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Author Topic: The Heart of Steel  (Read 233 times)


The Heart of Steel
« on: January 24, 2007, 09:21:25 pm »
[SIZE=18]Dear Lyn,[/SIZE][/i]
  [SIZE=18]I miss you.  Leilon's become colder these last few years. I worry about your health.  I take it the children are doing well? Are there still enough beds? Freldo has told me he checks in on the Leilon House sometimes in His absense. Tell me if you need more money to pay for the wood to keep the House warm. I'm still following His orders, as I hope you are. I'm not sure when I'll be back in Leilon to see you again, but so long as the Tempest grants this letter passage to you, I will follow not too long behind. I know you love the House, and the children, but someday I will show you how invaluable His Gift truly is. Or perhaps, dear sister, you'll find out on your own. I'll be in the village of Vale, on Dregar, for a few more days. You can direct the druidic carriers there.[/SIZE][/i]
[SIZE=18]Wicked watch over the fatherless and the widows,
*signed and stamped with the shadow of a panther*


The Heart of Steel
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2007, 09:25:21 pm »
Dear Brother,
  I'm fine, of course. Our favorite ladies never cease to care for me. Jailen- I'm not sure if you remember him, he's one of the younger boys- came down with some sort of pox. We isolated him from the other children, and for a little while, he looked like he was going to get better. Then his skin started burning, Steel. He's only three. He just cried and cried. I had to go see the priests. You know I can't bear to watch a child suffer.  It cost our entire year's savings to pay for his healing. The Tempest's lady mumbled something, touched the boy, took our True, and left without so much as even looking at the child. I understand the indifference, but I still hate it- whether it's the indifference of a supposed god or one of us mortals. Be indifferent to anything but children. Someone has to protect the children. He was right when He said that, to be sure. As always, I pray this letter reaches you safely. He's still providing for us.
Wicked watch over the fatherless and the widows,
*signed and stamped with the shadow of a raven*
Lyn Tobias


The Heart of Steel
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2007, 09:30:36 pm »
Dear Lyn,
  I miss you. A crate should have arrived at the docks when this letter did. If not, it will follow in a day or two. The crate is addressed to the House, and I've paid for it to be delivered there. Inside you should find a locked chest holding the True necessary to make up for the loss of your savings. I have the key to the chest, so you can either wait until I see you again to open it, or I suppose you could use the tricks He taught you. Make sure that if you see Freldo, to tell him to make sure the House has all the wood it needs for the stoves and fireplaces.  I'm in Dalanthar as I'm writing this, though I'll be traveling tomorrow. I'll be in Hurm before two weeks has closed, though, so that's where I'd direct anything you wish to write me back. A messenger from there should be able to find me. If I'm lucky, it'll be the same Red Tail that's delivered the last two. He and I have an understanding. Mostly because I've learned he likes the taste of wild chicken. On that note, I've found a certain druid who seems to have no issue with me, and moreso, to understand me without me having to spell it out for him. He's one of a handful I can name who are able to comprehend a sense of meaning behind my gestures.  And, of course, I'm reminded of the paradox He used to attribute to druids- "They are pinnacles of understanding... with an often stubborn lack of creativity."
Wicked watch over the fatherless and the widows,
*signed and stamped with the shadow of a panther*


The Heart of Steel
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2007, 09:32:56 pm »
Dear Brother,  
The gold you sent was more than sufficient. But you knew that. I'm glad to hear you've found some who enjoy your company. You know you're not always the easiest to get along with, despite how much I tried to help you with that. You're not as ugly as you think you are. Don't  forge that, Steel. But you already know everything I think about that, so I suppose I won't  bore you with it in my letters. It's been warmer these past few days, and so we took the older children outside the city to the countryside to run free for a while. It was a trick to get them all in order and ready, but they loved it. One of the farmers who regularly provides food for the orphanage let the children have their lunch in his barn, and the oldest children- Jake, Cillian, and Ylria- were even allowed to ride the farmer's mare around a little bit. Needless to say, the children were  exhausted when we got back to the House, but the trip was worth it.  Do you remember when He used to take the two of us out on picknicks by the lake? We'd have pecan pie and He'd roast some venison over an open flame. I can still taste the ginger and ale He liked to baste the meat with. It seems like such a long time ago. As always, I pray this letter reaches you safely. He's still providing for us.  

Wicked watch over the fatherless and the widows,

*signed and stamped with the shadow of a raven*
Lyn Tobias


The Heart of Steel
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2007, 09:35:26 pm »
Dear Lyn,  
I miss you. It was good to see you again after so many months of leave, though I'm afraid I don't know when the next return home will be. The time has come, as He said it would, that I would need to lay down my right arm, my Blade, and meditate. I have reached a fullness in myself, and until the capacity of my cup is greater, I must pause.  Undoubtedly, you are happy to hear this. I don't think you ever liked the way of the Blade. Yet you know I will return to it. He has prepared me and groomed me, and I will fulfill His plans. He chose me because I am dark, as though He knew what was to come, that I would fit into the aftermath of the Blood Wars. But I have not reached saliency. My journies are incomplete; my fulfillment of His Gift is yet unfinished. I travel now to the Dragon Islands, my armor and sword resting in a Layonara Bank vault. The druids will be able to find me. I await the shadow-span of a hawk, in hopes that it brings your next letter.  

