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Author Topic: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve  (Read 2539 times)


Re: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2010, 11:39:42 pm »
Success! This time the poison has formed a particularly deadly form of neurotoxin. It affects the mind and nervous system of the victims body. In the case of users of the Al'Noth it will reduce their capacity to think about and remember their spells. This will be particularly valuable in my work and fetch a good sum from those who sponsored the finding and making of such a poison.

I have also been busy settling certain matters that needed settling. I located with some effort a dark elf similar in appearance to Duchess and killed her taking her body to the authorities in Willows Weep in order to close that matter. Although I have been unable of late to contact Duchess in order to inform her of the ruse. I suspect she may have gone underground to avoid detection.

I have also taken on a contract to find a missing woman from Fort Vehl who is particularly wealthy. So far the leads are minimal but I will not rest until she is found, alive or dead.

Arkolio has also commissioned my services to work with Dogboy in settling a few accounts with various individuals who sought to interfere with his operations in Fort Vehl while he was seemingly dead. My role was more supervisory as Dogboy used the bashers to get the tasks done by himself mostly.

I have not seen the creature whose knowledge of poisons I had sought since I completed the poison. I understand it was pleased with the result not that that matters to me beyond an indication that I was successful in what I had set out to achieve. I have more questions for it though and would readily seek more knowledge if possible when I see it again.


Re: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #21 on: June 17, 2010, 05:32:58 am »
Time passes and I train and wait for the creature to appear once more. I have tried to seek him out in dark places to no avail. I have need to create more poisons for my work. It is not enough to train and carry out minor tasks for functionaries of different people. Even Arkolio of Fort Vehl has little work at present. I have heard the Priest of Mist Hardragh has returned from a sojourn. It has been come time, perhaps he has a challenge worthy of my skills.

At this time I sense I must await on the will of the All and Nothing. What will be will be in its own good time. Therefore patience is what I practice in my daily routines.


Re: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #22 on: July 08, 2010, 04:29:14 am »
What follows is a complete and detailed list of attributes, actions, affiliations, know alias's and companions of the following people. Each account also includes specific notes on mannerisms, descriptions, particular idiosyncracies and the like. A very detailed and specific account of each individual sent a request to form a mercenary company for a specific mission.

Lord Arkolio Salvorre
Brandin aka Dogboy Fleetfeet
Kromlek the Dwarven Axemaster
Dr Vensk
Marin the elusive sorceror
Torroc the Singer
Tralek the Gifted
Vrebel the Mighty Warrior
Liar Muck aka (multiple alias's)
Eleandilethessa Quilyn (Very little notes here on this one as if the writer decided not to record details)
Gladyus of the Adamantine One
Trax the Fort Vehl Mercenary
Bella aka Viper


The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2010, 08:39:09 pm »
We have a short time in which to prepare ourselves for what is to come. The journey to the old keep inhabitated by the strange wizard known to us only as Old Grey beard has been dangerous and we have sustained a number of losses. Attrition has also played its part, A number of those initially enlisted for the mission have failed to meet the terms of the contract. At present I believe the contract with the creature can still be met even with the losses sustained.

We now know that at least two of the targets are present in this place, access to them may be difficult and time is working against us. But I suspect we can use Old Grey Beard to our advantage. He can protect those here far longer than those who are on their own out in the open. The Mist creatures will target them first since it will require a great deal more power to overcome this Grey Beard by my assessment. If there is a way we can work with Grey Beard to find the others then that gives us a viable alternative to traipsing around the world trying to find leads.


Re: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #24 on: November 05, 2010, 06:15:59 pm »
During my years of trial I had many teachers, eventually I had to choose my life teachers which I did.

The Father, he had shown me the path and brought me back to it and I respected him for that.  The Mother, she who rescued me from a life of dull drudgery, I saw in her, achievement, and recognition of who she was as head of the Sect.  Jurn, ever patient and quiet yet who drove Leisa to the limits of her own physicality and then beyond.  Lordran, for his skills in close combat, the basis upon which I seek to deal with my enemies. Mograf, the hulking brute of a man whose knowledge of intimidation and mental strength had given me new insights into the depths of my own self. A man that reminds me of the mercenary known as Gork, whom through stories I have come to respect. Elquirlyn, the dark elf steeped in the lore of Quilyn, the only one who surpassed the mother in her own knowledge. He had come with the Mother from the Deep, where she had trained in Quilyn many, many years ago and aided her in setting up the order deep beneath Hurm. His secret knowledge was deep and vast and it was him that gave her such a good grasp of the sacred language of Quilyn. The tongue of the dark elves.

And now I add to that list another who the All and Nothing has provided for me to learn greater knowledge from. The strange creature who we stumbled across some years ago in my search for the greater poisons that those available to the surface peoples of this world. The creature promised such knowledge in exchange for service, service freely contacted into.

