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Author Topic: Malkor  (Read 145 times)


« on: February 20, 2007, 12:49:11 pm »
*You are looking at a small journal, covered in leaves and druidic symbols. The book seems to be a living plant, in need of light and water. If the book remains in your possession for long enough, you will notice the leaves even change with the season.*

I was born a sailors son, or so I thought growing up. My body is covered in markings, which my adopted father told me were tattoos given to me by my gypsy mother. Throughout adolescent and teen years I worked on board a ship, “Lady Avarice”, as a deck hand and later as a junior officer in charge of the animals. My adopted father was an officer aboard the ship who most believed would become a Captain of his own ship someday. The ship was publicly known for the capturing and selling of rare animals, which was a front for their real business of slave trading.

I always hated the business and most importantly hated the capturing and caging of the animals. Because the ship did not actually sell the animals, most of them stayed on board for long periods of time before being set free. Sometimes the animals were even eaten by the crew during long periods at sea when the food supplies ran short. I never felt like I belonged on the ship with the crew, but for some strange reason the sea always called to me and I felt at home rocking in her wake. My connection with the sea, captured animals, and the loyalty I had to my father always kept me from leaving the crew.

On the ship, my father’s main duty was as a communicator with the various slave races we captured. My father was an educated man and a skilled linguist, fluent in many languages, Elven being just one of them. He taught me everything he knew about elves, their culture, and most importantly their language. I always found it odd how he would stress the importance of learning about elves, and then go out the next day and enslave a small village of them. Looking back I realize he wanted me to know of my mother and culture, without directly telling me why.

At the age of 5, I remember working the ship in small capacities before becoming a ship hand. Because of my father and my hard work, I was placed in charge of the animals and promoted to a junior officer on my 10th birthday. I spent every moment of my time with the animals studying their behaviors and caring for them. Prior to the promotion, I was only able to spend my free time with the animals. It was in those early years spent with the animals that I found I had a natural connection with them. I developed an ability to communicate and understand them. I even formed a bond with one particular animal above all, a brown bear. I named her Taba. Taba is my companion and I hold her in higher regards than any other.

I was 13 when our ship was attacked by the Mistone Alliance Fleet under the command of the Ministry of War. It was in that battle that my adopted father was mortally wounded. Our ship was able to get away, but we paid heavily for it and were forced to port along the shore to tend to the wounded and repair the hulls. On my adopted father’s dying bed, he told me the truth of my existence. He explained that I was not his son. He said that during one of the slave raids on a small village of elves, they came upon a human woman who was giving birth. The woman was dressed in garbs of a druid and seemed to be highly respected and revered by the elves. My adopted father’s lore and knowledge of Elven culture made him realize he was intruding up on a ritual of sorts to celebrate the birth of one and the passing of another. The woman begged for the men to stop and my adopted father made them stand back, despite their protests of evil witchcraft.

My adopted father told me how I actually received the markings covering my body. Although my father thought the birth was going well, he said it was apparent my mother was dying. Just before she died, she reached over and touched me and in that brief moment the entire tent came to life. Plants and vines exploded from ground and trees, completely blanketing me, my adopted father, and mother. After a few moments a bright light exploded from where we were and knocked everyone in the area down. When my adopted father came too, the plants, vines, elves, and my mother were gone. Everyone around us laid about the ground withering in pain. Everyone caught in the blast, who had not been covered in the vines, had been burnt as if struck by the very heat of the sun. Those few who survived had suffered burns all over their bodies and were permanently blind. In his last breath, he pulled his shirt back to reveal a small marking on his chest, one that matched a marking on my arm. He looked at me and said, “I received this marking in that moment, on the day of your birth. I took it as a sign to raise you as my own and look after you”. Then he died.