Wicked watch over the fatherless and the widows,

*signed and stamped with the shadow of a panther*


The Heart of Steel
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2007, 10:56:23 am »
Dear Steel,
  Are the Dragon Isles as beautiful and wild as in the stories He used to tell us? Perhaps you can send me some of your sketches with your next letter- that is, if you still sketch and draw often like you used to. The last time you were here you didn't show me any new sketches. Oh, I've heard that Calvin's caretaker has sent him to a boarding school for the time being. Perhaps in your travels you may be able to visit him, after you're done meditating- or whetever it is you're doing. I'll see if I can't find out where his school is loctaed so I can tell you in the next letter. You might have to find and speak to his caretaker. I can't seem to recall her name at the moment. Strange, and sad, how the son has fallen to the same lotthat his Father endured as a child. I know this is not what He intended, but what He knew would happen. I hope one day I can help Calvin understand who his Father was. As always, I pray this letter reaches you safely. He's still providing for us.
Wicked watch over the fatherless and the widows,
*signed and stamped with the shadow of a raven*
Lyn Tobias


The Heart of Steel
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2007, 04:34:06 pm »
Dear Lyn,
I miss you. I have been thinking back over the years, and you can attest to the ways I was shunned in my youth. When I was among the other orphans, they feared me, yet I was no threat to them. I had to hide my features, my voice, my past, just so that others would not avoid my presence. You were my bridge then. My bridge to my peers. They loved and still love you. He was my bridge to the world. They loved and still love Him.
Now I have left you, and He has left me. Now your memory and His words together are my bridge. A bridge so strong I can display nearly all of myself. I have lifted the veils, displayed the color of my skin, revealed the timber of my voice, hinted at my heritage, and yet I am no longer shunned. I walk the lands with no holds, as a known mercenary in my own right, just as He said it would be if I would heed His words.
I have let the Sword be my voice, and the Dread Blade's song is nearly complete. When it finishes, I have a new Song to learn, as per His instructions. I will visit you soon. I have gifts for the children.

Wicked watch over the fatherless and the widows,

*signed and stamped with the shadow of a panther*


The Heart of Steel
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2007, 04:49:58 pm »
Dear Brother,
The children adore your gifts. Little Karem is the most humorous, strutting around with his lion-tooth necklace roaring in his small voice. It reminds me of the days He used to bring a cart-load of pecan pie and roasts and juice, and we'd feast until we didn't want to look at food again. Then He'd tell us stories and give out trinkets until it was time to sleep. Freldo filled in where He left off, and now that Freldo has moved on, it makes me more than happy to see you fill the void.
But I think my turn to tell stories has come. I think it's time we share His words, His life that you live by. I'll be speaking to Kali when I'm ready. My only problem is that I can't decide which story to start with. If you have any ideas let me know. Sometimes I think He told you more than He told me anyway. I was always a bit jealous of that, I admit. Visit us again soon. As always, I pray this letter reaches you safely. He's still providing for us.

Wicked watch over the fatherless and the widows,

*signed and stamped with the shadow of a raven*
Lyn Tobias


The Heart of Steel
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2007, 05:07:14 pm »
Dear Lyn,
I miss you. Last time I visited I mentioned I had begun learning the Elven language from Krysthalien. He has especially helped me learn the oral aspects. I have otherwise been studying manuscripts and translations, but the language is more complicated than I suspected. I'm not sure if I have a solid grasp of the grammar yet. I may ask Kali to help with that.
I bring this up because I think learning Elven might interest you. Some of the most epic stories have been recorded in Elven and Elven manuscripts on the elements of narrative are particularly insightful. That's my analysis at least, though you can claim far more expertise in the field of narrative than I will ever have. I'm sure you can find someone to teach you the language. If you need coins to pay for the lessons, let me know. I'll probabaly see you again a month or so after you receive this letter.

Wicked watch over the fatherless and the widows,

*signed and stamped with the shadow of a panther*


The Heart of Steel
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2007, 12:52:48 pm »
Dear Brother,
I'm writing you at the end of a long day. But it was a good day. Jinmu'gen treated myself and the older children to a stately dinner aboard his flagship. It was absolutely wonderful. Dinner consisted of a few dishes native to his homeland. One of the dishes was a little spicy for my taste, but otherwise the food was exquisite. After the food we danced, oh and did we dance, and dance, until I thought I couldn't stand for a moment longer. Jinmu'gen hired small orchestra to play for us. The children were simply ecstatic. I find myself enjoying his company more and more. I told Jinmu'gen when you planned to visit next, so that you two can finally meet. He promised me he'd be in Leringard as soon as he finished sailing more supplies back to Roldem.
Oh, and I took you up on that suggestion to learn Elven. Jinmu'gen is also learning the Elven language, and his private tutor has also agreed to tutor me when they are in Leringard. He even gave me a vocabulary book with translations that I figure you might want to look over. Also, I've finished the first manuscript of stories about Him, and I need you to look over it and make any necessary corrections. As always, I pray this letter reaches you safely. He's still providing for us.

