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Author Topic: Dora's Journal  (Read 67 times)


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Dora's Journal
« on: July 26, 2006, 06:59:31 pm »
It is a cold night.  I arrived in Hlint perhaps two weeks ago, and much has happened.  I can see why adventurers congregate in this area, as not a moment goes by without something happening.  Perhaps it is too busy, which explains why I am spending more and more time here, in the temple at Fort Llast, quietly reflecting on what I have learned.  And learned I have.  It seems almost silly how unprepared for the world I was, before I arrived in Hlint.  All my training with the brothers and sisters of Toran could never have properly readied me for the non-stop action that the populous of Hlint seems to live for.  I must admit, in fact, that adventuring is a touch addictive.  There is no thrill like the hunt, no glory like victory, and no satisfaction like a worthy foe bested.  However, it is not why I am here, and I must concentrate on my goals if I am to achieve them.  No, my goals are what I have worked so long at before arriving here.  My ambitions are what I worked toward in the temple – Patience and Wisdom.  These are virtues not to be wasted by cruising around the Grey Peaks, thinning out the Ogre hordes.  This is not to say that I must forfeit strength.  However, it mustn’t turn me into a murderous adventurer who kills anything she finds outside of town, and lives for nothing but adrenaline on the battlefield.  Reason and logic must guide me, and my strength must be reserved for enforcing what is good and just.  As for my goal of one day becoming a Justicer, it sounds quite possible.  Although I do not know enough of my fellow Toranites, it does not seem as though there is a local Justicer at the moment – or if there his, he or she does not make many appearances.  My quest from here will be do acquaint myself better with those local to Mistone who are faithful to Toran.  Hopefully from there, my next step will present itself.  May the All Watching grant me the wisdom to see the unjust, and the strength to set it right.  Through the graces of Toran I will traverse the path of Justice, and spread righteousness through the lands.  The Great Leader Guide Thee.   Dora Mars