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Author Topic: The protectors diary  (Read 1071 times)


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #60 on: June 09, 2007, 08:51:12 pm »
The last week has been... I can't really say, odd, new to me... Usually, I just walk the lands unoticed. But somehow people know my name where i go, I like this since I know I have helped a lot of places. However it seems that, I haven't really been living up to all of the ideals that I should have...
Leadership, what is that, I guess that some seem to think it is the opposite of what I am showing from time to time. For now though, I am trying to get that past me...
My past haven't been the best for stepping up for myself, but it seems that people have a feeling that it is what is needed now. Maybe I even do myself, I can't really tell. For now I feel a lot of different things, lost, without guide... Matilda said I am ready, but am I ready for the truth?
I have my wife behind me, but is that enough. In the end it might not really be about who is behind me or who isn't all comes down to what I think myself... Just so hard, the past is years ago, but now it just keeps sneaking closer and closer.
Will I stay like this, or will I do as I could? Would it change me?
I guess the only things that really changes who you are are the things you let yourself be changed by. Wheren't I told that, the weave is ever changing why not embrace the change I am going through now, why not let the past be what I should learn from and not what I should live by every day...
Answers, answers I will never get if I just sit down... But who knows... What will happen if once in your life you take a stand...


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #61 on: June 20, 2007, 05:53:59 pm »
The twins are born now, two healthy boys Ethan Alexander and Jonnathan Tristen, I never thought I would find myself getting up late at night tending to my own children making sure that they are comfortable through the day annd everything. However this is one of the happiest times of my life, I would like to spend some time with them seeing them grow up and I hope that my life will allow that to happen. However there are many things I should get done now.
The church, the rift, Zoraje, the drow, the other drow and the people I am to guide. All this I have to do something about, maybe I should pick up something else too but I am still unsure of this. Right now my focus should be at my children for a little while before everything goes crazy. For now I am still waiting for a reply from the church, the hand is still a mystery and everything else just seems to be comming along slowly. I just hope all this work will allow my children to grow up in a more peacefull world and give them the freedom of choice I didn't have when I was young.
*Storold puts down his journal and goes to watch his children sleep for a little while before heading off to bed himself*


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #62 on: July 21, 2007, 06:41:29 am »
It is spreading... My arm might never come back to normal, and yet what I did turned out to be all in wain. I guess in the end I won a personal fight but lost the fight against my enemy. But I still await an answer from Raven as to what to do with the arm.
Speaking of nature and druids, I took the boys out on a walk in the forest showing them the paths my mother showed me when we were finally reunited. They really enjoyed it and fould the calm animals of the forest facinating and the berries and nuts tasty. But I told them not to go out without mommy or daddy for now since the forest is a dangerous place, the bugbears roam right outside our door when Horthat isn't eating them.
And speaking about the children, they are soon going to be big brothers, Mylindra is pregnant again... At first she was really upset about it but it seems that she is very happy about it now. I am really happy about it as well of course a mouth more to feed means more work but after the time we have had the twins I can see how many joys children bring to your life as well.
Other than that I am still busy helping people out, a few more have come forward asking for it and I do my best to help them out. But I have to have this hand fixed before I am as usefull as I would like to be. Also I miss just holding my boys in my arms while I tell them a story or have Mylindra in both of my arms, even after so little time without being able to do that...


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #63 on: July 31, 2007, 06:53:21 pm »
After some time it is almost at the elbow, I can't even stay at home now because Mylindra is worried sick about it and want me to stay with her in Blackford untill a cure is found. But well, I still have to help my friends but now in turn I will have to ask them for help as well. I don't really feel comfortable with doing so but it is the only right thing to do.
I have a lot of time here though so I might as well get some research done and talk to some people. But I am not sure how much is known here and how much I will have to actually travel there to find out. Maybe in time I will be able to bring Mylindra and my friends along to scout and map the area.
But while I am here I might as well send the letters out and prepare for the meeting which hopefully will be after my hand is better. Otherwise I would have a very weak case and the fear that I might be armless would drive people to shrug me off. But well I can only hope for the capable healers here to find a cure before it is too late...


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #64 on: August 01, 2007, 11:10:00 pm »
Waiting... Just waiting for someone to come up with something and a specialist to come in with a cure for me... Several times have I traveled near Olist Obinn and other drow cities but no sign of Nahe around there. Raven still hasn't replied so I fear that she might have given up too... At some point I gave up myself too... But a talk with Mylindra and a promise to help no matter what from her helped. Also it helped talking to Tristan and Sala about my progress, soon I will be ready to take some more steps along the way.


