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Author Topic: The Book of Jal  (Read 369 times)


The Book of Jal
« on: February 15, 2007, 01:31:19 am »
*The title reads: 'This is the book of Jal. The mastering of The scythe, and his travels.' It is written in a combonation of dwaven, elven, halfling and common, so as if he leaves it around, no one would be able to read but bits of it*

I have arrived in hlint, as per the directions of Eorfinale, my elven comrade of thirty years. Seems like any small hick town, but full of more interesting and powerful people.

I found various tasks around this town, which has enabled me to grow into my scythe more. Met an elf, who only speaks in elve. Tahlethril his name, he took me on a tour of the sewers, which is full of rats, a man like rat and a dire rat. They all fell before our weapons quite easily, and I returned some kind of book to the lady of the courthouse. Seems shes always loosing it, Ive been told by others.

Also, met a very intersting half-elven woman, named Tegan. She has very usefull spells, which allows me to take on things, I normally wouldnt of considered. With her spells, I helped out this really whiny human named Gee. Odd name. Oh well, I still think his mother should of beaten him more as a child.

Then Tegan said she needed salt. So we all ventured into the goblin cave, I ripped the head off of the chief with my knife, Gee got kinda green. Odd for a farm lad. Oh well. Killed more goblins, got back into hlint. Tegan had to leave, So I asked her for some spells, she obliged. Again I helped Gee, we got the wisp for dalton in Fort Llast, and a necklace for the bard in the inn. That was easy enough to do.

I need to find a weapon master. Someone to teach me, explain to me, how to become one with my weapon. An extention of ny body, say, another apendage, where I can move it without thinking, let it strike true. Maybe I will post a notice up in the inn. Saw a spot there when I was talking to that bard.

I am getting tired. I may write more of my travels with old Eorfinale, we did have a pretty good time for thirty years..


Re: The Book of Jal - One with your Weapon
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2007, 07:45:39 pm »
My training still goes on. I have achived some measure of progress with my scythe, I was able to fell bears and ogres on my own. Still no word from any weapon masters. I will keep checking my posting.

I met an interesting couple of humans though. One female named muireane, and a male called Ark. He is quite keen on mating with females. I find human behaviour odd. It seems it doesnt matter what type of female, as long as its female. He also hinted at, and quite openly too, about mating with muirean. Odd. I wrote my observations, and experiment with this male down in my notebook, needless to say, he is easily distracted by females jumping up and down. I cannot see why.

Met another female, named karana. She was quite helpfull in getting me to my gravestone, after a giant lion bird beat the stuffing out of my after I delivered a letter to himlad. The bird had a necklace in its stomach, so I inquired about it in himlad to the farmer there. It was one of his cows. Oh well, he paid well for the item anyways.

Note to self. remember to pay 1,000 to karana, she made me a nice Iron scythe. I didnt have quite enough on me, so that is the remander of what I owe. I shall inquire about any other items I require.

That is it for now. My progress is slow, but steady, soon I shall be a master of my scythe. People should start to fear me.


Re: The Book of Jal - One with your Weapon
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2007, 11:48:13 am »
My search for a weapons master is getting a bit close now. I talked to a person named Treana and she mentioned to me when I brought the subject up, of a man named Kyle who is a weapon master of the katana. As I was telling her, it doesnt matter what weapon, the principles and dedication are the same. Now, I hope he sees my notice in the inn, or maybe I should ask around town for him. But, I continue to train on my own the best I can.

The stupidity of people in hlint continue to amaze me. People summoning large and unsavory creatures, violating the citizens rights to have a peacefull existance. I do not know how the Arch-Bard stays sane all thses years witnessing all of this. At times I wanted to take my scythe and remove heads of people here. How can they be so mentally shallow? I digress.

I was able to manipulate some halflings and an elf into helping me recover some scarecrow stuffings for a farmer in thalos. Its amazing how a few words and compliments can convince people to do you bidding.

After my journy, I watched a very interesting female human come into town. She had long red hair and some kind of elven hertitage. She had with her a small hlaf, three quaters elven(?) child with her. Very soft spoken, with a small stutter. After a few attempts I got her name from her. She is called Lee. I spent a few hours with her just talking. This female intrigues me quite a bit, She seems pretty intelligent. And her child is well behaved, and cute. If I find any grains or berries, I shall save them for her.


