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Author Topic: The Life and Times of Trouble Tempest  (Read 1121 times)


Re: The Life and Times of Trouble Tempest
« Reply #20 on: July 15, 2008, 07:53:38 pm »
A Druid.

That's what I am labelled as. Where it seems the source of my skills come from.
Being a Druid.

But... what exactly is a Druid?
Am I supposed to have certain responsibilities? Conduct myself a certain way?

Im certainly hoping not. I may have these skills and abilities at my disposal but.... should I be doing something specific with them as oppose to merely minding the typical adventurer doesnt slay any and all wildlife he happens to pass on his ventures?
I'll be honest. I do little. I travel here and there.... do as I please when and where it suits me.

" Living up to my name-sake" and  " You are no Saint Trouble Sir" seem to be comments I'm hearing a lot lately.
I've done nothing wrong though. Im living for me... taking fun and pleasure where and when I can. How can that be wrong or frowned upon? Isn't that supposed to be the point of this life?

There's a few now I've met who do things there way.... and I'm becoming closer to them... particulary one. She does things her way and cares little of views, being totally blunt and straight with me... something thats as refreshing to me as a long sleep and cold shower... which is usually whats required after our meetings.
This may backfire on me if mom and dad ever find out of course.... but certainly no reason they should.

Another is the same... though totally opposite.

She does what she wants... when she wants... but it all seems to follow some moral code for her. Even when she appears to be outwardly and sharply blunt with others, she still treats ( or believes) she's treating them with respect.

" I have a lot to learn.. " Caerwyn had said. Personally I wanted to blast his head off for being so self-important in judging me but comparing me to himself.
Maybe I do have a lot to learn.
But personally... I think Im doing pretty well so far.

If people wish to claim Im a true Druid. So be it.
If they wish to believe I am as my name is... Trouble.
Then so be it.


Re: The Life and Times of Trouble Tempest
« Reply #21 on: July 23, 2008, 04:10:58 am »
Losing has an unusual taste to it.
Not one I intend on sampling again.

It dawned on me gradually, during the voyage from Krashin when I could hardly contain myself from shivering and shaking from the cold and pnuemonia that set upon me.

I'd made a wager for something I wanted... and rather blindly allowed myself to be used for her entertainment. In truth a part of me didn't truly think she would do it... but she did... and either the freezing cold waters shocked her spell from me the moment I hit them.... or she did it on purpose.
And when I clambered from the icy waters, shivering and shaking... she wasn't even there.

It wasn't even then when I hit my lowest... but when she took me to the Mistite Temple. I actually felt close to death, I was sure of it.... and I had no option but to put my complete trust in her as she lead me to the Mistite Priestess on the island.
And the Priestess smirked at me.... enjoying and amused by my condition before she healed me.

I'd been too obvious with what I wanted.... and too intent on making a -show- of what time spent with her meant. Perhaps in some ways I am transparent... it seem's to be.
Perhaps thats why some, Miss Ell, Raven to mention a few.... seem to think they can read me like a book, and grade me, giving me merit on substance.
And far too easily... like the wager... I accept it.

I will never be so blindly, foolishy transparent again.


I will take what I want... and accept no "price" for it.... no "stakes"... no compromise.



Re: The Life and Times of Trouble Tempest
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2008, 08:40:47 pm »
Things are going well.
Better than expected in honesty.

Mom and Dad -finnaly- came home.. amidst grand tales of brave deeds that... still to this moment... I find a little unbelievable.
But it's been confirmed. Dad's been a busy bee... and I've hardly seen him, keeping to himself until this banquet at Hurm.
Mom's been at her guild mainly... though she still likes to track me down and see what Im up to.
So far... despite Malkor's rash outburst and Jaelle's warning... I don't think they suspect anything.

My gifts are.... in honesty... growing wilder than I'd imagined. I confess it's unusual that... although I dont know -how- or -why- Im obtaining these skills... I'm finding myself excelling in their use and enjoying them.

Phyress... we adventure a lot together, and despite people's constant belief we are together... we arn't. Oh Ive tried for entertainment's sake... but she doesn't seem to be one like that. She's requested I learn to dance and accompany her to some form of ball dance... which... I've reluctantly agreed to.

And Miss Ell's another... who... after several days of travelling, to my surprise, imparted her tale of woe to me. I advised her as best I could, but she certainly over-complicates things. But then, this is devout religion, not something I have ever understood myself.
Not even my simplified tale of the Tomatoe managed to make her understand what she is missing. A shame really... so much time has passed for her... and so little fruit.

