we went, hoards of giants, throwing great parties in the name of their evil gods.  We soon found out what had happened to our companion
the giants were roasting him over one of their fires.  We took great vengence on them that night, and ceaned out their silver.

I had already begun to like the sword, journal, and my thoughts were to become a greater swordsman.
The search for a duelist had begun.
I searched, high, and low, far, and wide, hearing only rumors of great men dueling with swords, but meeting none.

I thought about giving up for a while, crossing the lands many times with no results started getting to me, and I found myself gambling and drinking
my life away.  Then one day, I was looking about Maraners Hold. I searched every building there, looking for anything interesting to take my mind off
of things.  I found nothing, until I decided to open that last door.

Pushing open the door, I walked inside, it appeared there was no one around, so I started poking around to see what I could find.
I had no idea the answer to my prayers was just around the corner.
I saw several very comfortable looking couches and chairs sitting in an area, so I decided since no one was there, I would relax a while and dream.
I started walking around the corner towards the couches, and just as I was about to sit down, I heard talking.
Then I noticed I was not alone.
Elohanna was sitting there on the floor entertaining someone.
I quickly appologised for the intrusion and headed out.
I had not recognized her, and did not want to be rude.
She called out for me to stop, and welcomed me to the inn, and that's when I realized I knew her.
She showed me around the inn, and especially the game room.  I plan to learn to throw darts there.
I came to find out the mans name was Ty Reid-Dragonheart.

I tried out one of the gaming chairs and found them quite comfortable.  We took up a spot on the floor and I passed out some drinks.
Durring our conversation I let out that I was looking for training in the ways of the duelist, and only finding dead ends and tall tales.
We drank dwarves head ale, and nearly passed out. Our conversation continued and we tried to talk despite the slipery tongues.
Elohanna told me that Ty was a duelist and after a bit of conversation we had set up a time and place to begin my training.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #30 on: January 06, 2013, 02:18:39 am »
I was late to my first training, but Ty was still there waiting for me. His first lesson was about Time. HaHa!
I left for Fort Vehl.

When I arrived at the arena, I was greeted by a lady that called herself Merisa, and she warmly welcomed me back to the arena. I remember being there once before with Chakar.

Merisa - Arena Hostess: You look familiar...I think. Welcome back to the Fort Vehl Arena

I looked around for Ty but I didn't see him, so I wandered around the arena for a while.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *spot check*
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: Spot Check:  5 + 1 = 6

Finally after looking around the whole arena I heard some noises coming from the training area, and decided to check it out.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart attacks Practice Dummy : *critical hit* : (18 + 18 = 36 : Threat Roll: 10 + 18 = 28)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart attacks Practice Dummy : *hit* : (11 + 13 = 24)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart attacks Practice Dummy : *hit* : (12 + 8 = 20)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart attacks Practice Dummy : *miss* : (1 + 8 = 9)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart attacks Practice Dummy : *miss* : (1 + 18 = 19)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart attacks Practice Dummy : *critical hit* : (19 + 18 = 37 : Threat Roll: 4 + 18 = 22)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart attacks Practice Dummy : *hit* : (16 + 13 = 29)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart attacks Practice Dummy : *hit* : (3 + 8 = 11)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart attacks Practice Dummy : *critical hit* : (20 + 18 = 38 : Threat Roll: 6 + 18 = 24)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart attacks Practice Dummy : *critical hit* : (20 + 13 = 33 : Threat Roll: 2 + 13 = 15)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart attacks Practice Dummy : *miss* : (1 + 8 = 9)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart attacks Practice Dummy : *hit* : (16 + 18 = 34)

I watched him from a distance at first, he was spinning, and flipping, and jumping over his target, poking it from all directions. His movements as fluid as a stream over the stones. Looking down at my hands holding two swords, I noticed that he did all of these things using only one.

I walked up trying not to disturb him practicing and watched for a short time until he turned around.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *waves*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Thought I heard someone *sweating*
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: You ready?

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: sorry i'm a bit late, was cleaning my toes with some vines in the goblin caves, and my shield wore off.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Cleaning your toes.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *grins* Whatever you say.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: never tried it?

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Usually avoid 'em.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *smiles*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Got a weapon?