I was torn and hurt over what he had told me. In that moment I hated all the world, especially the people on that ship. All I could think of was Taba and the animals I loved dearly. I barely remember walking away from my father to the slave pins. I was trying to come up with a way to free Taba and the animals. By releasing the batch of sea elves in the slave pins, I had hoped they would serve as a decoy and they did. With the commotion I made my way to the animal pins and released Taba. I was caught by the captain and crew as I released the last of the animals. They beat me an inch from my life and threw me over board after they left port. The very sea elves I had used as a decoy, saved me. They took me to the Bay of Carocsa, where I was reunited with my animal companions, and most importantly my dear friend Taba. One of the sea elves that helped save me turned out to be a druid by the name of Madaline. She felt my connections to the land and became my mentor. She taught me of my purpose in life.

It has been a few years since I last saw Madaline. Since my awakening to the lands, she has been the only contact I have had outside of my animal friends. I can not explain the calling or the emotions I am feeling as I look out over the Bay of Corocsa. Today is my 22nd birthday. The wind seems to be speaking to me, but I can only make out one word over the crashing waves….Hlint.


RE: Malkor
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2007, 12:44:53 am »
Day 1:
My connection to the lands is growing stronger. My senses are overwhelmed with emotions I can not explain. I spent the day scouting Hlint and I’m not impressed. The town stinks of filth and the people are so lost in their daily activities that they didn’t even notice a Drow, orc, and goblins raiding the outer walls. The orc I believe was a spy, who scouted the town out for hours. Either way, it is not my concern. As long as they stay out of the wilds, let them kill each other.

Something is happening to me, I am not sure what. I have always had a talent for mimicking creatures, especially animals. I am not sure, but I believe I am tapping into a raw power of the wild. I feel the animals I mimic, down to the very rhythm of their heart beat, if I concentrate hard enough. Madaline told me nothing of this, in fact I don’t think it is even something she ever experienced.  


Re: Malkor
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2007, 11:00:09 pm »
Entry 2:

I spent the day traveling with some new companions, humans and elves that is. One went by the name Sniff, and he stunk of rotting meat and metal. I met a human female by the name of Millan that amused me with her quick wit and hate for men in general. There was another female, a half-elf by the name of Tegan. She seemed to be a powerful sorcerer and could be a great ally. Perhaps she is the reason the winds called me to Hlint, all though I am not sure. She did say she follows the ways of Folian S’pae so I believe she has respect for the wilds. There were others who took me to an underground layer known as Haven. We killed a great many ogres, which brought me little pleasure.

In fact I spent the entire day watching the animals around me until we entered that dark cave. Prior to entering the cave I spoke with a deer. I could feel the deer’s heart beat, and I timed mine with hers. We were one, our hearts beating in unison. Then that smelly Sniff came up with his flaming weapon and scared the deer away. I can not explain it, but I could feel the deer’s fear. It was euphoric.

I will say that I have started focusing on creatures outside of animals. Even in the caves of Haven, I found a connection with the ogres. They are rather easy to memic, and I’m not sure but I believe I can even feel their heart rhythms and emotions. I think I will pick an easier subject to test, perhaps befriend a kobold.


Re: Malkor
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2007, 02:43:33 am »
Entry 3:
Today was a wonderful day. I have become more in tune with the wild. I spent all day with Taba, mimicking her behaviors, playing under the shade of the trees. I could feel her every emotion, every thought, but before I knew it I was in such pain beyond my imagination. At first I thought that I had tapped into her spirit and was unable to tame it, but then the pain became so unbearable that I passed out. When I awoke I could sense Taba’s fear and at once I knew why. As I looked down to my hands, I saw paws….bear paws. I had undergone a transformation into a bear. I have heard tails of druids being able to transform into animals of the wild, but I had never seen it before.

I’m excited about the possibilities of this new gift I am just beginning to understand. I believe I can do more with training and time. I will seek guidance from the spirits of the wild. I will try to find a way to harness this ability to shift and control it. There have been rumors of powerful druids with the ability to take on any form they desire. I now know the purpose I am to serve and how I can give back to the essence of the wilds. Madaline would be proud. I will watch over the wild creatures of the lands as one of them. Rather than stand back and observe, I will interact with them and protect them when needed. I will become a druid shifter, like the ones of legend.