I understand Tyra has left home. In honesty, now hearing about it, I feel a little guilty for not having dropped in sooner to see her since her fathers death. But Im sure her feet will come my way soon enough.

So things have perked for the moment... considering what I wrote in my last entry.
The only fallout may be if my mother and father find out what's been happening behind closed doors and attempt to interfere.
I've already made my decision in that regards.
Should it come to that... I simply wont -let- them intefere.


Re: The Life and Times of Trouble Tempest
« Reply #23 on: August 05, 2008, 03:03:50 am »
* Trouble sits on the Tempest's bench in Folian's grove, thoughtfully twisting a golden ring on his finger, delicate leaves and vines subtly carved upon the surface.
An occassional glance to Screech keeps this thoughts from wandering too far, the monkey leaping from tree to tree and occassionaly darting down from the branches to chase and toy with some of the Fisher's by the stream.*

I don't get it. *he mutters to himself*

These were her rules to start with.

All that secrecy... keeping it from mom and dad... and then bearing the storm when they -did- find out.

All to find what I was trying to keep a secret... isn't even the same thing anymore.

*he rubs his neck a little, closing his eyes to clear his head as a warm breeze sweeps through the wood, carrying with it the smell of seasonal jasmine and aloe.*

At the moment, does it even matter? To me... and for me... does it even make a difference?

Not yet it doesn't... no. Not yet.

But it will soon.

** the monkey suddenly appears up at Trouble's feet, the white and black fur on its body soaked from chasing the fisher's through the stream.
It looks up at him dubiously, unable to fathom what's made his friend so sombre, but curious as to why the hell he's talking to himself. **


Re: The Life and Times of Trouble Tempest
« Reply #24 on: August 08, 2008, 02:23:59 am »
Sooner rather than later it seemed.


Dad's friend... Uncle Shamur's girlfriend. By Folian... I used to help mom make her chicken soup years ago!

I mean... that was bad.

And if Muireann's one... who could the others be??

And she'd never tell me either!

But thats gone now. Tears in the rain apparently.

Screech stopped traveling with me for awhile after that, and, I just roamed basically....

... and... Im still just... .umm.... roaming.


Re: The Life and Times of Trouble Tempest
« Reply #25 on: August 09, 2008, 07:06:43 am »
* The Dalanthar market was busy this time of day. Merchants shouted and hollared from their market stalls, customers bribed and haggled over prices, children darted playfully around the grass with dogs chasing them, all as the sun shone down brightly across the shimmering lake.

A few had noticed the young man stood rather seriously by the lakes edge, looking fairly serious in his stance and under his green hood. More so unusual they noticed was the white faced monkey that stood on the grass beside him, the two looking at each other on occassion as though holding a conversation.

" I cant have it both ways Screech. Protect people... and I hurt others. Be honest... and I hurt others.
I'm done with protecting or caring what other people think or how they feel... either way... I take the brunt of it."

Eventually, the monkey seems to screech in irritation, folding its arms and skittering a few feet away from the young man. He looks over, regarding the monkey sadly a moment, and then, uncaring for the many people who now would be watching and looking... proceeds to throw off his clothes into a pile by the lake, and completely naked... dives into the water.

Time after time, the young man dives down into the water, gone for a minute each time, before breaking the surface in gasping, choking breaths. He would catch his breath, and dive back down again.

The final time... he was below the water much more than a minute. And a few people who were watching, began creeping to the waters edge, fearing the young man may have drowned.

But again, he broke to the surface of the water more explosively, choking and gasping for breath as he swam for the shore, throwing something that sparkled in the sun onto the grass as he heaved his exhausted body out the water.

Falling flat on his back, fully naked, caring not a whit what people saw or thought, he took the ring in his hands, twirling it thoughtfully in his fingers, the leaves and vines etched on the surface standing out brilliantly in the light.

With a relieved sigh, he slips the ring tightly back onto his finger*


Re: The Life and Times of Trouble Tempest
« Reply #26 on: August 17, 2008, 05:47:47 am »

Bizzare creatures.

* he chuckles to himself, sat in the comfy leather chair, the candle-light from the lamp above him spilling warm light through out the Xeenite bedroom. Jaelle stirs in the bed with a soft groan, and he quietly snaps his journal shut, ready to slide it under the chair out of sight should she awake.
But a moment later, she's still and asleep, and he continues writing.*

As I once said to someone.... a tomatoe is a tomatoe... but, depending on how they're grown, each one can be as different to the next as the sun is too the moon.