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: i'm never ready, but i seem to stay alive

I pulled out a great sword as a joke, he wasn't impressed.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Bit big.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: You want to duel, you're gonna need a lighter weapon.

I pulled out my rapier.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *nods*
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: So, first thing my old master taught me is fight smart.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *listens*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: When you're unarmored and using what folks call a pig-poker, you gotta be smarter than the opposition.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *chuckles*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: So you look for weak spots.  You listen for creaks and snaps.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: You pay attention and use whatever you got and they don't.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Cause this? *pats his clothes* Doesn't do much to stop....anything.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: So, not much a dummy can show you about that, pretty much gotta get in the ring.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: So, let's get in there.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: You use both hands?

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: usually

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *nods*
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Handy to use both, you have twice the options for sticking someone.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: So, I have weaknesses like anyone else, watch me fight and exploit them.  You have to be really aware of what the other person is doing.

I pulled out my fan from my packs and waved it about in my right hand.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: A fan?
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Seriously? *grins*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: indeed

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Ah, seen those.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Right, so....ready?

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: ready.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: And....*nods* Go.

We started throwing blows.

I started out, thinking I could best him.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *chuckles*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *slides in two fast hits*

I was wrong.
He stopped assulting me with his blows, and offered me a hand.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: bad start

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Rest up.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: You weren't expecting me to start, so I took advantage.

Grabbing my sides, I stood back up.
Taking my best fighting stance, we continued.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Ready?

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *stands in fighting stance*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Go

This time I parried several of his attacks.
Blades were swirling through the air with swift speed, then clanging together like bells, throwing small sparks as they hit.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart attacks Glitch'nich Amthrmil : *parried* : (9 + 18 = 27)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart attacks Glitch'nich Amthrmil : *parried* : (10 + 13 = 23)
Glitch'nich Amthrmil attempts Riposte Attack on Ty Reid-Dragonheart : *miss* : (12 + 9 = 21)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart attacks Glitch'nich Amthrmil : *miss* : (1 + 8 = 9)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart attacks Glitch'nich Amthrmil : *parried* : (1 + 18 = 19)
Glitch'nich Amthrmil attempts Riposte Attack on Ty Reid-Dragonheart : *miss* : (15 + 9 = 24)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart attacks Glitch'nich Amthrmil : *parried* : (12 + 13 = 25)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart attacks Glitch'nich Amthrmil : *hit* : (10 + 8 = 18)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart damages Glitch'nich Amthrmil: 12 (11 Physical 1 Cold)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart attacks Glitch'nich Amthrmil : *hit* : (8 + 18 = 26)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart damages Glitch'nich Amthrmil: 12 (8 Physical 4 Cold)

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Nice blocking

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: thanks
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: been working on it

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Was watchign though.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Got you on that last riposte, you left yourself open.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: i see
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *brushes himself off* again?

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Again.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: And, go.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: You got some good training, I get the feeling fighting's still kind of new to you.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: indeed, but i cheat

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *grins* How's that.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: i use everything to my advantage, like you were saying

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Then advantage up.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: let me meditate

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *nods*

I limped my way to the side of the arena, and put a few early bandages on, then I took a moment to clear my mind.
I memorized several of the spells that I normally pray to Lucinda for when i'm fighting greater adversaries.

I walked back to the arena, holding my side in agony, but enjoying every minute of it journal.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Ready?

I nodded and took a fighting stance.

This time I started the fighting, but to no avail, he was ready for me.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *twists and doges*
Ty Reid-Dragonheart attacks Glitch'nich Amthrmil : *parried* : (3 + 13 = 16)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart attacks Glitch'nich Amthrmil : *miss* : (15 + 8 = 23)
Glitch'nich Amthrmil attempts Riposte Attack on Ty Reid-Dragonheart : *miss* : (10 + 9 = 19)

Then he did something that i've never seen anyone do before journal.
He put his sword hand down just a little bit, and I thought i had him, but just when I tried to stab at him
he lunged at me, using my free arm he locked it with his and over my back he went. I lost sight of him.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart begins to perform an Acrobatic Attack.

