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Author Topic: The Life Of Quantum  (Read 1711 times)

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #20 on: October 08, 2005, 07:37:00 pm »
Went to help a group that went to get some blueprints from abandon recearch facility of some gnome (I think he was a little crazy in the head becouse they refured to as being mad).  We worked good as a group till we let another gnome start pushing bottons on a console we found (whoops).  We did have some die but with great luck we found three scrolls of raise dead.  I am not strong enough to raise them yet throw my own prayer, I got to raise two of the dead using the scroll.  Although the rest of the facility went with out any one else dieing, there were alot of close calls.  The gnome that hired us to get the blueprints payed very well.

//Great Quest Milo I hope I can help in future quests...  Two thumbs up!!!!

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2005, 06:05:00 am »
I got a letter today from Tristen.  I was happy before I read the letter.  Tristen wrote that she had gotten maried, she could not wait for me on longer...  (tear drops stain this page)

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2005, 06:09:00 am »
(Its been 6 months since he last wrote in the book

My friend Twixel, he told me he would never understand humans.  He got me out of the house and took me to the broken forrest for some old fashion fun.  I have been away form there to long the undead have risen in force...

Thank Twixel I am starting to fell like myself again..

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2005, 06:15:00 am »
I was down in the Haven mines today.  When I was down there I saw an angle.  Her name is MillAnna.  She has long flowing red hair, looks like the sunrise over the plains.

I am not sure what she was doing down there by herself but in a strange way, I was glad.  I dont know if she knew or could tell, but I was tongue tied.  She joined me in getting Iron oar for the rest of the day.  

When we finished for the day, and she walked off.  All I could say was Good bye, I must of sounded like an Idoit.  I was sad to see her leave.

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #24 on: December 06, 2005, 06:23:00 am »
Was in Port Hampshire today when I saw MillAnna walking in the distance, she was in a crowd of people.  I could see that she was even more beautiful then before.  

But once again my word escape me, how am I to talk to a angle?  I decided to talk to a friend about this.  He grined at my question, gave me some pointer, then he ask the womens name I wished to "sweet talk" as he puts it.  I told him MilAnna, he informed me that she might be taken.  I walked away slowly.

I have made my mind up I will talk to her anyway.  I would rather be friends with her then just stranger brushing shoulder in a crowded street way.  So i will talk to her..  I will talk to her. Oh my what am I going to say?????

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #25 on: December 06, 2005, 10:57:00 am »
Cole, has come up with a great idea..  All I need is a store..  Maybe I can get the funds to buy another house soon..

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #26 on: December 06, 2005, 11:00:00 am »
I was watching the sun rise again this morring.  Strange thing is all I could think about was MilAnna. I'm I going nuts, because all I can do is think of her..

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #27 on: December 06, 2005, 11:09:00 am »
Went down in to the Storans crypt today.  I have heard rumors of massive undead activity there.  Apon reaching the crypts I could feel the undead.  I went inside and reached the first crypt, apon opening the door I felt death, and sorrow.  When I enter the room I was attacked.  I quickly dispached of the few undead in the room.

I moved on after I found a key on one of them.  I try the second door I found but the the key did not fit that lock.  The door was steel so I did not want to bash the door down.  

The third door I had luck in opening with the key but was surprise when mummys attacked with such strength I had to regroup.  Whit easy they were able to strike throw my shild.  They were protecting something, something powerfull I could feel it.  I will have to regeather my thoughts, and try again at a later date

Note to myself bring lots of curing potions*

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #28 on: December 06, 2005, 11:18:00 am »
I did it, I got the courage to talk to Anna.  Anna is what she asked me to call her.  She was standing out side of hlint today with some friends of here's.  After striking up a conversation with her and her friends as my way to break the ice.  I asked if she would care to walk whit me to the bank in Hlint.  

Outside of the bank, I asked if she had been seeing anyone.  I felt like I stumbled with my word and what a fool I must look like in frount of her.  To my surprise she answered No.  I did not want to lose my wits.  So I asked her if she would not mined going on a date with me.  I expected the answer to be with you what do I look like a fool, but she answered she would like very much.

I could not belive what I just heard, then the thought of she has to be just joking with me.  About that time her freinds entered Hlint and pulled Anna away to go adventuring.  I blurted out to her, in three day from now at sunset here.  What a fool I am.  She turned and smiled and sayed ok.

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #29 on: December 06, 2005, 11:22:00 am »
Time seams to be at a stand still.  These three days have gone so slow..  I spend most of my nights in the crypts.  I have travled back down to Storans crypt.  Just trying to get a sence of what could be down there, but it is strong I do feel that....  I have asked Toran why is this happening to me?  I can bearly sleep.  I will head to the Haven mines to see if I can help the miners with anything.

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #30 on: December 06, 2005, 11:34:00 am »
Was at haven, when Officer Kit aproched me.  She asked me to look in to a case for her.  I sayed sure, she told me it was in the mines.  There were sightings of undead along with the ogers.  I told her I would be more then happy to look in to it.