Some of them say one thing.. " Do not feel obligated to help me! I am NOT a damsel in distress that needs you to come charging to my aid!" ...
... and so you comply...

.. and not a few weeks later, the same woman is mad at you, storming off in a tantrum.... because you "no longer seem to worry or care!"
I wanted to scream " Because you told me not too!"... but thought best of it.
Some seem to change their mind as and when the moment suits them, and somehow expect you to keep up.

Others are so independent and fun-loving, that its a surprising and startling contrast. They expect and want nothing but the basics, and seem to survive off the bare minimum.  Of course, sometimes their sense of humour can be flawed. Running towards the entrance of a Gnoll stronghold and shouting "Helloooo?" is either remarkably brave, stupid... or the sense of humour got lost in translation.

Others... well... I'll veer to parents.
I know she's looking out for me, but she really just doesn't get it, no matter how I try to explain it.
Mothers... I guess sometimes.... they just refuse to see the truth. Well... I can't hold her hand for ever...

**he chuckles a moment at his entry, pausing a moment, wondering whether to scribble it out or not, and decides against it*

But as a side note, something struck me again whilst we fought our way through Sinister woods, battling the dark Treants there.

" If I were a "real" Druid, I'd likely have permission to blow you up simply for mentioning that!"  I'd said jokingly to Phyress.
It came out so glibe and easily. "Real" Druid.
I have their skills, their gifts but... deep down, I truely dont consider myself one of them.
So the question begs... what then am I?


Re: The Life and Times of Trouble Tempest
« Reply #27 on: August 22, 2008, 05:23:06 pm »
The monkey scarpered quickly up to the top branches of the nearest tree, as though abandoning or leaving Trouble to his own fate. But he looked confidently and, almost smugly ahead at Legodia.
The Druid looked at him thoughtfully a moment, glancing occassionaly at several other lesser Druids around her, before giving Trouble a quick, curt nod.

" Very well Mr Tempest. I'll not deny I've heard... vague... rumours about yourself and what you are capable of. Some are most complimentary...."
She fixes him with a stern eye.
".... some however, are "not". But let us see shall we. You claim you wish to learn, to educate yourself in the ways and gifts you have been born with...."

She half turns, gesturing to a small glade not far away, a circle of stones surrounding it, sunlight filtering through gaps in the trees to highlight the entire area.

" Come..." she said, " Show us what you can do."

Trouble smirked, his arms folded smugly, and walked over into the centre of the glade.
He was no fool. He could sense that Legodia, and perhaps two or three of the other gathered Druids had immense power and connection to the gland simply pulsating around them.
But he could also sense that the remainder of them, did not hold that much sway with nature. In a contenst, they would simply be no match for him whatsoever.
This fueled him. How could he fail. A short test of his power, to demonstrate he was better than many already under her guidance.
Surely... surely then, he would be accepted as a "so-called-Druid"... surely then he would gain the title of "A leaf".

Stepping into the circle of stones, he closed his eyes, and bowed his head.
He no longer needed any grand hand gestures or waves of his arms to call his power, nor furrow his brow or stare at a single point to focus his concentration.
He stood quiet and still, eyes closed, blind... and called forth quite simply what he could do.

In a heartbeat, the air seemed to get sucked into him... and a shower of burning fire, bright and blinding, blanketed the glade in a roar and whoosh, the heat itself burning the grass around him.
He could hear the sharp intakes of breath from some of the watching Druids, the gasps of surprise. He smirked to himself as he called forth more of his gift.
"What did they expect? Did they think me some lowly puppy?"  he thought to himself, and over-come with pride and vanity at the thought of the impression he was making, he called forth all he had.

Amidst a deafening boom of thunder, lightning danced and arced and blasted the entire area he stood in, shattering a few of the stones within the circle.
A blinding shower of sunlight, burning and painfully intense covered the glade amidst a sound that sounded like the hallowing of Angels.
Deadly, barb-tipped vines burst forth from the ground, snaking around the glade creepily as though looking for something to impale.

This continued for awhile, amidst continued gasps and murmurings from the crowd of Druids.... until finnaly it ceased.
And with a smug look, despite his exhaustion, Trouble opened his eyes and walked closer to Legodia and the Druids.

At first, he thought the look on their faces was of pure amazement and awe.
But it wasn't.

Legodia eyed him sternly, her arms folded tightly.
" You have much to learn Mr Tempest!" she practically hissed at him.

Trouble blinked, confused, then his eyes narrowed angrily at the scolding.
" Do not give me that! You know perfectly well not even "half" of your students here are capable of such feats!"

