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Author Topic: In Haven, Point Dart and Spellgard: A New Life Begins  (Read 279 times)


In Haven, Point Dart and Spellgard: A New Life Begins
« on: February 17, 2009, 07:28:53 pm »
*Storold looks at his old and worn journals and sighs. He slowly moves around his office next to the library in his home in Point Dart.*

"These.. Lots of stories in these, but with what purpose.. The past is gone for me, no more family except my boys.. Who are destined to see times I never will.. The church is also the future and nothing but that, I have been told to forget and get over.. I wonder if they will, but that is their end of the bargain which will likely never be truely fullfilled the way I wanted it..."

*Storold sighs to himself and closes his old journals which were lying on the table and picks them up heading into the library*

"The past is a funny thing, no matter how much you want it to go away it always comes back in some form... So putting this behind me will not be easy, thankfully I am not alone in that task..."

*Storold looks amoung the shelves for an empty space in the very back of the library*

"However memories are memories and they should be kept safe if needed... But this part of my life is best forgotten rather then remembered... Made me what I am, but doesn't make me what I will become.. And only time will tell what that is, for as surely as Lucinda will continue to bless my ways, I will continue to carry her word forward in the world with greater strength than before."

*Storold places the journals on the shelf and smiles to himself*

"May your new place in my memory suit you well, and I hope you will enjoy your time as much as I know I will from now on... And may the Lady bless your ways into the future as she blesses mine"

*Storold walks out of the room to find his cloak and armor before heading to Point Dart to buy a new journal humming a cheery Lucindite hymn to himself*


Re: In Haven, Point Dart and Spellgard: A New Life Begins
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2009, 06:55:42 pm »
*Storold hums to himself walking to his study desk at Haven, opening a journal laying on a corner of the desk and pulling out a quill and inkwell*

Well what to say, Amanda and me are making quite a couple and so far things are going fine. Some people have raised doubts though, especially Drexia, it is to be expected. I will never be proud of what I did to her, I should have thought about what kind of life I needed at the time and what kind of life I went into.
Now that I have chosen this life with Amanda, I can see what it was I was missing with Clover. She spent too much time doing things that all adventures try to escape and too little on the things I think matter. Clover was wonderful, but she will be more happy in Spellgard with a trusting man and live her life in happiness.
I have been considering proposing to Amanda, but then again, things should have time to settle. Our relationship is young, and there are things we should work over before we think ahead and about our wishes together.
I am worried about my anger about certain things, and I am also worried about the bad habits Amanda keeps talking about that she has. I am still wondering what they might be. However only living the future will tell what it might be, [strike]so I have to have patience[/strike], we have to have patience and soon we will find the path meant for us.

*Storold smiles a little and closes the journal turning to his work*


Re: In Haven, Point Dart and Spellgard: A New Life Begins
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2009, 10:36:32 am »
*Storold walks around his study at Point Dart looking a little worried to a small box on the table every now and then. Eventually he sits at the table and opens up a journal looking to the box every now and then.*

I have decided that it is about time I tell Amanda how much she really means to me. I am not really sure how this is going to turn out. After visiting her parents, I can't say I expect much. They were happy to see their daughter, but they surely would rather have been without me. Her mother tried to smooth things out a little, but her father seemed rather upset. They were even happy that we were just seeing each other and not actually engaged.
Really... I can't understand that, any other parent would rather have their child engaged and happily on their way to marriage than seeing someone on and off. It is really sad that the elven nature has gotten so deep into them that they would rather see me leave Amanda than stay with her.
Anyhow, I wrote them afterwards to ask for their permission to have Amanda's hand. The answer was even worse than the visit, her father outright wrote that he would rather see me out of her life than have me marry her. But he would allow it if it was what made her happy and he knew that I would probably die soon enough so she could find real happiness...

*Storold looks frustrated at a letter lying inside the journal and shakes his head to himself opening the box revealing a silver ring with two sapphires in.*

I have decided to ask her anyway.. She is as much responsible for her families actions as anyone else is. It isn't her fault that they haven't ever seen how the world really is outside Voltrex, maybe they will understand when I am dead how hard their words actually were, but at that point it will be too late.

*Storold closes his journal and puts the ring into his pocket smiling a little to himself*


Re: In Haven, Point Dart and Spellgard: A New Life Begins
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2009, 12:53:35 pm »
*Storold comes back to Point Dart using his tome to reach the master bedroom, he rushes up the stairs and opens his journal*

She said yes!!

I can't believe how lucky I am, she was so beautiful standing there against the sunrise. I had chosen to ask her at High Peak Lake on Belinara, a oasis of peace in the torn lands. I talked to her about Lucinda and her relationship to other gods, she has been researching a lot about Lucinda recently and has even begun gathering donations for her.
I don't know where her interest in Lucinda will lead, what I do know is that our lives will now become one. From this day forward everything one of us do will impact the other even more so than before. Both for better and for worse...

