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Author Topic: A paladin's record (within the Rofirein temple in Valensk)  (Read 145 times)


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A paladin's record (within the Rofirein temple in Valensk)
« on: January 03, 2006, 12:12:00 pm »
It has been roughly one year since the summons.  To this day I cannot be absolutely certain it was the Lord Protector himself that I saw and spoke to, but I do know nothing will deter me from upholding law above all else as is his will.

I am making this record as a historical archive for the church as well as an informative reference for those who may follow me and find their way to this temple in Valensk.  I do feel it is correct to record my feelings and concerns along with the day-to-day factual accounts, so that the story may be complete.

I arrived after the summons to a small town in the north central part of Mistone called Hlint.  After a quick walk through the town, I noticed a temple to Ilsare.  Why would I be placed in a town centered around this temple?  I did not (and have not) spoken with anyone associated with this temple.

I found a town hall and spoke with the accountant there.  Someone had stolen her tax records and she felt they were within the sewers.  After multiple attempts and retrieving them and being forced to withdraw from the sheer number of rats, I was assisted by a friendly dwarf who aided me in finding the tax journal in the hands of a rat-man.

The town has an undertaker, who was looking for an essence from a darksoul within the crypts.  Again I was repelled by the skeletons and zombies within, but with the assistance of my newly met elf-friend Es and the same dwarf we were able to put the undead back at rest.

The quartermaster of the local guard asked for goblin ears from the marauding goblins in the area.  I accepted the mission to push back these aggressive goblins, but I saw no point of collecting a body part.  My elf-friend Es felt no similar compulsion however, so I think he collected the ears and showed them to the quartermaster, since he has often thanked me for facing the goblins as he requested.

A tailor within the local craft house asked me to collect some hides for him.  I agreed since I knew I would be exploring the area outside this place, and after retrieving them for him, he gave me a nice cloak to wear.  I stressed to him I did not expect such a lavish gift, but he insisted.

The local dwarven merchant had his caravans attacked by goblins.  Seeing the obvious threat to the town I agreed to bring the head of the goblin chieftain to him.  I was able to assemble a small group and we successfully faced and defeated the goblin chieftain.  As with the custom I am beginning to accept here, the merchant gave me a set of worn but good conditioned boots for securing his trade route.

The local postmaster had letters needing to be delivered.  In a similar fashion to the tailor, I accepted the letters needing delivery and got them to the right people, even making a few trips to Rilara.

Within the local tavern, the Wild Surge Inn, the house bard there lost a necklace in a cave within the Sielwood forest.  I found the cave and within there were kobolds.  With the aid of Es and a couple others, we were able to fight through the kobolds and found the necklace within a huge cube, called a gelatin cube.  The bard was grateful for the return.

I found the road to Fort Llast and the Toran temple within.  How refreshing to find this temple!  I have spend many hours praying to the Lord Protector there, while continuing the defense of the area and also familiarizing myself with Mistone.  The clergy within were kind enough to allow me the use of their holy pool in the manufacturing of holy water and healing potions.  This has been a difficult skill for me to learn, but I am progressing nicely.

The lieutenant of the guard within Fort Llast was looking for aid in stocking the weapons store for defense purposes.  I used the tithe I had been saving for this purpose, and over my protests, he gave me a magical helmet.

Also within Fort Llast the magician asked me for some willowisp essence, which I was able to provide when I stumbled upon one while fighting off some lizardmen in the swamps.

There is a horse-trainer within Fort Llast who dropped some oil in the mountains she wishes recovered.  I agreed to look for it as I explore the area.  I have carefully explored the mountains and seen Ogres, but no oil yet.