Legodia frowned and took a step towards him. He could feel her anger emenating from her, the raw power, and he took a wary step back as she stabbed a finger at him.

" My Students... when asked to enter the glade... Heal an Animal... grow a Flower... uncontort a Tree root!!
They do NOT reign powers of Death and Destruction down... upon a SACRED glade... simply to impress for their own vanity!!"

She takes a deep breath, controling herself as she looks at him, sadness in her eyes.

" As I said Mr Tempest... you have -much- to learn...."


Re: The Life and Times of Trouble Tempest
« Reply #28 on: September 15, 2008, 01:29:32 am »
Two months alone in Belinara was all it took.
A mere two months.
Alone, save for Screech the Belinarian white-faced monkey, Trouble travelled far north across the Belinarian continent into the Great Forest.
Amazing how such a short amount of time, and a man alone with his thoughts and memories, can have such an effect.

Almost a year to the day his feet returned him to Whitehorn woods, and he once again came before Legodia and her Druids. She smiled when she saw him approach, a glimmer of hope in her eyes as she greeted him respectfully.
He bowed to her, a little stiffly, as Screech once again dived off his shoulder and abandoned him for the top most branches of the trees.

" Returned once again to show what you have learnt and prove your connection to the land Mr Tempest? Believe it is finnaly time to take your place with us as a Leaf?" she asked softly.
Trouble merely smiled and nodded, his hood rustling.
With another hopefilled smile, she gestured him once again into the open glade, who's lush grash and earth had long ago been healed by Trouble's last rash decision here.
He nodded again and walked into the glade, stopping only to stoop to the floor and pluck a single, small blue flower from the ground.

In the centre of the glade he knelt, and simply pressed the plucked flowers stem into the ground, a fond smile on his face.
Nothing seemed to happen for some time, though Trouble remained perfectly still, that same, calm, serene smile on his face, until eventually he let go of the flower and sat back, crossing his legs.

The flower didn't fall, but stood upright, it's roots having grown and delved deep into the earth in the mere few seconds Trouble had held it in place. Infact, as the others watched, it grew, inching its way taller and higher than before, its petals opening up in full bloom.
And all around him, sprouting up from the grass, in the same eerie slowness, a whole thick patch of the blue flowers sprouted. First the stems, snaking their way above the grass, then the tip would bulge into the pod, before eventually a fully bloomed flower head would burst open.

Trouble sat there, quietly a moment, amidst the thick covering, sweet smelling blue flowers that not blanketed where he sat, before getting to his feet and walking over to Legodia.

She smiled and applauded, seeming truly awed and happy to see the spectacle he had performed.
"Oh well done Mr Tempest... Well Done. Truly you have learnt much. And now finnaly, I think it is time for you to take your place amongst us as a Leaf."

Trouble looked at her and smiled....
... a smile that twisted to a smirk, as his eyes glittered under his hood in mock amusement.

" Keep your Title woman. I have no need of it... and it seems I never have."

He bowed to her, mockingly, and turned to bow just as mockingly to the Druids who had been watching. As if called on some silent message, Screech descended the branches and leapt on his shoulder.
And with a slight flourish, he twisted and turned, walking out the woods and ignoring his "so-called-fellow-Druids" gasps of shock and dissapointment.


Re: The Life and Times of Trouble Tempest
« Reply #29 on: October 01, 2008, 05:12:58 am »
** inserted inbetween the pages are four loose sheets of paper. Some containing rather brilliantly detailed sketches, others not so good.

The first is of Trouble with Screech on his shoulder, lay against a tree with a distince forested background.

The second of his parents Sallaron and Tegan, dressed for a wedding it seems, the pair of them smiling ahead each with an arm wrapped around Trouble who stands in the middle.

The third and fourth is much less detailed, much less experienced, in fact they could be considered terrible in contrast to the previous two.

An auburn haired elven lady, with her back to the viewer, sitting with her knees to her chin and staring out across a vast blue lake.

The last is of a dark haired woman in tight clothing, stood in stance and weilding a rapier as it seems she makes parrying thrust's against some invisible attacker. *


Re: The Life and Times of Trouble Tempest
« Reply #30 on: October 18, 2008, 06:44:29 am »
Trouble stood looking around his old room, remaining in the doorway, seemingly not wanting to cross the threshold.
Screech the monkey lay sleeping quietly on the bed, it's fur now aquiring that aged grey tinge as age began to catch up with it.