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #65 on: August 02, 2007, 11:11:18 pm »
Really... I must be going crazy now. I feel so helpless towards many of the things that are happening right now... People are not directly demanding things from me but still trying to push me to do what they think is right. Saying I am not who they would like to see me as. Well pity for them, if they have issues with my life I suggest they take a look at their own and see if they are getting anywhere to where they want to be. However I feel like I am up against something I do not wish to challenge, and if I do... Well I would probably end up breaking more than a create. However... Soon letters will be posted and choices will be made, if everything happens after the plan... But will the plan hold, only time will tell...
The twins and Mylindra are are pretty fine, although Mylindra has been feeling pretty bad due to the little new one and her scarce food intake over the last few days. But well she is recovering and she would g fishing with the boys this morning which I think she did to get even more fish. I guess I should be gathering friut for her, but I have a few outstanding things I would like done before I start looking for apple and pear trees.
I talked to Tristan too... And even though he felt rather sad by my words and actions he could see that I had a smal point and he would try to help me the best way possible... But to what end, I don't really know if I should just give up but then again that would be the easy way and no one wants to have people doing that. But do I want to do that myself, that is the question.
Probably no one will be able to answer that before everything is over, however I know that eventually I will figure out the path I want to walk and walk the path blessed by Lucinda.


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #66 on: August 05, 2007, 10:33:10 pm »
More and more things are happening... And still the danger creeps closer to my torso... It is at the elbow now and Mylindra looks serious when she talks about chopping the arm off.
She is getting bigger, the boys are getting bigger. I finally dared to look into their eyes again when I talk to them, they are a little uneasy when I they look at the arm but thankfully I can distract them with a small game or some magical trick. They are not really progressing, but still I know that it is the best not to push them further on. They will be no where near mastery of what they do before they are adults and have a family of their own.
I still have many things to do but information I thought I would never have has found its way to me now. As soon as I get my hand fixed I will travel to Spellgard again and have that meeting with the warder. I don't know what she has to say but I will soon find out. I would really like to see Eldarwen first but she seems nowhere to be found. Probably busy with something important.
Other things... I have been asked to help out with a rather magical business involving some orbs.. I don't know what to make of it yet but it seems like a rather important task. Other than that I have been asked to show up in Arnax for some rather important.. I am still puzzling with what it might be but it seems connected to some persistent rumours I have heard lately.


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #67 on: September 13, 2007, 02:47:12 pm »
I have been cured... It turns out that it was a very good thing that we found that hiden groove. The tiefling who lived there was appearantly able to cure the curse with her blood... And what do you know it turns out she was Nah


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #68 on: September 13, 2007, 02:47:45 pm »
I have been cured... It turns out that it was a very good thing that we found that hiden groove. The tiefling who lived there was appearantly able to cure the curse with her blood... And what do you know it turns out she was Nah


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #69 on: September 17, 2007, 06:56:48 pm »
My hand is cured... After something as disgusting as when the curse was transferred to me when it happened, but after all I can be there for my children and my wife now. Shar a friend of Angela and Alantha helped with this, we found her in a hidden groove in Wolfswood long time ago... It turns out she is Nahes sister that brought back some painfull memories for her but thankfully she was still willing to help me clear the arm and with some of her blood I was able to recover over some time...
The twins have a little sister now, little Sarrah, she was born in Leringard just like them... Sala, Ralinda and Tyrian was a great aid and during the birth. They are godmothers of Sarrah now for their help... The boys are growing up too, they are close to five years now and really growing up to be healthy young boys. I am not sure when I should take them to Spellgard but they will have to do with Vehl for now since I don't want to risk any burned furniture.
The children I have been taken care of in Vehl are doing fine... Except the lonely boy, he has fallen seriously ill and I have to see if I can find something usefull in Spellgard...


