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Author Topic: Revone's Journal  (Read 294 times)


Revone's Journal
« on: October 12, 2006, 09:48:11 pm »
A week after fleeing my home i came to a small town called Hlint. Not the best town ive been in but for now i cannot complain. Checking out the layout of Hlint i heard a commotion is their graveyard. Ientered to see a small group talking about a strange stone they had found. The next thing i knew we were attacked by skeletons! The group disposed of these quickly and they decided to take the relic to a cleric in the local forest. Here i talked to a young lad named Alandric. He talked to me as if he knew where i came from, or perhaps of my heritage? We quiety discussed what was happening as the group conversed with the cleric and at the end they destroyed the stone. Too bad, this would have been something my father would have been interested in.
    Alandric and i travelled from there off, many merchants in Hlint pay gold for odd jobs, some were easy some more graphic, but at the end we prevailed. Alandric holds a wealth of magic, and i can see he will show me how to harness this into my swordarm. I remember the day i struck Jed with my blade, and the power that coursed through my blade, such strenght! such power! in time i hope to can duplicate it enough to use it at my bekoning call, for now i shall wait, and hope.


RE: Revone's Journal
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2006, 07:27:54 pm »
As i reached Leilon i heard that a captain was looking for people to help her out. So travelling to Hurm i ran into a small group of adventurers. There was Alandric, a new found friend of mine, Jake Saltpetre, a man ive met once before, Arkolio, a half giant named Koppig, and a small halfling who called himself dogboy.

   As we were conversing, a sailor named Sater came upto the party. Jake seemed to know him well and his captain, Liselle Arcanebow. As we boarded the ship Trueflight we met the captain herself. She went on about a map that was apparently tattooed on a mans head. Tho the man is dead, it didnt stop the person from skinning him for this map. Captain Liselle works for a person named the Red Bear. She told us of a half-orc named Lord Ghant Vodoun, a pirate no doubt. And in his posession he has a artifact that this Red Bear desires, i wonder what it could be?..

  As we travelled south along the coast of the  Dark Forest as someone had said, a dark mist arose from the shoreline. As the mist reached the deck we were attacked by undead. We fought and conquered this foe as we reached a pier that had been built by missionaires. Pressing on through the swamp we were ambushed by pygmies, we were almost lost but by sheer will we held out. We trekked through that awful mire, blast i hate swamps. We found a doorway in the rockface..we should have took more precaution..there were skeleton on the floor just before the doorway..alandric in mid sentence was struck by a nasty trap and killed instantly.

  As we entered the doorway we were again suprised by foes..Spiders came from the ceiling and attacked us. Weird spiders, for as i hit them they dissappeared. As frustration swpt into me i could feel a tingling in my sword. As i spun around a spider appeared before me, with a mighty strike with my blade i cleaved it in two. Was that my own strenght? or the power i once witnessed when i fought my older brother Jed? I wonder.

  Travelling the dark corridors, we came across many traps, and ambushes, untill we reached a dark altar. Fearing more traps, i reached out with my blade and wiped the top of the altar from the debris is had on top. In a blinding flash i was struck with magic in the chest. My ward protected me somewhat but the smell of burnt hair will stay with me for sometime i fear. As i sat and tended my wound Ark tried to disarm another trap and almost got disarmed himself as a matter of speaking. After all that all we found was a gold key inside the altar. I guess what we seek lies further in.

   As we waded further in we came across a array of traps and undead. Lightning in water, pillers that shocked us, Ghant's undead crew, untill we found the tomb of ghant himself. The tomb was in the middle of a pentagram. Using all my magical knowledge, i realised that the penagram held no power, to bad i didnt check the skull on top of the tomb as it almost costed Jake his life. Liselle inserted the gold key inside the tomb, and Ghants undead form came to life once more. Dispatching him we searched his corpse and tomb. Captain Liselle apparently found what the Red Bear sought, and the rest of us filled our bags to the rim with gold and gems.
   A few days and we returned to Hurm, Liselle took her artifact and left us to devide the spoils, i ended up with a nice chunck of gold plus i took ghants Greatsword which was made from a type of metal i cant figure out at this time.

   That night at the port of Hurm i took out my sword and went through a few training exercise's. After the recent adventure i felt i have come closer to my blade and the magic that i now weild. Soon i beleive i will be able to harness my magic through my swordarm to my blade. For now i sit and meditate and recollect my thoughs of this past week.



