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Author Topic: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve  (Read 2562 times)


Re: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #40 on: January 13, 2013, 05:30:29 pm »
Another lesson, this time involving activities designed to help one access the part of you that draws Al'noth. i wonder if this element remains dormant in all people until it is opened or awoken. It certainly seems possible given that the techniques Sein have shown me are similar in basis to techniques I learnt from The Mother and The Father and several of my previous teachers to unlock different abilities and skills within myself.

The Quilyn training seems so long ago now but I remember it like it was yesterday. It is the core of who I am. It is good to be training again in other ways than killing. That is a means to an end. The ultimate achievement of perfection. This, this is for that part of me that seeks forbidden knowledge. If I can unlock the power of Al'noth within me then entirely new potentials await me and I sense that I truly am on the right path for achieving ultimate perfection. Physical, mental and spiritual mastery shall be mine.

On another note I need to find myself a new location to dwell. My wards were not enough to stop the Corathites raiding my room. They have grown bolder since the Doctor has been busy elsewhere. I cannot risk my experiments and equipment falling into their hands so despite the Doctors assurances my things would be safe their it is evident that this is not the case. I have begun exploring certain options and at this stage an leaning towards Succession. If I can work my way into the Leigess of Nehar and find favour with Count Christophe Rennick then I believe I can find a secure location from which to begin undermining Rael. He cannot be allowed to drive the Dark Elves from their lands in the Deep. His kingdom and power needs to be diminished.


Re: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #41 on: January 21, 2013, 10:48:02 pm »
For weeks now I have practised the exercises the Al'nothist Sein gave me. I am beginning to sense he was leading me along but a recent encounter has assured me that I am not far from the right path.

For some time now I have sought the famed Protector of the Al'noth Storold. Many have told me he regularly is seen in Center and to this end each time I have travelled that way I have checked to see if he was in town. Most of these trips were to no avail until recently. I had begun to suspect I had been led astray in this also until I saw him on the seat as I had been told he would be.

It was a difficult encounter at first, I had nothing to lose by approaching him but he was concerned over who I was and my motives in approaching him. When I told him why I wanted to speak with him his first question was why didnt the Lucindites in Spellguard help me. At first I was reluctant to speak of why this was so but in the end I decided I lost nothing in the telling but may gain the opportunity to learn more from the man.

Thus I told him of the time when I disguised myself as a Lucindite and infiltrated Morakens tower, how I worked alongside the Lucindites for more than two weeks in the tower as I scoped out its wards and Morakens comings and goings. I told him how one day I was able to sneak into Morakens personal chambers and wait for him to return there so I could ask him some very specific questions. I also spoke of how Moraken was not happy with my infiltration past his wards and though he did answer some of my questions he handed me over to the Lucindites. They then evicted me from the tower and warned me never to return. That is why I could not learn in Spellguard or from the Lucindites.

Even after I had explained this and my reasoning for wanting to learn about the Al'noth he was suspicious of my intentions. Thus I proposed we make a deal. I have to date never renegged on a contract or deal nor intend to in the future. The Fates were with me this day and he agreed to such a measure.

His deal was that he would teach me how to use the Al'noth if once I learn how I ensure that I follow the intents of the Star Lady in the use of Al'noth and never knowingly work with anyone seeking to weaken, destroy and change Al'noth in any way. I questioned him on the parameters of such a deal and in the end we were both satisfied with the outcome. Thus, he began to teach me about the Al'noth and how to try and use it.

I went through everything I had been told and taught so far, outlined how I have spent years to be able to cast spells of the highest order without error from scrolls and to use items few if any beyond Al'nothists could use. He seemed impressed by my dedication and training to those aspects.

Coming to terms with reaching myself for the Al'noth however has proven to be another thing entirely. Storold has set me on a path that I feel is the right one, I do get a sense for the Al'noth as if it is just beyond my reach with my mind but that with time it is possible, and this just from his early training.

He has agreed to allow me to seek him out again in future for more lessons on the Al'noth and in its usage. I look forward to learning what so far in my life has alluded me. Truly ultimate perfection shall be mine.


Re: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #42 on: January 30, 2013, 07:12:06 am »
Some weeks have passed and Storold has proven elusive as has Sein. The Fates must have decided that this part of my learning shall take time as has all my learning in the past. I did however managed to meet briefly with Sein recently and he showed me some books with spells within them asking me if I could use them. When I told him I could he was surprised. He seemed to think then there was no reason I could not find it within myself to cast spells by drawing on the Al'noth alone.

Thus I continue to practice all that I have learnt so far from Sein and from Storold and meditate on connecting fully with the Al'noth. I sense that it is at the moment just out of reach. But I have never left a challenge unanswered yet. I am determined to succeed in this. My entire future depends on it.


Re: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #43 on: February 08, 2013, 03:25:48 am »
Finally I have once again cornered Sein and taken up as much of his time as I could. I made him cast a number of spells while I studied his movements, his words. He spoke of the materials he once needed in order to make the spells work. We spoke at length about these and most of them I recognise and can find without too much effort.

For all intents and purposes I am ready, I just have to cross that invisible threshold when it all comes together and the mist will clear and I shall ahve access to the Al'noth.


Time continues to pass. I
« Reply #44 on: December 09, 2013, 03:47:07 am »

Time continues to pass. I have trekked many lonely paths across the length and breadth of this world. The last few years I have followed up any myth or legend of ancient shamans and wizards, priests and tribal witch doctors I culd find, seeking the answers I have long sought. I have come to the conclusion that nothing on this world can give me what I need.

There is only one answer that I can see. I must find the Harvester...and failing that...the Soul Mother herself. These are paths not taken lightly and I find myself asking if this is truly what I want. Perhaps all I need is a blade crafted or imbued with the Harvesters power. One that can cut though the very essence of life itself. But to find even a fragment of such power means placing my life at risk. The Quilyn teaches us that to strive as hard as we can and fail still earns us honour. To never strive for fear of failure is a loss of honour in the eyes of the Path.

I will finish my wanderings, and when the time comes I will make my choice.


