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Author Topic: The Life Of Quantum  (Read 1709 times)

Grid Blader

The Life Of Quantum
« on: April 30, 2005, 12:11:00 pm »
The wind is blowing his long blond hair, as he stares out into the great vast open plains.  The tall grass bends as the wind blows over the top of it.  The clouds are dark and threatening rain. But he just stands there thinking back to his childhood. His name is Quantum. Thoughts of his mother Mary, her face; she had dark green eyes like the color of the deepest grass.  Her hair was gray from the years of worrying how she would make ends meet for herself, and her son. Oh, how he does miss her so.

She did not stand very tall. 5'0" if that. She had long brown hair (before it turned gray) and green eyes. He looks nothing like his mother. She raised him all by herself, for his father with all his good intentions was a loner and one that could not stay in one area to long. He had to roam. But she did the best she could do. They never had much money, but what they did have was more then any amount of money could ever buy.

Mary worked for the family of the Hamlocks. They owned a very large house in the middle of the small village of Calthorp.  They owned almost everything in and around that village.  They let Mary and Quantum stay in a little two room house (one small bedroom and one combination livingroom / kitchen).  In return, Mary spent most of the her days cooking and cleaning the Hamlock's house.  The Hamlock's had no childern of their own and maybe that was a good thing.  Mr.Hamlock did hate childern so.  "They make too much noise. What good are they when all they do is eat and sleep," he would say.  As you can imagine, he did not care too much for Quantum.

At a young age he was never accepted by the other kids.  Now, was it because he had no father?  Was it because he looked a little different, not to mention he didn't take after his mother at all?  It seemed all the other childer had dark brown hair, and dark eyes.  Or was it because of his Uncle?  Who can really tell. It could be for none of these reasons or a combition of them all.  

He would get up in the morrings just to watch the sun rise.  It made the mountian range light up in red and orange outline.  After watching the sunrise for a short period of time he would get up and get dressed. Then be off to do some of the daily chores for his mother, like fetch the water, getting the milk, and sweeping off the porches of the Hamlock's home.  He tried to help his mother as much as possible.  

Then it was off to that dreaded school.  Where he was always made fun of.  To the point that tears would run down his face.  He would run off and pretend that he was in his own world. A world where no one would make fun of him and no one would belittle him.

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2005, 04:29:00 pm »
The blades of grass came up to his mid-thighs now and looked to get taller the farther he went out.  The rain now fell onto the earth, making a sweet sound.  Almost as sweet as the sound of Cal singing.  That sound brought back thoughts of his childhood.

Cal was a Preistest of Toran.  She had befriended him one day, after he ran into the temple.  The other little boys had decided to pick on him and tease him mercilessly on that particular day.  She found him  hiding in one of the pews in a far courner of the temple.  She asked him, in the sweetest voice he had ever heard, what was wrong and he said noting but turned his back to her. He was sittig with his head bowed and it was like she saw right through him into his soul.  From that day forward he would got to the Temple every day after school.

She was only the second person he belived was glad to see him after school - the other being his mother.  Cal would teach him about Toran and Toran's way.  He would take her every word to heart.  She would show him books of a group called "The Order of the Undead Hunters".  She explained only Torans' brave and loyal paladins would be asked to join this prestigous group, with a few exceptions for his clerics.  Quantum believed he would be a part of this group one day. Cal believed that he would as well and would smile her secretive smile when he would say this.

One night he heard a knock at the door and jumped up to answer it.  He did not want his mother to have to get up and walk over to the door as she was already was so tired in the evenings after all the hard work she did for the Hamlocks every day. Most of which was done on her feet.  To Quantum's surprise it was Cal.  She had come to speak to his mother.  In a calm voice, she asked Quantum to wait outside for a while so they could talk in private.  He turned, closed the door and went outside with out another word.  As soon as the door was closed, he raced to the window to see if he could hear what they were talking about, but he could not. It was about half an hour before Cal opened the door and came outside.  She bade Quantum goodnight and promised to see him the next day. Quantum membled his goodnight and went to join his mother. She would not tell him what they had talked about no matter how hard he tried.

A couple of days later his mother came to him and told him that she needed him to come home straight away after school as his Uncle Givines was coming for dinner and she needed him home to help her.  He promised to go straigt home.  Instead of going to school, he skipped his classes and went instead to the temple to see Cal.  She was not happy that he had skipped school, but did not send him on his way either, but rather put him to work cleaning the temple.  He thought maybe she meant for it to be a punishment for skipping school, but actually that was happiest day he had had in a long time.

That day Cal did not tell him about Toran and his ways, but told him instead about a race of people called Aasimar. They were people that descended for the Celestial's.  They were loners with no land to call their own.  Quantum was intrigued and wanted very much to meet these people. Cal just smiled her sweet, secreative smile at him.  Quantum asked Cal if she had ever met one of these loners and he was surprised when she said that she had met one man once. Cal told him that the man was very special to her, almost like a son.  He was very excited and asked if he could meet him. Cal said that they would meet one day soon, but not that day. That day he needed to go home and help his mother. And that if Quantum didn't tell her that he had skipped school that she would. Cal promised she would tell his mother. And he knew that she would.