That was a hard lesson to learn as I took one in the stomach, and fell to my knees.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart damages Glitch'nich Amthrmil: 10 (10 Physical)
Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Damage Resistance absorbs 5 damage
Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Damage Reduction absorbs 5 damage
Ty Reid-Dragonheart damages Glitch'nich Amthrmil: 5 (5 Physical)
Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Reflex Save : *failure* : (6 + 9 = 15 vs. DC: 21)

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: whoa

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *moves back, then lunges*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: nice move there

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: I'll teach you that one later.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *gasps for air*

I stood back on my feet, and brushed my knees off.
Without looking he took two steps forward.
All I saw was a blur of motion as every limb became a weapon and he spun around and hit me with all of them.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: And this.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart performs Whirlwind Attack.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart attempts Whirlwind Attack on Glitch'nich Amthrmil : *hit* : (13 + 18 = 31)

Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Initiative Roll : 13 : (8 + 5 = 13)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart damages Glitch'nich Amthrmil: 3 (1 Physical 2 Cold)
Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Damage Resistance absorbs 5 damage

A few jabs later I lost sight of him yet again.

Sneak Attack : Ty Reid-Dragonheart attacks Glitch'nich Amthrmil : *hit* : (13 + 18 = 31)

I attempted to lose his eyes just for a moment, to no avail.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart performs Whirlwind Attack.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart attempts Whirlwind Attack on Glitch'nich Amthrmil : *hit* : (6 + 18 = 24)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart damages Glitch'nich Amthrmil: 7 (4 Physical 3 Cold)
Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Damage Resistance absorbs 5 damage

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *watches carefully*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *spins, his blade becoming an arc around*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Not too useful against one but great when you get swarmed.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: i can see the use for that

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *nods*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: i get surrounded often

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Useful then, yeah.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Alright.  First thing, you're stancing.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Gotta move around more.  You're unarmored.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: yeah usually i hit them a few times and move somewhere else
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: or stick em in the side while the great swords take hits at them
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: and then heal the great swords
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: and get em in the other side
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: * he dances out mimicing his motions in combat*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: You block great, so follow through - strike right after when the block is still registering.  *nods, grins at the elf speaks* That works too.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Again.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *stays light on his feet and waits for Glitch*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *taps Glitch's blade*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *taps his blade again*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *is loose, not planted, waiting*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *again watches the casting*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *trying to match sounds and gestures to effect*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *mumbles some words and does some gestures* sometimes i use those to intimidate my enemy, but i know they aren't intimidated

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *nods* Some will be.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: so i do it and watch them watch back

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: I'm trying to learn more about magic.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: and then they usually charge me *chuckles*
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: magic was fun to learn once, now that i know it, as you can see even the small amount i know
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: has it's benifits

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *nods*
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Not going to be good at it, just want to understand it better.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: mind if i try something?

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *feints a hit*
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Go ahead.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *mumbles some words*
Glitch'nich Amthrmil casting Gust of Wind
Glitch'nich Amthrmil casts Gust of Wind

Ty Reid-Dragonheart : Fortitude Save : *failure* : (11 + 6 = 17 vs. DC: 18)

Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Fortitude Save : *success* : (10 + 9 = 19 vs. DC: 18)
Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Initiative Roll : 25 : (20 + 5 = 25)

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Nice trick.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *grins*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *flat on his butt*
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: When you're casting though, watch out.

Sneak Attack : Ty Reid-Dragonheart attempts Knockdown on Glitch'nich Amthrmil : *hit* : (16 + 14 = 30)
Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Initiative Roll : 19 : (14 + 5 = 19)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart damages Glitch'nich Amthrmil: 25 (23 Physical 2 Cold)

Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Damage Resistance absorbs 5 damage
Sneak Attack : Ty Reid-Dragonheart attacks Glitch'nich Amthrmil : *critical hit* : (19 + 17 = 36 : Threat Roll: 11 + 17 = 28)
Ty Reid-Dragonheart damages Glitch'nich Amthrmil: 46 (41 Physical 5 Cold)
Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Damage Resistance absorbs 5 damage

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *grins*
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: hehe
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *one quick leg sweep*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: that's a nice trick

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Some guy Ricky taught me.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: i have a lot to learn as a fighter
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: the most important lesson so far has been, have a real swords man with you
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: always
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: haha

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *grins*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: i have a fake one

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Yeah, I prefer to be in the back.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: i can go where he goes
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: but for a dog he is not very loyal

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Who's that?

