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Author Topic: Diary of Ranewen Tara'lom  (Read 84 times)


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    Diary of Ranewen Tara'lom
    « on: July 30, 2006, 01:05:08 pm »
    Ive been in hlint for a little over a week now ive made alot fo new freinds most notably a fellow druid named drogo probably the most interesting thing that happened to me today was i learned to take the form of a panther
    i didnt even try me and a small group were traveling back from rilara when we encoutered a group of harpys i beleive that is what they were called .

    the half giant gruwlz that traveled with us charged into them he is a sight to see in battle he felled one with a mighty swing but another got past him
    and charged towards me i thought for sure that i was going to die
    it all happened so fast i must have blacked out  all i remeber is it charging me then the next thing i know i was leaping through the air shredding the harpy to peices
    after it was over i stood there looking down at my paws ive never felt so free in all my life i looked up  and saw the woman serissa the cleric that traveled with us
    and i shifted back though i didnt want to on the trip home i tried many times to change again but i could not .

    as soon as we arrived in hlint i found drogo and told him what had happened he showed me how to shift at will i changed into several forms
    a badger and then the form of a mighty bear we then went and checked up on a local family of badgers drogo told me of a rouge group of druids
    that are apperently looking for me im not sure why ive no wish to join them. me and drogo spoke for a while i soon returned to town
    its been a very long day
    theres still been no word from my brother valand im beggining to fear the worst its not like him to leave me for this long i hope that he is ok


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      RE: Diary of Ranewen Tara'lom
      « Reply #1 on: July 30, 2006, 06:55:19 pm »
      i just returned from a most wonderous adventure me and several others including my new found freind takerday went to an ogre cave
      needless to say we were not to welcome . the ogres seemed to come from everywhere we all fouhgt hard though i was abit dissapointed
      when i found out the only reason we had went there was for ore.

      having lived in the forest most of my life i wonder why so much is placed upon gathering an ore but apperently it is important to some of the people here in hlint
      i still have much to learn .... as i write this im looking down on the half giant named gruwlz he looks so bored maybe ill go say hi

      *smiles as she closes the book *



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        Re: Diary of Ranewen Tara'lom
        « Reply #2 on: July 30, 2006, 10:09:55 pm »
        i met lady brisbane today the she is a high druidess and a very elegant woman i must say
        she even has the power to turn into a dragon. i spoke with her about how i feel when i change ..... that i dont wish to turn back
        she said she had heard of another like me a shifter ... im not entirely surewhat that is ...
        oh well i will learn eventuly seems she is returning so i must go

        *closes the book *



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          Re: Diary of Ranewen Tara'lom
          « Reply #3 on: July 30, 2006, 11:28:03 pm »
          the strangest thing just happened me and takerday were going to find a withc we heard about i had taken the form of a bear we were attacked bye lizardmen
          after we had defeated them i began to eat one of the lizard men .... im not sure why i did this it juist felt right
          i took several bites from it before i realized what i was doing. i think perhaps i should speak with miss brisbane again

          *closes the book *


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            Re: Diary of Ranewen Tara'lom
            « Reply #4 on: July 31, 2006, 01:00:54 am »
            i spoke with lady brisbane again and she told me that what i was feeling was normal ...... i didnt tell her about feeding on the lizard men i think something is wrong
            i know that she is the one i shoulod speak with about such things but i dont know if she will understand .... when i turn i feel free i ate part of that lizardman and i want more
            im laying here in this bed and i cannot sleep ....maybe ill go for a walk
            *she walks from the inn towards the woods shifts into the form of a panther and dissapears into the woods*


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              Re: Diary of Ranewen Tara'lom
              « Reply #5 on: August 01, 2006, 05:25:58 pm »
              well i find myself sitting on the hillside overlooking haven again  i really like it here its very peaceful.
              alot of things happened to me today i went to miss brisbanes grove today a most bueatiful place
              she told me and ....... im so horrible with names .... well she told me and another druid the story of
              how she had reclaimed the grove with the help of others from having been destroyed.

              after returning from there me roy and vuger went exploring and ran across an area that lead underground
              inside were diseased rats but they were huge we didnt venture far before we were forced to turn back
              *smiles to herself* roy told me that curiosity killed the cat i beleive he was reffering to the panther form i had taken. i guess that is one of my downfalls i just cant pass a place without taking a peek inside

              we returned to town shortly after and i ran into another druid a half giant named kargoth he was traveling with nixx *giggles as she writes this * the little caster that could for one so small she sure packs a punch
              we went to the goblin cane just outside of town apperently there cheiften needed dealth with or somesuch
              im not really sure i went because nixx and kargoth were going

              we had a badger following us turned out it was drogo .... nice of him to keep an eye on us

              well i thnk ill take a short nap and head into town

              *closes the book and curls up to sleep *



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                Re: Diary of Ranewen Tara'lom
                « Reply #6 on: August 02, 2006, 06:20:29 am »
                woke up early this morning and headed into town where i ran into a group of people that were heading to the caves to mine copper.
                they invited me along and seeing as i had nothing else better to do i traveled with them. we ran into a few goblins on the way nothing to dangerous
                as i sat there waiting on them to finish there work i got the sudden urge that i just wanted to be alone i politley excused myself and headed back
                towards the cliff overlooking haven

                on my way there i ran into the postmaster he had a letter for me from valand it turns out that all is well with him
                an old freind of ours has grown ill and valand went to be with him though i worry for our freinds illness i am releived that valand
                 is ok

                *closes her book *


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                  Re: Diary of Ranewen Tara'lom
                  « Reply #7 on: August 04, 2006, 05:33:46 pm »
                  *tears fall onto the pages as she writes*
                  I failed to day i let down miss brisbane and drogo .... i was in town and i had words with the evil looking woman t'ashr . what happened was my fault had i not said anything she would not have done what she did
                  she was casting her spells in town before thinking i told her that she acted like a child.

                  she ran out of town i heard her mention killing animals like a knife though my heart i knew imedietly what she planned to do ... i shifted into a bear and ran as fast as i could but i was too late the badgers were dead
                  the .........ed woman knew that she would hurt me most bye striking what i cared for.

                  once again i didnt think i ran to town my only thought was to kill her i found her in town
                  i challenged her to fight .... i should have known when she smiled with her fangs that
                  that was what she had wanted all the time we squared off just outside of town and she transformed into a horrible looking creature .

                  i summoned forth the power of lightning but the creature seemed to shrug it off i fought as best i could
                  but in on mighty swoop if its hand everything went dark ...... i woke up with her standing over me
                  i crawled away defeated ..... i sit here  now writing this and i dont know .... do i have what it takes
                  to be a worthy druid i cannot even defend a small group of badgers .

                  *closes the book crying*