Wicked watch over the fatherless and the widows,

*signed and stamped with the shadow of a raven*
Lyn Tobias


The Heart of Steel
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2007, 05:48:49 pm »
Dear Lyn,
I miss you. I'm having a hard time finding the words to put on this page. Very little has changed. I go from job to job, playing the merchant's game of haggle and deal. I purchase new and better equipment, take on bigger jobs, and repeat the process. The life of a mercenary is, I suppose, as cyclic as any other. Like a farmer, I have seasons of sowing and reaping. Yet the thrill that keeps me coming back remains, further animated by my resolve to keep His words.
There is always the danger and the rush that comes with seeing your life at the edge of a dagger. In between jobs, I seek out adventures that test the very limits of my existence. I'm guessing you aren't too fond of my involvement in such adventures, but these tests fill me so full of life that I cannot deny them. Sometimes what I do is physically dangerous, and sometimes mentally dangerous. But I'm limited, just as He said I would be. There is only one way to move beyond mortal boundaries: Magic.
We've talked about this before. Even now I'm seaching for a teacher. I visited Spellgard, in hopes that the hub of magical learning would provide a suitable tutor. Unfortunately, there was a collision of philosophy. Studying magic in Spellgard, especially among the Lucindites, very nearly requires an affection for the Weave that goes beyond mere respect. I admit that I seek to understand magic as a matter of functionality. In short, it's just another tool, like my armor and swords, like my pick-axes and shovels. This is not reason enough, apparently, for the mages of the High Tower to teach an aspiring Weaver. Instead, I've taken my search to the myriad of independent wizards and sorcerers who I've travelled with. In the best case, I'm taken on as an apprentice. In the worst case, I piece together the tidbits I learn from different weavers and begin to experiment. I've already begun studying the scrolls and stacks of notes He left for me. Still, His shorthand is difficult to decipher, and it's clear He had some intuitive understanding about magical writing that I lack.
This is my next challenge, my next adventure. I'm curious as to just how far it will stretch me. I hope to see you soon.

Wicked watch over the fatherless and the widows,

*signed and stamped with the shadow of a panther*


The Heart of Steel
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2007, 01:14:22 pm »
Dear Brother,
It's been too long since you've come to visit. We just received some new children who've never even met you. So come visit us! What could you possibly be doing that would keep you away so long anyhow? I'm sorry. I don't mean to complain. I just miss you. We miss you. And to be completely honest, when you're gone so long, it makes me wonder if something's happened to you.
Well, enough of that, I suppose. How are your studies coming? I hear you are to study under Elohannah. Speaking of Elohannah, you never told me you were going to be in Krys and Elohannah's wedding! You rascal. You better bring your suit by to let me examine it and make adjustments- assuming you get this letter in time. Really, you should have told me.
Jinmu'gen asked me to marry him. I couldn't say "yes." I told him I still wanted to be with him, but that I couldn't marry him. And I can't, Steel. I'm not entirely sure why, but I can't.
I think I really broke his heart. He's on his frigate sailing to Roldem right now. He was so devastated; I just hope I get to see him again.
Now you see why I want you here. It hasn't been the best week for me. Times like this make me miss you so much more. Come home soon.
As always, I pray this letter reaches you safely. He's still providing for us.

Wicked watch over the fatherless and the widows,

*signed and stamped with the shadow of a raven*
Lyn Tobias


The Heart of Steel
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2007, 02:15:57 pm »
Dear Lyn,
I miss you, too. Always. I've been long in writing because I haven't been here but for hours at a time. That is to say, I haven't even been on this plane except for the occasional trip back to resupply. I'd explain more, but it's somewhat complicated. We'll have to talk about the adventure in person, as soon as I return to Leringard. I should arrive within the next week. I have to travel to Fort Llast first to confirm appointment times with Elohanna.
You would have enjoyed the wedding. Krys and Elohanna were practically exploding with their soft energy. I gave Krys several hundred of my finest arrows as a wedding gift. I have a gift for you, too- even though you're not getting married.
As for Jinmu'gen, I think he just needs some time to absorb the blow. He's a man of tradition. Your refusal to marry must seem contrary to the dictates he lives by. I think he still loves you, so I believe he'll return. I'd offer more advice, but I know you're far more versed in this sort of thing than myself. Really, I don't have any authority to speak on such matters. But because it's you, I am forced to spend hours contemplating such matters. My socialization is entirely your fault.
I'll be home soon.

Wicked watch over the fatherless and the widows,

*signed and stamped with the shadow of a panther*