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Author Topic: The Life of a Lost Child  (Read 216 times)


The Life of a Lost Child
« on: September 23, 2004, 09:33:00 am »
This small thing - an insignifcant little creature - what is she? It upon the surface appears to be nothing more than just a child. Perhaps a lost and confused one, as her choice of attire is quite unflattering of her features, but a child nonetheless. What could this child be doing? It is obvious that she, at one point in her life, would laugh and play as all the others do. But why now, does she sit alone, off in the shadows, sobbing quietly to herself?

To understand that, one must take into consideration the epic stalemate of good versus evil. Two opposing sides, facing forever upon an infinite battlefield which spans the entire Multiverse. Deep within her, under the quite and often tranquil waters of her earthly visage, such a battle rages. Something, which sits dormant in most things has been stirred and awoken. Slowly, inch by inch, she is consumed by it. Here, evil has strength and the advantage. She is but a weak child. She doesn't have the will to stand against it. No matter how far she runs, or how much she hides, it always comes to her some how. She turns inward. Perhaps to contain whatever it is within her?

Whatever the cause, day by day she grows to rely on it. And worse still, she is starting to depend upon it. You see, whatever it is within her which consumes her so, it acts with her. As if it is using her to lash out at the world. Small bursts of energy, weak creatures running in fear, and strange and often violent images appearing. She doesn't understand. Is she a monster? Or, is something inside her a monster? Whatever it is, it has grown worse. The more she uses it, the more she MUST use it. She has an urge, perhaps an addiction to it. Yes, that explains it best. To quench her thirst of it, she must use it more and more. Whatever it is that consumes her so, I see it as perfection. She is perfect.

- A letter to the High Priest of Corath, explaining findings on a little child of Hlint.

If a CDQ is required (I don't want to take up other people's time, considering I've just completed one, and have another in the works for a different character of mine) I will put this off until things are free, and open. But I wanted to submit this as a request of a few things. I want my little Sorcerer to be something different than what she is. Reading up on the Gods, I finally decided what I'd like her to be. A Cleric of Corath. Now, before you think that little old 8bit is just looking to cause some chaos and start problems, I'm really not. I want this to be involentary for the character. Like she is forced into the clergy. She already secretly likes what she is doing. But she also loathes it. I would like to play her with a CN alignment, and stay away from evil if at all possible. She would totally start from level 1. Again, so using the above as the Bio, I will resubmit and await approval.


RE: The Life of a Lost Child
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2004, 01:02:00 am »
It would appear that your experiment is progressing along quite nicely, master. She has succumbed to all of our falls, no matter how delicate they were. She perhaps may even surpass myself in power. Had I not seen it with my own eyes, I would not believe it to be so - but she has animated her first minion. Already, she has progressed to this. Perhaps she was more of a risk than we had orginally thought...


RE: The Life of a Lost Child
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2004, 01:04:00 am »
She is failing us. We have given her so many opportunities to do great acts of evil and destruction, but she has passed them up. She is corrupting our Lords gift. Turning into something for healing and restoration, rather than death and destruction. We shall give her one final chance before we bring this unto the High Priest himself.


RE: The Life of a Lost Child
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2004, 01:27:00 am »
She has failed us. So many things she could of acomplished. All of this power she is giving up. And for what? Friends? Companions? Our Lord is never wrong. There must be a cause for her to have strayed so far from the path we had provided her. The gall of that child, to use His Will - to corrupt HIS will - and save her foolish friends? She knows nothing. She must be punished. An example must be made of her.


RE: The Life of a Lost Child
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2004, 07:53:00 pm »
She has renounced Him, and all He offers. Such a trangression shall not be forgotten. We must act upon her. With swift guile and such anger as to inspire her dying soul to return to Him and burn beautifully in His Darkness.