RE: Revone's Journal
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2006, 08:48:47 pm »

 Another week has gone by, and the stories of that week are told here. Where to begin? hmm..

 Dragon thats a starting point, tho i'd wish i did not remember, the experiance for me was great. We travelled by boat to thoes islands, passing the sturdy wooden gates that cut off the docks from the rest of the land, we entered the forest. Fighting past moving trees and even more dangerous creatures like owlbears and such, we entered a cave. Minotaurs. It is the first time ive ever seen such beasts as these but their reputation is well knowned. I travelled with a big party, we thought we could overcome these bull headed monsters. But i guess our greed in the gems that laid about us brought our defenses down. As a few of us were cutting these stones, the minotaurs did a daring surprise attack apon us. It paid off well for them for only one of our number exited there without so much as a scratch...But my time to the other realm was not to be now, as corath brought me back. I wish i could have brought that power to bear, but the suprise attack was well organized and we barely had time to raise any sort of time i shall return there, better equipped and more aware of the power these creatures can muster.

  trekking the road that lead us to haven, i met up with sipher and alandric, a few others were there also, they had plans of seeing the dungeon of no name. Hardly controlling my curiosity of this place, i agreed to come with them. It was smooth sailing for awhile, the xorn's, and umber hulks fell in rapid sucession. at the far end of the natural dungeon tho we found a doorway. Entering the portal, we could see that this was not the same as the above cavern. The walls and floor were man-made bricks and stone. We should have been more vary, as just the structure of this floop-plan should have gave us a indications that something far more intelligent lurked here. Alas we found out the hard way. Vampires. many of them attacked us from both sides. i dont know much of the battle as i was hit by some force and all i saw was blackness. Perhaps someone carried me there, or perhaps it was the will of the dark lord, but i awoke, bashed and bloodied in Hlint. I know now, do not underestimate the power of The dark lord, his forces of death is mighty indeed.

  Only a few days ago i bumped into alandric, i had found a scroll in my hunting, but i could not decipher the symbols that rolled across its old face. alandric after much debating explained to me some of the harder runes on the parchment..and in a few hours i was able to write the fireball spell into my spellbook. alandric also taught me a couple of lower cantrips, which came to me a little faster than the fireball spell. We talked for hours and told him again about the innate power i used on my weapon. He was intrigued and offered to help me to learn this power. I know he dosent offer this help as a friend. Im sure in his own eyes i am merly a tool.


RE: Revone's Journal
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2006, 08:59:24 pm »
Christine....a gracefull warrior with curves that could hypnotise all but the strong willed.
    I and her talked briefly outside the Orc bashers shop. Looking at her bright red hair and her smooth face bring me great joy and bring me to stabbing pain into my heart. The last woman i loved ended with her neck around a noose. do i love this woamn?..Well, we have only met, but she grabs my attention whenever she comes close. her smell is intoxicating. I sense there is a connection, her and i. and i sense she has a fondness towards me. Perhaps in time we shall see where this path takes us....Junis, i hope you will bless me whatever course i take. you will always be with me.......


RE: Revone's Journal
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2007, 05:11:02 am »

What a horrid day. These fools that i travel with cant even have a battle without gettin at eachothers throats! And what happens? They desert me while in the midst of giants and mauls. In a blink of an eye the party moment we are fighting giants in the berhagens just outside their cave..and suddenly i am alone with a horde of angry, vengfull giants with no backup in sight. I did what any stout warrior would do in that situation...tucked my tail between my legs and bolted..but alas i cannot will a marathon against a throng on long legged hatefull giants. Just before the gates of Shoufal they beat me senseless, and i thought my life was forfeit, but the soul mother had other plans and only took a piece of me. Next time ill find a party of mutes..would be safer for me in the long run!

 but the journey wasnt all bad, i once again got in touch with my magical elements and my blade, and grew a ittle bit more wiser on tactics and feignts. I have sat and talked with alandric while he infuses gems with the magical arts of the weave. soon to i will perfect this type of thing with my blade, which is the extention of my mind and my hand. i can feel it, tingling up into the pommel of my sword, just waiting for the energies to be unleashed and the power to flow through my longsword. Only then will i be satisfied!