As you can see from my experiences here, there are many that willing ask for assistance.  I am beginning to see my role as that not unlike the wandering clerics of Rofirein - - to wander the roads of Mistone with lawful purpose: assisting as I can, keeping tabs on the living creature activity there, put all undead to rest I am able, while ensuring the roads remain open for free travel of the lawful citizenry.

earnest paladin of The All Seeing


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A paladin's record (within the Rofirein temple in Valensk)
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2006, 02:02:44 pm »
I am writing this in retrospect in an attempt to bring the record current.  As I have mentioned earlier, the citizenry I have encountered have generally been supportive, even giving me items for the completion of easy tasks to aid me.  It has been difficult at times with the others summoned here, as many fail to understand the path-choice given them and they continue to think only of themselves.  Even worst, I sense that some are rejecting the summons and trying to gain power in opposition of the fight against Blood.  I truly feel that some of these care little if Blood takes control of the world as long as they are able to gain a profit in gold, magic or some other form.

I have seen the darkness within the lands of Mistone, and it is of these past encounters I now record for the church.  There is an unknown evil beneath Hlint, not Blood or his followers I think, but something older that continues to animate the dead into skeletons, zombies or worst, ghouls.  I have been into these crypts many, many times and the dead keep rising.  I listen intently when around others for a clue to this, but I have not yet heard even a theory until one day about 6 months past.

I was in the uppermost level of the crypts when a Corathian witch approached me, claiming all the undead for her lord, but unwilling to name herself or her lord, although the symbol she had painted upon her shield gave it away. She goaded me to fight her, and although I wanted to, I remembered the sacred rule of law.  I told her I would be visiting this crypt and others to ensure she did not stir up any trouble, and if I found evidence she had, she would be brought to justice.  Since then I have found additional locations where the undead walk, but I have found no evidence of her influence.

I have found a dungeon in the North Woods that has many levels.  Aside from the many rats, in the depths I have found mummies and living oozes that have an acid upon them.  Also within this dungeon I have seen small demon-like creatures and a strong demon spider that even blessed iron could not cut.

Within the Broken Woods is a grave that seems tied to the strong undead that haunt the area.  I spoke to a man and woman in Spellgard about this, and they directed me to seek out their daughter Triba for the details on this haunting.  I am ever aware for her as I travel the lands.

Within the Dire Woods there is a strong presence of spectres, allips and some shadows.  In addition there are large bone golems (not undead!) that reside there.  These golems are not harmed by even blessed iron, although an elemental enchantment or some cast enchantments (aside from a blessing) upon a weapon do damage these creatures.

Between Hlint and Fort Llast, there is a crypt known as the Storan crypt.  Sometimes the undead within come out and I put them to rest.  I have been inside but many doors are locked and I have no reason to disturb the dead.

Also in Krandor the crypts seem to have a haunting of undead, as told to me by a young girl who lost her grandfathers ashes within.  I have gone inside but have been faced with locked doors I could not cross. The undead are strong though and I need to assemble a stout group to go through this crypt.

That updates the record of my experiences with the evil that I have found within Mistone to date.

Lyons, earnest paladin of Rofirein, Knight of the Wyrm



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RE: A paladin's record (within the Rofirein temple in Valensk)
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2006, 01:34:54 pm »
I write this update for the church's record of my time in Mistone doing the Lord Protector's will.  It has been over 4 years since the summons and I am still surprised at what I find on a monthly basis in Mistone.  

In my first year here a kindly dwarf sat me down and tried to convince me that all were summoned to fight blood, so in the face of such a task, the old lines of good and evil with the alliances between gods is diminished.   He pointed out that many are called and all have a purpose.  Indeed I have met drow and half-giants, half-orcs and even what was described as tieflings.  In accordance with the principles of law and justice, I do not judge one by their appearance, however I am beginning to understand the flaw in my friendly dwarfs arguement.  

The druids I have met, ones I feel a kinship for that is definitely based on feelings of my mother, seem to be supportive of the war, although there is one nameless druid who I have doubts about.  My path has crossed hers a few times, and she is a fierce warrior.  However, in talking briefly with her, and also hearing her statements to others, I have detected what I see as a flaw in her thinking.   Every time I see her I mention a promise we made to each other over two year ago to talk about these issues, but the time has not yet come.