*Storold hums a happy tune to himself and goes through the portal to Mistone on his way to Spellgard*


Re: In Haven, Point Dart and Spellgard: A New Life Begins
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2009, 06:07:06 pm »
*Storold sighs quietly to himself and opens his journal in Point Dart*

Well things have been a little tense lately, the wedding is comming up, which might remove some of the tension, but surely I am taking out my frustration with things at any time avalible.
Acacea wasn't really helping it at all, her face just got me even more upset that the waste of time I witnessed. Surely Xora might be a great hero of the past, but this was embaresing, I didn't even want to tell her one single bit beacuse it was so silly that I knew more than she did.
And then I took it all out on Amanda...

*Storold sighs and looks at the page*

Well, it was stupid... I still love her and I think she understood, but I was really really upset about what Acacea and Xora did.
Anyhow, I might even need Xora in the future so I hope that Alantha will make her cough up those vials rather soon so she will prive more useful than she has so far.

*Storold grumbles to himself and closes the journal heading to his bed for a restless sleep*


Re: In Haven, Point Dart and Spellgard: A New Life Begins
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2009, 08:55:26 am »
*Storold hums to himself and picks up his journal from the table and starts to write in it*

We got married!!

It was a wonderful ceremony, I wouldn't have imagined that it would be like that... Amanda in the most lovely dress and me nervous all over the place in some suit I picked up from the tailor a few days ago. Angela was there next to me in a dress, it was a bit odd to see her like that, but I must admit that is suited her.
Other than that... Well Sala said some words and we promised eachother to stay together for the rest of our lives, love eachother and care for eachother. It was very very touching to have Amanda really put her feelings into words like she has never done before to me. I couldn't imagine that it would be like that after all these years alone and yet with someone by my side.
Now I can't even get into details with the rest of the evening since everything was just wonderful, I couldn't have asked for a better day... And the wedding night.. I didn't know Amanda could be like that, I guess it is only a sign of things to come, right now I wouldn't leave her for anything in the whole world, she is perfect for me in any way and I couldn't have asked for a better wife.

*Storold closes the journal and goes to look for Amanda in the house*


Re: In Haven, Point Dart and Spellgard: A New Life Begins
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2009, 04:57:15 pm »
*Storold hangs his coat on the hanger in the Point Dart house and moves through the house to find his desk sitting down to write in his journal.*

Well... Amanda is home with her parents for a while, and the garden is mostly minding its own business with the winter coming...

So here I am ready to spend most of the winter itself studying the books from when I were younger and trying to see if I still remember all that they have taught me...

I am lucky, to be in the fall of my life and have a beautiful wife who loves me and a peaceful home on the continent where I was born so long ago. I have everything I could wish for here and more, so hopefully the world will let me have this happiness until my time will come to an end and Lucinda comes calling me to her heavens...

I really hope Amanda will be around soon since the house is getting rather empty, however I am not really sure how long she will be away this time... She seems so upset while I am so happy to have her here...

She keeps talking about projects and such, which I will hear nothing of.. Our time together should be spent as wife and husband, not running all over the world seeking excitement for any price. I really hope she will start to understand, at least I will try to make her when she returns from her trip to Voltrex...

*Storold hums to himself and packs his journal away*


Re: In Haven, Point Dart and Spellgard: A New Life Begins
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2010, 05:59:09 pm »
*Storold sighs quietly to himself and opens his journal*

Things have been... Really bad... Amanda is gone now, we knew it wouldn't last forever.. But for it to end this way, I didn't see that one coming...

*Storold takes a moment to look out the window wiping away a tear as he looks at the weeping willow outside the house*

Twice now have I lost a beloved wife, and once again I walk my path alone... Or that is I thought I did... The church is behind me again, seemingly the last few decades helped a bit, as well as my work with the Al'Noth abnormalities. I don't really know where to go from here, but I feel that I should be content with all that I have achieved in my life here...

I don't know.. I have loved... Experienced the wonder of children and seen them grow up... Most of them...

*Storold sighs and looks to a portrait of two identical young men in blue robes*

I miss you Sarrah and little one...*Storold mumbles to himself and looks to his journal before leaving the journal on the table looking for his bed and a restless sleep.*


Re: In Haven, Point Dart and Spellgard: A New Life Begins
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2010, 04:55:44 am »
*Storold frowns to himself and opens his journal*

Well, this is weird, I have no idea what to think about this... All I have left now is a box full of whips, I guess that she went out the way she wanted to. Yet, I am confused as to my feelings about it. I never really figured out what she meant to me, other than a distraction, I called her a friend though, so maybe that is the proper way to think about it, the passing of a friend.
I will surely miss her and think about her whenever I am drinking wine. But surely she will be having the party of a lifetime now, which probably is the best thing she could ever wish for...

*Storold sighs and looks out the window before heading to bed*