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Author Topic: Journal  (Read 440 times)


« on: July 19, 2005, 06:06:00 pm »
These last few weeks have been hectic in the extreme. I have not had the time to put pen to paper, so this is long overdue.
 I arrived in this place called Hlint about a month ago..and what a place it is!  Although Hlint is not the largest town I have seen, it is for certain the most varied. All manner of races walk the streets of this bustling village and although I, at times have gaped in amazement, most just go on with their business without a second glance. Human, Dwarven, Halfling, Elven of all varities, giants, and, I swear even a goblin.
 Although I have attempted to continue my searching, I have not been able to put this town behind me; all roads seem to bring me back here. Travelling in these parts has has proven to be fraught with danger. Ask anyone and they will tell you : Don't travel alone. And yet I do. Foolish bard.
 I've managed to pick up the various  odd job to make ends meet. Some are  mindless and boring but other's have been nothing short of  incredible.... more of those in a bit.  Though goods are priced reasonably, reasonable is dear when coin is shot, therefor I've tried my hand at crafting (mostly arrows) with very limited success..(more like continuous failure with a random success.)
 I have, in my travels sharpened my other skills, and aquired new ones. I have learned to fish, this has made me self sufficient for food. My skill with a bow has become respectable,and I have learned, out of necessity, how to reload and fire quickly, with little loss of accuracy.  My skill with a sword is not so certain and I use sword and shield only if I must, but that has been all too often. I have begun practicing with a crossbow.. It is difficult to work the reload mechanism quickly, but I believe I will master it in time. As for spellcasting, my knowledge continues to grow. I can reliably cast some simple healing spells..I've had need to use them all too often. I have learned how to creep very quietly ...This has served me well and i will continue to use this technique. The few times I have forgotten this principle have led to personal disaster.

As to adventures.. firstly Hlint has some serious issues with undead. The undertaker has an insatiable search for some essence that is in a crypt.. I went, with much trepdation into those dark caverns to find him some. Although my quest was successsful, it was accomplished in fact by the powerful, willing warriors who, at a moment's notice, will brave these eerie abodes. These adventurers are a curious bunch, eager to help at a moments notice. In a crazy way they and I are all alike ..we all have some personal motivation that brought us here. I  also was able to deliver some high priority mail for tthe postmaster. He has more but that will have to wait a bit I think.

I took a solo trip to Ft. Llast., Krandor, and thence on to Port Hampshire. Although I moved as quietly as I could, it was a trip that I most probably only completed due to luck. I managed to kill a lone ogre along the way. It was a very near thing..had to spend 2 days in Krador recovering. When I left Krandor, I should have had the good sense to head 'home' to Hlint. Instead I stumbled across a party of 6 headed to Port Hampshire. in a rash decision, I went with them (the thrill of it all) . They had some initial success in the Broken Forest,  but disaster awaited me in a place I believe was called the  Battle Fens. Before I knew what hit me, (a barrage of arrows I think) I was in total darkness... the  Void.  It was not at all what I had bargained for. My soul was returned but I was a apparently now an apparition wandering Hlint. A kindly mage cast invisibility on me and told me to seek my grave. I hastened back there and became 'whole' least I think I did..
 The trip back to Hlint was much slower. I crept slowly home  through the Broken Forest  but  it was without incident .

The last few days have been equally perilous. I enlisted the aid of a some trusty dwarves to go to the Goblin caves near Hlint. These caves are a prime source of raw materials that are essential to the local economy.  The Goblins consider these same caverns sacred ground and endless expeditions have not suceeded in permanently  eliminating them. I was after copper.  I did not get any. I was cut down by the furious goblins in the deepest part of these caverns. Another soul wrenching  journey to the Void...
after resting a bit, I was then was able to struggle my way back to the caverns companions were frantic.. but on to my grave I went. Foolish bard. I was cut down yet again. The void threatened to consume . I don't know for certain that I  didn't lose something that time..But..I was consumed with rage and delirious the foolish bard tries yet again. this 3rd attempt was only successful due to the intervention of a powerful healer who unselfishly aided me.  I think this bard will leave the mining to others..

But yet I'm better now. The wanderlust consumes me again. When i passed through Ft. Llast a while back,a resident wanted some sort of essence of a Wisp. I've heard there are swamps to the west..maybe I can find a Wisp there...

Wait before I go ..had best prepare..I think It might be wise to make a Will ..after all the next trip to the Void may be 1 way..


RE: Journal
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2005, 06:08:00 pm »
Hlint, Mistone
 25 Novlar 1386

Let it be known to all persons of good character !

 I, Olme, human wanderer of the realm, most recently of Hlint, currently of sound mind and at present, sound body, knowing the uncertainty of life of this world ascertain that this is my last testament.

If the fates or gods should deem that I should fail to return from the Void, be it known that these are my last wishes.