I have parted paths with my Elf-friend who was summoned to service the same time I came to Mistone.  However, as one path fades another joins, and I thank the Lord Protector's blessing in joining my path with that of one of his clerics.  Aside from a muted monk female, who is a ferocious fighter and has a heart much bigger, There was none of the faith I could find.  Indeed my prayers have been answered in the best way possible.

I have been associating with wizardesses and sorceresses of late; it is very impressive to witness the power they wield.  They have the ability to have beings, both natural and unnatural, bind with them and serve them to the death.  I understand how this was described to me by a nice fey named Karen, however I still do not think  being bound to a demon of any kind is a trustworthy act.  However, judgement cannot be made on such feelings, so I will simply be aware of this and observe carefully.

I continue to walk the path the all seeing has set for me, learning and growing in the knowledge of the world, furthering his purpose as I do.

*Lyons pulls out a piece of parchment and puts it carefully in the journal at this point.  Inside are the following words written carefully*

This is not part of the official record but must be added.  I was asked by a wizardess recently if I was 'planetouched', which I do not know.  I tried to remember my training in Pranzis, but all I could remember during the coversation was that there were planetouched and tieflings and that the church considered planetouched trustworthy and tieflings suspicious.  Since then, when the wizardess refused to share her knowledge of what a planetouched being was, I have been praying to recall the knowledge I know I was taught.  Eventually my mind was methodically cleared and the lesson emerged.  The planetouched are beings that have a celestial being somewhere in their history while a tiefling has a demon or devil somewhere in there history.  Both have varying abilites depending upon how strong this influence is.  Generally planetouched gain this ability from good and tieflings from evil, but that is a generalization and no judgement could be made based solely on that.

If I am indeed planetouched, I should be certain of my history.  Whether this is found to be true or false, it does not affect my service to Rofirein in any way, but it does answer questions about my father.    



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RE: A paladin's record (within the Rofirein temple in Valensk)
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2007, 12:36:37 pm »
Eight years... It is remarkable that I have spent almost a quarter of my life since the adventurers met to go face Blood the final time.  They were victorious yes, but what a cost the world has been paying.  

The induction into the Knights of the Wyrm was a proud moment, one that forever removed any possible doubts that could enter my mind.  King Waylend praised us personally,  I saw the Lord Protector himself within the temple; I was not only a witness but blessed to be a small part of him putting faith into our hands to carry out his will.  I understood I was not seasoned enough to travel with the brave souls who faced Blood.  It was my charge to carry the banner throughout the land bringing light into darkness; showing that there was Law and Order within the Kingdom and spreading the promise of better times ahead.  

Then the world sank into a daze with the fall of Blood.  His grip must have been so strong on the land that it responded to his absence with wilted crops, dry summers and harsh winters.  My duty was obvious.  My friend and confidant, the Cleric of the Faith that called himself Kuuk, showed me how to aid the farmers and the villagers in the small villages and towns.  His knowledge of farming combined with my strength in keeping areas clear of hostile animals and desperate people allowed us to provide aid and comfort to the citizens of these remote regions.  

Eight years...  I have received word of concern over the rule of Lord Broegar in Pranzis, his unusually harsh laws and the death of the great Toran paladin Navarre.  It has been rewarding work helping the people, allowing me time to accept the circumstances around my birth and what I am.  But it is time for my work here to end.  My duty as a Knight of the Wyrm calls me to serve as a champion of law and order against injustice and evil.  It is time for me to return.    



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RE: A paladin's record (within the Rofirein temple in Valensk)
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2007, 07:25:27 am »
I write this as a personal entry to the record of my experiences for the temple.  I have had good experiences and developed strong ties to followers of Toran.  Upon my return to Mistone I recently was reacquainted with an old Toran Paladin friend of mine, Balazar.  We met in passing, promising to catch up at a later date.  A few weeks later we met in Hlint and took the opportunity to sit down and talk.  

