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Author Topic: Revelations on Heresy, the Journal of Acilius Shadowbane  (Read 300 times)


Revelations on Heresy, the Journal of Acilius Shadowbane
« on: March 14, 2010, 12:49:22 pm »
*The following is the journal of Acilius Shadowbane, Witch Hunter of Toran, Beacon of Retribution and Purger of the Damned.*

Threas, Seplar 26, 1462

It is time I believe to review the past events and make some sense of them so that none may accuse me of being guilty of hiding the inner workings of my mind. I have nothing to hide.

It has been two years now since I fell into the foul claws of the Excrucio due to Issac Lightbearer, my former mentor. It is hard not to blame him but I know that that is not Toran's way. I sensed no malice in his heart. Not only did my ordeal leave many scars physically and mentally, but my death changed me for the better. It is said that once a body's life has left it, it has three days in which it can be raised. I was raised at the end of the third day, making death my closest friend. Words which I know sound as if they should be coming from the mouth of a Corathite, but I assure you nothing could be further from the truth. I clung to my newly given life for one reason, and one reason only. Revenge. Never again shall those who seek pleasure and satisfaction in harm walk in safety. I will see to that.

My new comrades of the Fort Llast temple are an intriguing bunch, widely diverse. I will review them here.

  • Champion Stormhaven: A courageous individual, whose rank suites her I think. However her overzealous attitude is suspect, and I feel that such a prestigious title within the temple is fuelling her ego. However strength in leadership is a good thing and I respect her for that.
  • Beacon Stuart: A new member of the Shining Hand, she takes after her mentor, Champion Stormhaven. Zealously is good, though only in controlled amounts. I disagree with the Shining Hand's teachings, evil exist in many forms, to focus on one is to leave yourself open to attack from another. I was originally un-fond of her arrogance, but since our first meeting she has proven herself.
  • Paladin Stargazer: A man I do not know very well though his reputation proceeds him. He seems a valiant individual though there is one fact that I am concerned with. He knowingly associates with a follower of Aragen. This I cannot condone. I was tempted to call him out on such an insult to our faith but at the time I felt discretion the wiser option.
  • Brother Stanley: A quite individual by any account, he follows Beacon Stuart with utmost loyalty. I am unsure what to make of him, is faith is unquestionable but is reliance on Beacon Stuart is not.
  • Argos Stargazer: The son of Paladin Stargazer I believe.  Again, I am unsure what to make of him, he is a member of the true faith but not of the church. I understand him to be stationed in North Fort, at the gateway to the Wandering Dunes. Perhaps this is best.
  • Aarcus Seraphim: A fighter though not a paladin in service to the great leader, I believe he is a student of Paladin Stargazer. He seems courageous enough though his questioning of authority is dis-satisfactory.
  • Richard Watchman: A wizard of some power. He posses an interesting mark on his right palm. A stylized ankh. I have not yet questioned how it came to be, but I will eventually. His courage is lacking, I have noted him to always lean towards the peaceful approach. This in itself could be considered a fine quality, but for a Toranite violence is a necessary evil. Perhaps he would be more suited to Aeridin.

These are my comrades, and though they are not perfect, their spirit is pure. I have not yet had to question any of their loyalties. This is good to know as it has come to my attention that recently that all is not well in the Citadel in Huangjin. Those that come from there (myself excluded of course) have been acting strangely, blurred. Most recently after assisting an adventure in purging a tower of undead, Beacon Isabelle Stridewith left with the dark artefact that had been causing the chaos. She claimed that it was to be taken back to Huangjin for 'study', and that it was not her first such artefact. This bodes ill with me. It is clearly stated in the holy tomes that evil must be destroyed at all costs, not 'studied'. She also sought to delay our initial assault upon the tower. This dose not sit well with me, not at all.

The stench of heresy is in the air.



Re: Revelations on Heresy, the Journal of Acilius Shadowbane
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2010, 11:42:38 am »
Freas, Seplar 20, 1463

It seems as if there have been some developments within the Church of Toran.

Below is an account of the recent happenings I revived from an anonymous source:

“At once, upon the first hour, of the first day, of the current month across Layonara the golden Ankh Symbol that adorns each shrine, temple alter, and holy place of Toran suddenly glows with a dull soft golden glow tinged with a silver radiance.

Those witnessing the spectacle gasp and wonder at its import. Those who are steeped in the wisdom and knowledge of Toran suddenly pale as a deep sense of foreboding passes through each and every one of them at the sign.

At service in Fort Last The Heart of Toran, Orpheus pales and almost stumbles and can be heard to utter 'Oh Toran I fear we are not ready,' before calling the service to an end and hurrying to his study to pen a letter while frightened and worried followers are calmed by anxious priests and acolytes.

In a private prayer chamber in Huanjyn the Ausculture weeps alone while outside High Priests and other laypeople try to calm and explain away the deep sense of foreboding that comes over them for a reason unknown to them.

In another part of the same Temple Michaelis Draego rises from his own prayers and looks to the ceiling of his prayer cell, a letter he penned earlier ready to be sent rests within hands reach. Murmuring a prayer for strength he picks up the letter and steps into the main temple amidst the momentary uncertainty then strides with full dignity and purpose to the nearest group of trustworthy knights ordering them with all due haste to deliver the message to the person it is addressed to and to put it into their hands only. With deep sense of purpose and on their knees he makes them swear to do so in Torans name and to not falter in their mission.

The spectacle lasts for a full ten minutes before it fades and returns to normal leaving many wondering what it all means. Some see it as a blessing and certainly the clergy indicate as much but the whispered words and worried looks amongst the senior ranks causes others to wonder.”

I felt a sense of great deeds unfolding when I first heard this. It also seems that I am not the only one to have noticed the... unorthodox nature of some of the churches members. Champion Stormhaven has also taken not, and I fell pleased to say that she might act upon such feelings. I only pray that the outcome will result in the casting out and destruction of those who have walked away from the one true path, and the faithful being elevated to a new level of enlightenment. Blessed be those who walk in the light of the Great Leader.

The result of the culling of the undead in the Dapplegreen tower have become apparent. It seems as if the initiator of the expedition, Tyra Dragonheart wishes to set up a base operations within the now deserted tower, in the hopes of routing out the corruption that infests the land of Co'rys. Vigilante justice as it were. It also seems as if Miss Dragonheart wishes my aid in such an endeavour. This has presented some sort of a moral battle for myself, something unusual for me. On the one hand it would be good to purge the corruption that exists within the state, on the other hand it would go against my code to work against the law so blatantly and travel with those unfaithful to the Greater Good. I have concluded that I should assist for the following reasons:

  • I follow a greater law than any man might impose.
  • The sheer fact that this operation involves the unfaithful is enough for me to make sure that all goes well.
  • The corruption that exist is no doubt a scheme of the great architect of such things, The Mad One. It will be good to destroy that which should not be.
  • The followers of our former ally Rofirien have failed. For Vehl is a stinking cesspool of dregs of humanity, with undead not only existing as close as the Gloom Woods, but within the town's crypt itself! This can no longer be tolerated.

So I have decided to aid Miss Dragonheart, for the time being at least. After all, someone needs to keep an eye on things.

Again, it seems as if I am to be the voice of justice.



