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Author Topic: A Monk's Musings  (Read 102 times)


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    A Monk's Musings
    « on: June 19, 2005, 10:41:00 pm »
    Well Master Otto, I finally made it to Hlint. I know you passed away on our trip here, but I like to think that you are still with me. These thoughts of mine will hopefully reach you now that you have gone on in your circle. Maybe one day I will meet you again once you are reborn. I hope so for I miss you greatly.

    My first couple of days in Hlint were interesting to say the least. I spent the time getting to know the town and was greatful for the advice you had given me on staying at the Inn. It is strange though that you hadn't told me about all the creatures which now roam the lands and are allowed in towns here. I was scared out of my wits for the first couple of days. I met this elf fellow who looked nothing like Mom. He had horns on his head. But he was nice enough as were his friends. There was this giant as well. I'm still not sure what to make of him. I have seen gobbos running around too. I thought first that we were being attacked, but they seem to be residents of a sort and the militia was not upset by them being in town. I have a feeling that even stranger things will I see before I leave this place.

    I did help out the tax lady here. Seems someone had lost a book or something. I retrieved it for her with the help of a young human training to be a paladin of one of the gods. Someone spoke of troubles in the local crypts here abouts. Mayhap I will see what aid I can give in this and look into the situation.

    I understand now the new techniques you were teaching me on the journey here. And I have your journal of The Way and will continue to study it. My forms are coming easier every morning and night when I practice. Though I know I have far to go in my learning. Meditation has not been easy since you left. Without your comforting presence to guide me I find emptiness harder to obtain. I am finding it hard to sleep also without your snoring going on. Strange that I would miss that. Take care Master in your journey. May your circle be complete.