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #70 on: October 06, 2007, 03:06:09 pm »
I found the cause of the illness and the boy is feeling better now due to some unexpected help, I am still confused about the whole thing but as long as the children are happy I can't complain.
Other than that I have come by some information that might help me in the search for someone who commited a crime against the weave, if I will be succesfull in finding this person and get her judged in Spellgard only time will tell but so far I am optimistic.
Our own children are growing up fine too... It is quite scary that the boys are almost six now, and Sarrah one yet old... Well I guess time passes quickly and they are all a wonderful blessing to Mylindras and my life. I just wish I had more time for them but now I am spending most of my time in Spellgard working and training.
The boys are growing more and more fond of magic, so I guess I should bring them to Spellgard some time soon... I am just afraid of loosing them too early so I would rather keep them close to me and teach them all that I can before sending them there to learn. Sarrah... Well she is still too young to say anything about but she is a wonderful girl and I am sure she will become something great in time too..


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #71 on: October 17, 2007, 11:12:21 am »
*Storold sits at home writing his journal on one of his days off, the boys have just run out into the forest with their grandmother and Sarrah is playing on the floor in from of him.*

It has been some months, many things have happened. Alantha, Angela, Jacc and all the others have returned, they bring news of a succes but their own failure. I do not know if my decition to stay had made things harder or easier but I can only say that I learned a lot of things during this time that I wouldn't have learned otherwise. I truely hope that their succes have made what we fought so hard for the last years possible. But only time will tell I guess. For myself time is something that just passes each day with more joys and sorrows, thankfully most joys since I still walk the path of the Lady.
Further more, we saved the children... Sort of... At least we saved most of them, but sadly around 30 of them died in the fight plus all their teachers. But the monestary held and we got the main dwarf so to speak... What became of him, well.. The former ruler of the monestary showed why he was know as an evil man before, he clearly had no intentions of showing mercy to his defeated enemy, he ordered him killed immidiatly which not all agreed to but Angela... She just shot him in the neck like he was some kind of animal, no mercy shown at all. I know it was to be expected from her but it still made me rather angry however the anger soon faded, or got redirected...
When the dwarf feel and the innitial confusion stopped spheres like the ones outside fort Gorge appeared and soon time stopped its normal flow, Iriliax appeared and took the two special children, broke the boys neck and threw him away, took the girl and used the ritual we saw him perform before in his own mind.. The result, one dead boy a scared girl and a new lich was born or unborn whatever you call it. While he had the time stopped he managed to kill Krakaria himself too with a dagger right into his chest, that became the end of an era in the Krakarian monestary, from that day forward the Krakarians are no more, at least not in the pure line.
After this we prepared for hunting down the lich, who escaped without doing more harm than he already had, how to do this I do not know but the new leader of the monestary decided to give us some aid... But what kind of aid was this? Angela ended up horriblely cursed, if this was the intention of the new owner of the monestary I can only speculate since he did not agree with not showing any mercy to the dwarf, all I do know is that what I saw there was horrible and if this was deemed punishment then he was far out of line like the now late Lord Krakaria.
Me... Well I got some kind of helmet, curious to its use I went to the library to research on it, and on Angelas curse too however I did only find the story explaining it no clues about a cure, what I found was a story about a conjurer of all possible things. Having read that part I decided that I better just put it in our display case at home for now, I have little desire to wear something which have little use as most things linked to conjuration do have, sure they are part of a wonderful weave, but that weave offers little for me.

*Storold closes his book and slides down on the floor to Sarrah and talks to her while she plays*


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #72 on: November 03, 2007, 02:09:52 pm »
*Storold finds some time alone while Mylindra and the children are traveling to Western Gate to see the new Cathederal being build there. Storold sits himself in his library and writes in his journal while the autum wind carries the dead leaves through the Forest of Fogs outside*

The children are growing up way faster than I thought possible, the boys are soon ready to begin training in their skill. I am not really sure what to do with them, I really want them to stay at home with me instead of having them move far far away to learn the self control they need the make good use of their skills. Sarrah, well she is little Sarrah still, the boys are good at taking care of her when Molly and me needs some time alone.
I have been working on some new weave lately, but I don't really know if this is the path forward. I remember back some years ago I had different plans. But well plans and persons change, I have changed myself during the past year without the full favor. For better or for worse well I can't really tell sometimes I feel bad about what I am doing others I find joy in the work that I have accomplished.
I have tried to take Salas advice and have planned to make a pilgrimage, not to Spellgard or Blackford. But to Audira of all places. This is where Matilda first saw the circle of eight, I guess I miss her some especially now when I could really use her advice to guide me back to the right path, towards perfection in Lucindas eyes and towards the greater wonders of the weave.

*Storold sighs quietly and looks out of his window at the leaves tumbling around on the forest floor*

Autum, closing winter. I guess that is where my life is going to. Even though it is hard to admit it. I felt the Gatheres touch again when I fell to Milaras men.

