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Author Topic: Kae'linu Starfall's Arcanabula  (Read 87 times)


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Kae'linu Starfall's Arcanabula
« on: July 29, 2005, 03:14:00 pm »
A reasonably large but otherwise non-descript leather tome.  It looks newer than one might expect such a book to be.

While I lament the loss of my old book, it cannot be said that it was not its time.  It was well worn, but it would be horribly self-indulgent of me to deny that it was more often filled with vain fantasies of youth than recountings of actual events.  With that said, may it find a suitable home within the ignorant depths of the sea, whose creatures are too unmoved by scholarly pursuits to understand that what they hold is the nonsense scribblings of a child of but a century.  

Such a wealth of experiences in but my first few days in Hlint I had not expected.  So far I have had the pleasure of experiencing first hand the following:

-The skinning of a rat (and subsequently a bat).  Fascinating business it is.  I was not ingnorant of what their innards looked like, but I have never had the experience of skinning one myself.
-Decapitating a goblin chieftan.  While it was hardly a pitched battle (goblins are such inferior beings after all) taking the head of a leader was exhilerating.  I did not suspect I would find such a victory worthwhile, but on further reflection it seems I enjoyed myself thoroughly.
-Battling hordes of undead side by side with an aasimar.  I am not sure which was more noteworthy.  
-Dabbling in the creation of enchantments.  I have no talent for this facet of the Art but I think that given time I will pursue this further.



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RE: Kae'linu Starfall's Arcanabula
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2005, 12:05:00 am »
The Dwarven Axe Formation:

A strategy for mine fighting, three dwarves stand abreast and prevent the foe from passing by to the archers and mages behind.  It also serves to keep the opposing forces from surrounding and outnumbering the defenders.

I first saw this in practice this evening in the Haven mines.  Unfortunately it was incorrectly executed on the first attempt, foiled by one dwarf charging too far ahead and getting singled out.  Subsequent engagements were more successful in that regard and we emerged victorious.



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RE: Kae'linu Starfall's Arcanabula
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2005, 02:10:00 am »
Today a gentleman approached me about joining the Arcane Alliance.  I found the offer intriguing and have decided to pursue further information, however those who posess that information were indisposed.  I will try to reach them again soon.



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RE: Kae'linu Starfall's Arcanabula
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2005, 08:27:00 pm »
Today was most interesting!

A gentleman named Aleister had the unfortunate luck of getting so drunk that he drowned himself in the well in Hlint.  The gathered crowed continuously called for a healer, as though one was lurking in the shadows, ignoring the plight before them.  During that time I had a unique opportunity to study a newly dead body in relative safety, as the Soul Mother had not claimed his soul so quickly and there were no hostile forces gathering to molest any who tarry in one place too long.  

While some were content to poke and prod, few took the time to observe the unique way the Weave played about the body of a late mage.  The flow was almost tangible; the way the energies were dispersing from the formerly clustered knot under his control were fascinating to watch.  With a bit more control I believe I may have been able to reverse that flow and use it to animate him instead, however I do not believe he would appreciate it and it may have caused quite a stir with the onlookers.

However, I was treated to the next best thing.  Sand Krows appeared on the scene prepared to resurrect Aleister.  By this time I was watching what unfolded very carefully, and recognized almost every incantation (successful spellcraft check).  

*What follows is several pages detailing exact incantations and observed perturbations of the weave from beginning of the cast to the resurrection of Aleister, as well as a diagram showing Sand Krow's position relative to the body, lying supine*



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RE: Kae'linu Starfall's Arcanabula
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2005, 02:57:00 pm »
Today several of us were hired to, well, steal a flower from a group of assassins.  Some sort of black rose whose thorns could be used to make a very unique poison.  I've no real skill in making poisons myself, however, the nature of this poison is what was most interesting to me.  Apparently it has the ability to kill a person for a single day, after which they will wake as if from a deep sleep.  Three such roses were recovered, and while I would have very much liked one to study, the gentleman insisted he needed as much as possible. Someone was sick and needed it for a cure or some such business.  The rose aside, I had another very interesting experience.

While within the fortress of the assassins I was struck down by one of their animated constructs.  It appeared to be nothing more than a sword and shield.  However, the Soul Mother did not claim me as quickly as has happened in the past.  I must have been, well, dead, for several minutes because when I was resurrected I saw the battle was long over.  I realized that I had been resurrected by the same manner of spell as the one used upon Aleister not long ago.  The residual magical energies were fading by that time but this time I experienced first hand the sensation of being called back and waking from the sleep of death.

A woman many refer to simply as "Key" has brought to my attention the language of the Baatezu.  She somehow learned it, and I find that it would be very useful information to have.  Those around me widely criticized my desire to learn, citing that somehow the language itself has some intrinsic quality that makes those who know it evil for knowing it.  Just as there is much stigma about my area of study among those who do not understand it, I suspect that this valuble piece of knowledge falls under just such a stigma.

I am, at the time of this writing, much closer to bringing some semblence of life back to the dead than ever before.  I am not ready to begin the final experimentation, however.


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RE: Kae'linu Starfall's Arcanabula
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2005, 03:19:00 pm »
Report to the Dawnwoven Reya Erina part 1-


I proceeded to Krandor's crypts as instructed, and indeed met with cleric Godon.  I offer my commendation for his support and willingness to assist.  He performed admirably as both protector and partner in my research.