Scattered around the room were his various possessions and memorobilia... a coloured macaroni necklace hung from a nail on the wall, one of two.
An old an almost rotten hickory long bow lay propped up in the far corner of the wall, and some rather bent and moldy arrows beside it.
A golden dragon egg, the inside an ingenious toy that made snow billow within the glass if it was shook.
A few expertly drawn pictures were placed up in various places around the wall, and on his table were a few books ranging from "Lessons in Dancing: Beginners" to an old book he'd stole from his parents room entitled "Everything you ever wanted to know about s...." ... sadly the rest of the title was worn off.

He sighed softly a moment, almost mournfully, as he dragged an old chest into the doorway and stepped into his old room.

Everything got cleared away. All his clothes, possessions, memorobilia, decorations.... within an hour everything was packed away into the chest and his room looked eerily bare and empty.
Screech still lay on the ready made bed, oblivious to what was going on around him.

Pulling a small envelope from his pocket, he moved over to the dressing table and left it there, in plain sight... the envelope merely stating " To the new kid".

He taps the envelope, making sure it would stay put as he murmurs sadly to himself "I should get a few points for this."

And with a last , thoughtful look around his old bedroom... Trouble dragged the old chest to the storage room and left it there.


Re: The Life and Times of Trouble Tempest
« Reply #31 on: October 26, 2008, 05:46:05 am »
Sallaron stepped, almost with dread, into Trouble's old bedroom.

It wasn't his anymore. Now childrens toys and clothes were strewn around, colouring sticks and paper lay on the floor, and Jurn lay sleeping soundly on the bed.

Sall watched the kid a moment.... and for a brief moment... a terrible thought crossed his mind as he chew his lip and fought back some tears.

" I'd hand you back in a second if I thought it would bring my son back!"

He became flushed with rage and anger, clenching his hands.... and was just about to stalk out the room.... until some familiar words from an old friend,  an elven Priestess of Folian, came to mind through the red fog of his rage.

" The circle of life renews itself. What once was about to fade... now begins to blossom again."

The word did not bring him peace. Or calm his rage.
They merely steadied him.

And with a shaky hand, he placed Trouble's leather-bound, sealed journal on the shelf above Jurn's head and walked out, closing the door behind him.


Re: The Life and Times of Trouble Tempest
« Reply #32 on: June 30, 2009, 06:31:03 am »
The door to the Tempest's house was left wide-open.

Stepping inside, muddy foot prints could be seen leading all through the house.. up the stairs, into the basement, the front room.. everywhere.
It genuinely looked like the place had been robbed.

Following one set of the muddy boot tracks, they led down the hallway and into a small closet, where a figure rummaged and searched in a small chest, muttering to himself as he did so.

His coat was on the darkest green, almost black, but not quite, and a thick hood covered what seemed to be black curly hair. He seemed pretty thin, but not starved, despite the fact the long dark coat hid most of his features.

After a few minutes of searching, he stood up and gave a sharp kick to the chest.
"Where's my bloody journal!"


Re: The Life and Times of Trouble Tempest
« Reply #33 on: July 21, 2009, 07:44:57 am »
Well.. I've roamed around a little now.
Seems everyone thought I was dead.
Got to admit.. I'm bloody loving all the Gasps and wide eyes and... "!" when old friends recognise me.
And... some not so much...
Phyress knocked me out.. literally... a sharp knee and Im on the floor flopping about like a wet fish.
And bloody hell.. Uncle Ark.. I thought he was gonna cry right there and then.

Still.. straight off.. the old Tempest charm came into play.

*he stops to grin and straighten his collar before he continues writing*

Some.. Gala thing I got an invitation to.
Pallena... strange lass. Heh... once she's in smiting mode with that bloody beating stick of hers... I half expect her to go " Ugh.... me Smash!"
Then next minute she whippers out words of wisdom that seem like common sense.
Heh.. lets see how she dances without the stick in her hand.

Funny how you can be away for so long, but once your home... it suddenly feels like you never left.

Still.. with it come the old worries and thoughts too.
Not much time to contemplate stuff clambering out the Deep... but once you have time to sit and soak up the sun under a grove of oaks, it all comes flooding back.

Cardin or "Hair" is reminding me. His whole attitude to his worship of Katia and protecting the land.
I mean... I do that too.. obviously. But ... I just start to wonder if thats for me anymore. If I'm even the right sort.