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2005, 06:49:00 pm »
Resting against an old oak tree, his clothing soaked by what has turned into a hard rain. His gaze turns on to a small spiderweb with a bee caught in the middle of it.  The bee is trying to break free from the sticky web.  A small black widow makes its way towards the helpless creature.  With a burst of engery, or is it fear knowing its life is about to end, the bee is able to break from the web.  The spider goes without its meal, and the bee's life is safe for now. Thoughts of that bee take him back to the day his Unlce came to their house.

There was a knock on the door and Quantum ran to answer it.  Although he had never met him before, which was odd as he lived only a mile outside the village in a tall tower, Quantum was excited to see him.  He entered through the front door, wearing a long black cape that swept the floor with every step he took. He turned and looked at Quantum, amazed at how he had grown so fast. The last time he had seen him, he was still a baby in his mothers arms. A few moments later, they all sat down and had a nice dinner together, although they did not have much to eat.  After their diner, Quantum lay quietly on the floor as his mother and Uncle caught up with all that was going on with the family.

The next knock at the door came as a supprise to them all as they weren't expecting any other guests. Quantum lept up to quickly to answer the door.  He was surprised to see Cal standing before him. She said she had come to check on them. She went on to explain that someone had been digging up some graves at the village cemetery. Reluctant to go on, Cal explained that two of the village children had seen the two men. One was a tall, slender man and the other, a much shorter but rather large fellow. Apparently the children saw them digging and they were spooked off. Cal stopped talking as Unlce Givins started pacing the small room. Realizing that no introductions had been made, Mary introduced Cal to her brother as a Priestess of Toran. His eyes got very wide, his lips sunk in and he paled noticeably. He immediatley made his apologies, explained he was not feeling well and should rest and then left without another word.

A loud thundering crash of thunder and lightening brought Quantum out of thoughts of that day.

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2005, 06:22:00 pm »
Quantum's pace quickened as the brightness of the day was sliping away to the firey glow of the sun setting over the mountian peaks.  Looking around he noticed a small out cropping of trees where he could take shelter for the night.  He picked up wood along the way for the campfire he would start to keep the cold night at bay.  He reached the trees and found a small clearing.  Quantum reached into his pack pulling out a small amount of kindling and flint.  In no time he had a small campfire burning.  He hung his clothing on a nearby branch to dry out, as he sat close to the fire.  He could not help but let his memories of Tristan overtake him.

Quantum was a little older now, almost elven years of age.  His body was starting to turn into that of a man.  He now stood taller than most twelve year olds.  The time he had spent with Cal had made him more wise to the world than most adults in their small little village were.  He still spent his days in the Temple of Toran cleaning and now telling some of the younger children the stories of Toran.  

One day at the temple he noticed Tristan walking inside the temple. She had dark black hair, as dark as the night skys.  Her eyes were green - almost the same as his own mother's.  She wore a blue and white checkered dress, with no shoes. She was a year older than him.  She did not go to school with the other childeren as her mother home schooled her.

He had to talk to her.  But, it was as if someone else had control of his legs, for he could not move.  He just watched as she walked in the front door and then walked back out.  His head hanging, he thought to himself how could I even talk to her, she would never be insterested in the likes of me, she probably doesn't even know I exist.

Tristan turned back to the temple then and walked back inside.  She turned to see a Quantum standing with his head turned down looking lost in thought.  Tristan walked up to him and asked if he would like to talk.  Quantum looked up to see Tristan standing in front of him, talking to him.  Quantum could not speak at first and just stood there shaking his head yes.  As a few words turned into many, and the seconds turned into minutes then into hours, a friendship started. After that, it was a rare day that anyone passing that temple would not see Quantum and TristAn together.  

Cal was proud of Quantum and his first true friendship with another kid his own age.  Cal did not mind Tristan sitting in with her and Quantum while she spoke of Toran.  Tristan even helped Quantum while he cleaned, although with two working on the sweeping and dusting you would think it would get done twice as fast, not take twice as long.  Cal would just smile and remind Quantum of his lessons, and the pace would be picked up.

Sometimes Tristan would invite Quantum and his mother Mary over to eat dinner with her family, but Mary would be to tired to attend but alwasys insisted Quantum go.  Tristan's family understood why Mary could not atttend, as working for the Hamlocks was very hard work.  When Quantum would head for home they would pack food for Quantum's mother Mary.  The morning after Mary would always write them a thank you note.  

Quantum and Tristan would take walks together.  Quantum would walk with his hand behide his back until the day Tristan turned and quickly reached out and tickled him.  He turned his torso to the right then to the left, but she was relentless in her persuit.  In a last ditch effort he whipped his right hand from behind his back to try to block her, but instead of trying to tickle him she reached and grabbed on to his right hand.  She quickly took off in a fast paced walk, not letting Quantum say a word.  A smile crept across her face, as she saw Quantum blush.