It was from here that I sought to subcontract to others due to the need for certain skills and proficiencies when the creature appeared once more after a long absence and demanded a heavy price for further knowledge.
Knowledge being far more valuable than any coin I sought to complete the contract as given. Nine lives lived, nine lives to return to the All and Nothing. There was great honour to be achieved in completing such a contract.

Seeking suitable candidates for the tasks at hand proved problematic, yet a number were acquired with the knowledge that some would not doubt decline the offer. Such was the case, despite complete profiles and assessments of each candidate there were some I did not expect to leave that did. Others came and went as the task required which was my intention. There is also one outstanding matter of a traitor within the ranks that I have yet to deal with although plans are in progress to deal with that matter.

The core of the contract was for my knowledge alone, yet I sought to share such knowledge with a select few, this proved to be beneficial as both Ele and Nastor became confidants during the most difficult aspects of the mission and while I have been trained to trust no one, especially those who first developed Quilyn I found I could rely on them to complete certain specific tasks without question. It all comes down to nature and personal desire as Elquirlyn so wisely told me a long time ago.

The Mist creatures because the first obstacle to the successful completion of the contact. Each time I put elements in place to deal with a mark the Mist creatures would appear and try to steal the mark from us. Skill, planning and precision saw us remove several marks before the Mist creatures were able to do so.

It was only in seeking the mage Greybeard that we finally got an insight and intell on the Mist creatures that seemed to be able to track the same individuals we sought. Through subterfuge we were able to infiltrate Greybeard's confidence and hence discovered some of the truth of the nature of the creatures.

It seems that some time ago Greybeard and the other nine individuals were a mercenary company of sorts and treasure seekers. It is unclear at present the exact details of how the creature came to be involved with them but the company had amongst their number a Corathite necromancer known as Kepcha. They became aware of a large treasure horde and attempted to steal it but fell to infighting.

This is where the company led by Greybeard realized they could not prevail against the Corathite and the creature appeared. The creature offered to help Greybeard deal with the Corathite in exchange for a share of the treasure. Through some mystical ceremony where a small essence of each of the company was used the creature and Greybeard managed to banish the Corathite to an unknown Pit, they split up the treasure and each went their own separate ways.

For some time each person lived their life off the wealth they had accumulated until the Mist creatures returned. Greybeard and the creature both became aware of them around the same time and knew they were honing in on the essence of each person from the original group that had banished the Necromancer to the Pits.

This is where different ideals took place, Greybeard called those in the company back to him that he liked and left the others to their fates. Greybeard knew that each time a Mist creature took one of the Company Kepcha would gain greater power and eventually be able to return so he sought to protect them until he could find a way to stop the attacks.
It took some time to understand what the Creature wanted me to do, the creature realized that the most effective way to prevent the Corathite from gaining more power was simply to eliminate the targets. A strategy I see plainly as the most effective. As we set about to bring this to fruition I used the tools at my disposal for each of their specific traits and skills. For the most part it worked smoothly however there was towards the end the indication that there was a traitor in the ranks. I had my suspicions but without evidence simply monitored the situation and tried to prevent further damage from occurring. Now the task is complete I have put plans into motion to find out who worked against me. In my mind they failed to adhere to the contract and therefore should be reminded what happens in that instance. I will bide my time and do the investigations properly and thoroughly as I always do.

Once Greybeard realized what was happening he sought aid from the Rofireinites and Toranites and appointed his own champion in Argali Trueaxe. An honourable and worthy opponent or ally however the case may be. I have worked with her before and know her true value. As suspected Greybeard had duped her into aiding him against us. His plan would never work whereas ours had a far higher chance of success. When this came to a head the creature managed to talk Greybeard into opening a conduit for us to travel through to deal with the Corathite Kepcha. In this endeavour we found our ideals united and Argali was accepted as part of the team to travel to the Pit where the creature lived.

There we found that the Corathite was not the true force behind the Mist creatures. In fact the Mist itself appeared to have its own life force and was using the Corathite as a vessel through which to access Layonara. As per the contract we forced our way to the repository of the Corathites body and slew it so that the means by which the Mist was accessing Layonara was closed. There was a very interesting battle with what I can only explain as a manifestation of the Mist, this battle took some time and tested all our skills before it seemed the Mist finally dispersed. We took a number of loses in the Pit but they were acceptable in that we achieved our goal. Those who died did so in honour. As per the Code I have adhered to the path of Quilyn and brought honour to my soul. I have been filled with the purest form of power and risen to the nature of the code and the path, by the purity of my belief, by the transcendence of the All and Nothing, I exist now above the realm of mortal men and women and see the path for what it is. From this moment on no earthly force shall weaken me, no divine influence deter me, no arcane ritual bind me, I am Quilyn, mine is the revelation of perfection, I am.

For as the code teaches us:

'Through the code our paths are brought to absolute perfection.
Through the code our lives are brought to ultimate fulfillment.
Through control and discipline our thoughts are purified.
Through Quilyn our deeds become the measure by which honour is allocated.
Through honour to Quilyn we ascend beyond the mortal boundaries to the realms of paradise.'

