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Author Topic: From Woods to Woe  (Read 147 times)


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    From Woods to Woe
    « on: July 02, 2006, 09:14:11 pm »
    Aegidriel sleeps, in that strange elven manner of sleep. His minds eye open to his past, as if he is living it agian....

    He recalls being a young child, probably 20 years old, playing a game among the branches of the trees with other boys his age. The game is a childs mimicing of thier older childrens weapons drills. Aegiriel always finds a supple stick, long and thin to wield as his great and powerfull pretend blade, the other children laugh at his choice of weapon at first, pointing out how thier much stouter 'blades' will shatter through any defense he may make with such a reed of a weapon, but thier laughter is soon replaced by stinging red welts as Aegidriel nimbly dances away from thier slow blows and stikes with a whistling *smack* on the forearms and legs of his peers.

    Soon enough the teasing stops, and his peers come to respect Aegidriels speed and accuracy.


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      Re: From Woods to Woe
      « Reply #1 on: July 03, 2006, 12:15:50 am »
      Aegidriel stops at the inn in Hlint to rest and recouperate, for a few coins more the innkeeper is willing to close off the kitchen for an hour and he soaks the much and mud off his body that seemed to dry in layers in that wretched swamp, one atop another, making him stiff and slow as the lizardfolk that dwelled there, not a pleasant feeling at all. As he sits and soaks in the tub his mind wanderes...

      Kira, strange woman, her grace was superb to watch though, and her blows unquestionably lethal, especially that kick of hers. I found myself distracted though...I fended the lizardmans blows easily enough, but imagine what she could do with a light sabre in her hands!

      Ah well though, such is the manner of learning, I can see there are far more styles of combat than what I have been exposed to by my extended family, though I've not met one yet that fights as I do with a blade, relying on agility to turn a blow, or simply not be there, perhaps there is a calling here for one such as me, surely an unusual style of fighting may attract a pupil or two...

      Bah, what am I speaking of! I'm barely past the novice stage of my training as it is, my technique needs much improvement. not to mention the hazards I've encountered here are far more deadly than my cousins armed with wooden sticks. Perhaps with time I can dream these dreams, but for now I'll concentrate on honing what I know, and finding my sister...

      With that his thoughts drift to memories of his family in happier times, when he was very young, and the looming threat of Sinthar Bloodstone had yet to come crashing down apon them all.

      All too soon there was a pounding at the kitchen door, and Aegidriel gathered his things, dumping the murky bath water into the floor drain and retired for the night, quietly sparring the flickering shadows in his room while the inn became more raucus with the evening crowd.


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        Re: From Woods to Woe
        « Reply #2 on: July 04, 2006, 02:15:03 am »
        "I should have paid more attention to my father..." The thought rang out in Aegidriels mind as he sat slumped in darkness , dead but unknowing, the last thirty minutes of his 'life' a fog to him. His father had always cautioned him that goblins were only really dangerous in a crowd, today he learned that lesson first-hand in the depths of the red light caverns, though whether the lesson will sink in is yet to be seen.


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          Re: From Woods to Woe
          « Reply #3 on: July 05, 2006, 10:59:45 am »
          Aegidriel sits in his room at the inn in Hlint, his hands work without direction, cleaning the fine creases in his rapier with a piece of ironwood bark, and polishing with an oiled cloth, as his mind wanders back over the days events.

          Aegidriel journeys far from Hlint, past Fort Llast and Krandor, through the broken woods. He avoids what he can, and is able to nimble dispatch two ogres by turning thier blows with sword and buckler, striking only when he is sure to hit, and choosing his moment. Then past Fort Hope, narrowly avoiding an encounter with a fierce griffon he paused to rest near the outskirts of Port Hampshire, where he happened to meet a man named Sans who was looking for some Sage.

          They talked of herbs and thier uses, and Sans confirmed what Aegidriel had heard, that corn has many uses and that prices for goods were better in Port Hampshire than elsewhere. Armed with this knowledge he thanked Sans and made his way into town, buying several boxes to hold the corn he would collect, a light chain shirt and a new shield. After the day was done Aegidriel was womewhat wiser for his meeting with Sans, better equipped and had explored the areas near Port Hampshire, Fort Velensk, and Fort Hope.

          There were a few close calls, but overall his journey had been profitable. Now, as he sits tending his equipment and recalling the days events, a new energy begins to build within him, and he looks forward to whatever challenges await this world after the defeat of Bloodstone.


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            Re: From Woods to Woe
            « Reply #4 on: July 05, 2006, 09:57:34 pm »
            Aegidriel sits on a bench behind the inn in Hlint, looking at a pair of dusty, worn and slightly pungent green boots that the wagon master handed him as 'reward' for retrieving the head of the goblin leader. Aegidriel had been on the verge of objecting at the reward when Ronus had seemed to anticipate the upcoming debate and stated 'Jus' put'em on Lad, and ye'll see' Aegidriel had, and indeed, they were most comfortable.

            As he mused over his new boots he recalled the warrior that had helped him attain them, a man he had met only once before, with the lady Kira, at that time she had asked if he wished to accompny the two of them, and after discerning that his help wasn't NEEDED he had declined. Tonight when Aegidriel approached he expressed a need for help and the man had willingly led the expidition.
            Nodding, Aegidriel learned to respect the mans attitude, he didn't refuse those in need, but he wasn't party to aiding those who could provide the desired result for themselves, not a bad outlook he thought.


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              Re: From Woods to Woe
              « Reply #5 on: July 07, 2006, 10:36:04 am »
              Aegidriel sits at a back table in the Wild Surge Inn, idly turning a ring over and over in his hand, watching the faint torch light flicker in the set gem, a heavy amulet with the same gem hangs from his neck.

              "My prowess has definately increased with the purchase of these articles." He thinks to himself, "The halfing woman Jennara is a fine craftsman, and the other woman, by Folian I cannot recall her name... but the amulet she sold me is beautifull, and potent."

              His mind then turns to the ease with which he was able to parry the blows of his adversaries after his recent purchases, turning aside and dodging from surely lethal blows. Impressed by the fact that two minor bits of magical jewelry could make such a marked improvement in his fighting style.

