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Author Topic: The Faith Quest of Amelia Swain  (Read 491 times)


The Faith Quest of Amelia Swain
« on: November 11, 2004, 10:32:00 am »
I recently arrived here in the town of Hlint. I was brought through a curious, if not somewhat frightful, dream mechanism. I was not even sure at first if I was not hallucinating. After talking with several of the locals, it appears I am not unique in this situation. At times the gods work in mysterious ways and I can only hold to my faith that Aeridin feels he needs me here.

I have taken temporary residence in the local inn. This morning I awoke and left the inn only to find a small band of adventurers near the town well. They were barely clinging to life. Large wounds leaked streams of blood and they were covered in bruises. I quickly did what I could for them. I stabilized their condition some, but they still looked the worse for wear. Their leader, Fallon Archmaster, told me they had a run in with a nasty group of Ogres. Just the thought of those rampaging brutes made me shiver. Fallon thanked me for my help and assured me he and his crew would be quite all right with a little rest. I gave him Aeridin's blessing and went about my errands.

Later I found Fallon looking much better. He and several others, including a young sorcerer named Scion, had gathered and told me a local bard had lost a necklace and they invited me to help them find it. I agreed to come and do what I could to aid them in their endeavor. Our travels took us through a forest and a cave. Numerous creatures attacked us and we were unfortunately forced to put them down. I healed people as I could. Young Scion found himself in dire straights several times, but with Aeridin's blessing I healed his wounds in time. We found the bard's necklace and returned to Hlint to give it to her. She was so grateful, she gave us some gold, which I have used to purchase some supplies.

It is becoming quite clear that this is not a safe area and filled with numerous evils. I regret the lives my fellow adventurers and I must end, but I must believe Aeridin would rather me alive to spread his blessings and healing than dead myself from these foul creatures.


RE: The Faith Quest of Amelia Swain
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2004, 10:47:00 am »
Erag, the undertaker has told me an evil stirs beneath Hlint. Undead roam the crypts. He warned of skeletons, zombies, and ghouls. He even whispered rumors of even greater evils. I must put these tortured souls to rest so they may return to the Great Cycle.

I have now ventured into the crypts on two occasions. I have battled skeletons, zombies, and ghouls. I can tell the crypts go even deeper and can smell the evil in the very air. I fear I cannot rid the crypts of this undead army myself. I must enlist some help.

In the mean time I have taken some of the knuckles from the defeated skeletons. My fellow healers have shown me how to craft healing waters and with Aeridin’s blessing I have begun creating a stock of potions. I fear they will be an unfortunate necessity for the local adventurers.


RE: The Faith Quest of Amelia Swain
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2004, 09:37:00 am »
I ventured back into the crypts today. By the power of Aeridin I vanquished a small group of skeletons. As I was harvesting some knuckles, a man came running into the room. I introduced myself and as he looked to be good with a sword, I invited him to join my quest to rid the crypts of the undead. His name was Sebastian and I hoped I was right about his abilities.

Sebastian accepted my quest and we delved into the lower level of the crypt. We fought a small army of zombies and ghouls. I could tell the rank stench of death was getting to poor Sebastian. He seemed confused at times and often retreated into himself. I treated his visible wounds, but I fear his psyche may be somewhat marred.

We ventured deeper than I had ever gone alone. We came to a large iron door and could hear scraping the rustling on the other side. I warned Sebastian to be at his ready and flung the door wide. A small army of undead waited on the other side, led by an evil Darksoul. I called on Aeridin to aid us and we fought well, releasing the creatures from their eternal torment. When the darksoul was vanquished it left behind a dark residue that looked like the essence of pure evil. Erag had mentioned there may be creatures such as this beneath Hlint and had requested I bring him the dark essence should I find it. I can only hope he can use it to create some powerful ward against the undead in order to better protect Hlint.

Sebastian and I left the crypt with haste and Erag was indeed pleased to have the essence delivered to him. I thanked Sebastian kindly for his help and we parted ways.


RE: The Faith Quest of Amelia Swain
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2004, 03:55:00 pm »
Lately I've found myself battling the lost souls of the undead almost as much as I am healing the living. I thought I had rid the crypts of Hlint of the creatures led by the Darksoul. I was quite wrong it seems. I met two adventurers looking to rid the crypts of a similar evil. It seems the dead do not rest well here in Hlint. I of course offered my services as a conduit for Aeridin's will and we cleansed the crypt from top to bottom.

I shall have to keep a vigilant eye on the graveyard for signs of more disturbances. I have also heard rumors of similar problems in other near by towns. I will investigate this further.


RE: The Faith Quest of Amelia Swain
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2004, 12:02:00 pm »
Yesterday I was speaking with some of the good folks in Hlint when we heard a distressed cry for help. It sounded like a little girl was in serious trouble. Soon after someone spotted a spirit flying around a near-by house. When we approached it, it flew away and disappeared. We knocked at the door of the house and found a lone woman at home. We asked if she had a girl inside in trouble.

The poor woman did not know what were talking about. Her daughter and husband had left several days ago for the port city of Leilon. They had plans to be away for at least another week. A search of the area found a doll. We asked the woman and it was in fact her daughter's doll.

Worried for the girl's safety, several of us set out for Leilon. When we reached the house they were planning to stay, we found it locked and deserted. The local guard had not heard of anyone staying there and when we questioned the local realtor she said a man and his daughter were expected, but had not yet arrived.

We then heard the child's cry again and spotted the spectre. We immediately gave chase and it led us to a tribe of bugbears. They attacked us on sight and our warriors were able to put an end to them.

Over near a cook pot, we found the spectre hovering over a small pile of bones. It was clear now the girl had suffered a horrible fate. I felt there must be something that could be done. I gathered up the bones and we headed straight for Hlint. At the local temple I pleaded our case to the healer and asked if there was anything that could be done. After examining her, she called on the power of Ilsare to resurrect the child. I felt ashamed that my faith in Aeridin is not yet strong enough for me to focus his power so well. It would have been impossible for me to raise the child.

The child was weak but alive again and we quickly reunited her with her mother. We also gave her the tragic news of her now late husband.

On reflection I am torn. I know Aeridin teaches us to worship life and protect and preserve it. He also teaches though that we should not prolong life as death is just part of the Great Cycle. How do I justify bringing this girl back from beyond? That is cheating death. I only know that this girl was too young to go. I could not let that happen. I do not yet have the power to raise the dead. I question though whether Aeridin will ever give that power to me or, even more to the point, should I be using it?