Now I learn from the creature, some of those secrets to which I have dedicated my part of self to learning.



Re: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #25 on: November 08, 2010, 01:42:07 am »
In carrying out an intell gathering mission on giants in the lands surrounding Hilm recently I stopped in Fort Miritrix and as fate has it met with Lord Arkolio and his nephew Trouble. Taking time out to engage in some training I joined them in the bandit infested regions nearby.

During such time an incomplete contract, by fate again, came into our possession. It seemed a local worker from Fort Miritrix had had enough of a certain trolloc targeting his goods as they passed through the woods and wanted the problem eradicated.

We accepted the contract and moved to locate and secure the Mark, finding it some time later in a dark region of the woods in a small makeshift camp. The creature was promtly dealt with and the contract initiator informed of the completion of the contract. The opponent was worthy and honour was earn't in the completion of the contract.


Re: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #26 on: November 26, 2010, 05:24:14 pm »
It seems the heritage of which I am a disciple continues to grow and form around me. Fate calls it to me, I am now one with the path and I see its direction. Quilyn is me and I am it, I am the tool with which fate decrees life or death. As is the pattern of the All and Nothing.

Fate has drawn me to another of the elite race, one whom I had met many years ago but as I was not ready nothing could have come of it. Now, in a meeting of fates she has evaded her capture and returned to the surface where we have been brought together.

I shall accept what fate has given and aid her as I can, if she seeks to betray me then I will know that fate has decided for her life to end. When she is ready I shall introduce her to Nastor and Duchess, being her own kind they will know what more is needed, or, they will decide what life will be hers to have.

For now, I must travel to Dreger yet again to make inquiries into a merchant faction for a client. I will also need to collect more venom samples soon in order to restore my dwindling stocks. The new poison seems to work fairly effectively. The method of delivery is problematic and not as secure as I would like, I shall continue to work on this aspect.

I have not heard from the creature since he left me back near Dalanthar. I have several questions about delivery methods I would ask him. Fate will decree if I ever see him again and have those opportunities.


Re: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #27 on: January 28, 2011, 05:54:52 am »
// please note all prior references to the All and Nothing are to be read as 'The Fate Beyond' as discussed with the Loremaster.


Re: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #28 on: January 28, 2011, 06:10:50 am »
Some time has passed since leaving the service of Master Pe'tula. Upon leaving he granted me his honour by allowing me to call him by name. I have learn't much in my time with him on the nature of poisons both of the surface and the Deep. I have also learn't much of strange and unusual creatures that carry other forms of poisons that he has suggested I should try and collect and study. Some possess magical qualities in their refinement and could prove a beneficial addition to my work.

In my time since I have not been idle. As soon as I was freed from service I sought Captain Argali in order to rectify the error in her thinking about the nature of the Al'nothist known as Greybeard. It was an enlightening conversation and we spoke for a number of hours on the nature of honour, what she calls right action and on things related to the Cult in Belinara.

In my time with Master Pe'tula I had not had chance to hear much information on what has been occuring in the world. Captain Argali was most concerned that I would take up the contracts offered by Kuhl against adventurers. I told her truthfully as I felt no need to conceal my motives that I had considered the contracts but had decided against such a course of action. My motivations were that I myself in reflection was classed as one of those that Kuhl was hunting so the delivery of any captives would be problematic in itself, also the contracts would provide too much attention to myself when adventurers started disappearing. The chances of someone noticing eventually could have damaged my future contracts. Therefore I informed Argali that I would not be taking up the contracts.

It was curious her response, she seemed greatly relieved, in retrospection at a later time I considered the possibility that she was emotionally worried that I would, and perhaps had an understanding of what I could have achieved. I still struggle to understand at times the emotional attachments people have with each other. I share honour with Argali but if she died it would mean nothing to me.

With my revelation about the contracts to Kuhl Argali then chose to offer me several contracts herself. The first to extract some documents from Lord Salvorre in Fort Vehl. This was readily accomplished without his knowledge and the documents provided. That provided a further opportunity to find and reveal any stonebound hunters working in and around Fort vehl. That work continues in between several trips to Katherian of in the last few months.

I had decided that it was time for the Patriarch of the Alinni family to be reminded of the need to honour a contract. It has been many years since he tore up the contract5 he had made and refused to pay when it had been completed and set his men to hunt and try to kill me. I had escaped, just after a reminder to him that he chose the wrong guild to cheat. Dark elf memories are long and deep and dark.

Thus the time is close for him to be reminded of that fact.

Once that matter is resolved there is another personal matter I will endeavour to investigate. That, is a subject for another time however.