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: i don't know his name exactly, the al'noth is used to ask for him

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: call him?  LIke a summon?

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *shrugs* could be a different being each time i suppose, dog men all look the same to me

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: indeed

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Weird.  My father can call an archer.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: interesting
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: you should show me that sick move that put me on my knees again, that was really cool

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: I'll demonstrate.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *moves back a bit*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: It needs space, you need to use your thighs to leap off.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart begins to perform an Acrobatic Attack.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Damage Resistance absorbs 5 damage
Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Damage Reduction absorbs 5 damage
Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Initiative Roll : 10 : (5 + 5 = 10)

Ty Reid-Dragonheart damages Glitch'nich Amthrmil: 7 (7 Physical)

Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Reflex Save : *success* : (16 + 5 = 21 vs. DC: 21)
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *chuckles*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *grins* You were expecting it that time.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: i guess so
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: probably because i saw it once, try again

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *nods*
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *moves slow to demonstrate*
Ty Reid-Dragonheart begins to perform an Acrobatic Attack.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Damage Resistance absorbs 5 damage
Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Damage Reduction absorbs 5 damage
Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Initiative Roll : 24 : (19 + 5 = 24)

Ty Reid-Dragonheart damages Glitch'nich Amthrmil: 22 (22 Physical)

Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Damage Resistance absorbs 5 damage
Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Damage Reduction absorbs 5 damage

Ty Reid-Dragonheart damages Glitch'nich Amthrmil: 5 (5 Physical)

Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Reflex Save : *failure* : (5 + 5 = 10 vs. DC: 21)

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *grunts as his knees hit the floor*
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: haha

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *one pierce on the side, and his foot takes the elf's knees*
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Downside is you need space.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: indeed

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: First step is always fighting smart though.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: everything has it's downside

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Practice.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: With just that. *taps the rapier*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: my casting can get in my way sometimes
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: and sometimes holding my shield will disrupt my casting

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Shield?

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: i didn't know that using an offhand sheild or sword would disrupt my concentration

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Oh, yeah.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: I don't bother.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: so indeed i've been sometimes using a sheild
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: heavy junk

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: I like having one hand free, you never know when you can grab something to toss or just knock 'em off balance.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: And if one arm gets hit, just switch hands

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: You want to try with the fan?
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: i let mine fly loosely with a bludgeoning weapon... they want it to hurt, i'll let it flail haha

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: sure
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Alright, you start.  *keeps his arms loose*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *bends his knees*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *the sabre is level at hip height*
Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Initiative Roll : 19 : (15 + 4 = 19)

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *feints*

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: That's one tough fan

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *moves around, looking for openings*

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *nods* Interesting fan.

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: yeah, i have a couple whips i want to try someday
 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: you want to try it out?
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Sure.

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *flips it open and fans himself with a grin*
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Metal edges, nice.

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *takes defensive stance*
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *spins the fan around*

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *gets in tight*

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Huh....

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: indeed

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Too light for me, but wicked in close.

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: sometimes it gets in the way
 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: in the thick of it i prefer just the sword

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Be a nice backup weapon for a woman though.

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: indeed, i shall find you one for training me

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Hey, thanks.

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: you can do what you want with it

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: So you get the gist of this, fight smart.  Move when you have to.

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Don't let them get a clear shot.
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Cause when they do it's gonna hurt.

 Your RP has earned you a bonus.
 Experience Points Gained:  266

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: are you able to dodge magics well dancing around like that?

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Fighting in cloth is all about not being there when the blade comes down.
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Sometimes, yeah
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Throw something at me.

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil casting Fireball
 Glitch'nich Amthrmil casts Fireball
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart : Improved Evasion : Reflex Save vs. Fire : *success* : (18 + 19 = 37 vs. DC: 18)
 Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Initiative Roll : 23 : (20 + 3 = 23)

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *ducks*
 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: indeed

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *claps*

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Lot of practice here.

