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Author Topic: The journal of Calvinius Biggentoes  (Read 168 times)

Marius Falconhand

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    The journal of Calvinius Biggentoes
    « on: May 03, 2005, 05:28:00 pm »
    Flights of Fancy and Tales of Woe

    The Journal of Calvinius Biggentoes.

    The stories contained herein are the account and testament of Mr Calvinius Biggentoes. Calvin has traveled the land both alone and with groups to bring to light some tales of fancy and courage, darkness and light, good and evil. All are meant as a learning tool for the mind. Knowledge has been passed down generation to generation over time and this book may also last for years and years. Learn from it, and you may one day save your very life. Ignore it, and that act could spell your doom. Then again, it's all just a book written by a halfling. Take my stories how you may, but realize that they are my stories and I'd stake my life on them.

    Calvinius Biggentoes, Bard

    Marius Falconhand

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      RE: The journal of Calvinius Biggentoes
      « Reply #1 on: May 04, 2005, 06:28:00 pm »
      *whilst sitting in the Wild Surge, Calvin decides to put his first experiences of Hlint down for posterity*

      Oh what has come to me now? A few weeks ago, I was getting ready to become the master of ceremonies at a small pub in Pranzis. Yeah it's only a small pub, but it's not any small pub. It's a small pub in Pranzis! That must be counting for something?! Anyway, two nights before I was to begin my stint at the Gilded Toad, my agent told me that the job was gone! My job that I was told would last for at least a year was gone? How could this be? When it all comes down to it, it doesn't really matter. Now I have a couple of small jobs at a no name pub in the town of Hlint.

                            *looks around and observes the people around him, drinking their cares away*

      When I got to Hlint, I figured that my agent must have been playing a joke on me. How would I, a performer set to work in Pranzis, be given the job of entertaining these poor souls? Again, it's all no matter, for now I think I am finding a place for myself in this small town. I first arrived here and was asked to do jobs for a few of the townsfolk. Go retrieve the records for the local accountant, dark soul essence for the undertaker, and even worse a goblin head for the wagon master Ronus! I don't know what these people expect of the locals but to ask someone they've never seen to go and kill some goblin for his head, it seems only fiction. But sure enough they asked and I retrieved them, they even paid a fair bit of coin as well.

                               *jingles coin purse at side. Sighs knowing that he can live for a while comfortably*

      Then there's the other people of Hlint, the adventurers. This is a special group of people all by themselves. Not only do these people decide to fight against evil, they go out and look for trouble to be a part of. No sooner then I made my way from Port Hampshire to hlint did I find a peculiar dwarf running through the woods outside of Fort Hopt, smashing every undead creature he came across. Now normally that would be fine, except for that he would spend long amounts of time, hunting groups and destroying them. I'll never know the draw for hunting something and killing it, even if it is evil in actions and life.

                                *sits back and puffs on a long stemmed pipe filled with fine pipe weed*

      Then there is how I am supposed to fit into this puzzle called Hlint.

                                *takes a deep breath, showing desire not to write what comes next for the journal*

      On my travels to this place I met some colorful characters. The ship captains in the different ports, the myriad of traders lining the streets and alleys of large cities like Lorrindar. But the strangest thing happened when I was almost to Hlint. I was walking past the small town of Fort Llast when I was struck with a vision. A grand gold dragon, nearly 30 feet tall stood above me, towering in all its glory and grandeur. It then placed a challenge to me. There is one in the world of Layonara called Blood. Sinthar Bloodstone is his full name and he is as evil as can be. The dragon filled me in on the details of Blood and how he came to be in this world. THen a charge was given to me, to go and fight in the war against Sinthar Bloodstone and to rid the world of his evil.

                                          *takes anoter puff from his pipe and begins to write again*

      How am I going to be able to fight against Blood and his minions? With my song and my tales, that's how I will fight. I am able to bring joy and light into others through my performances, either in front of large crowds or on the fields of battle. That is how I will help aid in this coming conflict. Through practice and study, I will one day be able to help rally large numbers of heroes and heroines to the cause against Bloodstone. There I will fulfill my charge from the dragon, and help rid the world of Blood once and for all.

                                          *Calvin sits back, puffs on his pipe for a few moments, letting all that he has written sink into the pages of his leather bound journal. Closing the book and placing it in his satchel, Calvin finishes the last of his silver buckle gin and reitres to his room for the evening*

      Marius Falconhand

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        RE: The journal of Calvinius Biggentoes
        « Reply #2 on: May 08, 2005, 03:11:00 pm »
        *sitting at a corner table in teh Wild Surge, Calvin takes out his journal and begins to write*

        It has been very interesting the last few days in ol' Hlint. Met a peculiar dwarf called Bama and am still unsure
        on how to handle the fellow. His love of magic is one I have never seen from a dwarf. Most of the time it is
        some pretentious old elf prancing around waving his fingers and sending forth some impending doom upon a
        group of unintellient goblins or orcs. But Bama is different indeed. Not only is he an ale drinking, magic
        missle throwing chap, he is also on the High Council. How he was ever picked I cannot be sure for he seems
        a little absent minded here and there, but a good fellow none the less. I look to travel with him more and learn
        some more of his tales and deeds,  then I can write him in as a character for a story since truth is always
        stranger than fiction.

        And then there's good Twixel. He is one that I hope to have by my side for years to come. He is always ready
        for and adventure. He has helped me greatly since I have come to this place. Showing me the in's and out's
        of the odd place called Hlint. He has even helped me with the different tasks that the locals ask me to perform.
        From going into the crypts after the very essence of a dark soul to retrieving the silly bard Ragrian's necklace
        in the Sielwood cave. I hope that I may one day help Twixel out as well. I hope to be able to give him the aid
        that he has given to me in these last few weeks.

        This next person shall not be named since I have yet to know of his true character. In fact, I don't know if I will
        ever truly see his character for what it really is. The thin pale elf, who is much more than your normal daisy
        munching variety, told a tale that made the whiskers on my neck stand on end. He spoke of Xantril and a
        terrible time for that land. A time in which a great demon came forth and corrupted the land and it's
        inhabitants. But in a better light, he has told me of a great library  either in or near Blackford Castle. He said
        that he contributed quite a lot of money to its construction. I bet he even included some of the books that lines
        the shelves of this grand establishment. I will travel there soon to learn what I may of this world we live in.

        That is something I am sorry for as well. I do not know enough of this worlds history to become a fair aid in the
        upcoming war. I must go and study what I can of the past to help shape its future. There I will read all I can
        about the so-called fiend called Bloodstone. There I will study and absorb as much as possible to become a
        reference to any who would seek me out. And most importantly, there I can find good source material for my
        future productions.

        *sits back and tries to puff on a now cold pipe and takes a sip of a luke warm ale.*

        *his voice can be heard in the kitchen saying*

        BLAST! Now my ale and pipe have lost their luster.  BUGGER IT ALL!

        *calvin packs up his journal, downs his pint, and cleans out pipe. Then retires to his room.*