Re: The Book of Jal - One with your Weapon
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2007, 08:37:07 pm »
I still seek out a weapons master. So far no luck. I have not seen this kyle person that Treana has mentioned. I will continue to inquire around town.

As for my training, It progresses nicely so far. I am weilding the scythe alot better, at some times it almost feels like its apart of me. I think of where I want to hit, and the scythe hits there. It takes alot to get that feeling back, but its happened a few times. I need to ask someone who knows...

I traveled around more, met two dwarves that weren't loaded out of their mind. Seemed pretty sober. I do not mind these two dwarves, Durgen and Hrothgar. I will not ignore them. Odd trip in haven with them though, undead creatures, friendly shadows and spirits of dwarves. This human felmale, Kinai seems obsessed with shadows, wanting to become a shadow dancer. Luck to her I guess, each is free to persure their own path in my mind.

Finished delivering packages for Freya, what a long ardious and boring journey. She had me running all over the place. Well, she paid decent, so it was all that bad. After I finished with freya, and was back in town, I asked Mylindra for assitance in recovering some little girls grandfathers ashes. Queer girl, why is she playing in the crypts with undead? Well, we got the ashes and returned them to her. I wonder if she will go back down and loose them again? Not an intelligent human girl.

Well, back to my training now, practice a few moves then head to the inn for a rest..


Re: The Book of Jal - One with your Weapon
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2007, 10:16:55 pm »
I think I have found a weapons master. His name is boon, and he has agreed to take a look, and see if he will train me. We chatted, he asked me my reasons, what I would use my skills and so on. I gave him resonable replies in which I think satisfied him.

We went into the haven mines, along with the druid. I studied him as he fought, how he stood, his stance, and his tactics in a fight. He is pretty remarkable, the ogres are nothing to him. I tried to put into practice what he said, and what I observed, and at times, I felt it working. I need to concentrate more, and not think of anything, just let the weapon do the talking. When I did not think, everything became clear, I could anticipate where the enemy was going to move, where he was going to strike, and easily avoided his blows, and struck out with cripple blows that basically destroyed him. Then I lost it and had to fight again to get it back. It is alot harder then learning Elven was. Boon, when he saw me go into that trance like state and score hits with perfection, said words of approval, and when I fumbled, words on how to hold my weapon, stance and so on.

After we cleared the mines, and where standing outside the mines, covered in ogre blood, splitting the gold coins we found, he said give me your share as a payment for your lessons, and I may take you on as an apprentance. I thought it was rather odd, and grudgingly gave him my share. I do hope he lives up to his promise, he seemed interesting and pretty bright. For a human.


Re: The Book of Jal
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2007, 09:05:57 pm »
I have come further along in my training. Now, I can stand surrounded by enemies and alnost never get hit. The drawback of this, is I cannot attack as often, as I am concentrating on dodging their blows more. It is an improvement. Day by day I get better. When I see Boon next, I will inform him on what I have learned. Hopefully he will be pleased with my progress. This is one thing I'd like to master more than anything... hmmm. Almost an obsession.

My studies continue, both of the mind and body.


Re: The Book of Jal
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2007, 05:17:00 am »
It has been awhile since I have written here. Not too long ago I met Boon in Hempstead. He ask how I was coming along and I informed him of my new defensive stance, that allows me to block and dodge allot more attacks. I believe he knows the limitations of such a defense, I would not put it past him.

I have met an interesting creature. He is a half-orc I believe, by the name of G'ork. We get along fine, it seems we share a similar outlook and fight well together. Curiously, he does know dwarven. While interesting, I do not care enough to ask him where he learned it, only that he isn't an idiot when it comes to tactics. I have yet to fall in his company.

For the last while we both have been traveling to Dregar with various others. On one occasion, an elf named Celith made a bunch of stupid moves and G'ork fell due to it. For an elf, Celith I believe is mentally deficient. G'ork shares a similar outlook, if I read him correctly.