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil casting Phantasmal Killer
 Glitch'nich Amthrmil casts Phantasmal Killer

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart : Will Save vs. Mind Spells : *success* : (16 + 7 = 23 vs. DC: 19)

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Initiative Roll : 10 : (7 + 3 = 10)
 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *seems impressed*

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *shakes off the spell*

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil casting Magic Missile
 Glitch'nich Amthrmil casts Magic Missile
 Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Initiative Roll : 13 : (10 + 3 = 13)
 Glitch'nich Amthrmil damages Ty Reid-Dragonheart: 3 (3 Magical)
 Glitch'nich Amthrmil damages Ty Reid-Dragonheart: 2 (2 Magical)
 Glitch'nich Amthrmil damages Ty Reid-Dragonheart: 3 (3 Magical)
 Glitch'nich Amthrmil damages Ty Reid-Dragonheart: 2 (2 Magical)
 Glitch'nich Amthrmil damages Ty Reid-Dragonheart: 2 (2 Magical)

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Owwww! *laughs*
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Can't dodge that one!

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *nods twice* so one weekness

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *each missile burrows in*
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Yep.

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: i met the soul mother from that weakness the other day

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: That's what you remember.  What is the weakness.

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *looks down*

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Aw, man, sorry.

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: saw it coming too, but it's my fault, i was tempting her again, playing with the drow

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: I can teach you some of the moves to avoid the big boom spells.
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Dark elves don't play nice.

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: indeed they don't, been down with a few different people... i stay really close to those people
 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: haha

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Where, the Rift?
 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: aye

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Once *nods*
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Freaking scary.
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Good lesson *nods*

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Work on the follow-through.

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: See you here in another week?
 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: for sure, this time i won't be late
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *nods, flicks a wave*

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *waves and heads off*


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #31 on: January 06, 2013, 03:36:12 am »


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #32 on: January 06, 2013, 04:29:56 am »
Feeling confident after my training session I went out to practice my abilities.

On my way back to Center I found myself standing in front of Ulkazzar, a quiet fellow I just met.  I asked him if he wanted to go out on adventurous travels and he agreed.  We continued to Center and prepared for our journey.
Feeling daring I decided to venture into the cave near the purple mushrooms.
I felt that without a doubt i could take down one of the golems that dwell inside.

We walked to the cave, and were ambushed by gnolls before we could get inside.  With a few tricks, we managed to defeat the pack of gnolls and went inside the cave.
Being unprepared was costly as I was still holding my sheild, and hadn't realized it before I started preparing for the next few hundred feat into the cave.
With my hands cluttered I failed in several attempts to call upon the al'noth.
I told Ulkazzar that if we ventured any further in our current state, we'd most likely die.
We went back to Center to think about our mistake, and try again.
It surely was not my day for casting spells, and with a few more mistakes I was right back where I started on yet the second attempt.  Ulkazzar didn't seem to mind, and the spiders had left the cave, apparently from hearing all the noise we were making and thinking us some other beast.  Heading down the slope of the cave we found it narrowed to a single file width. Walking behind Ulkazzar we went to the end of the narrow passage. Peering around I saw our prey. I attempted to only let one of them see or hear me, and hoped it wouldn't alarm the others, but instead come curiously my way to investigate.
Alas, the entire room fell upon us as we pulled back into the narrow passage.
I tried as I could to hold them back, but I fell regardless.
As I pondered my last demise, the thought of more training was clear.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #33 on: January 06, 2013, 05:15:25 am »
Well, journal, after all of that, I was tired, so I did some crafting to clear my mind.

After making dozens of potions, I went out again to practice what i'd learned from Ty.  Sticking to smaller opponents I went out gathering herbs, and weeds to make potions.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #34 on: January 06, 2013, 05:27:11 am »
Another adventure I had journal, was very dismal.

Liliah, Ausir, myself, and some others went to free the animals of the forest from the clutches of the evil giant men of dregar.
Arrows whizing by our heads, fireballs crashing down on us, the hot desert sun bearing down on our armors, cooking us alive.  Huge clubs smashing into the sand spraying it all around like huge gusts of wind, bare skin burning from the sting as the sand burrows deep. We passed the first few tents, and started to regroup.  Another round of fireballs came from the distant trees across the pools of sun warmed water.  We cleared the area, and all was quiet.

We decided to keep on our heading and arrive in Audria shortly.  Just as we cleared the trees, and started up the hill we were ambushed by a giant hiding in a tent.  Liliah was at the tail end of the party and she fell before any of us knew what was going on.