*Storold shifts a little in his chair looking uncomfortable around*

I haven't told Mylindra yet, I will have to soon. But she has much on her mind herself. Seems her time is running low too, but she shouldn't give up like that. The Lord Protector has plans for her here than he wants to have completed before she goes to serve him.
On the lighter side of things Angela has agreed to teach me with my rapier. I really hope that she through that can give me the focus that I need to enchant, poke and keep on my feet during a fight. She is the best of the best of the fighters who use a rapier for their combat. Nothing can hit her while she fights and her focus on hitting her foe is unbreakable. If I can just reach a small bit of what she has done so far I will be succesfull in my task with learning about the focus between body and rapier.

*Storold closes his book and walks through the kitchen taking his rapier as he heads out to the forest with the cloak covering his back and his hood far down his head as he walks out to hunt for the comming days.*


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #73 on: December 01, 2007, 05:01:47 pm »
*Storold walks around in his library while Mylindra is at the church with the children. He smiles looking out at the light green spring forest and the flowers slowly breaks from their rest underground.*

The children are getting really big now, and well there is a new one growing in Molly now. I guess one can't control ones future as much as one would like to, but we are both looking forward to seeing this new face in our family. Jonnathan and Ethan has spend a lot of time with me so I could show them some new magic or some new part of the forest and how the snow and ice were there.

*He slowly puts the pen down and takes out a book that is by now rather worn but you can tell that the wooden cover makes it more resistant to the beatings it has gotten.*

I have been working a bit too much on the blade for my taste lately, and I feel that some of the determination I had in my abjuration research is slipping. I sort of wish to return to that for a while and put the rapier behind me, but then again I will never reach the level of skill I should have to actually enchant my blade. But I want to master the inner mysteries of abjuration too, I can make wonderful wards that protect my friends and myself, but it just seems that the ones trying to pierce them are always a step ahead of me.
I have worked with Angela on my fencing but it always seem that what I try to do end up wrong. But I make small bits of progress every day, and some day I will be as good as most of the people who has never dedicated them solely to one weapon. But I have a long way to go and I will never know before I reach the end of the road wether I succeded in my goals or not.

*He stands and walks a bit around the room gently touching the two sticks Jonnathan and Ethan picked up in the forest a few days ago. He seems to sigh to himself and smile at the same time before reading some of the books he has, waiting for Molly and the children to come back from the church*


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #74 on: January 06, 2008, 07:33:03 am »
*Storold stands out in his barn with "mister Golem", slowly he works with a piece of sandpaper and some walnutoil while he mutters something about should have been a goranite. Ethan and Jonnathan are playing around him while they are trying to find some new hay for the cage in which they keep their rabbit. Storold has so far been able to remove the rust on one of the legs and oil the knee slightly he smiles and dusts off his hands looking back to Ethan and Jonnathan...
Then all in a sudden the golem pulls him off the ground and shakes him holding his leg. "Arghhhh!!!" Storold hangs looking rather frustrated as Ethan and Jonnathan laughs at their father and the golem while Storold curses "by Lucindas blue underwear.. Put me down!! Now down on the ground!". The golem tosses Storold into a stack of hay leaving Storold laying upside down grumbling a whole lot much to his childrens amusement.
"I shouldn't be wasting my time on this..." Storold starts removing hay from his hair and clothes and he gets up. "But somehow I just feel that I have to help you and make you find your place too, and that is surely not as a rusty golem..." Grumbles and picks up the sandpaper and oils again and starts scrubbing off more rust polishing the golem.*


