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Author Topic: Trail and error - The journal of William Lancaster  (Read 68 times)

Wicked Hampster

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    Trail and error - The journal of William Lancaster
    « on: October 13, 2008, 03:36:39 am »
    Wow, life is much harder on my own than I originally anticipated.  If I was back near Dektis I can image Master would have me gathering ferns or fungi for more components.  Instead, I struggle with finding something to do safely, everything here near Hempstead is so expensive.  At least most of the folks I have met are nice and helpful.  

    I miss home terribly, although I will never go back; not while father still lives.  I am dissapointed in myself, I have fallen back onto my guardsmen training more than I would have liked.   At least I can feel solice in the fact Master would be proud of me, I have added several actual spells to my Tome Arcanis.  In addition, I have mastered all the cantrips I was allowed to copy.  They are a relatively simple matter for me now.  I have also been able to successfully weild the arcane energies manifested in a small circle spell.  It was rather difficult at first, but I can feel it becoming easier each time I make the attempt.  I can also remember more arcane glyphs than I could a year ago, allowing me to call forth more spell energies.  Unfortunetly, most of the material components are too expenseive to purchase, or too difficult to aquire on my own.  Not yet anyways.  

    Also, the new suit of metal plate armor I wear is so cumbersome and restrictive.  I really dont like it, but I am comfident it will save my life - so I will continue to bear it.  I have several ideas on how to modify the joints to give me better freedom of movement, so as soon as I can afford the 'modifications' I will give a few of them a try.  The copper material is just so tacky - not like the fine steel chained links I used to practice with.  That is quite alright though.  I have met several more experienced adventurers who have some practice with smelting and metal work.  With thier guidance, maybe soon I will be able to learn to craft my own armors.  Wouldn't that be something?  Then I wouldn't have to modify the junk these merchants sell.

    On the topic of more experienced adventurers: I have met some from both sides of my training.  Some expert warriors, and an Arch-magi or two.  I dont recall the names of the individuals, but if I see them again I will have to remember to ask them for advice.  Perhaps an easier way to manipulate the weave while wearing a full combat load?  Yes, I shall have to see.  

    Well, that is about enough for tonight.  I need to get a good night's sleep to cleanse my mind for the trials on the morn.  By Toran, may I show strength and righteousness.