*with a small sigh he slaps the journal closed, lay out in his back garden and catching himself a tan*


Re: The Life and Times of Trouble Tempest
« Reply #34 on: August 20, 2009, 03:09:15 am »
* Trouble paces back and forth in the front room, tugging on his hair indecisively, and pretty much muttering and holding a conversation with the wall... arguing with it.. pro's and Con's and everything.
After much more pacing, and his voice rising to almost angry levels... it becomes obvious the wall is apparently winning the arguement.*

Well fine.. Godmanit! But I want a whole batch of bloody good points fer this!!

*the shouts the last at the wall, stabbing a finger at it to make his point, before grabbing a bag full of scrolls and inks and storming out the house, slamming the door behind him.

*The wall remains silent in its smug and amused victory.*


Re: The Life and Times of Trouble Tempest
« Reply #35 on: August 23, 2009, 07:46:30 am »
** Trouble sits perched atop the table, feet on the chair infront of him as he bounces a rubber ball off the wall, catching it on the rebound deftly on each return.
He stares intently at the wall as though listening, then frowns at it.

" Aint I supposed to ask that question?"

He whacks the ball a little more forcefully off the wall as though to make his point, then shrugs.

" Fine.. fine. Well.. don't really know. Maybe get back to scribing... or find Phyress for some travelling or go snooping around mom's guild... or heh.. maybe help Amanda get those bloody diamonds. Reckon I owe her fer that much."

A wayward bounce off the wall almost sends a family portrait of Sallaron, Tegan, Jurn and Trouble crashing to the floor. Wincing at the telling off he would have most certainly received had it fallen, he hops off the table and pulls the portrait down, laying it on the floor face up, before continuing his ball bouncing.

" So.... which one do ya reckon?" he asks the wall.

After a moments silence, he frowns at it, sighing and shaking his head.

"I don't remember that being one of the options I just gave ya muppet."

He frowns again at the wall, as though not liking its question, and begins throwing the ball with such force the wall begins to shake.

" What a stupid question! I'll tell ya why! Cause I aint playing.. I don't bloody dance to that tune. Stand up straight! Shoulders back! Suck that gut in! Stand at attention whilst yer judged on yer Pro's an Con's.
Well Sod that!"

The wall seems to accept this answer, and after venting a few more throws of the ball against the wall, he pockets it and snatches up a small satchel full of inks and papers and heads out the door.


Re: The Life and Times of Trouble Tempest
« Reply #36 on: September 01, 2009, 03:20:38 am »
Stepping into the house, Trouble shrugged his jacket off and let it drop where he had set his backpack off, literally in the middle of the passageway.
Walking into the front room, he snatches a small rubber ball from the fireplace and hops onto the dining table, beginning to toss the ball off the wall and catch it on its return, the ball thudding on every impact.

" Well... come on then.. ask away." he says simply, an eye on the wall.

He waits a moment, as though listening, then shrugs as he continues tossing the ball off the wall.

" Well so far so good. Had one "bloody" good night I can tell ya," he says with a slight smirk, " ... aint likely to forget that in awhile. So.. yeah... no complaints."

Again a silence follows as he bounces the ball off the wall, and then his whole attitude changes from cheery to annoyed, as though he didn't like something he's been asked or told.

" Well what do you think? Within a day was nearly up to three points. One bloody day!!"

He curses softly, the impacts off the wall beginning to get harder and harder, shaking portraits and vases softly.

"  I mean.. the first one was enough! I shoulda' blasted right there an then. I mean... the hells?! Before I wouldn't have given 3 points! Someone said something like that I'd have been on 'em in a bloody flash!"

Trouble sighs softly, the easing back of throws against the wall going in time to his own abating temper. He seems to listen quietly a moment, then just shrugs.

" Don't know.. hang around home for a bit really. Heard some weird rumours bout mom and po... ah.. speak of the Pit Demon and...."

With a wry chuckle, he catches the ball deftly and shoves it in his pocket, half turning on the table to face the door as it swings open and the sound of two arguing voices can be heard coming in and dropping bags.

" But sweets... you know I love that place." his fathers voice chimed softly from the doorway.

Tegan strode into the room, full of fury, showing Sallaron the hand without even looking at him. Seeing Trouble sat on the table, her anger ebbs away long enough for a smile as she walks over to kiss his brow.
The young man smiles up with a murmured "Hi mom. Problems?"

Tegan smiles down at him, toying with the silver streak in his hair, before turning back to face Sallaron, a face full of thunder.

"Why don't you explain it to your son "DEAR!" ... go on... ask him what -he- thinks a holiday home should be like!" she half shouts at him, a sudden warning tell of lightning dancing across her finger tips.
This obvious Tempest Tell-tale sign usually suggested Trouble should head for his room, but it seemed he was being dragged into it.