Re: Malkor
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2007, 12:29:22 pm »
Entry 4:

*this journal entry seems more of a mess and a collection of thoughts over time, rather than written all in one sitting*

I met the most interesting demon girl, who went by the name of Rayenoir, along with a Drow by the name of Alantha. They were in the town of hlint and no one seemed to care. It is odd and beyond my understanding. I spent the entire conversation studying this Rayenoir and trying to attune myself with her. I must admit I achieved very little. Perhaps the taint of her demon blood is beyond my understanding at this point.

They spoke of a high forest and the druid that protects those groves. I will seek this druid out and ask him my questions about changing into any form I wish. I am in need of guidance if I am to understand myself.

I also met a cleric who went by the name of Ardelis, a short creature, perhaps a gnome. I think that she must have bit her tongue off, or something, because I can’t understand a word she says. How odd.

Today I also met two dwarves that spoke of a woman who could shift into any creature she wished. They described her to me and I shall seek her out after I visit the high forest. I am excited that I have finally found a possible clue as to what I am feeling.


Re: Malkor
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2007, 12:29:41 pm »
Entry 5:

I met a powerful druid by the name of Brisbane in the town of Hlint. She has a strong connection with the wild, unlike anything I have ever felt. I felt drawn to her and completely mesmerized by her. We spoke at great length and she made me question the way I see some things, but some of my beliefs I can not budge on. We spoke of balance and judgment for the most part, with some idle chat about who we are and where we come from. I strongly believe you can not judge and remain neutral; for you will loose the ability to be impartial. The moment you take sides, your judgment will be clouded by favoritism fueled by your beliefs. While I admit that Brisbane is far wiser than me and she feels you can judge, I can not. I will of course take her wisdom into consideration and I will think upon it further, for now however I feel safer within my realm of understanding.

Brisbane offered to take me under her wing and mentor me. I am rather excited about this, yet timid. I have heard tales of powerful druids, such as Brisbane, killing weaker druids who trespass upon their lands. Perhaps since she invites me, I will have nothing to fear. After all Druids are a territorial bunch, myself included. I will of course take Brisbane up on this honor she has offered me. I spoke to Brisbane in great length about my ability to shift into different forms and my desire to want to spend less time in my present form. She had a lot of knowledge about what she called a “Druid Shifter” and told me that they are essential to keeping balance in their own way. With her wisdom and knowledge, how could I not accept her offer? I was uncertain, due to my focusing of so much energy with animals and mimicking them, to the point of becoming one, would in the end affect the balance of my existence in the wild. Brisbane assured me that it would not and encouraged me to continue my path as a “Shifter”. I rather like the sound of that, being a shifter.


Re: Malkor
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2007, 03:11:07 pm »
Entry 6:

I met a druid today, who went by the name Eliza the Leaf. We spoke for hours. She seems to think I have a purpose, but she could not say for sure. She was so happy and filled with joy. I wish I could have shared that with her, but I am so confused. It feels like puberty all over again, but the emotions are so much more. Eliza told me that the kobolds are evil and burn trees, and should be killed.  I should have been angered by this, but I was too torn and filled with my own fears.

Eliza told me of legendary shifters, who were druids that become less attuned with manipulating magic and more in tuned with the wild creatures they come in contact with. She said it was possible to take on any form, and that some legendary shifters have been known to take the forms of dragons.

Eliza gave me a flower, and told me a wonderful tale of purpose and destiny. She spoke of how the flower was a seed, destined to be picked by her, and then to be given to another to bring happiness and joy to them. I admit I was warmed by the flower and the gesture calmed me. However her point about destiny confused me. How can there be balance, if such a thing as destiny exists? There would be no point, for everything would be destined to be balanced in the end, no matter what. I don't think it is that simple and I dont believe in this destiny thing. I do like my flower, and I planted it. With a little help from me, it shall grow again and not die. Destiny, unlike what Eliza said, was not meant to be.  It was changed by me.