We descended deep into the crypt itself under cover of invisibility, and quickly set about our work.  Godon retrieved one of the minor Coldrunes from his bag and set it upon the ground.  Almost as soon as it was exposed it took on an unearthly whiteness.  Attached is a sketch of the pattern of energies observed within and radiating from the coldrune.  I also observed that the moment it was extracted the room grew noticeably colder.

My staff, capped with a black onyx to serve as a necromantic focus, unleashed a bright flash when moved in proximity to it.  When my eyes adjusted again I could see that the onyx was as white as the Coldrune.  Holy water also fizzled away quickly when it came in contact with the stone.

Target 1 - Skeletal Chieftain
Observations: The bones of the chieftain were much harder, and had taken on a sharp, spiked quality.  The barriers were easier to open and more difficult to close when calling it forth.
Spell responses:
Negative Energy Ray - In addition to restoring the undead, the energies unleashed matched the patterns of those created with the spells Bull's Strength and Endurance.  
Ray of Enfeeblement - When casting this spell I observed that the Chieftain had some degree of spell resistence.  Though I penetrated it successfully, this was itself abberant.  The spell's effect was to extend the period of time that the skeleton would remain animated.

Target 2 - Air Mephit
Spell Responses:
Ghoul's Touch - Missed.  
Vampiric Touch - Killed the mephit.  The spell was maximized beyond the capacity of life to be drained, unable to measure the extent to which the spell could be pushed.

Target 3 - Ghast
Spell Responses:
Negative Energy Burst - A strange glaze seemed to cover the "skin" of the cadaver.  Its eyes awakened in awareness of its surroundings.  As I moved my staff it tracked its trail of energy.  When I asked it if it understood me, it nodded in response.  Godon immediately dismissed it.

Target 4 - Celestial Wolf
Spell Responses:
Fear - The wolf stood unafraid, though the spell went off without problem.  It did not seem to have been enhanced by the coldrune's presence.
Contagion - It was immune to the disease confered.

Target 5 - Air Mephit
Spell Responses:
Contagion - No enhancement observed.

Target 6 - Air Mephit
Spell Responses:
Scare - No effect, and no observeable enhancement

Death Armor - I was bathed in negative energy, and when it settled into a coherent pattern tiny bones and shards were forming a shield around me.  Godon attempted to strike me and the blow was completely deflected.  It withered the wood of the staff he used to strike me as well.

Additional Testing:
Control Undead - Godon attempted to control a skeleton wandering about the crypt and it functioned as expected.  
Turn Undead - Godon noticed that his turning was less effective than expected.  

Letor the Warrior of the Black Hand:
Upon dominating a skeleton Godon proceeded to test the effects of Harm and Inflict Critical Wounds.  Not only did the negative energy heal it, and enhance it in ways similar to those listed above, it also had the effect of bringing acute awareness to the skeleton.  I stopped Godon from striking it down when I noticed this, and proceeded to question it.  It stated that its name was Letor, and that he was a Warrior of the Black Hand.  He seemed very interested in whether or not it was a permanent effect.  At this point I allowed Godon to continue with striking it down.

Retrieving the Coldrune:
Godon attempted to take the Coldrune, but a shield of Negative Energy threw him backwards.  In a moment of quick thinking I remembered that polymorph is complete enough an emulation of a zombie that negative and positive energies have the same reverse effect on the wizard as they do upon undead.  I used this to my advantage to lift the Coldrune and drop it into the bag. Upon exitting the crypt we learned that we had been in there several days time, though it did not seem that long.


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RE: Kae'linu Starfall's Arcanabula
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2005, 08:20:00 pm »
*immediately following the inscribed spell of Animate Dead*


Today marks my first successful reanimation. Eager to test the strength of my animation I ventured to the Red Lights Cavern.  The weak kobolds had great difficulty damaging the bones.

This certainly warrents further research.


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Re: Kae'linu Starfall's Arcanabula
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2006, 08:42:03 am »
Can a True Name be changed?

Is that what has happened to me?  Or is there a simpler explanation?

So much is different.  I feel different.  I recognize the face in the looking glass, but sometimes it is not what I am expecting when I look.  I do not feel as though I am not who I am, but there are gaps.  Occasionally I attempt to cast spells I thought I knew, and now I cannot seem to remember the grossest cantrip.  

I was called by the dragon, as though even he did not recognize me somehow, but I was already in Hlint, where I have been for quite some time.

I remember making the entries that preceded this one in this arcanabula.  In fact, they are my most vivid memories.  They are what I am truly sure about.  But something happened.  There is a long gap between this entry and my last that I cannot account for.  I also vividly recall the warnings.  Acacea, Eldarwen, Matilda especially.  Even Ozymandias warned me in his own bizarre way.  I remember their names, what they told me, but not their essence.  

I am vivdly aware of a trespass on the Soul Mother's domain, though she did not claim a piece of me as others describe the sensation.  Something else was taken to set right what I had put wrong.

Is this punishment?  The price of salvation?  If so, to whom has that price been paid?  The soul mother?  Lucinda?  I do not recall  clearly enough how this came to pass and there are too many other questions still.  What I do know is that the path I once tread is now closed to me.  Not by some divine mandate, but by a deep inner knowledge that it is not where my purpose lies.  Perhaps I will take up something safer.  Perhaps chronomancy. . .

Can a True Name be changed?  I think not.  I should think that what has happened to me is part of a continuous self, and that this was always to be incorporated into my identity.  But how can one be sure of something so intangible?