Somewhere in all of that confusion I managed to lose all of my topaz dust.
I did not realize I had lost any of it, and my next casting of stone skin failed.

Today started out pretty fast journal.  I was invited to go along into the Brech mountains. I accepted because I needed to get more topaz.

All along the way hairry ape like men tried to stop us.  Attempting to get close enough to attack one of them I noticed how cold the beast was.  Unnaturally chilling to the bone, it was a struggle to fight them.  I cast a few spells to help fight the cold and we continued on through the Brech mountains.

The journey went about the same up until we got inside the cave.
We took the giants by surprise, and mined some topaz to replentish my stock.

A few hours from now I will continue my training with Ty.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #35 on: January 06, 2013, 05:29:41 am »
I stood outside of Fort Vehl determined not to be late for training yet a second time.  An hour went by.  Two hours.  I decided to see if I could find something to occupy my time... I traveled across mistone to Llast, and met up with Talia. She was going to head up the mountain near storands crypt.  Just as I got there a bird landed on my shoulder.  There was a message attached to the birds leg. I took the message and unrolled it to find out that Ty had beaten me to Vehl yet agian...

I was late.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #36 on: January 06, 2013, 06:11:00 am »
I finally arrived for my second lesson.
Walking up to the arena I could hear sounds of a fight inside.

I opened the door and walked inside, greeted again by Merisa.

Merisa - Arena Hostess: Hello, Welcome to the Fort Vehl Arena

I tipped my hat and continued walking to the seats near the pits.
Ty was there and he had a friend with.

Niamh: a bit like watching a wolf take down a rabbit...

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *a behemoth of a man is getting his rear handed to him by a smaller but much much more nimble opponent; he seems very interested in the mechanics of the fight*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *glances over* Late.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: haha
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: again
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: i was actually early, till i ran off

Niamh: *looks between the two*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *slips into introductions as if it were an outfit he could wear but didn't fit him well*
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Glitch, this is Niamh.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *bows* hello Niamh, Glitch'nich Amthrmil

Niamh: *looks at Glitch a moment*  You're an elf...

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *looks at himself touching his pointy ears* well what do you know, i am an elf, a white one at that.

Niamh: *grins a bit*  Well, it seems I see something new every day.  I've never known of an elf go to a human for lessons in much of anything.

Niamh: do ye mind if I watch a bit?

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *shrugs*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: not at all, feel free.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: You been practicing?

Niamh: *removes her cloak and folds it*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *to Glitch*
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: We talked about fighting smart.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: indeed, i have been, got so caught up in what you taught me, i went out and tried to practice on stone golems

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *grins*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: which i soon learned was quite stupid

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: How'd that work for you?

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Everything has a weak spot.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Even them.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: not well, but my buddy ran away

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: You survive it?

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: he did
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: i fell

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *nods*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: it was probably a bad idea to begin with *laughs*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Got to test yourself.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: i made a huge mistake by getting all of their attention, i only meant to let one see me

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: You fight looking for every advantage, and not thinking your armor will protect you cause you got none.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Takes a while but you start seeing ways to do more damage, not just avoid  it.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: aye, been wondering about that myself

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *nods*
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Spell up, we'll practice some.

I prepared myself to take Ty's blows, remembering how hard he hit me the day before. Knowing what to expect I had prepared a bit more.

Ty and myself walked into the pit to begin training.

 Niamh: *leans over the rail to watch*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Right.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: So from last time, you know what you had to work on, let's see how that's going.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: alright *watches out for the strange moves that got him last time*

Ty shot me a quick insulting look and I knew it was time.

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *a stance, he readies himself*
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Go.

I parried much better this time, and he was only able to knock me off my feet once.

Ty attacked me but I parried the blow, and hit him back.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *grins at the parry work*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *fights as quick as he can*

Round and round we went exchanging blows, almost as equals for a time, that is, until I lost sight of him once again.  He came up from the side after a quick spin around my back and caught me off guard.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *feints and lunges back*

Niamh was watching from the side of the pit.

Niamh: *cocks her head to one side while watching*

I tried to lunge for Ty.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Can't fall for that.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: ouch, mean right you got there

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Don't drop your weapon.  Press your advantage.