Sall sighs and smooths down his coat, looking at Trouble pleadingly.
Sadly, the young man was at a loss as to how to help his father, and just gave the honest answer.

"Holiday home. I don't know. Nice cottage overlooking a lake, in a nice warm place. " he says.

Instantly, Sallaron is pointing and wagging a finger at him.

" See! See! Ours is over-looking a lake!"

Its obvious in an instant that was a bad idea.

Tegan turns slowly on her heels to face him, folding her arms, her face icy.

" Yes dear, you are quite right... " she starts off softly, gently, " ... it does indeed have a nice view of a lake.... something I did want..... but...."

Then her hands clench as she takes a step forward in anger, raising her voice.

" NOT A FROZEN LAKE! NOT A FROZEN LAKE ON A FROZEN MOUNTAIN! And dont says its a Cottage Mr Tempest! Its a TOOL SHED!!! A tiny, run down Tool shed halfway up a frozen mountain, near a frozen lake in Breuth, on the outskirts of an icy town filled with ale guzzling dwarfs!! How is THAT a holiday home!"


Re: The Life and Times of Trouble Tempest
« Reply #37 on: September 17, 2009, 04:54:16 am »

Tegan and Sall burst into the house in a flurry, a variety of curses escaping them as one quickly began throwing foods and traveling equipment into a bag, and the other began quickly tidying up.
They seemed a fluster, and not in a good way, Sall muttering and grumbling and Tegan shouting various orders at him, going through her mental checklist.
" Food... clothes... Clothes! Gah! ... oh... travel tickets... and don't forget the bank forms!" Tegan shouted out to her husband as she began collecting certain clothing from the laundry pile.
An arm full of various clothes, she hurried to the bedroom with them, bursting inside.


With a gasp of shock and surprise, Tegan leapt out the bedroom, slamming the door behind her and leaning against it, stunned, as the pile of clothes fell from her arms to the floor.
"Oh my god... Oh my god..." she murmured, her hands covering her eyes as though she'd just seen the most nightmarish and horrid thing imaginable.

A moment later Sall came hurrying over, grumbling.
"What? I got the bloody food... I... er..." seeing her expression, he frowns and looks at the bedroom door.

Shaking her head in disbelief, stunned beyond recognition, she steps away from the door, turns around to face it, and sighing, she knocks.
Sall raises an eyebrow at her, then looks at the door curiously as though it might suddenly shift into a person or start floating from its hinges.

Instead, slowly, very slowly, the door opens ajar just a little, just enough to see candlelight from inside the dark room, and then suddenly, his face flushed and embarresed, and resplendant in his mothers pink dressing gown, Trouble slips through the ajar space and closes the door behind him, facing his mother and father and looking like a child who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

" Er... ahem.. Hi er.. pops... hi mom. We... I... I er... didn't expect you back for... for... a few days yet." he stammered, tugging the lovely pink dressing gown tightly around himself and tieing the frilly cloth belt in a nice little bow around his waist.

Tegan frowned, the oh so familiar look of dissaproval on her face as she folded her arms and glared at her son.
Sall however, took a few more moments to understand what was going on, and when he did, it was all he could do to bow his head behind Tegan and chew on his tongue to stop himself rolling on the floor and laughing.
Eventually, a few sharp elbows to the rips from his wife brough the seriousness out in him.

" Just WHAT is going on here young man? Hmmm? Care to explain why She is in OUR bedroom? Hmmm" Tegan said softly, but with no disguising her obvious anger as she tapped her foot off the floor.
Troubles eyes flicked to his father, pleading for some backup. But Sall shook his head, biting down on his lip hard to keep from laughing whilst trying to look stern.
" You answer your mother son."

Trouble sighed, resigned to his fate. Nothing would get him out of it, he knew that.
So he shrugged, and a gleam came to his eye, as he stood defiantly before them.
" Ya want all the vivid details?"

Tegan gasped and promptly and gently smacked the top of his head.
" Don't give me that attitude Trouble Tempest! That is OUR room.. and I... bah! We don't have time for this!" she flailed her arms in the air, and stabbed a finger at Trouble, poking him in the chest as her face flushed angrily.

Now this was a tell tale sign for the Tempests... both Trouble and Sallaron knew it well. As soon as you got poked in the chest, you'd better start behaving. And so he stood up straight , prepared to take the brunt of whatever was about to come.

" Now you get your lady friend out of here... and get your things pack!"....
... and then... she whole expression changed. She sighed softly, her voice dropped to a soft, calming whisper as she looked over at Sall, and then back to Trouble.
This scared Trouble more than anything.

