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Author Topic: Overview of the Universe GM's HELP!  (Read 123 times)


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Overview of the Universe GM's HELP!
« on: October 09, 2004, 07:42:00 am »
Aloha GM's,

Just wondering how much of the "D&D" world can effect a bio/cdr here in Layonara. Example: Can a "SpellJammer" Ship slip into Layonara, perform a raid and slipout leaving one of the "SpellJamming Crew" behind. In bio form this will be a parent. In cdr a Trainer/teacher or depending on the race mabie an ememy?

Also is there any link (if SpellJaming is not allowed) to the "DarkSun" world, wondering about the possibility of a Mull (Dwarf/Human crossbreed) here in Layonara.

Thank You,


RE: Overview of the Universe GM's HELP!
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2004, 08:13:00 am »
While I do allow a few things to happen hardly ever allow characters to come from other worlds, other than the planes.  It opens up so many issues (gm/game releated) that the overall hassle is not worth it.  People scream favortism and what not if I allow one to do something and not another.  So... While they may "visit" (ie in a quest).. To play them would not be allowed.  Sorry.