He waived his sword instructingly.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: And don't give me distance.

We stopped fighting and started attending to our newly aquired wounds.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: I ike distance. *grins*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *rubs his sore ribs*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *nods*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *patches up*
Glitch'nich Amthrmil uses Light Healer's Kit

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Fine blocking you're doing.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Keep that up.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart uses Light Healer's Kit
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: So, what did you see me doing.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: What did you observe.

Niamh: *hums softly while she watches them*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: it's what i've been practicing most... holding off the enemies while the rest of my friends heal up and come back to finish them, i don't seem to do a lot of damage

Niamh sings.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: You start watching what your opponent does, you'll do more.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: When they lift their arm, you dive in.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: you seem to use your wrists a lot to fake out your opponent, making him think your going one way, then dip to the other direction and hit him

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: When they stay flat-footed, you leg sweep.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Good *grin*
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: So when the wrist starts moving, ignore it.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Press harder or close distance.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: i see

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Or distract them.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: i'll go more offensive this time

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: You got spells, use them.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *nods*

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *moves back a bit*

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *takes a fighting stance*
 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: ready?

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Go.

The fighting started again, this time a bit more intense, I decided to try some spells to affect Ty's mind.  Slow him down a bit.

He started out by flying through the air again, no mercy.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart begins to perform an Acrobatic Attack.
He hit me on his decent.

Recovering from the blow I hit back quickly landing another on Ty.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *moves back*

Thinking I had him I landed yet another attack, but it barely phased him.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart begins to perform an Acrobatic Attack.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *then leaps*

He hit me but I'd seen that trick one too many times already, I managed to keep myself balanced and this time he didn't put me on my knees.

We exchanged blows for quite a while, dipping and dodging around the pits.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *leg sweep*

I jumped just in time to avoid that sweep, and landed another hit.
Then I decided to try that move on him.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *tries the leg sweep*

Ty jumped out of the way and we exchanged a few more blows.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *panting now*
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *pants and holds his side*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: That was caught that fast.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: never thought about using my legs much, always focused on the sword haha

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *starts patching up the many, many holes*
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Legs, arms, wrists, forehead.  Whatever.

he explained before sheathing his sword.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Going to sit a bit, I'm a sieve.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *waves him out*

Niamh: Ye two look a bit like when wolves try te teach who's boss...

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *glances at Niamh*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *chuckles holding his side*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: I looked better last time *grins*
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: He's getting better though.

Niamh: ye going to be alright?

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: he did

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Yeah.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Just need a sit.

Niamh: *turns and leans against the rail again*

Niamh: *looks back over her shoulder at them*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *sits*  You were watching for my tells.

Niamh: *turns again*
Niamh: do ye do this often?

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Blocking and moving in.  *nods*
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Nah, just started.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: aye, second lesson

Niamh: ah...

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: So more of that.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: You're concentrating now, make it instinct.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: alright

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Lot more practice.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: this time i'll try a few spells on top of the sword work

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *grins*
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Not golems.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: haha

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *nods* Use what you got.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: i thought they'd be slow

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: THey surprise you.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: indeed

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Ready?
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *nods*
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *takes a stance*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *attacks*

From one side of the arena to the next could be heard the sounds of sword play and grunting.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: ouch

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *leg sweep, then he sttrikes at the man's ribs*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *nods*  Hard to cast when you're fighting

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: very true
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: hard to drink a potion as well

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *patches up*
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: So what did I do.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: What did I bring to that fight.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: i dodged that one blow, but you tricked me, and knocked me down, then you jumped over my swing to hit me in the stomach again, but i've learned that trick
Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *pats the padding on his stomach*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *grins* And I knew your ribs were hurting.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: And I know you don't do much with legwork.

Niamh: *walks inside the arena and sits in front of one of the large pillars*

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: stuck some hay in there this time

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *laughs*
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Tha'ts what I mean.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Observe, test, use.
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *raises the sabre tip*  Ready?