Re: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #29 on: March 05, 2011, 03:39:19 am »
A contract that has remained open for many years is now closed. Lord Kirth Alinni, Patriarch of the Alinni family is no more. As always I feel no joy with the termination and completion of the contract simply to say honour has been reclaimed. The Alinni family know that if they hire a member of the Quilyn then they must accept responsibility of the terms of the contract whatever they may be. Failure to comply or to adhere to the tenets of the contract will result in repurcussions. I am not aware who will step forward to claim the vacant position but I will assume until noted otherwise that they will not use the Quilyn for services again and will instead use the lesser organisations whose allegiances are often wayward and their honour entirely questionable.

Now I turn my thoughts to the next task in hand. The Doctor has left to go to Arnax and will be indisposed for some time so I will need to pursue other avenues in the meantime. I need to find someone more reliable anyway as the doctor, while excellent, can be erratic in his methods and killed the last subject almost before we even had begun.



Re: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #30 on: April 08, 2011, 06:30:01 pm »
Leisa emerges from Moraken's tower a week or so after the eminant mage stormed out of the Blackford council. Her expression as always guarded and emotionless.

Removing the lucindite garments that allowed her entry she drops them into a bin near the door and takes the path towards the goblin wastelands.

Several hours later a single goblin scout jummps out before her on the path uttering unintelligible words and waving a spear in her face.

A moment later the hand that held the spear lies twitching on the ground next to the creatures head. A quick kick and the head flies with a bloody splat into the brush near the path. The only sign of emotion leisa gives.

To those that know her it would be regarded as a significant expression of emotion to others, merely nothing.

Leisa continues on her mind turning over and over in her head the conversation with Moraken, trying to piece together elements that might work to her advantage. She had received the response she had expected from the start. Now she had to begin looking elsewhere.

For a brief moment she considered returning to the tower and interferring in his research but the years of training kicked in and the thought passed by briefly and her usual determined demeanour returned.



Re: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #31 on: June 17, 2011, 09:33:03 pm »
*Leisa returns to a particular house in the dead of night after long months spent trekking the frozen wastes of Krashin and Bastil. Ignoring the sounds and odd characters parading round the house in the dead of night she makes her way to a small room near the back of the house. Removing her wards she slips inside and locks the door securely behind her so she wont be disturbed.

Lighting a candle placed exactly where she left it months ago she methodically unpacks her bags placing numerous vials and glass containers on a small work desk in the corner. Next a pile of parchments are removed from a scrolltube and placed on the desk near the items.

Finally, moving to a small cot she pulls it aside and opens a secret compartment on its underside and removes a simple but worn book and writing inplements. Crossing back to the desk after rearranging everything as it was she sits, opens the book and begins to write. Several hours later she rubs her eyes and replaces the worn down candle.

In the book before her are detailed drawings of each and every item upon her desk, along with notes and arrows with key points. Leisa takes several pieces of the parchment and moves to a cupboard removing a shallow metal bowl and placing it near a wall where a small stove sits. Carefully she lights the fire in the belly of the stove and when burning well she places the parchment inside watching them burn until nothing is left but ash.

Task complete she moves back to the desk and grabs the remaining pieces of parchment, taking some time to arrange them in procedural order she begins to write again.

Ceremony procedure - Phase 1:

Heat water and add components - mixed paste of roots and leaves (Note: tree (details included) must be in the process of dying, tree displaying living and dead branches for harvesting bark and fungus, roots and leaves.)

Heated mixture forms drinkable substance not unlike a bitter tea. Bark added at point of boil then removed and allowed to cool.

Tea mixture strained to remove additional particles.

Phase 2:
Mixture prepared then the paste for the body must be prepared. Enter phase 2 of the procedure.

Paste of berries (refer page 17 berries from noted trees situated along the river). Berries collected and ground into paste. Additional additives - refer bark and fungus page 18 of notes.

Phase 3 of procedure:
Chest: (use of berry paste)

Body uncovered initial drawing starts directly over the centre of the bodys heart. {A circular drawing appears here narrow tight lines in the centre and circulating outwards forming a spiral pattern, lines grow bolder and have more open space between them as they enlarge - attention to detail is clearly evident}

Face:  (use of berry paste)
Lines centre around eyes and mouth of the body. The eyelids have particular focus and detail. {Careful drawings once again depicting images drawn onto the face and additional detail set to the side for each eyelid}

Phase 4:  (use of berry paste)
Preparation of the Caller - The one calling the 'spirit' back to the body must have patterns reflective of those on the body of the spirit being called. refer here to images already drawn.

Phase 5:
The calling - Caller must drink the bitter tea created for the cermony, must be fresh and lukewarm. Caller enters a trancelike state similar to Vilmhenla meditation in the Quilyn. It is implied here that the Caller must have the ability to access the Al'noth in order to perform the ceremony.

Additional notes:
Ehrok and Gilron both have impressed upon me the fact that everything must be prepared carefully and in full. Failure to do so was not made readily apparent beyond a failure to recall the dead persons spirit.

The Caller must have use of the Al'noth.

The Spirit animates the body to a small degree and is able to answer a limited number of questions based on the power of the Caller and the preparation of the materials.

The Spirit has no memory of its own death, but can recall the last few moments of death.