Balazar is a very honorable man, sworn to the vows of Toran, leading a very humble and purposeful life.  However, this night he was troubled.  He had been asked to travel with a friend of his to mine gold.  Although he feared for her safety, he shared with me his apprehension about going with her out of a concern over dying.  We discussed the deeper reason and it is apparent to me there is an uncertainty growing within the Toran Church.  

Balazar is personally wrestling with the question about ‘gray areas’ of the law.  He has the opinion that enforcing the laws of the Kingdom in some cases is actually contradictory to the welfare of the citizens.  He feels that he must do what he sees as right, even if it contradicts the order of law.  He also gave me the sad news that a young Paladin of Toran that we both know, Maeve O’Leary, has lost her Paladin-hood.  It is this concern he expressed to me and the conversation we had about it that has originated this personal entry.  

I have absolute and unwavering confidence that my Lord Rofirein knows what will happen and has a plan to ensure the safety and security of the people of this world.  He is not called the “All Seeing” and “Lord Protector” idly.  Since I have mentioned the Toran Church in this journal entry, it is important to say I am sure the devout followers of Toran share a similar belief that Toran’s wisdom has a plan in place, and that it will be revealed when it is needed.

The “gray area” concerns seem to be caused by those interpreting the will of Rofirein or Toran and then dictating actions that are contradictory to the true will of the Gods.  Then the Paladins, those who many consider to be only brutes that blindly follow orders, enforce these actions that are questionable, eroding the confidence of the people in the law and causing those very same Paladins to question their actions.  Although this may seem to make sense, it is flawed in the most basic way.  A paladin is not taught to simply follow the words of others, but is trained in the ability to make very quick and correct decisions in all types of situations.  A Paladin is often called to go into very hostile areas, to bring light to darkness, order to chaos.  When a situation develops that needs a solution a Paladin, trained for quick and correct thinking, makes the right choice so quickly it appears to be done without thought.  The difference between many and the Paladin is that most will enter into that situation unprepared, where a Paladin has been thinking of their reply, response or action for months or even years in advance.

A Paladin does not learn and live a sworn oath to become a rigid enforcer, unconcerned over the good of the people.  Instead these oaths provide a simple guidance that can be applied over most situations they encounter.  This is not by accident.  The concern to uphold the law and protect the innocent in every situation requires the ability to make quick and accurate decisions, something that is practiced over and over during the training.  

At times these are tough decisions, carefully arranged by those who deal in manipulation, seeking at a minimum to cause doubt about the Paladin, hoping above all to cause doubt within the Paladin.  For these people know the Paladin will always be found between them and the innocent.  So instead of meeting them honorably, they seek to convince the innocent to send the Paladin away.

It has been a difficult time for the people of the Kingdom.  Those I have just mentioned, those who know no honor and deal in lies and manipulation are able to have their voices heard.  Were not some of them part of the group that faced Blood?  Did not they fight for the freedom of all land from Blood’s grasp?  Is it not a fact that they put aside their differences for a common cause?  As you can see, the most powerful lies and manipulation come when a piece of truth is twisted.  

Those who promote evil and chaos are simply the wolves among us, disguising themselves in the clothing of the people, waiting to separate the weak or banding together to defeat a larger group of unsuspecting innocents.  In facing Blood they did nothing more than seek to remove a stronger foes, clearing the way for their plans and desires.  I wish it were clear to me and others who defend the Law and Justice what plan or plans these wolves have, but so far they remain well hidden.  

In the past I have recorded my concerns over situations I have encountered.  Now I will write the conclusions I have reached over ten years of service as a Paladin of Rofirein.  May these lessons serve those who come after me.  