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: ok

I attempted to bring another sword into the fight.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *head shake*
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: One.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *puts the other one away*

The fight continued once again, only this time I thought i'd add a few more tricks to the game.
I started to cast fear.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil casting Fear
Glitch'nich Amthrmil casts Fear

Ty Reid-Dragonheart : Will Save vs. Fear : *success* : (17 + 7 = 24 vs. DC: 19)

Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Will Save vs. Fear : *success* : (8 + 11 = 19 vs. DC: 19)

But he wasn't afraid.

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *ducks, but takes some hits, standing more flat-footed, more pell-like*

Alright, so he's not scared.
I decided to try to find another weakness in his mind.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil casting Mind Fog
Glitch'nich Amthrmil casts Mind Fog

Ty Reid-Dragonheart : Will Save vs. Mind Spells : *failure* : (4 + 7 = 11 vs. DC: 20)
Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Will Save vs. Mind Spells : *success* : (11 + 9 = 20 vs. DC: 20)
Glitch'nich Amthrmil : Will Save vs. Mind Spells : *success* : (11 + 9 = 20 vs. DC: 20)

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Whoa....
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *coughs*

Niamh sings.

Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *chuckles*

Niamh: *sings softly to herself*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *obviously dizzy*

Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *tries a few leg sweeps, misses*

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *tries to push*

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *pushes back*

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *grining, working the elf*

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *fumbles a leg sweep*

I thought i had him on this one, but instead he had me.

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *sheathes and offers him a hand up*

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *takes his hand*

 Niamh: *watches resolutely, then takes out some reed pipes and just plays a tune while they bleed all over the place for "practice"*

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: that one still gets me

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *that one hurt though, he's sweating and bleeding all over*
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: You're a natural for this.
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *gives him a yank to his feet*

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: good blow that sweep

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: To the fight, my friends! Attack!
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart uses Cure Light Wounds
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: I need to sit *still looking dizzy*
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: I'll teach it to you.

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *crawls off the grid*

 Niamh: *grins slightly and continues to play her tune, pretending not to notice the fact that they're both beat up*

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Nice pipe work.
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *wobbles off to rest*

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *patches himself up* i'll be paying for this for a while

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Me too *rueful grin*
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *moves up to listen to the pipes with a brief, almost wistful smile*
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Coming along *nods*

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *admires the pipes and tries to sing* *perform check*
 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: Perform Check:  19 + -1 = 18

 Niamh: Perform Check:  8 + 13 = 21
 Niamh: *it's not her best, but it's passable*

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *looks between them and smiles*

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: So things to work on.  LIke today, look for tells.
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: My wrist,l someone else's eyes, that kind of thing.

 Niamh: *looks up and over at Glitch and smiles as she finishes the tune and sets the pipes in her lap*

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Press your advantage.
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Don't give anyone breathing room.
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: You see another rapier or sabre, don't give them space.
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Up close and personal.

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: indeed, i give you breathing room and you flip over me and i lose you

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Start trying that, we'll practice those moves.
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: And get used to one weapon.

 Niamh: *stands and leaves the fighting zone before someone else decides to come occupy it*

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: You need that other hand to balance - especially when you're jumping around or spinning.

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *nods* time to get rid of the others, they are just weighing me down anyway

 Niamh: *picks up her cloak and pulls it on again*

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Next time we'll do footwork.

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *writes it on a parchment*

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: So it'll be more pell.

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: foot work, right, that will be interesting for sure

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Lots of leaping and spinning *grin*

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *tries to dance a bit* *perform check*
 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: Perform Check:  1 + -1 = 0

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *just grins*

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: *smiles with some rosy cheeks*

 Niamh: *winces*

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Safe travels, Glitch

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: and you

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: I should be getting to Leringard anyway.
 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: *nods* Next time. *flicks a wave*

 Glitch'nich Amthrmil: nice to meet you Niamh, until we meet again you two

 Niamh: **nods**  Open roads and kind fires to ye.

 Ty Reid-Dragonheart: Pipes.

 Niamh: pipes?

I limped my way out of the arena, waving good bye to Merisa.
Tomorrow I will feel the combat of today.


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #37 on: January 06, 2013, 08:14:00 pm »


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #38 on: January 06, 2013, 08:21:51 pm »


Re: The Diary of Glitch'nich Amthrmil (Vceannyir'lenyir IIsanirm
« Reply #39 on: January 06, 2013, 08:22:48 pm »