At the point of death there seems to be no recollection by a spirit of transcendance over two worlds, the living and the dead, therefore they cannot either see or recall anything in that moment.

The spirit indicated that it cannot see its own or others Soul strands from the world of Spirit.

When a spirit form looks at the living it cannot 'see' soul strands merely a positive frequency of energy that encases the living.

A caller can call a spirit back to its body but cannot cross into their world. A spirit that crosses into our world becomes an undead either in a corporeal sense of incorporeal ie the shades and ghostlike creatures that inhabit the Spirit Dunes.

The tone and pitch of the intonation created by the Caller is important in recalling the spirit. I sense that this sound is relevant in some way and may have to investigate this further.

Spirits that exist between this world and the next become angry and twisted seeking only to detstroy those in the world they cannot be a part of.

A spirit that is honoured and was honourable in life is more willing to return to answer questions for the living.

A spirit that is 'hostile' to the Caller is far more difficult to recall and being unwilling far more cautions need to be put in place to hold them long enough to try and gain information from them.

Future investigation:
I will need to look into the use of sound, tone and pitch in the calling and its affect on the creatures of the other side. Perhaps I can find an Ilsaran well versed in music to extract such information from. or possibly the Aragenites have an entreaty on sound. It may be that some scholar in the past has studied such things and its relation to things living and dead.

While I have a good understanding of the Al'noth and its ways, enough that I can utilise the power from scrolls written by the hand of Al'nothists I need to see if I myself am able to access such power. Perhaps Tralek can aid me in this area.

I will need to find the Doctor when he returns from Belinara. While his methods are unreliable his information on the dead may prove useful in this endeavour.

Morning dawns outside in the city but in her dark room leisa is oblivious. She sits back and stretches tired muscles from sitting in her chair all night. Carefully, methodically, she puts away her writing implements and the book. Then takes the remaining parchments and burns them in the fire, restocking it again to get the flames burning. The heat begins to warm the chill air of the room as Leisa takes each item in vials and glass jars from the desk and opens a heavy cupboard, removing several locks and wards to do so. She places the now labelled jars inside where dozens of other materials and regeants, poisons, toxins, antidotes and all manner of chemicals and substances remain under lock and key.

Everything back into its place leisa sits on the floor and spends an hour in quiet meditation before finally undressing and after checking the locks on her door moves to the cot and curls up to sleep.



Re: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #32 on: August 19, 2011, 08:11:56 pm »
The last few months has seen a great deal of activity. It seems after some years my status in the Quilyn is beginning to show. Certainly the work Naster has provided, while relatively straight forward, has been to the benefit of his people, the perfect race and has given me new avenues to pursue in developing various persona's. It also gave me much honour to provide the escape for one I would call in name sister. While it is not unheard of, it is extremely rare to take such an attachment to another when in service to the Quilyn. There comes with it an even greater responsibility not to become emotionally involved should others seek to use that attachment against me. Not that I expect that to happen. She is more than capable, even moreso than myself.

That matter has taken up some time, particularly in travel back and forth and in observation in and around Fort Wayfare but even as I write this it is almost complete. One more waits to be honoured as my sister was. His death awaits.

It has worked well with my primary concern at the moment. Finding the components the Master has determined are necessary to re-create the ancient poison. It has been onorous negotiating on the necessary components but worthwhile. All I await upon now is Nastors contribution. I am concerned that his attempts at playing master manipulator with the surfacers has distracted him from his task in this. I must admit to a lack of understanding of his methods. He seems to enjoy the situations he creates the longer they last. This is against my innate reasoning. The Quilyn teaches us patience yes, but it also teaches us that the best solution to any situation is the quickest and most final. Not the dragging out of the situation. The more you drag something out the greater the variables that come into play that can affect your primary goal. Still, he seems to know what he is doing most of the time. I will just have to remain wary and conscious of my own self in all this.

My final concern is something I am not yet fully understanding but will dwell on more in the coming weeks. A strange message I received indicating that something is about to happen in the world that I can help prevent. Of course my first question is why would I want to? It is not my concern. Only the mission and the Path is my concern. And yet, I know I must at some stage seek an answer to what is going to happen. If it is going to impinge on my ability to seek perfection then I will have to act to prevent that in whatever capacity is needed. Once my most immediate concerns are dealt with I shall investigate this matter to establish its credence.

At some point also I must address the personal matter I have chosen to attend to. Once again it raised its problem recently. A problem needed to be removed and the problem was a Stonebound. I was unable to act against them directly because of the knowledge that they would use the stones and then return to seek me out. This continues to pervert the nature of Quilyn and the sanctity of my identity. I must pursue this sooner rather than later. I have several ideas on the matter and will need to make enquires. Hardragh has offered to help me with this so I shall seek him out once again.


Re: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #33 on: April 11, 2012, 09:44:13 pm »
//Noting this thread as a contiuation of her search and after RP with Alandric Vensk aka The Mad Doctor.


