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Author Topic: Zindaka's Musings  (Read 74 times)


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    Zindaka's Musings
    « on: November 28, 2005, 07:15:00 am »
    Zindaka's Musings

    I have arrived in this strange land despite the odds of my survival. The wooden vessel upon which I was caged has slipped beneath the waves, and the ocean seems to have claimed all who were on it. Still, my luck has not improved. I am in a strange land without weapons with which to face the dangers it may hold. I fear I shall never be able to return to my homeland now, despite Chieftain Snakebiter’s last words. My destiny it seems is no longer as clear as I once thought. And what of the dream and the dragon? It spoke to me in my native tongue, but the names and places of which it spoke were as strange to me as the small pink-skinned female, who ensnared me with her powerful words. I can only hope that The Mother will provide for me, and guide me as I make my journey through these lands in search of whatever destiny awaits. The betrayal of my closest friend and the banishment from my tribe still sends spears of pain through my heart. I am lost, and in more ways than being trapped here. I failed to see the hope that Chieftain Snakebiter tried to give me in his final words, but now even as I have realize the truth of his punishment, my predicament makes returning someday seem impossible. I swear by the mother that if I ever see Amabu again I shall wear his dishonorable head as a trophy. My parents cannot believe that I was responsible for the desecration of the holy ground of The Emerald Ocean tribe; at least I pray they do not. Oh but to have been so close to achieving my dream. Curses befall Amabu! Still, whilst I draw breath there is hope I suppose. One day I could return to the great savannah and clear my name and claim my place in The Chieftain’s Pride. Yes, that hope will drive me onwards. And until then, I will be Zindaka. Proud, strong warrior of The Land Shark tribe. Let honor and courage be my guide in the days ahead.


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      RE: Zindaka's Musings
      « Reply #1 on: November 28, 2005, 07:16:00 am »
      I have only been in this strange land for a few days, and yet at the very first settlement at which I arrived I was astounded to find another of my kind already there. He too is a male of the Wemic people, and goes by the name of Jautaza. Like me he was captured by mans and brought here. He kindly taught me a few words of man tongue so that I could communicate with them a little. During the days I have spent around this Hlint, I have made several acquaintances, and been hunting with a few of the mans and elfs who dwell here. I have also been able to dedicate a little of my time to implementing the teachings my father tried to give to me. When I return home, I shall make sure I am worthy of the being a hunter in The Chieftain’s Pride.


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        RE: Zindaka's Musings
        « Reply #2 on: November 29, 2005, 06:30:00 am »
        The moon has risen many times now since I arrived in this strange land. I have come to know many names who have honored me by hunting at my side. Although I call them friend to put them at ease, my trust will be hard won. It was the mans who took me from my homeland afterall. There is hope however. The mans have many druids and hunters, who they call rangers, and these have strong ties to The Mother. I have spent much of my time alone in a forest near the mans settlement of Hlint. There I have been communing with The Mother and have noticed my bond with her steadily growing. I can now speak the elusive language of the animal, which makes communicating with my fellow hunters and druids more simple. The people of Hlint still eye me with mistrust and the elders often pull their young away from me. I can only hope that soon they will get used to the sight of me and move on.