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Author Topic: The Drakand family history.  (Read 128 times)


The Drakand family history.
« on: January 25, 2008, 04:58:54 am »
[INDENT]334 - The Drakand family splits. [/INDENT]
 [INDENT]Timeline: - Elves are nearly defeated by the Humans and exile themselves to Voltrex. They begin to regroup and re-establish dominance between families. Many Elves stay behind on the main continents to protect the forests in whatever way possible. Elf and Human war ends. [/INDENT]
 [INDENT]Separation:[/INDENT] [INDENT]After the decision to exile to Voltrex the Drakand family fell into a dispute. The current head of the family Laf'Bael Drakand strongly opposed leaving the seeds of the future to rot and wither away and his brother La'Aer Drakand strongly supported the exile. The Drakand family had always been a model of elven society and well respected by the elven houses. Their family education and customs held a close resemblance to that of the royal families themselves. Proper upbringing and not indulging themselves into social status and lust they became well respected and produced many fine officers and scholars for the evlen nation. [/INDENT]
 [INDENT]It was this event that not only split the Drakand's but also lost their standing in elven society. In the end half of the family stayed behind to assist in the rebuilding and protection of the future and the other half followed in exile to be separated from a world of chaos. In respect to each perspective Laf'Bael's faction viewed those who went into exile as cowards and deserters, La'Aer's faction viewed those who stayed behind as traitors and lost. As the now separated families began their new destinies they each found themselves at the bottom, Laf'Bael who once held respect from all of elven society found he had to lead what was left of his family into a world where knowledge and customs fell a distant second to power and steel. As for La'Aer he had lost all the respect he and his family once held because of the split resulting in having the elven houses refuse to acknowledge him. [/INDENT]
 [INDENT]A respected family splits in two and brothers say their last goodbye's, with the world in chaos and in constant change each of the brothers' lays down their quill after writing down their new goals and objectives along with their regrets. Taking a deep breath and releasing a bitter sigh Laf'Bael and La'Aer now on different sides of the world makes an oath, to one day seek out the other half of the family and make amends for allowing their family to fall apart. As time flows on, they lay silently in their graves leaving the weight of their sorrow, hopes and dreams to their children. [/INDENT]
 [INDENT] Jaigan Drakand born on: Gateway, Spring Rain 11, 1305. - Son of Anixius
 Anixius Drakand born on: Night's Eye, Spring Rain 24, 1099. - Son of Sengumi
 Sengumi Drakand born on: Dream Dance, Summer Run 12, 791 - Son of Laf'Bael
 Laf'Bael Drakand born on: World Tree, Winter Snow 28, 189 (RIP)