Re: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #34 on: April 11, 2012, 09:54:07 pm »
Leisa returns to her room going through the same procedures as always in unlocking and locking the room. Once again she notes that one of the houses other inhabitants have yet again tried to gain access to her small room and once again has failed. She notes the poison coated lock is untouched the poison a mild one that creates numbness in ones fingers.

Entering the room she puts the cloth covered dagger onto her workbench and moves to uncover several magical light sources around the room. She sits at the bench and unwraps the dagger spending the next few hours studying its construction, materials, runes and other oddities before deciding that if it did what the Mad Doctor claimed, the means which it did so were not apparent to her. Yet again she wondered whether she needed to pursue some studies with the Lucindites in Spellguard to further her own knowledge beyond what she could read about.

Setting the dagger aside she took out her diary and swiftly sketched the dagger from various angles, including each rune as well as additional notes on the daggers construction.

Once done she wrapped it up and placed it into a well locked iron box and placed it into her heavy, iron reinforced, oak cupboard. At the same time she removed a small box with several vials inside and placed it on her desk.

Undressing quickly she took one of the vials and sat on the floor of her room assuming a meditative pose. Quickly she drank the vial of diluted poison and began to meditate, keeping mental note of the effects the poison had on her system. She had been doing this same routine for years with the various poisons she worked with, just in case. The idea being that her body could, over time, develop some immunity to the effects of poisons, useful in her line of work.


Re: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #35 on: May 17, 2012, 07:47:01 am »
*several pages contain sketches of crop plants, seeds and parts of the plants in detail complete with descriptions.

Dozens of samples have now been collected and I am ready to begin my study of them to ascertain whether some form of posion has been used to damage the crops. This is as per Nastor's request since he will soon be returning to his homeland for a time. My initial phase of supposition will revolve around the assumption that poison has been used. Making ascertions that the means of dispersment of the poison would have to be based on several different forms;

airborne agent - designed to spead by air to poison the next plant, specifically designed to target edible species of plant, this would mean specifically cultured with in depth knowledge of plant genus and acute knowledge of poisons as well to create a substance able to fulfill this prospect.

ground water poison - Given the locales where the contagion is affecting this seems unlikely but if we are supposing it could be this then the poison substance would need to be delivered in vast quantities into the natural water basin beneath each continent. The problem with this scenario is that such widespread delivery would surely mean all plant life would be affected but to date the problem seems to be limited to edible food crops leading once again to the assertion that an agent of force is behind the situation.

War based event - Given the nature of the war against the Cult in Kuhl and the widespread usage of poison by the Green Dragon Cult it is not impossible that soldiers in Hilm were affected by fall out from the dragon poison and have inimically taken elements of the poisons unknowingly back with them to their countries of origin. Upon return the remains of the poison has entered the enviromnent causing the current crisis. Given that the main affects seem to be human crops it seems logical based on this scenario given that most soldiers would return to civilised lands and enter such regions where crops are raised and other areas would seem to remain unaffected where few people travel.

Natural event - It could just be a natural cycle of events, a slight lessening of rainfall, a change in weather patterns, there are any number of randomly occuring features that may or may not trigger a weakening of food stocks.

Alnoth - Given research at Spellguard it seems possible in my mind that an agent of one of this worlds dieties or possibly a singularly powerful individual or group might be capable of creating such an event as is occuring. Should this be the case there must be some motive for this to occur or there will be signs somewhere in the world to indicate such is the case. This is no small feat for such not to be so. Determining this aspect will require careful observation and investigation.

Further speculation is probable however before doing so a thorough inspection and analysis of the samples must be undertaken to detemine if residual foreign elements exist within them. Results of such will follow.

*Several pages are left blank to record findings of the samples*

*Several sketches appear of a gem*
The emerald supplied by Nastor has many unique qualities. That is has been enchanted is unmistakeable, that it is also hollow is indeniable. It does not fit the natural convention of the growth of crystals that a gem of this nature can be hollow, thus Al'noth has caused it to be so for the soul purpose of it being the repository of the liquid contained within.

The liquid within, dark, murky in appearance, clouds of black, dark grey and near black appear when the liquid settles or is moved. It appears also to give the impression of having a vapourous state, or at least some element of it is.

Use of such a poison seems problematic without an effective method of delivery that contains all elements together within it. I would suggest that extracting the poison without drawing the mixed elements in the right quantities will render the poison ineffective or reduce its capacity.

For now I will place the gem in a secure location and focus on Nastors immediate request which is to determine if a poison is being used to create the famines and if so who may be orchestrating such an elaborate scheme. No small task assuredly but he knows the value I have placed on the gem and its contents he has given me.


Re: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #36 on: May 21, 2012, 09:17:52 am »
*Several pages of scribbled notes and comments in regards to numerous experiments and observations continue until.*

Test after test completed with near on negative results. However this does communicate a lot. I think I can now confirm several key aspects of my studies.

