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Author Topic: The Daily Doings of Layla Staarborn  (Read 80 times)


The Daily Doings of Layla Staarborn
« on: May 16, 2006, 11:07:29 pm »
Funny, People think that because I talk funny, that I will then by means of logic write funny too. I am self educated, I can write just fine thank you very much. I could speak normally if I wanted to to, I choose to sound the way I do...

But that doesn't matter..What matters is that a dragon decided I was worthy of his cause and called me to Hlint. I know that's not too far from Leilon , where Ezra is though, so I'm not that scared.

I met some "Very Tall Meesters" today...One was named Kyle and he helped me get a tax book for some lady near a courthouse, and a rat pelt for a man named Johan in the trade house. I also met a  tall paladin man named Thomas, He seems playful. Xeen would like him.

Speaking of Xeen, I met a very nice Xeenite named Alyse. She's a Xeenite priestess and helped me make the new armor that Kyle's wife Ferrit (a funny name for a person , more like an animal I think) let me buy into something more Xeenish. I have yet to show Alyse what I came up with but I think she'll like it...

That's about all that's happened today. I think I'll go visit Ezra soon so he doesn't worry about me. He knows I like to wander off and do my own thing, I wonder if he'll believe me.


RE: The Daily Doings of Layla Staarborn
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2006, 04:47:49 am »
Went on an adventure today. After playing riddles with a Mage named Llun and the legendary Ozymandias. (He’s not what I expected him to be. But he’s alright, even if he does think he has to change the way he acts to suit other people.) I got one of the riddles (Eventually) As being “The Broken Forest”. I was proud of myself. Anyway a Darkie named Cymm, a little man named Grem, Not sure if he was a Halfling or a gnome or something else. He kept his face hooded, and a woman named Sh’anda, along with a few others went to the place on the Barbarian Isles, well, the Black Ice Isles really. It was cold there, especially in the stuff I use as armor. My arse was freezing. I also met a necromancer named Elrend. I recommended him to Rhynn, a girl I knew before becoming Dragon Called. She would be a nice woman if she wasn’t caught up in that Necromancy game. Those magics are dangerous.
Didn’t fall not once, despite what we were fighting. Just thinking about it makes me long for more adventure. I wish for something a bit simpler though, something I can increase my duel wielding abilities on. I think I will take up singing, storytelling, and the violin again soon, like Ezra wanted me to.


Re: The Daily Doings of Layla Staarborn
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2006, 07:57:21 am »
Lotta stuff going on lately, I died for my first real time and never went to my grave. I died on a place called Dregar, in a hall with a bunch of manticores or something. We were charged to get the ... leader’s head. Well, that never happened. Everyone I was with Died. Cymm, Grem, everyone. I tried to be sneaky and get out. I got pretty far but eventually they saw me. So I died.
   I didn’t bother going back after the first time, Where I died again. I did find some pretty neat stuff in the place though, including a wand with I eventually sold back to Grem and then bought two sneak rings at a reduced price. I love the fact that they all believe me to be a cute little innocent thing. Let them keep thinking that.
   I took up the song again, and I plan to take up the storytelling as well. I’m getting quite good at it. I learned the way to make my song enhance myself and those around me, just as Ezra did.
   I’m going to stop writing now, I was never one for long journal entries anyway.


Re: The Daily Doings of Layla Staarborn
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2006, 07:59:55 am »
Got some new swords, they're working out well..But I need iron. I also heard of this "Coward's Blade" That causes you to run away from enemies quicker than you normally would be able to. I hope to find one of these one day.

I got a new job from A woman with long red hair. I know her to be Annalee, from what Rhynn wrote to me about the Horses. Denial or Defiance she was..something with a D. Not sure. She wants me to fish for some information on some guy, Alv I think. I'll have to keep it a secret though, He still believes me to be a cute innocent little halfling. Best he thinks that , so I can question him without consequence.

I promised her a reduced price for being a friend of a friend, but If I get myself into more than I should be involved in, or if I find something really juicy, I'm definitley asking for more