" Get your clothes and traveling gear together... and... send her home..." Tegan waved a weary hand at the door.
" We're traveling to Vehl, and Jurns meeting us on route...."
She reached out to put a hand on Troubles shoulder, who looked terrified at the sudden change in his mothers mood.
".... your Uncle... Arkolio... he's... passed away."

She might as well have stabbed him, stuck a tube in the wound and drained all his blood.. because thats what it looked like happened next.
All the blood drained from his face, his mouth dropped and his eyes widened.
He just stared straight ahead... stunned... for a long time... and it was only then mother and father realised what the Uncle had truly meant to him.


Re: The Life and Times of Trouble Tempest
« Reply #38 on: October 07, 2009, 09:20:01 am »


Trouble stopped mid stride, turning slowly, letting his eyes scan in a circle the woods around him.
The sun beat down through the gaps in the trees, the branches swayed gently in the breeze, making shadows and shafts of light appear and dissapear across the leaf covered ground.

For a moment though, it all went silent.
The breeze seemed to die to a whisper, the birds ceased their chirping, the gentle swaying of leaves and bushes froze as though holding its breath.

Trouble did another circle, turning slowly, looking for whatever it was he thought he heard... whatever it was he felt niggling in the back of his mind.
Seeing nothing around him, nothing to explain it, he closed his eyes, taking deep breaths in and out... in and out...

... and then he sighed, almost sadly and... as though in defeat.

" Fine... fine... I'll... I'll do what I can." he murmured, opening his eyes and looking to the sky.
Wrapping his coat tighter around him, he turned right around and began walking back the way he came... each step with that little more purpose than the last one he took.


Re: The Life and Times of Trouble Tempest
« Reply #39 on: October 20, 2009, 07:52:11 am »

Trouble felt like an idiot.

Looking down at himself, he just sighed and rolled his eyes, fishing a small rubber ball from his pocket and bouncing it as quietly off the wall as he could.
It wasn't quietly enough, and the elven lady, dressed to look like a farmers wife, opened a single eye amidst her meditations and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

" Fine... fine... I'm gone" he muttered, and flashing a weak smile at her, slipped out the Inn room and stood in the passageway, bouncing the ball off the far wall and catching it on its return.
Had anyone been passing, they may have wondered at the man, who stood in the obvious dark clothes, and filthy tattered working apron of a farm man, and what he was doing in the passageway bouncing balls off the wall.
But their wasn't anyone passing.

The inn they chose at Phall was certainly not the most extravagant, but nor was it a complete dive. It was however, quiet.
And with Drach's patrolling and stood on guard in every corner of the streets outside, quiet and low profile was probably a good idea.

As he sank into his familiar routine of throwing and catching the ball, questions came to him from the wall, and as always, he sighed and rolled his eyes and cursed at the wall for even asking them.

" Well what did ya expect? You said I should get bloody involved... well here I am... dressed up like a sodding potatoe farmer, in a town overun with Drachs... and not having the slightest bloody clue what Im doing here!" he murmured to the wall.

A moments silence passed, as he tilted his head and listened to... what appeared to be... nothing.

" Yeah... yeah... I know.. history repeating an all that ... I know Pops did this same bloody thing years ago.. yadder yadder yadder... " he makes yapping motions with his free hand to the wall, " ... but at least he knew what he was bloody doing! I mean what.. I get told I'm a selfish git, eat some bad cheese, and then what... I take a walk in the woods an grow a conscionce! An now what... I'm doing my bit supposedly, an I somehow end up in the lions bloody den... an worst of all.. I dragged her into this somehow too!"

He frowns and thunks the ball off the wall again, hardly and loudly as his irritation vents, and it almost shakes the wall. Catching it on its return, he squeezes it tightly, listening once more, then snorts and rolls his eyes.

"Oh thats great.. uh huh.. those supposed to be pearls of wisdom?! Watch and see? Lot of bloody help you ar...."

He stops suddenly as the room door opens and Ell peers from within, looking at him in concern and confusion. Her tead tilts up and down the passageway, and seeing no one around, looks at him steadily.

"Who are you talking to Trouble Sir?"

"Er... " Trouble flushes a little, pushing himself away from the wall he was leaning on and tucking the ball back in his pocket.
" Er.... I was .... er... anyway... aint you supposed to be mute? No talking!"
And with a wry , teasing grin, he ushers her back into the room, following behind her, but not before he gives a final, annoyed glare at his nemisis, the cause of all his troubles....
... the wall.