Firstly, that insects are not affected by the damaged crops.
Secondly, when healthy plants are brought into contact with unhealthy plants they also become unhealthy.
Thirdly, there is no apparent affect on omnivores.

This leads me to suspect it is some sort of wasting disease of poison causing the problems. this is in itself also problematic due to the apparent limited field of affect.

However, I have been able to ascertain a few other key points of information from discussion with several individuals.

Firstly, that it has been reported that chickens have laid unfertilised eggs and secondly that some births have resulted in sick infants. When I put these pieces of information together with the notes I have made regarding the status and apparent malformed dormancy in the seeds of the unhealthy plants I can only reach one conclusion at this point in time.

Whatever the disease of poison is and however it is passed on, it affects the fertility centres of the plants or creature it is absorped by.

One issue I have at this time is that humans are also omnivores and yet it seems they, or their offspring are potentially affected which is not supported by my findings so far which says that omnivore creatures are not affected. It is possible that due to diet the affects in humans and potentially chickens or other creatures we are not yet aware of may be lessened.

I shall conduct an experiment to test this theory by mixing traces of meat into the meal of an affected creature and observe the results.

The symptons align somewhat with a form of wasting disease, so to test that theory at the same time I will culture three plantings and use cure disease, lesser restores on two of them and fresh soil and cure disease as liquid growth on a third. If these fail then I shall add blood and bone to a forth to assess any changes.

While these are growing it will give me time to study a collection of insects and rodents taken from a site of famine.


Re: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #37 on: June 01, 2012, 08:12:41 pm »
Leisa stands in the middle of one of the many labs belonging to the Doctor. Finding her own spaces unsuitable to the task she collected all her research and mov ed it to a more suitable location. Ignoring the cadavers, jars of body parts, and vicious instruments, the blood stains, the buckets of entrails and everything else the Doctor collected in his private labs she got on with the task of examining the rotted inerds of several creatures.

Labourious notes are written, page after page of images and pictures, suggestions, opinions and more in small neat hand writing. Before finally a solid slab of text is written.

Extensive examinations have proven to serve as a means to eliminate probable causes. I have taken the Doctor through part of the research and he only became interested when dealing with the afteraffects of the famine disease on the animals inerds. A rotting disease or necrosis that affects internal organs. He has claimed his associates have access to a great many of these types of diseases. I know they have the capability in poisons as I have provided many for them but this is not a poison.

I have given him some samples to see if his associates can determine if any sort of Al'noth remnants exist in them. If such is the case this may provide definitive proof that the famine itself was a deliberate action. This is really what Nastor is interested in. If we can determine an al'noth remnant then it is possible to isolate the potential source.

If no such traces exist then I will approach those in Fort Vehl currently investigating the phenomenon and determine further avenues of thought.


Re: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #38 on: November 20, 2012, 03:34:23 am »
// This entry has been approved and contributed to by Pseudonym on behalf of Arkolio

Having spend almost a year traversing different regions of the world, questioning numerous sources and following multiple leads Leisa finds herself once more in Katherian. Keeping a low profile she again looks up old contacts in the Vine trying to get a handle on the source of the famines and those responsible for an intricate and subtle manipulation of places around the world to spread the plague and cause upset, difficulty and even distrust amongst those on the surface.

Eventually, having exhausted all prior leads above ground and credible ones from the Deep she can marginally trust she makes for a large winery on the outskirts of Katherian.

The Salvorre Family winery and College for Disadvantaged Children stands before her as she walks along the long gravelled road leading to the impressive manor house that dominates the estates. On the wide porch that covers the full length of the house a table setting is presented with white cloths and cushioned seats. Platters of fruits and sweet meats are arrayed on the table including several crystal decanters of water and wine.

A figure sits in one of the chairs dressed in a dark suit after the latest Katherian fashions and at sharp contrast to the start whiteness of the setting. A child with dark curly hair plays with a rocking horse on the porch and a woman of noble beauty stands beside him.

Leisa has time as she draws closer to note a number of guards at intervals around the property and several hidden ones as well before she draws up to the stairs leading to the expansive porch. She pauses and looks up as Arkolio stands lazily and swaggers to lean against one of the columns supporting the overhanging roof of the level above. A coin idly flips back and forth across the back of his knuckles.

"So you finally took me up on my offer?" His cheeky reference to the many times he has tried to lure Leisa into showing romantic affection for him yet again fails to make any impression on her. Nearby Arkolios wife barely even registers the comment, so used to his flippant ways.

As if remembering she is there Arkolio turns to her, "Hun, I've got business to attend to, take him out the back will you."

Lady Salvorre takes the boy by the hand and leads him through the huge doors into the manor house. Arkolio stands straighter and motions Leisa up to the porch and to a seat.

Leisa sits and carefully places a small bunch of grapes, a piece of cheese and a particular sweet meat onto a plate before her.

Arkolio once again flops down into a seat opposite her as a servant arrives to top up his glass before disappearing inside the house.