Sitting by the fire Quantum could not help but miss Tristan.  How he wished for her to be sitting beside him now, holding her hand.  How can life be so cruel? How could one man be so evil, he thought to himself.  How did he not know he was being watched?

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2005, 07:04:00 pm »
Quantum walked into a small village.  As the sun set behide him, it darkened and it reminded him of just how tired he was.  As he walked down the main dirt road he looked to the right and then to the left looking for somewhere to rest and get a hot meal.  Then he spotted it - The Golden Badger Inn.  That is as good as any, he thought to himself.

As he walked up to the front door, he noted to himself that it was a small inn.  He thought, I hope they have a room left.  The pub was the biggest part of the inn.  Quantum walked up the bar and asked for the barkeeper.  "I will be right with you" said a short, stocky man from a table not far from the bar.  The pub was empty except for two other patrons and the barkeeper.  Quantum looked over to where the barkeeper was serving the two other patrons what looked to be a bowl of soup made for some kind of meat, and what appeared to be two mugs filled with ale.

After a few moments the barkeeper walked up to Quantum, looked up at him and said, "How can I help ye."  "I would like to know if you have a room I can rent for the night, and maybe get some of that soup" Quantum replied.  "If ye have 2 gold pieces, I have ye a room and some soup" the man said.  Quantum reached into a pouch on his belt and pulled out six gold pieces.  "I would like to be shown to my room as soon as possible, and would like to eat there also" Quantum said holding the gold in his hand showing the barkeeper.  "Im very tired" Quantum added.  All the man could do was nod and show Quantum his room.  As they reached the room the barkeeper reached into a pocket and pulled out a room key.  The barkeeper handed the key to Quantum and said, "This is the best room we have. Enjoy"  and he turned and hurried off to bring back the soup.

In the room a shorr time later, Quantum fell asleep, an empty bowl sitting on the table along with an empty mug.  Quantums head laid on a soft pillow.  It started slowly, with his fingers on his hand twitching.  As the seconds passed by, the twitching turned into tossing and turning.  In Quantums sleep he blurted out "No! Get away from her. Run Mom! Farther."

As if someone stabbed him with a knife, he raised straight up into a sitting possion.  The beads of sweat rolling off of his head and body.  It's all in the past. It was only a dream, he reminds himself.  He lays his head back on top of the pillow and tries to close his eyes again.  He has had this dream for many years now.  

Quantum is sitting in his room on the foot of his bed.  He looks towards the window to see the slow creeping of daylight breaking into his room.  He stands up, reaches for his robe and slides it over his arms and head.  He reached to the ground, grabbing his backback.  He sets it down on a table in the middle of the room.  Pulling out two leather bound books, he walks towards the center of the room.  Then he kneels and opens one of the leather bound books and sets it in front of him and he starts to pray.

After praying and studying, he turns his attention to the second book.  It was a leather bound book with his name stitched in silver lettering.  Quantum runs his fingures over the top of the stitching.  Then opens it to the first page and reads the message written on it for him.

      Dear Quantum,
      You are on your way now, I hope
      your travles bring you closer
      with Toran.  I still remember the
      first day you entered the temple and
      my life.  I wish to hear about your
      travels the next time we meet.  So
      write it all down so you do not forget
      too much.  May Toran be with you
      always. May Toran protect and guide you.
         Your Friend

He turns the page and starts to read.  He starts to read his own handwriting.  
      Cal gave me this book on my 12th birthday.
      She also told me I'm starting to turn into
      a man now.

He stops reading and looks to the wall, the memories flood back to him.

Quantum walks into the temple, like he did everyday.  He started to look around for Cal because she was not where she was not where he usually found her.  He looked every wehre inside the temple to no avail.  He decided to look in the stables and there she was.  She had packed her saddle bag her horse and turned and said to Quantum "I'm glad you made it here on time. I'm just about to leave to meet a few old friends of mine."  Ouantum looked up with suprise and answered back, "Where will you be and how long will you be gone?"  "I will be gone for three days," she answered. "But my birthday is in three days and I will be tweleve, a specail day you said," he said, looking disppointed.  Reaching down and hugging Quantum she said back, "Do not worry I will be back in plenty of time. You come to the temple that morning and I will be there."  Then she got onto her horse and started to ride away.

As the next two days went by, Quantum spent most of his time at the temple and with his friend Tristan.  On the third day he woke and ran to the temple.  As he got closer to the temple he noticed Cals horse first, and then three other horses standing in the stables.  Quantum reached the frount door, getting ready to enter when Cal opened the door in front of him.  "Come in, and meet my friends,"  Cal says.  She reached out and hugs him around his shoulders and leads him in.  