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #75 on: January 24, 2008, 05:14:06 pm »
*Storold stands out in his garden, the children playing tag around the house. Infront of him is mister Golem, now with both his legs finely polished by Storold. As Storold watches the golem stand there moving its arms a little, Mylindra walks up and places a hand on his shoulder smiling to him. "So this is what you have been spending so much time out of the house on." She looks at the golem a little sceptical. "Yes this is really neat, I am sure it will be usefull in the household and all, just watch..." Storold gestures to the golem and walks closer "Now Mister Golem show Mylindra that you can be usefull and please lift me up so I can look on that leak we have in the roooooffff..." Storold is lifted up to the roof of the house and he looks a little concerned around as the golem holds him steady. After some time Storold gets the roof fixed and Molly seems rather impressed with his work and also of the golem that helped. "Now that might actually be useful.. But how do I control it?" Storold still being lifted by the golem looks back at Molly. "I don't think you can, it seems to only obey me.. You know the all powerful wizard." He grins and winks to Molly who looks up to him poking her tongue out at him before she grins to the golem. "Throw Storold in the pond please mister Golem" Nothing seems to happen initially and Storold grins speaking to the golem. "Now please set the all powerful wizard down Mister Goleeeeeemmmm!!" Storold flies through the air and lands right in the middle of the pond spluttering and grumbling as he gets wet. Mylindra and the children watches giggling as Storold walks up from the pond and grumbles looking up at the golem. "Whatever was that for?" the golem just shrugs and lifts Storold up shaking him before dropping him amusing Storolds family even more as Storold curses and grumbles during the treathment.


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #76 on: March 03, 2008, 03:28:07 am »
*Storold walks around in the empty house slowly tidying up after two days searching every corner of the Forest of Fogs. He tries asking Horthat again and again if he has seen anything, but the familar was busy bothering giants while Storold was away.
After cleaning up the house he colapses on the couch and doesn't wake before past midday the next day. When he does he goes to remove the last bits of rust on mister Golem trying to get a explanation from him but since the golem can't talk this doesn't work at all.*

Storold: *Stands on a stack of hay taking the last rust of the "face" of the golem working carefully at that*So you don't have any idea where they went?

Mister Golem:*Just looks at Storold not really showing any sign of a response*

Storold:*Sighs and shakes his head* I don't suppose you do anything other than hanging around in my barn all the time anyhow...

Mister Golem:*Seems to move his arms rather disapprovingly and launches a blow in Storolds direction*

Storold:*Falls back tumbling out of the way just in time landing on the hard floor brumbling a bit*Okay okay.. This isn't your fault but still what do you do besides cause trouble for me?

Mister Golem:*Seems hurt and starts walking towards the open barn gate with his head low*

Storold:*Shakes his head a little*Don't go now... I didn't mean it like that, you are the best golem I could ever wish for.. Please lets just forget about this, I have lost enough of my family this week.

Mister Golem:*Turns back slowly and lights up in the "eyes" slightly walking towards Storold picking him up giving his a firm shake before almost choking hin in a huge golem hug*

Storold*Gasps and grumbles mumbling something about a grazy golem...*

*Storold travels to the newly constructed temple in Western gate and later to the temple in Vehl to check if they know anyhting but both give him the explanation that sh ehasn't been to those two places since she went missing. After this Storold visits and talks to friends who knows nothing either except they suggest scrying which after a talk with some of the diviners at Spellgard is impossible since Storold doesn't have any of her personal belongings.
After this Storold packs some of his books and leaves for Spellgard abandoning the empty house to his familar and the golem. Not returning the next few days.*


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #77 on: March 30, 2008, 09:09:17 pm »
*Storold smiles to himself sitting in a room in the Leringard Arms enjoying a quiet moment*

What can I say, moving from Clover to Clover..

*Storold chuckles lightly to himself*

Well that was what it took to make me feel happy again and satisfy my inner ilsarian. Well maybe also a bit my inner xeenite but that is a whole other story and one that shouldn't be writen down but kept in loving memory of the nights here at the inn.
Which reminds me that I still have to move away from my beloved forest. I hate Rael for what he did to Clover. Doing this was entirely wrong and some day he will be stopped in his Weave hating ways. One might be able to defeat the mortals that one faces. But in the end the eternal powers will win and the Weave will flow freely in Pranzt once again.
For now though I am pleased with my office and the chores I have in Spellgard and as long as the temple remains neutral I wont do anything hostile towards Rael. Right now my greatest concern is finding more information for Gerimen but sadly that has been proving rather hard, but maybe some day I will be able to send him a new letter, if not them I will just send an empty one.
For now though I better prepare some dinner for Clover and a nice hot bath, I already miss her even if she has only been away for a couple of hours.

*Storold hums to himself and goes to clean the room and prepare a bit of dinner for Clover in the kitchen before making a nice hot bath*


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #78 on: May 20, 2008, 07:11:12 pm »
*Storold hums to himself sitting by his desk in Spellgard taking out an old worn journal.*

It has been a wonderful time I have spent with Clover in Leringard. I have been happy again and I have learned to love one woman for what she is rather than stepping onto the path that I took some steps on...*Storold looks at the paper making some heavy dots just staring* I am just happy that I have a bit of normality in my life. I have done some stupid things and I have failed some people I should never fail.