"So, you wanted this little meeting, you're lucky I was actually here, the Vaults profits are down and I've been back and forth over the last few months."

"You are aware of course of the food production problems associated with many lands around the world over the last year or so are you not?"

Arkolio sighs and places his glass down on the table. "Always straight to the point, dont you ever relax? I certainly do, lifes too short to waste it on serious work."

"Then you are aware of the incidences."

Arkolio grinned at her across the table, "I make it my business to know lots of things."

"My investigations have led me to believe that this is a worldwide coordinated event initiated by various factions and organisations predominantly based in the Deep. What I have gathered so far is that the Corathites, a Slaver group from the Deep, the Vine and some as yet unknown groups in Liwich and Morholt have benefitted from the situation. It has been increasingly difficult to determine any links as the more I dig the more secretive they become."

"What do you care? You dont do anything without a contract?" Arkolio flicked a coin into the air, his eyes watching its every turn before catching it again and then rolling it across his knuckles.

Leisa ignored the question and pressed on. "Many years ago you contracted me to accompany you to a place that we cannot name nor discuss where a person whom we are not allowed to mention dwells."

Arkolio suddenly became more guarded looking around to make sure none of the servants were in earshot. He sat forward in his seat and lowered his voice across the table and its contents. "Be very careful what you say from now on, remember the terms of your contract and what you swore to him."

"I have never failed to adhere to a contract, I will not fail now. This person needs to be made aware that someone in Katherian is benefitting from this, and that may tip the balance of power when events finally move to whatever destination they are progressing towards. I have as yet been unable to determine this specific outcome but I am slowly working towards it and hope to as yet determine the source and their intentions."

For several moments Arkolio sat forward in his chair the coin still in his thumb and forefinger. Eventually he slowly leaned back into his chair a thoughtful expression on his face. "Who hired you? Who is spending valuable coin to have one of the worlds best assasins trecking the globe searching for obscure clues?"

"I cannot tell you that."

"Why should I do this for you? Whats in it for me?"

"You get to be the one to bring the knowledge to this person and avoid a shift in the balance of power that they did not initiate."

"You presume a lot, what if your information is wrong and nothing ever happens, then I look like a laughing stock. No, I'm sorry but I need more assurances than that."

"What do you want?"

Arkolio's grin returned and he stretched, obviously enjoying the fact that someone needed his help.

"I want to know who hired you and I want two more...candidates, the same as last time."

Leisa's dark eyes flickered, a sure sign that Arkolio had annoyed her to some degree, enough to crack her usual emotionless exterior.

"That will take me some time to achieve."

Arkolio sipped his wine enjoying the moment before responding. "So will what you have asked of me, and I'm not about to expose myself to potential discreditment in that person's eyes, not after its taken me such a long time to establish this relationship. Those are my terms Liselle, take them or leave them."

Leisa placed a grape carefully into her mouth and chewed for a while before swallowing. "Very well, but I will hold you to account for this information as I have in the past. we each have too much to lose if the other dares act against them.

"Fair enough," Arkolio smiled amusedly, enjoying the game immensly.

"Nastor hired me to find the source of the plague, if possible to find a way to turn it around or at least discover how it is passed on and spread. If I can find those responsible he wants to know."

She paused for a moment watching Arkolio barely paying any attention then continued.

"What about your part?"

He looked up, "All in good time Leisa. I believe you owe me some new candidates. I can't go empty handed as you know, its not polite."

Leisa's eyes flickered again. "Very well, I shall return in two months with what you request."

"I look forward to seeing you again, really we must do this more often, brunch on the porch, it is a wonderful thing."

Realising she had been dismissed Leisa stood, took the bunch of grapes from her plate and calmly proceeded down the steps and back to the road heading out of the estate.

Behind her Arkolio chuckled as he watched her leave, "Never changes that one."


Re: The path of Quilyn - Leisa Margreve
« Reply #39 on: December 27, 2012, 11:17:02 pm »
I recently met and worked alongside an Al'nothist whose motivations are purely self centred. Nothing given without nothing received. I could appreciate this and it made negotiations easier as we each in the end understood what the other wanted and what we wanted out of the deal. As it turned out he was an Al'nothist seeking to learn traits that I have acquired extensive skills in, stealth, locks, traps and the like. Iit was a simple enough solution. He would test and train me in the arts of the Al'noth and I in turn would reciprocate from my own knowledge. It was a fair deal and one both of us stood to gain from.

In our first instuctional venture I think he was suprised at how quickly and easily I could utilise scrolls to cast Al'noth from. Even the highest level of scrolls he possessed I could read without error and bring their written elements into being. I explained to him that items containing Al'noth possed no difficulty for me either.

Seins only comment was that if I had the capacity to do all that and read the highest level scrolls without error there should be no reason I could not find it within me to call on the Al'noth and shape it to serve my demands. He also pointed out that casting from a scroll was one thing, actually channelling it through my body was completely another.

And so the lesson proceeded with several exercises he has given me to work with for now.