Two men and one woman sat at the small table Cal used as a small meeting table.  As Cal introduced Quantum to the first man, he stood up to shake Quantum's hand.  He stood 6'0" with a slender build, wearing a silver tunic.  He had jet black hair with brown eyes.  He spoke "I'm Sir Baldon, servant of Toran."  The woman stood up next. She had long blond hair and deep blue eyes.  She wore golden robes, and nodded towards Quantum as she said, "I am Zoelee, cleric of Toran."  Last to stand up and introduce himself was a shorter man standing about 5'0" tall with dark brown hair and with deep green eyes.  His ears were pointed.  Quantum was taken aback because he had never seen this before.  "I am Sir Tolbin, and also a Servent of Toran."  Quantum asked out loud, "Sir Tolbin, what happened to your ears."

"Honest he his, Cal" Tolbin said with a smile, "Yes, you were right he is special." "I am an elf," he told Quantum and then Tolbin proceded to tell Quantum of the elfs and some of their ways.  "So what stories has Cal been telling you" Zoelee asks.  "She tells me of this great group of hereos called The Order of the Undead Hunter of Toran," he says "and also of Toran and his ways."  Tolbin speaks up, "Has she taught you how to wield a sword yet? You know she is one of the best."  Quantum turned to look at Cal with shock in his eyes.  "Yes Quantum I can wield a sword - it is Toran's weapon" Cal said, "but I am not as good as Baldon."  

"You have not started his training yet?" Baldon questioned and then announced "Then let it be my pleasure to give young Quantum his first lesson."  Cal replied, "I guess it is time, but it is up to Quantum."  Baldon turns and smiles at Quantum and asks, "How would you like to take your first lesson from a member Of the Undead Hunters of Toran."  "What! Really?"  Quantum asks.  "Yes, we all are members of the Order, even Cal."  Zoelee says.

As Quantum and Baldon practiced outside, the others talked inside the temple.  They talked of the number of undead showing up lately, and how Quantums Uncle Givens might be behind it.  As the hours passed, Quantum and the others talked more.  He heard even more stories.  At the end of the day Cal gave him this leather bound book for him to write in.

Grid Blader

« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2005, 08:30:00 am »
The next day that he spent in the village went by unenventfull.  Quantum just walked around the small village.  The childern ran around the dirt streets playing carefree.  Just like back at home he thought to himself.  Strange that this little village reminded him so much of his own village.  That afternoon he went back to the Inn.  One more night then I will back on my way, he told the barkeeper.  He handed him the gold and the barkeeper handed him the room key.

Once in his room Quantum knelt on the floor and begain a heavy prayer session.  It lasted way into the night.  Tired and exhausted, Quantum stood up, walked over to the bed and laid down. Then he reached for the book that Cal gave him and laid it on his chest.  

Quantam closed his eyes and fell fast asleep, but like most nights the dreams started again.  But there was something differet about tonight.  He awoke from his sleep, rolled over onto his back and propped his headed up on his pillow.  Then it happened. Was he still dreaming, but yet it was as if he was awake.  He could not tell which was a dream and which was real.  His dreams came to life in front of his eyes.  

He stood there beside a little blond haired boy who was looking at his mother again.  As the boy walked to his mother, Quantum knew he was not really moving his feet but yet he was still moving towards them both. Quantum knew he was reliving a time in his past. They both walked into the house.  Standing there Quantum could see over the boys head to his mother and she shows him a book.  That is the book that Cal gave me on my birthday Quantum thinks to himself.  His mother takes the boy giving him a big hug.  "I also have something for you," she tell him.  She goes over to her room and opens the door and walks in.  She emerges a few seconds later holding a small package.  Handing it to the boy, he wastes no time in opening it.  The boy holds up a new silver robe trimmed in blue and gold.  Mary says, "I talked to Cal and she said if you wanted to she would start your formal training to become a cleric of Toran here at the temple".  The boy goes and gives her a huge hug - and oh, how Quantum wanted to reach out and hug his mother so much but yet he could not move.
The sounds of screaming can be heard, the hooves of the horses as the gallop by, and Mary saying, "Hide Quantum".  As the night sky lights up with an orange and red glow coming through the window, and as shards of glass fly all over the house, Quantun see the boy run to the front door and opens it to look and see what is going on.  "Stop" he yells, but he is not heard.  The boy runs outside and Mary follows him to stop him and to bring him back inside to the safety of the house.

Now Quantum stands outside standing a few feet away from the boy.  As he scans his surroundings, he notices three figures standing on a small foothill. They are all wearing black robes.  All three of them are known to him.  There, standing in the middle was his Unlce Givens.  The man on the left side of his Uncle was Tristan's father, and standing on the right was her mother.  Looking back down, Quantun noticed a shocked look on the boys face.  Mary runs up behind the boy and wraps the boy in her arms as she looks up to the foothill.  Quantum looks to his right then to the left.  Just then noticing how many skeleton warriors were approaching them.