*Storold sighs quietly and looks at the paper for a while before starting to write again*

The Lady however have I never failed and she will remain the force that I build my life on, she has brought happyness into my life with the wonder of magic and the freedom to make some mistakes as long as you don't go against her very words. I have even done that, but she forgave me after seeing that my mind, body and heart were working for her and her Al'Noth.

*Storold smiles a little to himself and looks to the cealing mumbling a few words to create a light in the beginning dark*

Matilda was around Hempstead I heard from one of my friends, Pallena. I have seen her far too little after I left Blackford to train at Spellgard again, she was sitting where I used to be, but alas I was out gathering or spending time with Clover. I have to seek her out for advice, even if she said that my training was over long time ago. Her sitting on my bench is almost like a sign from the Lady that something should be said openly and maybe be shared with other protectors too.

*Storold glances to his rapier and the newly aquired shortsword looking rather sceptical*

I have almost completed my new house, although things got a little chaotic when I had to sell the landplot in Stort and buy a new one close to Point Dart. This is going to be wonderful I am sure, a little nest for Clover and me to live at for the rest of our lives, and that is the way it is going to be now, it can't be changed, this wont be like before...

*Storold looks a long sad moment at the journal*

My boys are all grown up now, I sent them down to help Alana after Tarile died. I hope her soul is in a good place now looking down at how much good Alana is doing and how far she has progressed in her training. Soon all of this will be over and I have to figure out what to tell my boys to do.. Or well they have their own lives but they are still mine, my small boys, two big men looking at their father with pride when he tells them about his latest adventure. Although they are still the small boys from back when I was happy living in Clover.

*Storold looks thoughtful out the window*

I wonder where my two other children are, what they have made of their lives. I miss them so but will I ever see them again? After these years, well it isn't likely, but I can only hope that somewhere out there they are watching the same night sky as I am now.

*Storold smiles somewhat happy to himself*

However I better get home now, Clover is waiting for me and she said that I shouldn't be too long so I guess I better finish the last paper pushing and get home.

*Storold closes his journal and puts some papers away. The finally he takes out a book and mumbles a few words disappearing from the room.*


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #79 on: July 14, 2008, 08:33:50 pm »
*Storold sighs to himself and pulls out his journal from his desk dipping a quill in a nearby inkwell*

Idiots.. That is what I want to call them and do call them, just not to their face. After all that I have done for me they do this to me, even if there are a few speaking in my favor what good will it do? But well they can do as they please just don't expect me to voulenteer to help anymore...

*Storold grumbles to himself and shakes his head*

But well the world isn't centered on me and many bad things are happening out there, Khul is being taken over by the dragon cult it seems, but still there is no word to suggest a cause of action. My best advice is the strike at the root of the trouble, but that is easy for me to say since I wouldn't be doing the striking anyhow.

*Storold looks out the window towards the grey city of Spellgard the yellowing leaves and the setting sun makes the city shine in a grey orange manner and it brings a small smile on his face.*

[strike]My[/strike] Our house is completed but still I lack the furniture to make it perfect for Clover, when I have everything ready I will allow her to see it not before. I think however that I have to open the shrine soon, just I need to figure out some appropriate decorations besides the illusions I made to make it look nice.

*Storold sighs to himself looking to a box in the corner*

I have the plans and the materials for the ring, but I still don't feel ready for it yet and well... Many don't know who she is and with the words of Eghaas and Eldarwen I am not really sure it is a good idea to ask right away either.
What makes it even worse is that I haven't told her yet, so there is potential for even more grief and sorrow. Can her poor heart take it? She feel in love with someone who is away most of the time and when he comes home all he has is tales of missery and death. Sad but that is how it is, thankfully she still has the energy to cheer me up.

*Storold smiles a little to himself humming a small tune as he flips through a small note book*

Daemon Mount is holding a seminar soon, at least he said he would. I am kind of figuring it will be rather boring and a new long talk about lets do some containment and wait a coupe of thousand years while I study this. I hope it isn't but chances are that is his stance, if so I guess I will have to do what I did before, take matters into my own hands and get the problems solved.

*Storold eyes the paper and puts the quill there again by as the muscles in his face start to strain and his grip on the quill tightens he decides to write another day. He puts the quill down and takes out a book mumbling a few words before the office is empty again.*