Re: Malkor
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2007, 03:11:45 pm »
Entry 7:

Today my destiny is clear if you asked Eliza, but I like to think a path is now set before me that I choose to travel. I have not been abandoned by the wilds, I have been shown a new path. I met a powerful Druid of the Oak, named Drogo. Brisbane told me of this Drogo, a Druid of the wilds. I found him today by accident, or as Eliza would like to believe, by destiny. He was with an elf woman named Tyrian in the Port Hempstead Fields. I told Drogo of my lost and confused connection with the wilds. I asked Drogo,


Re: Malkor
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2007, 03:23:06 pm »
Today my destiny is clear if you asked Eliza, but I like to think a path is now set before me that I choose to travel. I have not been abandoned by the wilds, I have been shown a new path. I met a powerful Druid of the Oak, named Drogo. Brisbane told me of this Drogo, a Druid of the wilds. I found him today by accident, or as Eliza would like to believe, by destiny. He was with an elf woman named Tyrian in the Port Hempstead Fields. I told Drogo of my lost and confused connection with the wilds. I asked Drogo, "how come I am not as in touch with the wilds as I once was?" He told me that I was not focuses and gave me an amulet made from a sacred oak.
I put the amulet on and could feel energy and warmth coming from it and I don't remember much after that. I remember Drogo asking me what animal I favored most, and I told him a Bear, like my friend Taba. He asked me to close my eyes and concentrate on the bear, so I did. I became dizzy and passed out.

When I awoke Drogo was there, but Tyrian had left. Drogo first told me I had done well, and then asked how I felt. I told him my head hurt and that I was sorry for passing out. He said that I had passed out from my first shift and that I had become a bear. I could hardly believe him and still find it difficult to fathom. I remember him telling me to concentrate, to feel the bear, the paws, the power... and then I was dreaming. The dream was mixed with truth and fears from my past. I was back on my ship, hunting sea elves with the crew, yet I was not among them. I was a slave in a cage. I could hear combat on the deck and then the ship slammed into what I imagined as rocks. The wreck caused my cage to smash and the door to fling open. I ran from my cage and came upon men, rather than they try to stop me, they fled in fear. It didn't make sense, I had no weapon, and it was not until I got to the main deck and jumped from the ship that I understood why. As I hit the water I realized I was not me, I was a bear. I was so shocked that I started drowning, and then I was rescued by sea elves. Madaline was there again and smiling at me, proud. It was so real. I could taste the salt water, feel the wind, and smell the fish.

When I awoke I was starved and found some fish at my side that Tyrian had left. This made me believe I had dreamt the entire thing, all induced by the fish. However Drogo convinced me other wise. He told me the shifts will become easier, and that my path is set. This has given me much to ponder and with what drogo and Eliza told me about shifters and taking animal forms is what I will focus on. As Drogo said, I was not focused.


Re: Malkor
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2007, 01:38:16 pm »
Entry 8:

I was traveling the lands near Vehl, when I came to a forest of such pain and suffering that it made me come to tears. There were undead everywhere, and the trees suffered from poison and toxins feed to them from the local stream. I was so caught up in the area, that I did not notice a large feline approach me. Looking to the beautiful creature I asked him if he was ok. I first feared he might be tainted like the forest, but he responded and insured me that he was fine.  After some time the cat shifted into the form of an elf, who went by the name Elurioland Aloufin. I was surprised, yet fascinated, that I did not recognize the truth to the feline's true form.

Elurioland and I spent the rest of the evening together talking of my scarred past.  I poured my heart out to him, holding nothing back. I explained to him my every fear, including loosing touch with the wilds and becoming something else.  I told him of my teachings from Brisbane and Drogo. I asked him to tell me all he knew of the tales of shifters of legend. He explained to me more than I had ever imagined and in the end revealed that he was a shifter himself, one of great power.

Elurioland looked upon my birth marks and read them to me, he told me how they were the markings of one born of a druid shifter and that the blood pumping through my troubled heart was as wild, yet tamed, as any shifter he had ever met. He asked me why I wanted to be a shifter, and I responded that it was not a matter of wanting, so much as a matter of finding my place and becoming balanced. I told him how I feel incredibly lost and unbalanced in my current form and had only recently found true harmony again in the form of a bear. I looked to him and asked him for help and guidance to walk the path of a shifter, so that I may find my balance and place among the wilds once again.