What the boy did not notice was coming from behind them were Cal and her friends, with their swords pulled and shields raised.  Sir Baldon and Tolbin ran past them heading to the left side.  Cal and Zoelee went to the right.  With Mary and the boy in the middle standing there motionless.  The sound of the skeletons weapons hitting their shields, and the swords of Cal and her friends hitting the skeleton warriors.  Quantum almost made himself dizzy looking back and forth, and he did not see a middle-aged man walking a little stiffly approach Mary and the boy from behind.

"Wal is that you?" Quantum hears Mary ask.  "It is, it's your Father and he has come to save us,"  Mary cries out to the boy.  Quantum whips his head around in time to see this man, or what looked to be a man, strike Mary to the ground knocking her unconscious.  The boy looks up and is grabbed by the arm, by this strange looking man. All Quantum noticed was a small hammer landing upside the mans head, and then another.  Then he let go and turned to attack his attacker.

TristAn stood there holding the small hammer in her hands, telling the boy to run.  The man approached her, swinging his arms wildly.  Then from no where the boy stood up, raised his arms up and started saying a prayer to Toran.  There was a bright white light that struck the man down and his true appearance took shape.  He was a decaying undead creature.  Tristan ran to the boy, yelling, "we must get your mom and leave here".  The boy shaking his head asks, "What is going on here? Why are your parents standing by my Uncle? and what are you doing here?"  "I will answer you questions later", she says.  

The boy and Tristan run over to Mary and grab her by her arms.  As they start to pull her out of harms way, Quantum looks back to the battle still taking place.  Tolbin slashes his way through a zombie standing in front of him, and raises his arms casting.  Ten skeltons and five more zombies fall.  Cal is casting, while Zoelee  is slashing her sword back and forth.  Balton was standing toe to toe with what looked to be a couple of shadows.  But they were making quick work of the emeny forces.

Cal looks up to the foothill, turns and cast.  A dog appeares out of thin air and starts up the hill.  Cal motions to Tolbin and they both start to charge the foothill, about 50 feet behind the summoned dog.  Baldon and Zoelee finish dispatching the undead and start up the hill.  A flash of light appears and a portal appears behide Givens and Tristans parents.  Givens turns and walks to the portal. Walking through it he yells, "I will have his blood one day Cal."  As he dissapeares, the woamn is the next to walk through.  The man turns and start to walk through, but then he turned back and starts to cast.  Just then the dog leaps forward onto the spellcasters back, knocking him to the ground.

Tristan and the boy are able to get Mary back to the house.  They lay her on a couch in the main room.  Cal and her friends grab the man and tie his hands behind his back as the portal closes.  "No escape for you tonight, you will have your day with the Justers after all"  Zoelee says to him.  Cal and the others make their way back to the little house.  People started running out from their houses to see what was going on.  

Back at the house Cal, Baldon, Tolbin, and Zoelee have Trista sitting in a chair, and her father kneeling in the middle of the room.  The boy was looking after his mother and Quantum was standing behind them all.  "Now answer the question," Cal asks the man kneeling on the floor.  "I will" Trista speaks up.  Her father yells at her, "You beter not". Tolbin reaches for a rag and shoves it in her fathers mouth.  "Go ahead and tell us Tristan," Cal says in a calm voice.  

It turned out the Givens needed Quantum's blood to complete a spell that would give him unbelieveable power.  Givens and her parents had made these plans ever since they found out that Quantums father was of a race called Assimar.  Givens killed Quantums father for his blood, but something went wrong with the spell and it failed. But he was sure he had it right this time she said.  She also told them where Givens tower was and how to get inside, saying she had been there a few time (her mother and father have been training her in the arts of neccromancing since she could reemmber).  She turns to the boy.  "I,  I,  I  love you Quantum, that is why I could not let my mother and father hurt you..." she says haltingly.    The boy looks up the Tristen and just looks blankly at her, not knowing what to say.

Cal looks to the other undead hunters and says, "We have to go and go now."  "I will take Tristan and her father to the temple and make sure they do not go anywhere. The rest of you get the horses ready to go"  Cal speaks up.  "Quantum stay with your mom and make sure she is ok. Zoelee," Cal starts to say.  "I will stay with them"  Zoelee cuts in.  The boy looks around and gives Cal a hug.  "I will be back soon and don't worry about me" Cas smiles and says, "I got the men to take care of me."

In a flash everyone was off.  Cal, Baldon, and Tolbin were off to the tower.  Quantum sat by his mother and Zoelee sat next to him.  They sat in silence until Mary woke up.  Zoelee and Mary talked about what had happened.  Quantum looked at the boy sitting by the window, watching out to see Cals return.  

Just before dawn, they heard the pounding of the horse's hooves on the ground.  Cal was the first to reach the house and the others followed.  She came into the house, sat down and explained that the tower was empty now, and the best course of action was for Baldon, Tolbin, and Zoelee to take Quantum to a Toran temple in another town right away.  Cal and his mother would follow in a day.  