As a Paladin of The Lord Protector, above all else, I uphold and support the order of law.  The Paladin code of Rofirein is:

1.  Believe all that Rofirein teaches, and faithfully observe all his directions.
2.  Defend the Church of Rofirein with all your might, to your last breath.
3.  Respect the weak, and accept your role as their defender.
4.  Remain steadfast before your enemy.
5.  Make war against the infidel followers of Pyrtechon without cessation or quarter.
6.  Perform scrupulously your duties of Justice, as set before you by the Teachings of the Church of Rofirein
7.  Never lie, and remain faithful to your pledged word.
8.  Be generous, and give largess to all that have need.  Shun avarice as a deadly pestilence.
9.  Keep yourself chaste for whom Rofirein has chosen for you to love.
10.Set foot only in temples dedicated to Rofirein and his Holy allies – Toran, Vorax, Doran, Katia and Aragen – unless your enemies seek sanctuary in an unholy temple, in which case it is your duty to cleanse the place of their filth.

In addition, I have sworn the following vows to my Lord Rofirein:

By the Insight of your wisdom I seek the best ways to observe the law.
By the Strength of your love as a shield I protect the innocent.
By the Might of your will I drive back those who seek to overthrow justice.
By the Light of your soul I bring light into the darkness, law and order to chaos.
My Duty is to serve in fairness and integrity.
My Duty is to serve through good judgment and generosity.
My Duty is to serve through faith and true Justice.
My Duty is to serve as champions of law and order against injustice and evil.
My steadfastness, heart and soul is with you Great Dragon.
Into the light of your love for the people of this world I step, to follow the path you set by your Will.

To bring Law, impartial judgment and order to the world.

In addition, I am charged with protecting the Judges and Clerics of Rofirein.  I am also charged with facing and defeating all evil I find, specifically followers of Pyrtechon.  

If a Paladin, or Cleric for that matter, was ever concerned about not following the will of their Lord, one has only to look within them every morning to see if they retain the blessings granted to them.  This daily affirmation of their actions is something I think many forget.  There are very, very few situations that applying the rules of our oaths can not resolve.  However, as an addition to our oaths and in the interest of allowing quick and correct decisions for Paladin’s that come across a situation that they feel their oaths do not clearly address, I offer this guidance that has served me well:

   Do not put hands on another when talking is enough to resolve the situation.
   Do not hurt when holding is enough.
   Do not maim when hurting is enough.
   Do not kill when maiming is enough.

Give honor to all, even your most dire enemy.  This is how we uphold the order of law.

I submit this entry to the temple in Fort Vehl.

Rofirein’s will be done

Paladin and Knight of the Wyrm


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Re: A paladin's record (within the Rofirein temple in Valensk)
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2007, 10:05:10 am »
I have been thinking about one of our basic tenants.

"Give honor to all, even your most dire enemy. This is how we uphold the order of law"

How do we approach those who actively seek to lie and decieve, never allowing that they are doing exactly that?

I record this after considering a lengthy conversation I had with a young woman in Port Hempstead name Yu.

To listen to her, she was given or offered to a dark cult of some kind (which she would not name) as a child and eventually started a fire killing all within, although she refused to say which dark god the cult was worshipping.

In addition, she casts invisibility to change her clothes often (as I understand Xeenite priestessess are prone to do), and yet her choice of clothing and way she spoke reminded me of a Corathian witch I came upon long ago within the catacombs under the Hlint graveyard.

She also claimed to have no allegiance to any specific god, but was lumping the gods of Law, Justice and honor as no different than those of Chaos, injustice and evil.

So, if I am to believe her, she is an admitted murderer, worships no god, and dresses like a Corathian or Xeenite by accident.

It is far more likely, actually probable, that she was lying to me consistently, adding bits of truth here and there within her story to make it more believable.  The fact that she is adept at lying at such a young age is distressing, but of more concern is how do I or we who swear to uphold Law and Justice even speak to people like this, who enjoy lying and creating intricate stories that are nearly impossible to outright refute?

It is just as likely that she is a priestess of Xeen or Corath enjoying the freedom to lie without consequence.  

It is my conclusion it is best to adhere to our tenent, giving her honor that she likely does not want or even understand, but not believing the lies she spins.  Perhaps over time she will let slip her true intentions.

Rofirein's will be done;


Paladin and Knight of the Wyrm