Looking around at the state of the land, Elurioland suggested we find a healthy forest, so that we could draw from the land and find wisdom. We traveled closer to Hempsted and came to a forest thriving with wild life and free of disease. There Elurioland explained that the shifting of another creature is more than physical. He started simple, with a bear form, and explained to me how I must find the spiritual essence of what it is to be a bear. We spent hours working on this, and I believe I have only yet begun to understand what he was explaining. Prior to this day, I had only tried to take the form of a bear once, and it exhausted me completely. Elurioland told me it was because I had been focused on the physical, not the spiritual. I listened to him and first found the physical aspects, but then moved deeper into the psychic of the bear.  Before I knew I had taken the form of a bear. I was breathing heavily, but not exhausted. Eluroiland was proud of me, and told me that of all the young druids he comes across, I was one of the few that showed such potential and understanding of the ways of the shifter. There was no doubt in his mind that I would become a powerful and wise shifter of the wilds. He said he will be watching me, and come back to check on me from time to time. I owe him greatly for his aid and now I am ready to walk the path of the shifter.


Re: Malkor
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2007, 06:18:00 pm »
Entry 9:
I spent all day yesterday traveling the wilds, working to prefect the teachings of Elurioland. I admit I have struggled at times, but other times the shifting comes to me as if by second nature. The turmoil within me, which I have endured since leaving the sea and my home, has finally begun to calm. In those calm moments before I shift, I close my eyes and hear the crashing of the waves and the cries of the seagulls. As I look to my roots, my connection to the wild seems to become stronger. When I shift, I can taste the salt in my mouth and smell the sea on my fur. I am no expert in these matters, but I think I have found my power source to be the sea.

I am going to seek Elurioland and ask his advice. Perhaps my connection with wilds will grow stronger and more will be revealed to me if I move close to the sea once again.


Re: Malkor
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2007, 01:45:23 pm »
Entry 10:
So much has happened to me lately. I found my place among the wilds. I am more than a leaf, but less of a druid. I now walk among the creatures of the wild as one. With but a thought I can take on the form of most creatures I encounter. There are some that give me trouble to mimic, but I can still feel their connection to the wilds and with me. I am no longer confused or scared, I am content.

I joined up with a team of folks to travel the lands in search of whatever it is they want. I personally like the company right now. In fact I need it. I met a new friend named Brina who I have grown fond of lately, perhaps given time we will become good friends. She is intelligent and has a knack for languages like me. She even speaks dwarven, which she is teaching me in our travels. Learning the language reminds me of my past life as a sailor and translator.

I forgot to write this down the other day, but Miss Tegan tried to kill me. For no reason other than what I suspect to be some kind of cruel torturing of animals, she threw lightning at me. Well I still like her, but she seems crazy to me.


Re: Malkor
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2007, 03:37:26 pm »
Entry 11: *The writing seems shaky and at times illegible. The leaves that cover the book seem to be wilting and dying.*

Well this could be the last time I write in my little book. We all die, that can not be avoided. Death is life's balance.

I went on an adventure of sorts with Miss Brina, Miss Randi, Miss Valmara, Mr Omer, Mr Balzag, and that trader Berak who wants to see me dragged to some gallows to be strung up for something I did do! Berak wants to turn us in. Who does he think they will blame? The pretty ladies or upstanding men? No they will blame the failed Druid. They will take me, torture me, and then kill me for sport. Just like they do the animals of the wilds.

Well they are not taking me alive. I will kill Berak and anyone else who tries to blame me for the death of that Baron and his family. I didn't do a thing....

*He begins coughing so hard that it feels as if his back is breaking from the spasms. Looking down at his book he frowns as he sees the fit of coughing brought up blood, that is now splattered on the pages.*

It seems I am very sick and even if I can out run them, I will probably die out here. At least I will be with my friends and family among the wilds. At least I will die in peace and not as some trophy to some town politician or worse...some Toranite judge.