I also have manipulated several people in helping me acquire various things I needed to complete various 'errands' some of these people in various towns asked for. It is quite simple infact, they tend to go out of their way to help others. Foolish of them, profitable for me.

I continue to watch, learn and train. Soon I will be the master of the scythe. It is only a matter of time. My abilities are perfect.


Re: The Book of Jal
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2007, 11:51:51 pm »
Just a quick update here. Hmm, I write this for my eyes, I guess I just like reading my accomplishments then.

I have mastered another tecnique. I was informed the name of it is called the whirlwind. It took months to perfect, but worth the bruises. Its simple, but elegant at the same time. I close my eyes, extend my arm with my weapon outwards horizontal, a slight jump in the air and spin, flip to a one handed handstand, continue spinning, then finally flip to my feet.

I am able to hit anything in a three hundred and sixty radius of me, and the length of my scythe. It is very handy when I am surrounded, I can hit all of them. I think my enemies find it disconcerting to see such agility from a dwarf wielding a farm implement

I have yet another improvement to show Boon. I think I am almost there.

In other events, I continue to travel with G'ork. He is begining to become a very useful ally. More and more Dregar trips. We just need to find a compitant mage, one that doesn't cause us undue irritant.


Re: The Book of Jal
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2007, 03:25:22 pm »
Now, for the in between time of training I have went back to my dwarven roots of metal working. I haven't touched a forge nor hammer for well over thirty years. It is as I remember it. Hot, tedious and annoying, but relaxing in some odd way. With the working of my muscles on the molten metal, the constant hammer of it, forming it, puts me into a trance-like state which I can focus my thoughts. I believe it helps me focus more, and is helpful towards my training as a weapon master.

Plus, somewhere down the future, the satisfaction of creating my own weapon, I think may be worth it. I am aiming for mithril. I will admit, it will be good to throw the fact that I worked with mithril to my clans face. Satisfaction in that.


Re: The Book of Jal
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2007, 05:25:43 pm »
I am stronger each day. On several occasions, the whirlwind has turned the tide of battle, allowing me to live longer against many. I continue my training.

I am getting tired of working the metals, but I must if I am to create my own weapon. Tedious. Mine the ore, carry the ore, smelt the ore. Dig for clay, make molds. Mold the metal into stock, hammer out daggers from the stock. Repeat. Almost enough to drive me mad. But I keep focus. The goal.


Re: The Book of Jal
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2007, 09:14:48 pm »
He steps off the boat from Hurm, onto the docks of Lenigard, smiling for a change. There is a something different about him, more graceful, confident. As he was walking down the cobblestone path to the main square, he frightens some peasants on their way to the market by swinging his scythe in an elaborate attack pattern, barely missing them. Grinning at the frightened people he continues on till he reaches the benches near the memorial and sits down, beginning to write in his journal

I have done it. I have mastered my scythe today, well I'd like to think so. I know I still have more training but the bulk of it is over. I can focus all of my strength into a single blow, it is a very nice feeling, maybe I will show G'ork a move or two.

 *he chuckles coldly, disturbing a few passerby's, who quickly look away and pick up their pace to get farther away from the strange dwarf*

My work in metals gets better by the week, so far its been smooth. I need to find a reliable source of Iron, bronze is almost too simple.

My skills increase. In the forming of metals, and the art of life taking. It truly is a fine day.

*He closes his journal with a snap, tucks it into his pack and he gets up and wanders to the blacksmiths*


Re: The Book of Jal
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2007, 06:27:04 pm »
My training continues. Everyday I am better, stronger and faster....

Onto other news, had an interesting time with a group and the birdlord, interesting historical stories I found quite fascinating. Then I met him again, in Stormcrest, he told the story of Katia's Betrayal, very interesting Wonder how much of it is true? As I've found out, stories change with each generation...

Also, I have gotten an idea. Earlier, I was going to sell one of my shortswords I made off to the pawn broker, when a halfling rogue, Lino by the name, expressed interest in it. I showed it to him, but he did not have the coin to afford it. So we made a deal. He could have the sword, in return, a favour. In the future, I can call on him to carry out something, and this gave me an idea. Find more like him and make a base of contacts.

I will work on the idea further, for now things to do...