A few years later Quantum sits in the Temple.  Cal quietly comes through the door.  Quantum and Cal hug and then sit and talk for a while.  Cal explaind that the Juster of Toran found Tristans father guilt of the charges brought aginst him, and was executed. She explained that Tristan was fine that she now stays with his mother Mary. Tristan miss you so she tells him.  Cal hands him a letter from her and Quantum hands a letter back to her for her to take to Tristan.  I heard your training is almost done and you will be able to leave here soon, smiling as she says this.  Quantum answers back, "Yes and don't worry, I'm headed home to see Mom amd Tristan, and to help you if you will take me."
Cals face lights up, "Yes of course I will" she answers back.

The sweat rolling off of him, Quantum feels the surface below him.  It's not the bed he was sleeping in, but it was the ground now.  He raises up and looks upon a great gold dragon.  The dragon tells him of a place where an eveil man called Blood is trying to take over. The dragon asks for his help.  He did not even realize he had said yes.

Now his mother, Tristan, and Cal will have to wait.  For the adventure beings and now he can truly become a man.  

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2005, 04:27:00 pm »
*Writing to Cal in the book he had given him*

Dear Cal
Im sorry, but I will not make it to soon to see you.  Becouse Im on an grand adventure.  I have been telported to a town called Hlint.  Here I have meet new people.  I have meet two good friends, Twixel and Slate.  Slate is a paldian of Toran, and hopes some day to become a champion of his.

I have been doing small odds and end jobs for people around the Hlint.  The crypts here are full of undead, I use the skelton knuckless to make potions of healing for the followers of Toran.  So Iam in there alot.  

The other day I was asked to go to the broken forest to clense it from the undead.  As a group we did good.  Later on my way back to the hlint from Port Hampshire, I was travling alone.  I had to travle throw the forest again.  I guess the undead we did not kill eairler that day had regrouped and attacked me.  I killed a few of them before I was almost killed and had to retreat.  

There is alway adventure here and the fighter are always glad to see a cleric in the group.  Toran has blessed me with a little bit of wealth.  I have been able the buy the armor and weapons I need to chase the undead and destory them.

Just the other day I was just out side of the hlint with my friends and a Undead hunter of Toran asked to go and look in to a vampire sighting just to the south of the hlint.  We searched and Search but could not find any.  I have goten to destory many undead, Skelton, Skeltons with acid and fire shooting from them, ghast, Shadows, Vampires, and Zombies.

There is so much to do.  I have learned how to enchant, I started making gems, and tinkering.  I have tryed smelting copper atlast I am not very good at it, but I keep on trying.  I try to do what is asked of me just as you tought my.  

Soon I will make you proud, I am going to ask the Undead Hunter if there is anyway I can join the Order here.  I enjoy destorying the Undead, maybe becouse of my Uncal.  I know he is going to send his undead after me, my mother, or you.  So I must learn to defend us.  


Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2005, 07:30:00 pm »
*Turns another page in the book and starts writing*

Today exploring the Outskirts of Fort Velensk, we came across a type of undead I had never seen before.  Me, slate , and are friend Reef, destroyed most of them but there were many of them.  We had to retreat.  
As we made are way back to the fort we were attacked by a single Vampire, we destoryed him quickly.  I plunged a wooden stake in his heart.  To make sure there were no others, we swepted the area.  Two Vampires snuck up behide us.  Using the dark spell to try to confuse us.  We had little trouble of killing them and also plunging stakes throw there hearts also.  After, we cut there heads off.  

A Planetar visited the three of us.  Telling us that they had been watching me, me of all people.  Telling me Doom and Salvation are all in one.  And for me to seek out Knowlage of the undead.  I can only think he want me to seek out the Order of the Undead Hunters also called Toran's order of the Shining Hand.  I will do as he asks.

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2005, 07:35:00 pm »
*Writes In his book*

Today a party was formed to find a kid of a women that feared the something had happened to him.  Her fears were right, I am sorry to say.  We Travled to a Inn located in the rust mountians.  It seams It had been taken over by undead.

Three master vampires, calling themselfs the ill.  When we entered the inn I felt something was wrong.  Apon most of the group eating and drinking, passed out from being druged.  As they woke up we chased the one responable down the hall we got a huge surprise.  A bone golem, and a doom knight appired keeping us from following to close.  After defeating both Undead creatures, we found a serect passage to a dungeon.

Down in the dungeon we fought different undead Bone golems, Doom Knights, Shadow Fiends, and Vampires.  We found a book the stated that we must find a pillar in the shape of a hand.  On top of the pillar we found a gem and under the gem was a scarb.  Inside the room was the three powerfull vampires.  We were not able to defeat the vampires.  Went I grabed the Scarb a portal appired thinking it lead deeper in to the dungeon we took are chances and went throw.

We reapired at the out side of the inn.  Knowing my mistake I ran to enter the inn once more.  I was empty, and so was the dungeon.  

I failed in my own eyes.  What Kind of undead hunter can not destory these vampires.....  

What do I tell that poor lady...  Her son is dead....  On her birthday of all days...