May my journal and any other of my writings be forwarded to a Cleric or other authorized representative of Aragen so that they may, in some small way, help add to the store of knowledge.

All my other meager possessions, such as they may be, can be turned over as best seem fits to satisfy any debts as I might have.  The remainder to be divided amongst my travel
companions, whomever they might be, share and share alike.

Be it known that this was penned of my own free will.

- Olme -


RE: Journal
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2005, 07:13:00 am »
The expedition to find a wisp was a close thing. I ventured into the swamp accompanied by a hearty dwarven warrior (Mary Bloodaxe). Her axe made quick work of the Lizardmen and I dealt with the Wisp. Alas, this Wisp had no essence. We then went back to towm where I healed my wounds and recovered. Will have to back to that stinking swamp...but not now.
 Hooked up with a pair of Elven warriors and a wolf!?.. They had a quarrel with some Kobolds near Lake Alon. I went along and when things got nasty I helped them rout the Kobolds. One of the elves was wounded in the battle. I was able to use what small skill I have to restore her. Her name was Zerpa, an elven archer with a magnificient longbow.(what skill she must have to wield such a weapon !) She watched in amazement as I did some fishing with my simple shortbow. The elf  had never seen such a thing. I taught her how to fish in that manner and later how to cook and cure the fish and, after we returned to Hlint, where to get more fishing arrows and supplies. She was very pleased and laughing and I was both was both happy and humbled that what little knowledge I possess could be so useful to her.
 I am sure our paths will cross again here in Hlint. And now to get some rest.


RE: Journal
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2005, 10:16:00 am »
After a few days rest, I decided to take a quiet fishing trip to Lake Ibnoune. On the way there I met a fellow traveller in great distress. He was running for his life from a vicious skunk. I was able to kill the skunk and heal him. His name was Nimi Nimi. I took him along on the fishing trip and he fished succesfully  for the first time. He then talked me into going to Seilwood forest. although we tred cautiously, some ettercaps and spiders, killed Nimi. I was knocked senseless. when I awoke, an ettercap stood over and knocked me out again. yet again I arose prepared for the void, when Rodlim  Serum appeared and rescued me from certain death. Nimi joined us, and our party of 3 went into the find the  little bard's bauble. Some hard fighting against hordes of kobolds, bugbears, and others proved very successful and Nimi grabbed the amulet. Rodlim did a bit of mining and then escorted us out of Sielwood.
What a great help he was. At that point, as we left Sielwood, Nimi and the necklace just vanished.
I then wandered back to Hlint where I found an old friend, Emerald Skye. (Emerald has always made time for  this foolish bard and was instrumental in rescuing me from the Goblin caves a while ago. I count her as a true friend who I would be proud to fight beside).
A (demented?)halfling rogue then showed up babbling about Ozy and the planes  and I know not what he was talking about. Strange indeed..  On that note I bid Emerald goodnight and went to the Inn to rest.


RE: Journal
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2005, 06:27:00 am »
Another day on the road but it was a productive one though. Made the trip back to Sielwood caves, this time without mishap. A fine dwarven warrior (Knard?) and a giant named Glokk made the trip as safe as it could be. We located the necklace and turned it in for the reward. Flushed with our succees, the same small party then headed off to deal with the

Wisp..another total success. After collecting the reward for the Wisp essence, I realized that I had enough coin to upgrade my armor so I purchased a suit of scale that should  help in my combat survival.
 Time for some fishing ..I decided to try some fishing out past Ft. Llast. met up with an elven ranger fisherman out there. Did some fishing and  swapped some stories by a campfire. A nice break.
 When I arrived back at Hlint, I was immediately approached by Cathy, who told me she was a cleric of Lucinda. She almost desperately asked if I new where a Blackford Castle was, as she had an urgent had need to go there as soon as possible on a matter of her church. I agreed to take her there , so off we went.
  On arrival, we searched the entire castle apparently looking for 'her leader'. No one to be found.  I just tagged along keeping my ears open. Outside the castle, we talked to a little boy who told Cathy she needed to see the queen. (apparently the queen is her leader). we back into the castle again , this time to the Great library. Nothing except a portal ?!...Cathy was totally dismayed.. she said she had to find the Queen. We were about to give up the search, when, an Elf by the name of Ozy arrived. Ozy is apparently, the librarian here and a master of lore.  He talked about many things that were beyond my understanding. He urged Cathy to leave a note for the Queen, as there were urgent deeds to be accomplished. After some further banter, we made one last look for the queen, then headed home to Hlint.
 What a trip.


RE: Journal
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2005, 09:38:00 am »
Got a letter from my old childhood friend Cal today.  Cal is a running a small but succesful general merchandising store in Port Hampshire and he needs a partner to help run it.  This is really too good an oportunity to pass up. A good degree of security and comfort in a well ordered city, and a good place to pick up any news of mother and my brother.
So time to hang up this shortbow and rapier and settle down to some steady employment.