Toran must of knew I need help becouse Brother Syn, and Brother Micheals we walking throw Haven this day.  I told them of what was going on, and if they would care to join me in some hunting.  They both were more then happy to help.  

As we entered the mines I could feel the presents of undead.  We quickly destoryed the undead on the first level of the mines and headed down to the second level.  When reachiing the second like we were attacked by a hord of Undead.  

We fought throw them.  It seamed every new section of the cave was full of undead.  Apon reaching the middle of the caves we ran apon one ob Bloods lesser mages.  It took all we had but the three of us we able to finally destory him.  Looking around we found the summoning circle he was using to bring the undead in to the cave.

I was only able to destory the circle throw pray and a lot of help for Micheal, and Syn throwing holly water on to the cricle.  Once the circle was destoryed, we headed outside.  We carefully searched on the way up to make sure we did not leave any undead still alive.  Once we informed Kit of what happened she asked us not to tell anyone of what had happened.  To this day we have not told a soul.

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #31 on: December 06, 2005, 11:38:00 am »
The day has come atlast.  I have bought a new robe for tonight.  First Brother Micheals has called a meeting for the Paladin's to attend if they can.  He has asked me to attend.  I am honored to be able to attened.  I am just a cleric doing Torans great works, and Micheals is a great friend.  He must have very important things to say.

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #32 on: December 06, 2005, 11:42:00 am »
Dinner was great last night, I took anna to the Arm's Inn...  Anna was beautiful as ever.  We talked over dinner.  Then we took a walk around talking. I dont even rember have of the places we walked throw but they must of been a lot, becouse I rember the sun rising.  I am so glad I was able to get the courage to ask her out on a date.  Now I hope I was not to stupied and blew it.

The meeting was insight full.  There are more meetings planed.

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #33 on: December 06, 2005, 11:46:00 am »
I got a message a brid flew to me.  Still I am dumb founded how those bird can find people.  She wants to meet me again, she wants to talk somemore.  I wrote a letter back to her telling her to meet me in Hlint later tonight..


Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #34 on: December 06, 2005, 11:53:00 am »
*a few weeks have passed*

Took anna of a tour of the house me, twixel and morton own together.  She like the house but noticed it was a small house.  I am getting weird.  I could not help myself.  I took her hand and put my other hand at her waist.  Then I asked he to dance with me.  She smiled and agreed.  There was no music but we danced for an hour.  I held her close to me.  I felt right to be close to her.


Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #35 on: December 06, 2005, 11:56:00 am »
Humm the undead the broken forrest have risen to new hights, by Dire seams to be a greater risk right now.  Bloods forces have attacked three major ports in milestone..  I think blood is going to attack with his full forces soon.

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #36 on: December 06, 2005, 12:01:00 pm »
I have noticed that Anna loves to wander around, and enjoy life little pleasures.  She does get a little lost every once and a while.  She has such a wonder for life, and I admire that about her.  Were did my zest for live go?  We talked for quite some time today.  I found out here father died not to along ago.  She also told me of her pain.  Pain to great to write in to my book.  If I could I would take the pain away from her and carry it for her.  I am in love with her.

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #37 on: December 06, 2005, 12:05:00 pm »
I have been seeing Anna for only a few mounths now but it feels as if I have knowen her my hole life.  I have prayed long and hard to Toran asking for his guidence in this mater.  He has answered my prayers.  I was walking in Fort Llast today.  I saw a couple so in love, she was looking at a ring that her true love had given her.  Then my eyes saw not the two people walking in frount of me, but Me and Anna.  I know this was a sing from Toran..  I will ask Anna to marry me.  She is going to think I am crazy.

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #38 on: December 06, 2005, 12:08:00 pm »
I had to go away for a few days, Cal asked me to look in to my uncals return.  I took a few new recuiter with me.  They are green to the way of the undead.  It turned out to be nothing.  I have heard rumors that my uncal might have alingened himself with one of bloods generals.  Only time will tell.

Grid Blader

RE: The Life Of Quantum
« Reply #39 on: December 06, 2005, 12:19:00 pm »
There is something strange going on in Fort Velensk.  One of the alinces officers was found floating dead by the docks.  Equipment is missing for the shipment.  Three wagons have disappered in the swamps.  The group I was in, was asked to go see if we could find out what was going on.  We found the wagons deep in the Battle fens swamp, one of blood's mages was also there controlling the Lizzard men to do his bidding.  It was a tough fight but we were able to defeat him.  The body of those poor man, were drained of there life forces.

We were also ask to escort A Lady of one of the most powerfull house in Velensk for Prinzis to back home.  We were ambushed on the way back.  I was killed by a gloom while trying to rasie another fallen friend.  I was raised by a cleric in the north point.  I could feel my soul being pulled from my body to the soul mother for a seventh time.  We were able to get her back home.