//quest  by Mixafix

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2005, 07:46:00 pm »
*opens book and starts to wright again*

Today in frount of the temple of Toran in Pranzis, on the Continent of Dregar.  I ran in to an Undead hunter of Torans (Toran's Order of the Shining Hand).  We started to talk and I told him of the Vampires and there group called ill.  He had a shocked look on his fase and told me to seek out a person called Na~Hani.  He would be very interested about the information I had.  He also told me that if I was able to end this this little problem with the vampires, that it would carry alot of weight with some of the others to get me in to the Toran's Order of the Shining Hand.  I will hunt them down till either they are no longer alive, or till I am no longer alive.......

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2005, 11:05:00 pm »
The other day I was hunting undead spectors in the direwoods.  Some thing strange happened....  A spector stoped fighting me after I had hurt it badly, and started to speak to me.  He asked me to join him and the others, a strange request saying to a hopefull undead hunter..  When I refused him, he called for his master....  I asked him who is his master, he did not answer me directaly, just floating off...  I found him after I dispached a few more for them th rest in peace...  He was beging for his master to come to his rescue, so I asked one more time who is his master.  I looking apon the groud and seen a sumoning circle there, I quickly poured holy water on to it, and prayed to Toran to give me strength to face what ever was to come out.  The spector turned and ran, when the sumoning circle disapired and he knew his master was not coming to save him....  I found him a destoryed him quickly..  

I have to ask my self?  Is this tied in to the ill,or another more powerfull creature has emerged?  How many more master of the dead are there I have to stop?  I guess these and more question I have will be answered..  For now I do the bidding of Toran, If I destory enought of his undead slaves he willl have to face me soon enought....

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2005, 08:41:00 pm »
I have found out some information on the Ill.  They are master vampires One female and two males..  Now to only find out were they are hidding??  I hope I can find them soon...

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2005, 09:01:00 pm »
We have found them..  We adventured down in to the dungeon wih no name...  Found strong resistence againts us but we fought throw it..  In one of the room that a flawed ruby chip lead us to, we found them..  There was the same Ruby we found in the last dungeon when I first ran in to the Ill..  I was missing a part of it just the shape of the flawed ruby chip I held in my hand..  We were able to defeat them to were they had to turn in gas forms and return to there coffins..  There were three in the room but when we checked them they were empty but for some clothing??  The only thing I could think of is there cofins are some were else..  The large ruby lite up, I went to check on it, there were two dark spots growing biger in the stone..  The flawed Ruby chip heated up in my hand, I placed the the flawed chip part back on to the larger ruby.  It exploding in to nothingness except for the smaller ruby chip I held before in my hands.  Iam hoping that the two darker spots were two of the master vampires, using the larger ruby as a telport device..  I have not firm prof, but I have a good feeling about it..  We found three outfits with the name of Jasslin, John, and Julien Kugelschirne stiched in the inside of the outfits..  I would bet they are there clothing of what the vampires use to be..  So the hunt is on, and I am looking for the last one....

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2005, 07:07:00 pm »
Today was interesting, found out that Pranzis heah quarters for the Shining Hand has sent out an Undead slayer.  She is in search of the Master, the ones the undead call on to help them when they are in trouble.  Her name is Cal, how do I hope it is my Cal.  I would so love to see her again after all this time, I have so many questions about my mother, and Trista.  I must find her soon I have a feeling that my hunt and her hunt will lead us down the same path.  The group I was with, went on a little search for some clues about were the last vampire might be?  I did find out that gem I carry is a good force for life, and went to see a powerfull necromancer named Ikol.  I fear not necromancer, fear is the emeny and you will make mistakes, that will cost you your life.  Found him in the mountians by bloods gate, Bone Hill is what is was called.  He told me that the Vampires is retreating in to the dark, he did not know where she is hiding. I must go in to the temple of Corath, and ask to see an old scroll that bears a tale of the Master.  I cost me dearly to get this information a ring of cats grace, but it was well worth it I belive.  Soon I will have information I need and risk my life to ride the world of this vampire, and this master..


Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2005, 07:10:00 pm »
Humm..  I am hearing more and more stories of adventures that have been approched by undead creatures asking for them to retreave Hawthorn flowers, for there Master.  Need to find this master as soon as soon as I deal with this vampire, *smiles when writing* just maybe they will be together.  Two birds one stone.

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2005, 07:54:00 pm »
The other day I was setting in the Fort Llast Temple and a Monk carrying a letter from Pranzi's Temple was delivered to me,  It read:

Quantum, my dear friend.

I write you this letter in confidence my friend. Lately I have doubts about myself, about the path that I have chosen to follow, the path of a Toranite. Although the blackouts and the pain they cause have disappeared, after we took two of the three, recently my dreams of the chain and the pain associated with it have returned. The link with the one is still there and growing in strength, I fear, once again.

I don’t know if I can persist, doubts in my path, my believe, words of others, my life, the world. What is the purpose to continue living this way, tormented by pain. Why did I survive the extinction of the clan of the swallow? Why? I can end it now so that the vampire can be taken from us for good. The link with me that extents here life past death and the threat she brings to Mistone vanished, I can end it now, both.

But what will death bring me? I spend most of my days around the grave that can be found in the Broken Forest in seclusion and avoiding contact with travellers and townfolk to give me time to look for answers. The monks here in Fort Llast did not have the answers regarding this. The grave with the shining light might be able to answer what I’m trying to find.

It is here that I found an answer to another question. It might interest you my friend, a sparkle of hope, at least to me. The answer involves the recent reports about hawthorn, a bush that grows near to the grave I mentioned earlier and that I discovered while walking though the Broken Forest. A few ghost were seen there doing whatever they do. I managed to evade them using my cloak of the wolf for cover and later I managed to take the blooming hawthorn flowers so I could study them further and hopefully discover the link they have to death. But while studying them I could not prevent them from withering in my hands. I had to return again to the hawthorn bush and look for more but there were none and this time the ghosts had disappeared, only a few shimmering beings laying motionless on the forest floor were all that remained. It is as if taking the flowers, that later withered, had also sealed their fate. The withering of the flowers taking the little life force that remained in the area with them.

Your friend Na~hani.

I can not wait to see my friend again, It sound as if he is scared.  I have given my word and will not let him down, one way or another he will get better.  Even if I have to die myself.  I was thinking about this for some time, and just maybe the undead can not handle the flowers and need living people to collect the flower for them.  It may just wilt away when every undead touch them?  We will see.  Also they may be making something from the flower.  Humm, maybe a canddle used in summonings, or perparing some kind of special water?  That will require more research.


Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2005, 08:48:00 am »
I pray  to Toran Iam doing the right thing, I fear my friend Na~Hani is weak, weaker then he is leting me know.  I noticed the pain and the weakness after we were able to destory the two male vampires, what will happen to him if the third one dies????  I will not kill this vampire if it kills my friend also.  

I take mt sword, slashing at the dark figure approching me
Do my ears decive me, not metel apon metal
Do my eyes decive me, as my sword passes right throw it
The monster is not in frount of me, but it is behind me
It is to late
It jumps on my back
Bitting in to my neck
Draining me, draining me of my strength
The of my soul

*quantum wakes up, setting strainght up off the grass.  His book flys off his chest.  He stands up, reaching for his sword with one hand.  The other hand reaching for his neck*

Nothing there, the dream was so life like...

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2005, 08:49:00 am »
I was one of the greats days of my life, I was able to deliver my word and become a member of the Shinning Hand.  

It started off in the temple of Toran, in Fort Llast.  Me and a group of adventures went to find more information on the last of the master vampires we hunted for so many weeks.  We went back to the first place I had ran in to the three of them.  The Inn that once stood by the gnoll watch tower was now ruins, Twixel was able to find an passage way down in to the dungeon.  Once down we knew something new had made its home there again.  

We were meet by undead, and snakes.  We found a door with a set on numbers on it 1-100.  On another colum we found the clue of 1,3,4,7.  Vin figured it out once we were back at the door.  The answer was 11, but first I tryed the number 35.  I was stunded when an dark engery enter my body zapping me of my strenght all most killing me.  I gathered my strenght, and cast many cure spell to make me feel beter.  So taking vins advice I pushed button 11.  It opened the door..

We moved on to the second floor.  There the stone burned with the heat of a stone that sat out in sun all day.  We pushed on, it directing us to the last of the Vampires.  She tryed to bargin for her live but I can let her live.  Na, did his best to talk to her and find information about another undead monster on the rise.  With me worried about what this vampire was going to do next, I did not hear what she had to say.  I hope Na remembers.

She turned and attacked me, just like an evil one.  We droped her, Na feel unconions.  When he woke up the Vampire reapired full of strength again.  Na was so weak.  I got it, the vampire would take over Na body to regenrate knocking him out cold.  After she would leave his body he would awake and she would attack again.  I thought the ruby might help drive the vampire back from taking his body.  I raced to him after we droped her a third time handing him the ruby.  I wispered to him remember your faith my friend..

It worked the vampire was turned away.  Na's faith and the ruby was able to keep the vampire for taking his body, we did it.

//All the thank in the world for all of your hard work you did for my cdq Mixafix.

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2005, 07:19:00 pm »
We tracked down the Lich that I belive was causing the problems in the broken forest.  Only time will tell.  Cal seems to think it was also.  She gave me a sword, a sword she used in the past.  It will help me.

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2005, 07:27:00 pm »
Well you can say today was very interesting at the least.  Went with a few people three of them had books, did not quite understand it all but they need help.  We went to a place called troll mountian I belive.  There was a cave that lead in to the mountian side.  Once down there I was attacked by blue and black snakes.  Plus the trolls and some demons.  In the caves there was a portal to Baator Stygia lead by Ozy.  A cleric of Toran, and memeber of the Shinning Hand visiting hell.  Not good, Not good at all.

//Ice did a great job like usualy,

